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New member
finally finished the latest video. The YSL tote doesn't suit her frame. For all the money she's spending on designer bags that don't suit her, she should really stick to chanel cf or hermes if she is really 'clawsic'.
It feels like Mama G bought this bag for Elle's birthday. Although I'm pretty sure it's Elle who chose the bag. I had goosebumps when Elle asked G ' shall we cut the tag' with her manic eyes for approval. Mama G was like but you need to check whether your laptop fits in there before cutting the tag 😐
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If anything, she has become shockingly lazy. She used to “work”, string her pearls and still upload on a daily basis during vlogmas. Now once a week and still she doesn’t have enough “content” to fill up a video.
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I'm afraid the final verdict has to be that homegirl has officially lost it. She is more detached from reality than ever before. She is batshit crazy. In such a difficult year marked by disease and death, she regularly treats herself to multiple luxury handbags, an SUV, and god knows what else. She doesn't socially distance because she invites multiple people to her house. She rewards herself (probably for finding a job after 16 months of unemployment) with purchases worth thousands of dollars but gifts her own mother, her closest relative and the only person who tolerates her stupidity, AN AIR-FRYER.
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Also -- at risk of sounding like a bitch -- it pisses me off seeing Elle totally waste her education and privilege. She went to private school and her mother paid for her to attend law school and graduate school and do all these expensive extras (gigs in Hong Kong, Brussels and London) and she worked at the same boring, mid-range, non-lawyer job for seven years. Meanwhile tons of kids without money work far harder and will never have the opportunity to get into the schools Elle got into or intern all over the globe. I'd be less pissed off if she actually did something or contributed to the world in some way... but nope, that's not her thing.

I went to grad school and had to take on over $20,000 of debt. And I did pretty well compared to lots of people! I bet Elle wouldn't relate at all to me or get how big of a deal that is. That's a few handbags and designer candles to her. She's so out of touch! And she only surrounds herself with other stupid women, like The Dolls.

This isn't new, but I guess seeing her behaviour in Seattle (sleeping until 11 a.m., not seeking employment, dating, seeing friends constantly, luxuriating in an Airbnb all day) has made her realize she has always been a lazy, entitled, boring, pretentious Karen. And Mama G is a total co-dependent dingbat. The pandemic has exposed so much stupidity both with folks on social media and in real life, I guess that's one silver lining.
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Wait for the video about how she had to get the beige interior cleaned, and how expensive it was, and how incompetent the cleaners were, and oh how she has had to struggle...
Does she care, though? In the vlog before this one you can clearly see large stains on the leather couch she lent her mother. I noticed the couch is covered up now with blankets. 😂😂
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She switches in and out of first and third person. Plus "Not only with healthy ingredients, but also with flavor" is not a complete sentence. This is atrocious writing.
Couldn’t agree more. I would expect better grammar from a “lawyer” who used to teach.

Isn’t it ironic that she’s trying to push her amazing credentials on the site yet the bio shows a clear lack of fluency in writing?
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I always imagined Smelle being the lazy starfish no one considers to be a good time 😂 come to think of it, I think she gets off more on a big Chanel unboxing than whatever her hinge dates present as foreplay
How did I manage to get to age 30 and only just hear/see this term for the first time? Where have I been??
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I can’t wait for future rant videos of the car. I hope she buys one that has reliability and maintenance issues when she bought it solely on the way it looks and interior color. I am also looking forward to rants about $200 oil changes and the price of replacing run flat tires.
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Amazing scoop, @Heretosnoop! That just confirms what we’ve been hearing all along in regards to all the sightings of Eleonore F Lecocq with different guys. She’s throwing herself at many men during a global pandemic because she’s desperate and wants to get hitched ASAP.

I’m not surprised your friend said she was easy...remember we were told that she travelled constantly for an hour at a time to meet up with Mr.Sixhead while Seattle is under lockdown? Remember how she flew down to Florida multiple times after Rick slid into her DMs (or maybe it was actually the other way around!) and he never went to Vancouver until the ladies on GG totally called him out, and how she follows all her exes on social media even though none of them follow her and started liking Chris’ posts after her broken engagement with Rick? Elle is super desperate with zero standards and I wouldn’t be shocked that she’s eager to get physical ASAP like your friend said with every man she meets, in hopes of trapping him into a relationship. Some guys are definitely desperate enough for sex, and will give in just to have some regular action, and she doesn’t exactly go out with men who’d be popular with most women so they’re probably thrilled that she’s throwing herself at them off the bat. She’s such a hot mess.
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Nobody is missing Elle in the instagram or youtube comments. Not a single concern for her why she hasn’t posted videos or pics. Nobody cares. 🤪😴🙄

She is likely unwElle (dumped) again. 🙅‍♂️🙋‍♂️🏃‍♂️🙍🏻‍♀️
Either dumped or she’s having a mElle-tdown because of all the piping hot ☕ that’s been spilt on here recently. 😎
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Charming and clawssy ⬇

‘I like to so I am gonna, fuck everyone else’ - classic Elle mentality.
Did she seriously say she can have her boobs out as much as she wants because it’s a party with Chris’ colleagues and not her own, so it doesn’t matter??? What the hell is wrong with this delusional, desperate hoe?

