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Oh another sex innuendo about Lloyd being “ridden”. They clearly have the shittest sex life, she even admitted to having to spice it up after like 3 months.

I genuinely don’t think I’ve been around anyone since being a teenager that insists on making it known they have sex.
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I hope he goes live in Paris where she can’t stop him and spills the beans! Cmon Lee

I don’t agree with how Dan and Chloe have approached that live and what they’ve said. They’re going on like they’re the most perfect couple but are they all forgetting Dan and Eden and during the lockdown? Chloe punched the wall and broke her hand. They’re not even married, Yasmin and Lee are. If Dan and Chloe thought so much of Yasmin, they wouldn’t of done that live how they did.
Eden told them to the amazing sister she is 🚩 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
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Chatty Member
This is the point people aren’t getting. Of course couples in a relationship or marriage are more than entitled to have friends but the way Lee has expressed his feelings about their friendship for whatever reason, and Yasmin “pushed it under the carpet” as that’s what she said she likes to do and told her husband she had stopped and removed him from everything when she hadn’t. That’s really bad given Lee has said he don’t like it. The FaceTiming and messaging behind Lee’s back is a major cause of concern too. Lee has obviously sensed something from their close friendship or something has happened we don’t know about for him to react that way. They do say “when you’re deleting messages and doing things behind your partners back” you’re basically cheating anyway. Lee had every right to react how he did. Maybe not the TikTok video but anybody would react the same when their partner has lied and doing things secretly. Yasmin built a rod for her own back and she’s probably not sorry for it but sorry she got caught for it. The whole “I’ve gotta go, lee’s on his way home. We will talk tomorrow” that’s so sketchy. Of course Lee will forgive her but I doubt he will forget. It’ll always be niggling in their back of his head. Maybe she will stop portraying she has this most fantastic marriage because clearly not. Prime example of “don’t believe everything you see on social media. People only post the good, never the bad”
So well said! Yasmine is the queen of potraying her marriage like some sort of dream romance that everyone should aspire too. But turns out she talks to spragg behind her hubbys back and messaged him all day. It’s weird behaviour and I think it’s important for Yasmine to calm down a little on social media. Work on your marriage rather than sit and make fake tik toks about how perfect it is. I honestly think tik tok can be really damaging when you get a lot of followers and impact on all your relationships.
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VIP Member
I hope he goes live in Paris where she can’t stop him and spills the beans! Cmon Lee

Eden told them to the amazing sister she is 🚩 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
Maybe there’s more going on behind closed doors than we know but Dan and Chloe on that live wasn’t needed at all, regardless if the giant told them too. Yasmin shouldn’t of said that Lee wasn’t allowed female friends to be honest, and it’s clear to see something has happened during the holiday to Wales, maybe Lee felt awkward about how close they were or something I don’t know but there’s a child in this situation and they’ve all got to remember Lee is in his 40s, whilst all the others are younger than him. Lee shouldn’t of done the video but Dan and Chloe have really annoyed me, and Eden too
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What I don’t understand is Yaz is pretending like it wasn’t Eden that caused all these issues. Yes Lee started it by posting the videos but if they had come on after and just said it was a misunderstanding etc. But Eden is then on the phone to Dan saying to say these things and the ‘truth’ that Yaz and Eden etc refuse to take any responsibility for a blame the people who watched it who have just believed what has come from Dan and Chloe - they haven’t jumped to conclusions they have just believed what eden wa saying was true.
Eden needs to apologise and say she was wrong and Yaz should be clarifying the truth. why is it all so secretive and she won’t say he’s not abusive but will say everything else it’s weird and trying to keep engagement high
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Eden towards the end of the live...

And right at the very end, the awkwardness between Dan and Chloe. There's definitely more to this.

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Yeah cause it wasn’t brilliantly handled was it ffs. Now everyone thinks she’s being domestically abused and she’s a prisoner in her own home. Fucking idiots. why tell him to not hold back and then can we stop discussing it. Stupid idiots the lot of them.
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Just came up on my fyp. The first post I've seen talking some sense.


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So she’s on live acting big saying why can’t she be cocky And how she don’t care who’s watching etc but will cry 2 days later about her ‘mental health’ if someone don’t agree with her……..
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Well-known member
They've been making tiktoks together, commenting on each other's tiktoks, liking each other's tiktoks, texting each other for months and months, why is it now suddenly a problem?
Definitely 1000000% something else has happened, even if it's nudes/sexting etc and Lee's found out .
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Eden is an absolute rocket. One min tell Dan to speak the truth n basically expose lee, now saying stop coz its causing more issues.....yeah Eden you caused it hun. But it wont be her fault.
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So that wasn’t dans final word then. So they’ve apologised and there sweet now. So he doesn’t think he’s controlling or he does? Yaz can’t have friends or she can? He lied or exaggerated the truth? I don’t understand.
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I don't blame lee for not being happy about his wife being close with that sleaze Dan and not feel comfortable with their contact, I wouldn't put up with it either. If she had an ounce of respect for her husband she would have seen his pov and cut contact.

My boyfriend has a really close female friend and they were really close before we met but out of respect to me she actually told my bf she was going to back off as was he so I didn't feel uncomfortable, I didn't even care about it as I felt secure but I respected them both massively for that. If you love someone you will respect their feelings and yaz needs to think of her husband and child not her toxic sister and shitstirrer Dan
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So everything’s fine with Chloe and Dan then🙄
"I've taken lees tiktok account down"

And hes the controlling one?
and if you think he’s toxic then you should see me when a young hot Latino or whatever she said woman asks for a lower back tattoo….. ok hun. You’ve dug your grave.

also she said she was terrified… fuelling more people to carry on calling her husband abusive. Terrified of what, being called out for being a skanky liar.

I can’t wait for flappy gobs next drama, They’ve had more controversy in the whole of little lad and flappy gobs entire relationship thag family. Love how they’re all
Backstabbing each other left right and centre but are all still the best of friends… 😂
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