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Her mis -pronunciation of everything is tragic. Sure she said the room looked smug with the chest of drawers in the bedroom rather than snug 🤦🏼‍♀️
She'll blame that on being dyslexic. