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I think that she has met someone else and that is why her mum is not happy with her. I don't think it has anything to do with her and neil separating - it is about how quickly she has moved on and her mum may suspect that she has been cheating. Remember her old friend Denises husband who she regularly flirted with and he flirted back? Not to mention that she was with someone when she met neil. It is all piecing together and I agree that is why she has started asking about bikini waxes, as well as other things she has started being so open about - such as vibrators etc.

Elaine really needs some time on her own as she has never had a chance to grow as a person herself
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Chatty Member
she says "im not pregnant because we haven't had sex" thats how she'd get pregnant? Isn't their whole problem that they can't get pregnant through having sex? So what she really meant was..."im not pregnant because i haven't done any home insemination this month"?
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A tacky key ring each with their initials & a unicorn on if I remember correctly.
She’s so desperate to please his family.If I was Lee’s mum ,I wouldn’t be happy him seeing her while she’s still living with her husband.Once s cheat always a cheat.She will be buying his mum cheap tacky presents next.

If I was her I would be trying to make things right with her mum and her own family.When everything comes crashing down she won’t have anyone.Shes got her head in the clouds thinking this is the romance of the century.Why would you share all this online ,can’t she see she’s making a massive fool of herself.People are laughing behind her back.If you can’t have respect for Neil in all this at least have some respect for yourself.
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He sounds really immature for saying he’s 41.Ive never heard a man that age say lush.And when does a man start coming out with baby names on a live in front of lots of strangers.Its all very strange.
im sorry but she is defo playing us here!! 100 percent having us on! That is her on that account and she is doing it for a laugh, no way she would have someone watching her live like that when she is chatting shit.. and then she wouldn’t be able to lie about real life on her ‘secret’ insta.. if she wouldn’t have people from work, why would she have a potential boyfriend?
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I really feel for Neil. She said herself, he adores her. He moved away from his family to be with her. She gave him that ultimatum at the start of their relationship. Hes had to have her mother and stepdad tag along absolutely everywhere with them. Hes lived like a hermit because she can never be bothered to do anything with him. He also was never allowed out on his own after that one time he went out with his mates and she went in to panic mode.She was also aware of his "issue" from the beginning.
I think someone in work has shown her some attention and she has taken that further.
Definitely, she will have a reality check when she sees the grass isn’t greener.. she is lucky to have Neil who puts up with her ways.. she will struggle to find someone else who will wait on her back and call whilst she sits and scrolls online
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I see she had to go buy her boss a salad for his lunch today! Wonder why he gave that job to his "business analysis" 🤣
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Not to mention the times she moans about screaming kids on the plane, or anywhere for that matter. Oh and the adult only holidays.... that does not scream “I want a family” to me....what a weirdo she is! I think she’s very selfish!
I think she's jealous of her sister and wants the family unit she has
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When the closest family can dish out home truths like

She certainly didn't let the grass grow did she...
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Chatty Member
Why would Lee have a profile pic of the two of them if they weren't together?? It makes no sense. They are 100% romantic, and all this "we are just friends" bullshit is just an insult to poor Neil.

Probably Elaine thought she would just move in with her mum but didn't count on her mum being so unhappy so now she has to stay with Neil.
Apparently Neil is being amazing about everything with her family, bless him.
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Ruby’s mum

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Why does she have such awful taste in clothes? Why does she buy so many clothes? Why are all the patterns like granny’s curtain cast offs? Why cant she see that nothing fits properly? Why does she only go to the same couple of shops? So many questions!
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Says a lot about someone when they've fallen out with their entire family. I know all families go through rough patches but, it seems to run deeper with her. No relationship with her dad for 3 years, says she wont go to his house because of his partner and she appears to have a terrible relationship with her sister. Shes even said she considers herself an only child. She falls out with friends like a 10 year old and now, she's seeing another guy (allegedly) while still living with her husband. I think, considering how close is is/ was with her, her mum must have some very good reason to be willing to cut her off. And it's not just "mourning Neil"
Just weird dynamics all round!
When you put it like that her whole life is a shit show
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I find it strange that her mum is barely speaking to her. Parents supports their children so I believe there is something more to this for her mum to be barely speaking to her.
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She's on her lunch at work. Neil didn't go to Worthing because of this, he went for his brother as his brother is in a bad place but won't say why. It was her decision. They've still got 4/5 months left on the lease. Her mum's not happy with her, especially as she feels it's so sudden but they've secretly been split for a while so they still go round for tea etc. She's going out for tea tonight because sometimes its awkward at home. They're friends. Neil's not moving to Worthing as his life is here. It was her decision, and they've been acting like everything's ok for ages but they're not acting like they're married for ages, so don't share the same bed etc.
Sorry it's all jumbled, I just watched it and wrote down everything I could remember!
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