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whats her tiktok Name?

I don’t understandWhy Seeshauneat and his wife and his minions can travel around to meetup with lots of other minions when he’s wife is so unWell, the vaccine doesn’t stop you getting covid so why risk it?
Her tiktok name is Cherriepie860 - I hope she finds someone who treats her they way she deserves to be treated!

Seeshauneat annoy the hell out of me, I find it very hard to watch them anymore. He seems like a horrible man and they’re always putting Caroline’s health at risk just for a tiny amount of views.
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Are they? I dont no any of the personally but they all came across well other thank paul! I liked the kershaws aswell.
kershaws zoe and Nathan have always been the only bearable ones but they’ve all developed huge egos since becoming part of the show.
The Kershaws are constantly posting about numbers and views On socials. He tweeted a few weeks ago about spending 4 hours editing a 8 second clip - it’s not that serious!
zoe is nice enough but I think they’re having a negative influence on her.
nathan is just desperate to fit in and being part of this group has made him cocky rather than confident.
the others have always given me the creeps.
paul is overbearing and tries to cover up his abusive behaviour by pretending its a joke
dougie seriously needs professional input, I think hes got multiple personalities. Certainly has multiple social media accounts to abuse people while hiding.
Shaun thinks he’s funny but is offensive.

they just treat people like shite and are working their way around YouTube to find their next best friend to gain views.
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Chatty Member
I think its time the normal people started vlogging the vloggers and naming and shaming their behaviour
My BS radar is usually quite good but I suppose you never truly know for sure. People should be held accountable if they are wilfully rude and their behaviour negatively affects other peoples experiences. Has anyone else experienced this?
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same - part of me understands they dont want to share - the other part of me feels some kind of way about vloggers who share everything and then decide that they can't share everything - also i'm really nosey and feel like after watching as many episodes of saturday night discussions - i have earned this information 🤣
Same, they need to give their followers something! Although if it was as messy and hurtful as cheating I doubt either might publically talk about it.

I heard they broke up. Either that or she’s being very private about him. maybe wrong there though as i don’t follow any of the Saturday night group too closely, they make my skin crawl. Cheryl hasn’t openly said he cheated but the rest of the previous poster,s comments are true, I’m just assuming that part is aswell. How Paul managed to take interest in someone other than himself is a mystery to me lol
Zoe did have a new guy for the new year's eve show and the group made a big thing about allowing him back on, but he never came back and during the Valentines show Zoe made said something (I forget what) that suggested she was single again. I just remember thinking aw that was short lived.

He was mentioned before on the previous thread, be wary of theme park worldwide. They were rather involved with some horrible allegations last year and rumour has it he’s a bit of a ‘don’t you know who I am’ bully. Him and the girlfriend apparently using some disgusting terms for some disabled people within theme parks as well
Watched a couple of their blackpool vlogs I find him irritating for shouting at the camera nearly all the time, if he turned the volume down a bit I could enjoy more of his vlogs.
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Some reports in the mail (yes its the mail so pinch of salt) with Boris saying difficult winter ahead, not ruling out future lockdowns and travel will be bumpy this year. I'm just not sure these vloggers will get to florida this year
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Seeing things been said I know quite a bit about them both! Mixed stories and ropey information
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People who haven't been through it never really understand why and how people can move on so quickly after a split, but in reality people have already moved on emotionally long before the split ever happened. Perhaps things had been going downhill for months. Paul emotionally left the relationship long before a physical split ever happened. While some may think he moved to fast to find someone new, but in reality it has probably been a long time...
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Absolutely disgusted at how Paul has treated Cheryl but sadly not surprised tbh, he always came across as a cocky know-it-all twatwaffle tbh.

Has nobody ever explained to Dicksplash Paul that you’re meant to UPGRADE when you cheat on and leave your wife? Danielle looks like Cheryl’s granny...a granny with a long hard life (including wars)that she attempts to cover up with thick cheap makeup but fails miserably. Meanwhile Cheryl since she dropped the 18 stone of excess baggage looks better and better.

I hope Danielle steps on Paul’s Lego daily the utter slag. Girl code day passed her by.
cant believe what a dick he has been , Paul has lost a loyal beautiful wife , wonder if Dan is spending he is huge pay packet
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Yes I’ll be the same, watching to see the parks but also commenting on how irritating everything they do and say is 🤣 I never understand why people obsess over the pair of them, they have about as much personality as a pile of twigs!
They are an odd couple, her voice really gets on my nerves, as well as their over use of like in the middle of sentences
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Not so much smug but proud of what I can provide for my family. Years ago when we first started going to theme parks I was so jealous of families who could afford fast passes. At that time we couldn't even afford the entry price and went everywhere using Tesco Clubcard. I distinctly remember the day when I watched people swanning past me and I determined to work my socks off and work my way up in my career to be able to afford these little luxuries. It was and still is bloody hard work but for me it's worth it to be able to afford to buy fast pass (and stay in nice hotels, which again was a pipe dream at one point).
Fastpass is free at disney though?
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Watching Sam4God's travel to DLP vlog and she's explaining the airport situation at CDG and basically said she didn't wait at immigration too long as she didn't have to join the UK line. She is flying back to Vienna after DLP so therefore she doesn't have to quarantine!
It appears she went to Vienna as she couldn't go otherwise as she hasn't had 2 covid vaccinations unlike Dumb and Dumber!
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He apparently tried to board a flight at Heathrow yesterday and was turned away. He apparently didn't have all of the required paperwork. So it isn't all that easy to do.
You still have to follow the correct procedure so it's not that the US barred him per say, it was that he didn't pay attention to the requirements for entry which as always is the responsibility of the passenger to check.
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Have any of yous watched Ashley and Emma’s new Legoland Windsor Vlog with BritishLife and Nathan Staker? Why does Ashley have to compare everything they do to Disney or Universal? It’s so annoying to watch! :rolleyes:
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Did something else happen? I know about a year ago her friend had an allergic reaction live on stream after eating something containing tree nuts and Twitter spread it like wildfire that she had Covid and then quieted down after learning it was an allergic reaction. It was so bad they even did an interview with Inside Edition. Thankfully it wasn’t Covid. I’m not aware of the another incident.
Surely in the height of a pandemic if you have covid symptoms, to the point you are asked to leave a public place, you go and get tested so as to do the right thing for everyone. She didn't, that was a poor choice for someone filming every minute of their days in Disney. They live locally so it would have been no hardship to take a day off and make certain it was a reaction not covid. The only way you can be sure of that is to test. They deserved the backlash. It was very poor judgement.
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S. McQueen Light

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Maybe Steffy acting all "look at me" was a way she thought was going to bring in more views or more subscribers, I'm not sure. And while I was extremely happy for her with her weight loss success - the workout vlogs and constant exercise/food plan videos became unenjoyable to watch, so I stuck with their trips. And yeah, Chef Dave was on a different planet altogether with his cooking.
I don’t have a problem with them taking their health more seriously. They were pretty successful. In light of a lot of Vloggers inadvertently tracking their weight gain and getting a bit flabby over time, I salute them. I just did not want to see the sausage being made. The more you travel and attend them parks the tougher it is to stay reasonably fit. I respect them.
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