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VIP Member
she used to make one part videos over an hour long. her most recent case is a two parter that are both 40 mins. did she really need to make that into 2 parts? all for the ££££

i think it’s a money motive as people on here have mentioned, but i think it is also so that she doesn’t have to upload as much. if it was condensed into one video then she would need to post a whole other video sooner, lazyyyy

Very lazy because she's doing no more than regurgitating what she reads on Wikipedia or what she watches in a documentary. I doubt it takes her more than an afternoon to gather the information for one case.

She doesn't go into depth or speak with the families or even read message boards where sometimes, people who know the victim might post.

What I don't get though, is she still has to record for the same amount of time whether it's one case or two. She might as well cover more cases but condense the information.
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Chatty Member
I honestly have no idea how she has so many subscribers yet the likes of Georgia marie and Mollie Westbrook have so few..
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I can’t really watch Eleanor’s videos anymore. I feel as though they are just for views and the clout and less about caring about the actual crimes. I’m not saying that she doesn’t care but I feel like other youtubers like Kendall Rae and Georgia Marie are a bit more respectful in how they present each case instead of doing a Gymshark sponsorship at the beginning of a video about a girl murdered on her walk :/
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Have you all noticed that she usually covers cases after they make Netflix documentaries about them. She doesn’t even make an effort to find cases that actually could benefit from the coverage
I agree with this! Like as if John Gacy hasn’t been covered by loads of these youtubers. When I was a fan of hers I was in her channel and suggested loads that people haven’t heard of, but I don’t think she can be arsed to research, and doesn’t she have a researcher?😂
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Well-known member
There’s a big “market” for true crime and Eleanor is very lazy. She could really up her game to discussing live cases (Suzanne Morphew, Gannon Stauch, JJ & Tylee Ryan) instead of focusing on dated cases that Channel 4 have already done thousands of documentaries on.

I’ve followed her cases on Wikipedia while the video is playing and sometimes she is literally copying the article word for word.
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I don’t like gymshark anyway there’s much better sport brands but what an insensitive advert for a 14 year old girls death. The message was ok like don’t run the same route don’t listen to music too loud, but has Eleanor ever been on a run? (Not shaming her) but she’s never expressed any sort of interest in fitness/running/exercise so what a random pairing. No wonder credible athletes are jumping ship. A refreshing change to see just one video instead of two parts!
Exactly she doesn’t look like she exercises no offence but we were all thinking it so how random was the sponsorship?! Surely Gym Shark would be better off paying someone who’s brand is having a healthy and fit lifestyle
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I’ve been a bit of a crank and left a comment under one of her videos about her comments about CAHMS (polite comment I’ll add)
My god her fans cannot take criticism for her in shape or form!!
1. Eleanor deleted my main comment
2. The reply I left on someone else’s comment has been completely attacked by her fans 😂😂😂

my comment for context was me saying that Eleano frequently makes uneducated jabs at publc services like CAHMS and that it can be quite damaging to her young audience who may need help.
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Chatty Member
Bailey sarian got one at the start of the year too. If all they have to do is sit and read off someone else’s notes and then send that footage off to an editor what do these people do all day? I would be bored out of my mind if I had no job and just sat around all day.
to me it also makes eleanor seem even more disrespectful to the victims and their families than before. she can’t even do her own research about what happened to this poor person, she’s essentially just acting as a face for some sick entertainment brand where she’s earning money just by having her face in the video and reading off a script about someone’s death that she didn’t even properly collate and research herself.

making her even more detached from the case and the victim and even less sensitive to it. it really is just becoming some mechanical job for her. i thought it was bad enough but god knows how bad it will be now that she doesn’t even have to immerse herself into the emotion and content behind the cases she’s talking about in a video.

all the more able to do her shitty insensitive app store game adverts beforehand then.
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chocolate choux

VIP Member
I always skip ahead past the sponsor part but her second to last video had so many mid-roll ads. I can’t see how many there were but I swear it was every 10 minutes, which is a lot for a video over an hour long. It was so distracting, I would’ve turned it off but I was already invested. Putting in an ad or two is understandable but that many plus a sponsor plus asking people to sign up as channel members plus affiliate links plus selling merch… she’s raking it in while not even bothering to do proper research.
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Active member
I used to really like Eleanor and watched her for years but after her videos on Ana Kriegel I realised how disrespectful and lazy she is with her videos.

