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Ooft it’s juicy!!

I think she genuinely looks happy in that photo & they look like a nice ‘match’.🤷‍♀️🙈

However, it’s CLEARLY about more than being friends, and while it’s easy to tell herself that just now, I think we all know the truth! Not cool to still be living together but out with other men 😬

I hope Neil & Elaine are both happier apart, I never thought they seemed a good match, and he is a bloody wet blanket! Let’s not forget too he met a Elaine age 18 online and he was in his 30’s! I think she’s realised everything she’s missed out on!
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Boro Lass

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I do wonder if she will try and trap this new man
I Hope He dumps Her from a big height! She might know how poor Neil feels then. Excuse My French. Fucking Bitch! She has mad a complete mug of that poor man. I really hope she lives to regret it,,,
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Chatty Member
Wow I have spent all day reading this on and off as I’m new ish here so couldn’t see It before.

Elaine blocked me some time ago and I aren’t sure why. Yes she’s as dull as dishwater but I did feel for her over the whole infertility lark. Infertility is a dark place. Having lost 6 stone for ivf myself and being blessed with my boys I reached out to Elaine but she was just obnoxious and ungrateful.

I do hope her and Neil each find their happiness but equally I like a bit of gossip so keep the screen shots coming! 😂😂😂
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She likes to make out it's all Neil's fault but, it isnt. All she has to do, is drop a few lbs. That's it. Just lose some weight. And she wont. Never mind it aiding in getting NHS IVF, it would also be beneficial for a healthy pregnancy. They've been trying at home, using their own methods so, after all this time, you would think one sperm would get to where its needed. Granted, its not in the most conventional way but, surely it would have happened at some stage. She needs to look at herself. Blaming Neil is easier than admitting to herself that she is the one with the problem.
Well said. I personally believe that its probably a good thing that she isn't able to get pregnant right now (not saying for the future or anything), because her relationship with Neil is clearly not stable nor is she happy in that relationship. That environment is not okay for a baby to be brought into - people think a baby will fix relationships, when having a baby is probably one of the most stressful times (sleep deprivation, changes to life as a whole).
I know this may sound awful but I believe it would be unfair on Neil to have a baby when he is almost 50, granted I could be wrong - but a baby is hard work and maybe it is something that would have been best when he was in his 40's - when Elaine first had the opportunity of 3 IVF cycles.

Hope this doesn't sound too awful. I am not saying Elaine shouldn't get pregnant - however its clear that her life right now is not the best place to bring a baby into.
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Just wanted to chime in, she's lucky that they offer free ivf, in my country there's no such thing, our health system is horrible and you have to pay for any infertility treatments, not sure she realises how lucky she is to have the opportunity. I also don't know if she really even wants a baby, I know I can't judge based off what she shows us, but her relationship with neil seems off, and she is quite lazy, babies are hard work, all very worth it but still, there's no napping in the middle of the day, I don't know, I just can't see how a baby will fit into their household, that's just my personal opinion.
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Chatty Member
I think people just are not happy with the way its been done and how shes lying about being just friends i know she knows it will make her look bad but somtimes its best to b honest people will respect you more for it
I totally agree!! I do think Elaine is extremely childish though. I don’t agree with putting very private details out on social media. I think that was awful. However, I think Elaine doesn’t know how to tell the truth. I think it’s obvious that she is seeing this guy, but I really believe she has been doing it behind Neil’s back and has been found out. If she were honest I may have a little more respect, but I’m sorry, no other words for it she is a liar!!!
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Chatty Member
Why buy a blazer/jacket that is no where near to closing/doing up. It's going to cut of the circulation in her arms. She is so pathetic clinging on to the hope she's still a size 16....cause if she admitted she was actually an 18/20 the world would end or something clearly.
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Good on her I say (never been her number one fan just saying!) but she looks so happy and just friends or more... so what? She looks very happy and nice to see and he looks “lush” and doesn’t look like a father figure! We have absolutely no idea how her and Neils relationship is or was but they definitely need to start enjoying their lives... as we know it’s far too short.... hope it all ends well 👍
I agree. It’s nice to see a bit of life in her and he seems like a nice fella. Hope it goes well for her
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VIP Member
Thought it very interesting that her own mothers first thought was that she was seeing someone else!! There must be some reasoning behind that assumption. This woman knows her better than anyone. Shes been with Neil for AGES so, why would her first instinct be that?!
Also, she hasnt told her Dad or sister. Pretty sure she said her dad "didnt really need to know".
80 odd people on her live, was dying to know how many of us were there!
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Well-known member
I did think yesterday with his language it might be someone else posting, it seemed quite ‘female’....either that or he’s just a weirdo!!

for someone with no clue about Instagram he’s been on her lives two nights in a row...totally on the wind up though but shat out of actually going live so who knows!!
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Chatty Member
What goes around comes around. Spreading lies and twisting a story to make yourself look better to other people will have consequences later on. I know this from personal experience when I was a lot younger and seeking attention and sympathy from friends at school. Granted, it was nothing too terrible but I learnt the hard way. It's best to move on, you have your new "friend" and you are no longer entitled to know what Neil is up to in his private life. You lost that right when you exposed his personal problems live on the internet!
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Who would be interested in her though? I might sound awful, and I’m no oil painting myself but if she is they should have gone to specsavers. It’s a shame that because of Neil’s little “issue” in the bedroom that their relationship would come to a head, but most likely her new job has turned her to this after its opened her eyes to a new world. She must have outgrown the age gap and the hint to us was maybe there when she made a comment about some actor suddenly being the age of a dad (he was younger than Neil).

Oh and she was with someone else when she started seeing Neil, so it’s probably up her street to do that. I hope Neil sorts himself out with a job and place to live back in Worthing, and meets a nice woman who he is very happy with. God help Elaine if she is seeing someone else and tries for a family with them as well.
In the nicest way possible I thought the same. She will have only met this other person (if there is one!) at work cause she doesn't do anything else.... And considering work is all Elaine can talk about, he can't have been won over by her banter!!
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