No wonder Chris dumped Eleonore F Lecocq. Imagine your girlfriend shows up to a party with all your colleagues with her boobs hanging out in an ultra low cut top in her shrill, giggly, phlegmy voice. I bet she was acting like a moron while clinging onto him. That’s the kind of stuff that makes people not take you seriously in a professional setting.
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The worst thing is the eyebrows! Feh! lol

Here's a reddit thread just to discuss her plastic surgery:

Let's move her blog and other websites down in traffic... lol.
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I get that impression as well...she thinks the only thing that separates her from a model is height but she literally does not resemble a model in any way, shape, or form even post her many operations. Eleonore F Lecocq seems to think that as long as she continues to emphasize how "extra small" she is while eye-fucking the viewfinder, that people will eventually believe she's model-esque.

Also this website uses a photo of her as an example of bad style LOL:

View attachment 363621
Ahahahaha! Who the hell wears pearl necklaces that are that length? Unless you were born in 1920, you shouldn’t. Elle’s idea of style has always been a cashmere sweater worn over her hips with black leggings (or trousers, as she like to call them) and a pearl necklace. She is convinced that this makes her “claw-ssy”. She doesn’t just need a therapist for her head, she needs a stylist STAT. And I say this mostly because she spends so much money on clothes and is convinced she is a style guru, not because I think we all have to have perfect style. If you’re going to have a YouTube channel all about style, might as well know a thing or two about how to dress.
And, about that leopard coat: it’s a statement piece, meaning that even if it were to look good on her (it doesn’t), it’s impractical. She also already has a leopard scarf. Isn’t that enough if you want to give off tiger lady vibes? Why do you also need a coat? As someone else mentioned, it’s only going to make her look even more out of place in Seattle. I’m all for having your own personal style and not necessarily conforming to whatever city you live in. But there’s a way to do that while still dressing appropriately for your surrounding environment. In other words, you can look casual yet chic, Elle, but no, it doesn’t entail wearing tie-dye with heels and a Chanel bag either!
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Elle is privileged in her circumstances. Affordable University in England as a EU citizen, education funded by Mama G to fall back on, Hawaii vacations and birthday gifts. But she’s certainly not the wealthy heiress / socialite type she desperately wants to be! She has a huge complex about this - not having designer items when she was in high school, not being popular etc. I do believe a lot of her extra spending money comes from her YouTube scams, and that’s why she genuinely believes she’s some kind of girl boss and she “earned” it. That being said, her ability to maximize everything for herself is incredible. No matter her circumstances, she manages to be extremely cheap with others and always finds a way to milk men and her mother for more material items 😆

I'm glad if this were true. I'd hate for Ginette to ruin her retirement fund or her savings for Elle's nonsense. You'd think that after living for 6 months in Hawaii after her law internship and starting her MDFA job, and living the high life with Ginette, that would be enough for her and she'd get back to a regular life after going back to Vancouver. But no....apparently she is addicted to living the high life.

What baffles me is that why Elle expects her men to pay for the housing cost and she contribute nothing? But she calls herself a girlboss???
yeah it’s like she never learnt to be a decent human being. I think she loveeessss being an only child and never learnt to share. she was really cheap with Joe while non stop splurging on herself, and also took over the entire apartment. We’ve also seen her gift rodents to Joe’s parents while not being embarrassed to ship a mountain of shopping to their house. She gifted Sephora samples to her friends or her own scarves. Even for mama G, she hardly buys her anything nice. This year she got her the cheap air fryer. Even if there are other gifts to come, She could have gotten a nicer model for the air fryer.
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New member
That whole segment where Elle is making the pasta and finds a hole is really indicative of her personality.

From 15:25 to 15:40 we get classic Elle. She has no joy or mirth in her spirit (unlike Ginette who, while dopey, seems like someone who at least enjoys life). Elle's eyes flash with anger, her lips are tense, and she mumbles to herself "that NEVER happens" while she pouts. She is a spoiled brat. IT'S A FREAKING HOLE IN DOUGH. It's not a big deal!

She's become...scary since the Rick breakup.
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Chatty Member
Not in the least.

She's laying puss down for any man, and I am HERE FOR IT. I'm cracking up picturing her lazy eye going crazy at dinner at the thought of some gross strangers splooging in her. She's so clawssssy.
Just going to go ahead and throw a 'thank God I'm a lesbian' in here because the shit desperate straight women like Elle have to pull to get a man is just...:sick::sick::sick:
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It’s so weird that new members are coming in to police what others should/shouldn’t post. If you are curious about something then message the specific person, don’t give a sermon on what topics are “allowed”. Jeez!
It feels like Elle or one of her crazy devout Karens trying to discredit us. We've definitely had those before. :unsure:

I wasn't sure initially but now that the posts and account were both gone so quickly as soon as people pushed back with valid points, I have a feeling it's Smelle. Her favorite thing to do is talk passive aggressively at people who dare to question her and then delete the entire string of comments. Unfortunately for her, she doesn't have power over Tattle so she can't delete our posts.
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