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VIP Member
loool maybe debunked was the wrong word but he is a cunt and so is his father so it’s not like they were wrong 😂
Hahahaha I know I’m just saying that’s possibly why BBC were a bit hesitant 😂 it gives credibility to James saying he’s got bullies and trolls, no matter how deserved it is 🙄
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Chuggers are a pet hate of mine and I don’t think charities should fund raise like that.

However as someone who works in the field, Cancer Research UK make a massive contribution to funding university medical research and a lot of research wouldn’t happen without them. The buildings may be there but the cost of medical research is massive. The smaller cancer charities are great for raising funds for rarer conditions, there’s room for them all. Cancer research is something we are actually pretty good at as a nation. Cancer survival rates have improved enormously in the last 40 years as a result.
Saying that no one should be scared into giving money to charity.
It would happen without them though. If they weren’t there, another charity would step up and fund it and people would donate to that just as readily as they do CRUK. The researchers would be working on the same research they are now regardless of which charity is funding it.

Yet when they start the pressure tactics they act like none of that is true and like the research facilities wouldn’t exist at all without them when they were all existing facilities before CRUK got involved and the fundraising campaign is always “help us do this” not “help us help the University of X to do this” - if you read their bumph you’d be under the impression they have an entire facility just for them that they built from scratch which simply isn’t true.

They fund amazing work, nobody can deny that - so why do they need to obfuscate the truth so much to manipulate people into donating more?
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Well-known member
Press have reached out to MGW and the three women who have been on the end of his racism for years.

View attachment 2942097View attachment 2942098

Looks like they're going to entertain his victim blaming narrative of the trolls planted all the evidence.
I’m confused about the response here. It reads to me as they want her/their story. That they are responding to him to show how it’s all more lies he’s saying.

(pointing out here that local folk had been raising concerns for years)
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Sensible Susan

VIP Member
I don’t think it’s James behind that it’s too well written and not written by AI. The BWC women have had beef with loads of randomers on Twitter over the years (not downplaying the doxxing etc I just cba typing anything else)
It could be any of them.
No one who writes well would put an apostrophe in 'DMs'. It's not them, they've got better things to do.
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VIP Member
Agreed. James said the quiet part out loud on this and was obviously an out and out conman - but it’s time for the industry to take a good long look at themselves and their emotionally manipulative campaigns. The very fact their own tactics are being used by conmen to con should be a signal that it’s not right.

“Just £3 a month can fund vital research/feed this child/save this tiger. Without your £3 we can’t….”

Ok right fine. But how much are you spending on targeting the vulnerable ie chuggers and door knockers, how much are you spending on phoning donators to pester them to increase their donation, how much do you have in the bank? How much research/fed children/saved tigers does that add up to?
Like how are Water Aid still going - filming them scooping up the water filled with piss and shit - TEACH THEM TO BOIL IT!!
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VIP Member
Timy tubes of liquid can and often do cost way more than that, £1000+ per ul, £100 is basically nothing in biomedical research. Tell me you’ve never worked in research without etc etc.
To be fair it's 20 years since I ordered a restriction enzyme, but you go off.
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BWC are 1000000% legit. They are excellent.
I don't have twitter. Get all my info from here. Is it deffo that the bwc are legit? Not just long term proper anon trolls? Been online for >999 years and am suspicious since Windows 95 got released.
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Sensible Susan

VIP Member
Completely agree - the exploitation of all these 100s and 1000s of elderly folk is the main thing. Now his racism and violence towards women needs to come next.
I'm not sure why it can't be wrapped up in one massive mess of exploitation and bigotry? With respect, why would his racism be an 'also be' ?
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VIP Member
I succeeded and posted it here on Saturday. Somebody has pulled it from there at last LOL

It's about time somebody picked it up because it did take me ages. Just a bit annoying it's late in the day and uncredited. 🥲
oh wait sorry 🤦‍♀️ I misread and thought they'd found the tweet with the actual noose photo, that's the one I was on the hunt for and didn't make it into Wayback
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To be fair it's 20 years since I ordered a restriction enzyme, but you go off.
My experience in research is far more recent than yours then.

The facilities belong to the universities. There are similar facilities at other universities funded by charities other than cancer research UK that are… also researching cancer. If CRUK did not exist, the funding would not vanish entirely and the public (and pharmaceutical companies) wouldn’t go “oh who gives a fuck about cancer now no more need to donate or spend money!”. CRUK are not the only reason that cancer research exists and if they decided to stop funding one of their facilities, the chances are very high that other charities would step in to fund them rather than them folding completely.

This is not the image that CRUK gives when they are trying to pressure people into donating, or often, into donating more. They imply the facilities are theirs and theirs alone which isn’t the case.

Do they give them a lot of money? Of course. Anyone can tell you research is expensive, from vials of liquid to human cells to the back up generators making sure things that could never be replicated aren’t lost to a power cut taking the freezers out. But the facilities do not exist solely because of CRUK and other universities have near identical facilities funded by others (with similarly expensive running costs) who happily refer to said facilities as “Our lab in partnership with the university of X” - while also managing to fundraise without chuggers and door knockers and many of the other predatory tactics of CRUK. That’s the difference.
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Sensible Susan

VIP Member
I’ve requested that my previous two posts regarding him be removed. I haven’t requested the same for the post about him subbing as I don’t think it warrants it, happy to be corrected though.
Edited to add:

Companies House lists two companies called FireFitUK (one is FireFit UK). One based in Bedford, dissolved in 2016, and one based in Burnley dissolved in 2017.

That invoice is dated 20th April 2023.

I’m sure these companies are loving having their invoices plastered all over social media; the subbie yesterday hasn’t filed accounts since 2021 and the compulsory strike off from March 2023 has been objected to.

QMLAN the address in Companies House for the Burnley Firefituk dissolved in 2017 is the same as the address listed currently on the Gas Safe register for FirefitUK.
Is a CIC obliged to get 3 quotes does anyone know?
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VIP Member
Love you trolls do you feel the same?
I don't wanna play James, no James, ah-ah
You're the boiler and I'm the flame
Baby, just play it straight, straight, no James, ah-ah🎶
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