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Chatty Member
She has posted a workout video on Instagram but she is just doing a Rick Bhullar workout, badly, you can’t see her feet, she keeps wooing like a 3 yr old and ‘eye 5’s’ more times than is comfortable, whilst cooling down and looking redder and sweatier than during the workout she suddenly ends things.
This is the cock your leg bit😅


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Bored 2 death

Well-known member
That was disgusting...
My concern is my friend who’s a member of her groups and many other diet related groups. She has a diagnosed Eating disorder. She doesn’t need to loose weight far from it. With these condition suffers seek out such groups and somehow find comfort, which feeds this awful condition.
when she messages me it’s not out of being a troll or a nasty person. It’s out of her own anxiety that comes with it. I’m sure Diane will see a troll in that group. Sadly this will only send her down wards.
Am I being unkind posting her message . Part of me thinks yes. The other part of me thinks this lady is playing with ppl lives . She’s not that interested in their well being. Only her own. The challenge isn’t for them. It’s for her. Soon as she fails she will close it. That’s not support it’s being selfish.
When someone has no success of their own, all that's left is to take the credit for other people's success. How sad is that? That's why we get the 'ive helped so many people lose weight ' statements.
Just be there for your friend. You sound like a kind soul doing the best you can by them x
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Lurky Lurker

Active member
FFS - she's the gift that just keeps giving isn't she ?

Another lunch out - white carbs and red meat

Slagging off a SW consultant who last week was the best ever - I bet he's glad to be shot of her

Not dieting today then Di?

TV licence crap- don't watch TV? My arse.

Colouring in and laminating Halloween decorations? In a house full of adults??

Don't want sweets in the house, but happy for camera girl to have left over cakes to eat?

If wouldn't want my kids eating a cake made by those grubby hands in that house.

Come on Diane, we know you read here - I dare you to give us a mention on your next live - let's watch your peeps defend your bullshit
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Chatty Member
Her latest live, why do a live if you are still eating, just wait a few minutes. She has learnt that if you eat lots of crisps whilst calorie counting you don’t lose weight, if you do sw you only eat one pack of crisps so weight loss. We learnt she is a fan of intimate fasting, thank goodness it is fasting and not a similar word🤣🤣
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She needs serious therapy. She craves attention in any shape or form. And when she's called out on bullshit she cries 'trolls'... :rolleyes:
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Chatty Member
So our great leader has had her first (according to her) binge of 2022 but it’s okay because it was only a couple of hours binge and not a week. Maybe don’t buy the rubbish food if it is a temptation to binge on it but take no notice of me because I don’t proclaim to be an expert, unlike some
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Active member
I don't understand
Diane takes her Facebook group offline due to trolls. BUT..she states on Instagram live most are from Instagram.
(So why pause your fb)
Then invites those very same trolls to join her tic toc account.
I need a drink...Baileys anyone?
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Lurky Lurker

Active member
I've listened to her live this morning, first time in ages as I normally don't have time. To be fair, I couldn't sleep the other night and started to listen to one, and woke up 5 hours later - so that was a result.
Anyway, I've listened to it. I don't really care about the state of her house, her husband, or her daughter. In fact I feel a bit sorry for the girl, she's a product of her environment. At her age she should be out with her mates shopping, not her mum. She should be out drinking, partying, socialising, working.
I've not got a problem with Jeanette, in fact i think she's a kind hearted lady who has been taken in by a scammer.
What I really do care about is that she is influencing people, even if its only a small percentage of her followers, she's giving them BAD advice.
Today's live - telling people the side effects of medication for anxiety and depression are worse than the symptoms. Dangerous dangerous. She should be making it clear that is HER experience, but people MUST seek professional advice.
Suggesting that people who might benefit from talking therapy can talk to her. Yeah, cos that's better than someone who had studied at graduate and masters level to become a therapist, or a psychologist.
And yeah, we all know walking and exercise is good for you, but promoting that as the answer ? Isn't going to help someone who can't even summon the energy to brush their hair is it ?
Shes meddling in stuff that she has no right to - stick to giving lame advice about diet and exercise. If someone manages to follow that or not it won't kill them.
Dont mess with stuff that is life changing (or worse) for some.
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From last night live we have established that they went out for potatoes and camera man’s frozen chicken from Farmfoods.
She walked for 2 hours !!! Don’t believe that purely cos her legs won’t take the weight of her for that long. She was maybe out 2 hours. We know she stretches the truth!
So they have a McDonald’s cos it is 50% off. She quickly adds that daughter bought it.
since coming home she has made a shepherds pie! But too tired to eat it. The. She tells us hat daughter and husband got extra box of chicken nuggets each cos they were half price and should have been £4 something. Well Diane that will be the 20 nugget share box. So your family brought 2 of them home after having a McDonald’s meal out!!! How greedy and unnecessary!! The nutrition in what the 3 of you have been eating leaves a lot to be desired!!
Oh hang on! You declare you have made salad pots!! Would that be from the salad you bought at start of week??? Will be rotten now !
So you are not going out on Saturday - we shall see!!! That means you will have to phone takeaway!!! Or eat the shepherds pie you say you are going to have with vegetables ! Can I just check that the shepherds pie is made with SWEET POTATO and what MEAT ???? Can’t have you having white carbs and red meat unless you decide to treat yourself again!!!
So you are all going to car boot sale on Sunday?? How lovely. More useless junk to fill your house with!!!
You mention payday Monday that you will not
Be going food shopping. You are going to use the money for cameraman’s birthday!!!
Buy him a Hoover!! We all know you don’t need food so why not pay something towards laptop as a gesture ??!! No you would rather buy junk/decorations/takeaway - anything apart from pay your way and bills !!!
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Going through my photos last night and came across this throw back.
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the time she had a double dinner and only counted one meal…. What about the chicken curry and gravy Diane????

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Active member
She's already going to delete none active members of her new group. Then it will no doubt be paused by the weekend.
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Bored 2 death

Well-known member
And after committing to 6 months on one particular plan on the 1st January, she's changed her mind... again. Is that a new record? Probably not. I seem to recall a 24 hour turn around once or twice.
Now saying she's just gonna cook like SW but not count calories. Cook like SW? Literally just means home cooking so why that needed saying, who knows.
This live was literally like 100s she's done before. I really don't understand why her loved ones don't step in and point out it's all just so ridiculous.
There are clearly mental health issues and an eating disorder. I have so much sympathy for both of those. But get off the merry go round. Stop lying to yourself and others. Stop offering to help and counsel others when you can't even fix the exact same problems you share with your disciples.
Get off social media. Come back when your BMI is healthy and THEN share all your hard fought knowledge. Until then, have respect for yourself and for the people who are temporarily sucked in before they get booted when they see the same dance again and again
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