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I agree! He was def an asshole but really him and Elle have a pretty similar attitude.
Two peas in a freaky pod.

Out of all the exes Eleonore Lecocq has shown extensively on her channel, Joe was by far the nicest and had the least in common with her. We never got to see SS, Jason, nor Dean but Chris and Rick were both awful in ways that were oddly similar to Elle. Chris had the same snobby, condescending attitude and Rick also enjoyed word salad and had a superiority complex.
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She does look terrible, very jouly for how young she is

She seems drunk off her ass in this video what is in that cup :unsure:
Also why would someone who is so filthy want beige interior.
This loser hasn't worked in nearly a year and a half how can she afford or justify a car purchase.
Ya see beige will hide the dry shampoo residue whereas black would show it up terrible. She can't be expected to wash her hair cos she is just far too busy with her new job and hasn't found a dry bar just yet
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Chatty Member
I think she barely speaks conversational French. A French primary school child would probably speak more fluently than she does.

Absolutely nothing wrong with this... except for the fact that she claims she is a Native French Speaker / Speaks French Fluently / Was Bullied for Being a Foreigner...
This is why (to my knowledge) she has never actually gone to France or interacted with an actual French or Belgian person in French (apart from her mother, who told everyone that Elle doesn't speak French in that video from years ago! :ROFLMAO: )

We have only ever heard her speak French when she was in French Polynesia and that was probably because she thought the people there weren't really French (i.e. European) and therefore beneath her.

Her French obsession is so weird to me as a European because French is definitely not considered exotic here. It's taught to various levels in almost all schools and when you go to France you just end up speaking English anyway. 🤷‍♀️
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Right??? Would anyone think it is ok to play baby paparazzi and take photos of her out in the wild?
Eleanor Lecocq thinks it's ok. It's why she films people in vlogs who clearly don't want to be filmed and puts it all over youtube for the world to see.

Go to bed, Elle, cause you need some sleep. You also need to calm down.
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Eleonore Lecocq is the worst pet owner ever. She left Bebe alone constantly while she went off to chase SS, Rick, and to Hawaii after her many “heartbreaks” and now she’s leaving her and Sammy alone again to stay with Ginette in Seattle. We talk about how poorly she treated Joe and her “friends,” but she’s not good to her pets either. F everyone...the only things that matters to the Lecocq sisters are themselves and trying to trap a rich man. 🙄
I feel that Sammy is actually a better companion for Bebe than Smelle 😂 At least they can play together. Who knows, maybe Smelle bought them one toy for Christmas?

I think it's incredibly irresponsible of Smelle to have left Bebe god knows where for months before taking her to Florida and then again for months with Sammy in some cattery before shipping them to Seattle. Also, I cannot imagine the amount of stress that flying must have caused these two cats... I know some pets can get a heart attack on a plane.
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And really is this something we should fault Elle for? I’m not asking this to you specifically but everyone in general. I am definitely no fan of Elle’s and I think she is a greedy, lying moron, but I think the expectations of her career are a bit harsh. There are many people who are pushed into careers they think they should and can do, only to realize that they’re not up for the task and fail miserably at it when it’s too late to pull out. I am sure she deluded herself into thinking she was going to be a great lawyer someday, but she didn’t know how wrong for her it was until she interned at that firm...and they didn’t think she was very good either. And that’s ok!!! I’ll echo what others have said, I have a major problem with her lying about how hard she works and her job title (while she was at the MFDA in Vancouver), when really it is obvious to me she is an aspiring Stepford housewife. She isn’t a girlboss of any sort and it always triggered me when she used that title to describe herself and her channel. 🙄 And people bought into it, despite her obvious laziness and taking advantage of Joe multiple times.

Maybe this isn’t the same but I was in a prestigious graduate program myself and was told by the program to “resign” because I wasn’t doing well. It’s very dehumanizing to be told you’re just not good enough and that you should leave when most of your life you’ve believed that your good grades and hard work should get you somewhere. Sorry if my acceptance was given to me by mistake, but at the time I genuinely thought I was doing what I was meant to do.

