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She’s been tagged in a ton of posts in the last few days.. do we reckon she’s completely fine and just can’t be arsed to deal with case related backlash or if she’s going through something else?
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I went to go look at her screen grabs as I couldn't be bothered to click and just realised she uses stock photos for her thumbnails. I think she has a selection but she repeats the images.

I dunno why that's so funny to me but I guess it's efficient! One less job! And what she looks like is the least important thing.

View attachment 716589It's not that obvious because she doesn't change her look up that much.
This made me laugh wtf! Imagine putting in the absolute bare minimum effort like this 😭
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I like the fact she’s promoted the page for her latest case, wish she would’ve gave it a shout out in both parts 1 and 2 though!
She used to do this in a lot of her older videos along with charity donations and shout outs, wonder what happened to that 😂
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Eleanor has had at least one family member of a victim (Alissa Turney) ask her to take down a video in the past, albeit that was back when she was starting out. If she doesn't respond, try contacting YouTube
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I think it’s mainly weight loss, she’s gained a lot more definition around her face.
She’s still a fat lazy lump. I need to block her, whenever I see her huge moon face it makes me want to throw my phone across the room. You guys love two parters…. No we really don’t, you’re just money grabbing. I loathe her.
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I guess it's also possible she did a VLCD or went on a crash diet, both can cause gallstones and thinning hair, can lead to very rapid weight loss even without exercise, and are "not particularly healthy." Bariatric surgery is normally seen as a bit better since it's a legit medical procedure - but then it can have all kinds of complications and lead to poor health as well
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Happy hour is great, eleanor wasn’t the best of guests and they’ve said that themselves.
where did they say this?
I didn’t actually watch her on the podcasts until a few weeks ago and tbh she was her usually wooden self so wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t get her back.
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Does anyone remember when Eleanor advertised for a researcher?? I wonder if she ever hired anyone? Her insta post was MONTHS ago (I remember seeing it when I still couldn't visit my family in England due to covid) but I haven't seen anything since? It feels a bit mean to not credit them for their work?
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How do you know she got surgery? Hair loss is normal for people who lose lots of weight.
Have you seen the latest video of hers? I only noticed it now when she showed a full body shot glimpse of herself dancing in her kitchen. That definitely looks like gastric band surgery.
She must have so much loose skin now unless she's just had the tummy tuck. I thought she was on drugs at the start of this year.
Did anyone see the video on her vlog channel where she's drunk walking down the streets of London with her friends and shouting out "Is female a race?" Then looking around to see if any passing cars or people were looking at her? It seemed really attention seeking.
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I only enjoy Bailey's historic/supernatural content, she's really fun and I like her style but that doesn't really matter with true crime and I find she can be a bit disrespectful sometimes with modern cases. Laughing at names and stuff, her attitude tends to rub me up the wrong way. Stuff like the Mothman and Aqua Tofana videos that can be discussed in a more casual tone are much better and I enjoy those.
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I felt on her second channel in the most recent two/three videos she came across wired like she was drunk or on drugs. Like really obviously.
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I literally cannot watch her videos anymore, the two parters that are 30 minutes long, the countless ads, promoting products she 100% does not use were all bad enough

but she just seems so desensitised to the topics she’s talking about these days, randomly giggling and judging people for their lifestyles (the Elaine Ohara case was horrific), it’s a bit too far for me now😂 definitely something going on with her!
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I didn’t see it personally but this popped onto my Twitter feed, so I’m guessing she must have really f*cked up!

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i noticed she deleted her apartment tour video, anyone know why?
I don’t know if this is why but it was EXTREMELY easy to find out her exact location. Shots from the balcony to a badly blurred out recognisable and google-able building. Not surprised she deleted it, but I don’t know how she thought it was okay to post.
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I formulate skin and haircare products and whilst function of beauty is over priced for what it is, it's not the worst ingredient list I've looked into, plus Eleanor's hair is actual goals.

I personally adore her, she's about 20 years years younger than me so I feel a bit like her mum, but I like how she almost doesn't let the most tragic parts of a crime go without really homing in on the horror usually caused by the media, I find that she's also quite articulate and whilst knowing that cases such as Jon benet or madeline will bring all the masses to the yard, she still goes for cases that don't receive the coverage, maybe that's why I do really quite like her.

Kendal rae I could slap about but still watch her.
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Her weight hasn't really been discussed on here until lately, only by 1 or 2 people in this thread. The rest of us wasnt engaging.

I think she may be exaggerating or lying about seeing a forum discussing her weight (unless she's talking about somewhere else). Because it's easier for her to say she's getting hate for her weight, than to say she's getting hate for her content/ views. That way she gains sympathy from the body-positive community, and she doesn't have to take ownership of how insensitive she comes across.

Here, we mainly discuss how she presents her cases.
100% - it’s hardly been mentioned here!
People are bound to acknowledge it (including in her YouTube comments) because she does seem to have lost a lot, but no one has been negative about it on here at all!

It’s either on another forum or she’s exaggerating and saying she’s getting negative comments about it for a bit of attention 😂 (the way people did with Adele when she lost so much but I’ve not seen anything like that about Eleanor)
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Here’s a couple of other True Crime Youtubers that I watch. Samantha Melanie, she’s an Australian woman that mainly does cases just in Australia and she’s also not doing it for the views or money as she was an air hostess before the pandemic. Caitlin Rose is another one, she’s from the U.K. and her videos aren’t just on true crime, she also does videos on psychology and she’s also very respectful and professional
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I just wanna ask as I don’t know if I’m wrong or everyone else is lol but why the strong pronunciation of the -or part of her name? I just say it like elen-uh but a lot of times I hear elen-or and I don’t get it! Lol
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I think she really craves attention and for people to like her. Acting like a manic child appeals to the kids, and that's where a lot of the views are (have you seen most of the successful online gamers these days? Half of them don't know how to not scream every 5 seconds).

ALSO extreme weightloss can really mess with your head if you don't get enough nutrients while you're losing weight. I don't know what her diet is, of course, but it's well known that when you have a gastric band or sleeve, it massively reduces the amount of nutrients you can get from your food which could be the reason for her looking quite ill, and for her manic behaviour. I was anorexic for 3 years in my teens, which started when I lost 7 stone (98 lbs) in 14 weeks and because my brain was starving, my behaviour was all over the place. I'd burst into tears at literally nothing and not know where I was or which direction was up half the time. A rumour went around my neighbourhood that I was on drugs. I also struggled mentally because I expected all my problems to go away after I lost weight, and they didn't.

I'm not saying this is the reason for Eleanor's behaviour but she could be going through something similar...
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She maybe just looks like shit in that particular photo .I don’t think it necessarily means she’s loosing weight in an unhealthy way.We all look shit sometimes
I don’t think she looks shit, she’s really pretty naturally in that. She just looks a bit tired or run down, round her under eye area - but like I said, as a natural red head I look like that too because we are so pale. It’s been a while since I watched her, so I was quite surprised to see how much weight she has lost on her neck/face area and was concerned
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