She continuously mispronounced Ana’s name and gave some excuse about how different sources had different pronunciations of it. That’s an outright lie. I’m Irish, I followed this case from the beginning, I’ve seen every news report and interview, etc and not once was her name ever pronounced differently between sources.

It’s just incredibly lazy and shows a lack of compassion for victims. But I feel like true crime content creators don’t have compassion and don’t see the stories they’re telling as affecting real people.
She makes money and videos off of people's pain. She never had compassion. Crime Con is perverse btw. I've soured on True Crime in general. Its just a bunch of talentless and sick people making money off of the suffering of others.
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VIP Member
Tbf I never saw anything wrong with her until I came on here and read completely different opinions. After reading on here I just couldn't ignore the snickering and disrespect towards the victims and the insane amount/nature of ads. I actually liked the two parters because I timed my workouts by her videos (so like 40 minutes) and thought that was well handy until I realised how she's obviously only doing them to monetize on a case twice or thrice even... as someone paying for YT premium I do not need to sit through 3 (very tone deaf) ads to learn about a single case thank u very much
The exact same for me. When I started realising every video had an ad, she lost her charm for me. Especially when other YouTubers were covering the same cases in a lot of detail in one 45 minute video.

She also could have covered more than one case with the same amount of ads to make it seem like less of a money grab.

But clearly she prefers getting paid twice (or thrice) to read off one wiki page.
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VIP Member
I hate her intro??? It makes me cringe every time? You can’t possibly be serious making videos on knife crime etc and having a knife sound effect as your intro followed up by an ad for shower gels and then saying “if you’re triggered by domestic violence click out of this video now” like girl none of that goes together and you’re coming across super money hungry and disrespectful. I get she has to monitize her videos because youtube is paying for her massive apartment in a very boujee building but there has to be a better way to monetize than this…
Yeah 100%. The contrast between her talking about serious subjects, and then flipping to talking about a mobile app or shampoo or something is so jarring. I don’t understand how people don’t see the issue. Of course she has to make money, but doing so in videos about serious issues doesn’t seem right to me
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VIP Member
Soz but not really soz, I miss her! Where has she gone? Is it like her to disappear on YouTube? I have only recently gotten into YouTube crime 🤣🙈
There’s plenty of other true crime documenters who are more respectful, have a look into others to fulfil your crime fix whilst she’s away.
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VIP Member
Sorry but I don't see how she got it wrong, he never mentioned that he was trans so Eleanor doesn't have to know his pronouns. He just liked wearing "women's" clothes, that doesn't make him trans.
Agree, and she explained this in the video... We have 0 idea what his pronouns or gender identity actually were.
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Active member
To me Eleanor has never been that big. She might have a little more weight on her than the average for her size but she certainly isn’t fat.
She was very big, she doesn’t look it in videos as she she never shows much more than her face. I’ve seen her in other peoples photos and was shocked that she was bigger as she didn’t seem it in videos
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Well-known member
I'm so happy for them, but I think she should have waited a bit to announce it, especially after having a miscarriage. She said she was due in August so she must be 8 weeks along!
I just had a miscarriage, I was due 14th September and if I was still pregnant would have been 8 weeks yesterday. So she must be around 12 weeks.
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I remember the good days where she was just started out and she actually reached out to her fans, communicating with them and didn’t put a stupid ad every 10 mins in the video as well as her phone case / shampoo ads. Not to mention ever since her weight loss she seems to think she’s above everyone, I loved her before but now I can’t stand her, waiting for her downfall because quite honestly, she needs to be humbled.
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