I do work a regular job but I take pride in what I do. Maybe it isn’t as intellectual or as prestigious as my peers in my grad program but I’m a lot happier and like that I’m not stressed out all the time. Sure, I could find a better paying job but at least I don’t lie and play up my position.
I think it’s fine to work any job, attend college or opt for a trade, work 80 hour weeks or 25 hour weeks. The issue with Elle is in the old days of her channel, she always talked about her “busy, tiring days as a lawyer” when that wasn’t her job or life. Not to mention, she “inspired” a lot of subscribers who paid for her shoddy wares, supported her channel, and clicked on her affiliate links precisely because they thought she was this inspirational, female corporate lawyer who worked long hours and managed to cook, ran a “jewelry business,” and was interested in fashion. Her entire shtick was built around the life of a busy, female lawyer when it wasn’t true. She shopped during lunch time, wore heavy makeup and big hair, dressed like she was going to the country club all to be a “girlboss lawyer” when she basically worked a role that anyone could get with any undergraduate degree and pretended that dressing and acting in such an unprofessional way was par for the course for female law professionals. The equivalent would be someone that got a foreign engineering degree, tried practicing as an engineer but failed, but built an entire YouTube channel called “the lifestyle channel of a busy, girlboss in STEM in an uniform of low cut tops and high heels,” which is exactly what she did. That kind of image still intrigues and inspires a lot of young women and even older ladies because to this day, us ladies still struggle with “having it all.” Most women do end up sacrificing either their relationships and personal lives for certain career paths or take a massive step back in their careers to focus on family time, dating, and personal interests. To take advantage of that lack of clarity to make some extra cash shows just how low Eleonore F Lecocq is. If she just presented her channel as the lifestyle channel of a 20-something woman in an urban city, people wouldn’t have an issue with that. It’s pretty clear that she benefited massively subscriber-wise and financially speaking from pretending to be a successful, female lawyer.

I’m sorry to hear about what happened to you at the graduate program, and I hope you’re very happy with what you’re doing now. I’ve never been a huge advocate of graduate school and a lot of the most successful people I know didn’t go for years of extra schooling, so I hope you realize that graduating from that program (or not doing it) isn’t indicative of your intelligence or future success.
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That coat looked awful on her frame. I especially loved the comment about her looking like a full-on mafia wife! 🤣🤣🤣 I couldn’t agree more!

And why does she need yet another coat? She doesn’t have like 12 already? She needs it because she needs to feed her insecurities and she is going to wear the coat on a date and, in her mind, the coat is going to make her date love her. I can’t wait to see what handbag she pairs it with!

Why is she opening so many packages on Christmas eve/day that she bought herself? Anyone else find that odd? Kind of goes to show how often she shops — opening packages is just an everyday thing for her. She didn’t even remember what she had ordered from Nordstrom. Meanwhile, 2020 was the best year to not shop!

On her mom speaking French, it sounded very natural to me and you can tell she does it often (i.e., this was not out of character for her — it’s evident it’s the language she’s most comfortable with) but, of course, Elle purposely left that in so everyone will know she is at least proficient in French.
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She's been ready to settle since she graduated university 😂

I am starting to accept that Smelle is one of those people who live in some alternative reality created in their heads and you can tell them that white is white but they will insist it's black. My grandmother was like that so I have first hand experience of dealing with a person who may not be clinically insane but it's impossible to be around them because of how they perceive the world. And it's nothing to do with political views, more how they see themselves and others. People like that don't have many friends, they are manipulative hypocrites and will always twist the story to put themselves in a favourable light.

At this point, I am convinced Smelle must genuinely believe she is a victim of harassing, jealous stalkers (in reality people who are simply critical of her and see through her lies), she doesn't have luck in love (in reality she was never a respectful partner, she always took guys for granted, put herself first), she is a perfect jewelery designer (in reality she strings cheap pearls together and leaves blobs of glue on them) etc. Overall, you can't reason with someone like that. Anything you say, they process as an attack on them. Absolutely unable to take a step back and evaluate their own actions. Everything is always somebody else's fault, everyone is always wishing them ill etc. We can write all constructive criticism we want but Smelle can't even process it in her smelly head. To her it's all just various forms of attack which she needs to fiercely defend herself from. By telling her dates that gossip threads about her exist, she is trying to come across as 'honest' and 'open', and place a message in their heads to approach all gossip about her with caution because it's going to be untrue.
I agree with you, one of my former bffs who I had to dump was exactly like that. She lived in her own dreamworld and didn't view stuff the same as the rest of us. I put up with it for 17 years because she was my friend (we also lived in different state for the last 12 years of our friendship) but there is clearly a point where you just can't ignore it anymore.

No matter how many people thought her claims were ridiculous (from basic stuff like "you just aren't happy for me to finally achieve my dreams" to insane stuff like "I'm convinced x friend is carrying on a lesbian relationship with Y friend, we need to tell her husband and warn him" ) she just doubled down and dug herself in deeper.

Elle is very much this kind of person, she's got a narrative in her head and she needs to talk it up to match what she imagines.
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Elle is an idiot. My partner and I own two Nespresso machines cause it’s super convenient, the coffee is decent, and the pods can be easily recycled here and neither of us go into the Nespresso store to “check out the coffee” aka drink free testers, especially during a global pandemic. I bet the only attention and respect Elle has ever gotten in life is from sales associates, and that’s why she insists that the ability to drive to the Nespresso store and “test” the coffee there is essential to her life. Nespresso coffee machines are literally a convenient way to make Starbucks grade coffee at home, and if you were such a coffee connoisseur, you’d buy a nice Breville barista machine and take the time and effort to use that instead. The store is pretty and gimmicky though, and the service is usually great so I suspect she craves the attention from sales people there, who generally treat everyone really well. Smelle is so desperate and delusional.
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Ladies, I didn't know it was possible to have pages upon pages talking about car interior colours. No shade, but it's a little... beige. Can we please get back to Elle?
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It’s so weird that’s she’s justifying her “luxury car” purchase by saying she’s not someone who shops often and will buy one car and use it for a long time. Girl your channel is based on your shopping addiction, for your “work”, you just purchased 3-4 luxury bags. Also, no one changes their car every year, unless they can afford to and those people don’t have to go around searching for the cheapest option available or financing plans.
As usual, princess smelle in her delusional world.
Elle's car purchasing ways are no different than how she buys handbags. She wants a "luxury brand" but fuck the quality and what's actually important, as long as it looks "luxe" from the branding. The fact that even car salesmen are avoiding her is because she's impossible to deal with and not to mention, the fact she needs to shop around so much for financing plans means that she can't really afford it, just like she can't afford any of the classic Chanel styles from the boutique or even secondhand. Sales people, especially car salespeople, can probably spot this a mile away. Does anyone else remember her being a Karen at the Chanel boutique and her whiny video about her "horror story?"

The fact that Eleanor Florence was an unemployed swamp dweller in Rick's dungeon in an unattractive part of Florida while he was a part time community college adjunct, and she insisted on getting an ancient (by car standards, which everyone knows depreciates significantifcantly the minute it's driven out of the dealership) secondhand Porsche to keep up appearances tells you all you need to know. The man was using wine crates as a TV stand and his entire house costs only a fraction of a Vancouver studio apartment, and she was forcing him to live way beyond his means. The repair costs on that used car would've been significant. No wonder he kicked her to the curb.
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YES! When I first saw this pic, my first thought was wow, she looks at least 50-something. The coat, the headband, the smirk, the sunglasses, ... everything ages her. people need to stop taking fashion advice from her 😒
You guys were nicer than me!!! I saw that and was like she looks like an 80 year old from the 1960s the sunglasses the hair/headband and the coat are all wayyy too much!
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I noticed the chipmunk cheeks too. I was instantly reminded of the Ginette Hunched Over and Stuffing Her Face scene. They’re twins.

View attachment 360089

Does anyone know what would cause her cheeks to puff up like this? Is this caused by a sudden intake of calories now that she’s locked down a boyfriend again?

Also, what’s with the beef roll scene? I never knew such a clawthy woman could deepthroat a sandwich the way she pleasured that beef roll. Is she showing off to her Seattle prospects what she can do with a thick rod of beef without gagging? What the actual fuck. It looked straight out of OnlyFans... that Chinese restaurant should blow this up and hang it from their back room “massage parlor” wall.

View attachment 360092

Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Eleanor Lecocq!



Omg, Smelle eats like a pig 🤮 Did she actually LICK THE CHOPSTICKS? whyyy
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I'm not sure how law offices work but I can say I don't like using desktops at work. At my work place, IT can see EVERYTHING saved on your computer, every key stroke you type, every email you send....

No thanks. I bring my laptop for work every day because I can't take the snooping. I have nothing important or bad on it. I also use personal email accounts for non-work related things.
My employer (in finance industry) has a strict policy of only using company laptops, ipads etc. for work purposes. You can't access any internal programs or data from personal devices. If your laptop breaks, they'd rather have you do no work until a new one is delivered than risk breaches of security by allowing you to connect your personal laptop to the network.
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I'm only a min in, but Elle for the love of all that is holy get a damn clip on Mic, her sound quality is always crap but I legit am having trouble understanding what she is saying with her mumbling and bad sound
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I wonder what kind of financing plan she’s considering. I was on Reddit the other day and remember reading how someone thought it was perfectly normal to finance a luxury car for 60 months (!). 😳 I don’t know about you guys, but I think that’s nuts!!!
Ditto! I don’t believe in financing luxury cars. If you can’t pay cash, you can’t afford it, full stop. I get it though that many people finance cars because they don’t have the money and a car in many areas can be a necessity. But in that case, just buy a reliable Toyota. Nothing wrong with not driving a luxury car, especially if you are not a “car person”, and Elle clearly is not.
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I always thought that Boxing Day was a day when one boxed up leftovers and unwanted gifts to bring to those less fortunate, but since I’ve never experienced it, that’s just from reading up on the history of it on Wiki. But Elle said that the meaning of the holiday is to buy oneself a bunch of gifts they didn’t receive on Christmas? Is this right?

I’m the worst at beauty and fashion, so someone needs to tell me. I know a lot of 90s era trends are back in style right now, but is the 70s male mullet back in style?? For women this time around???


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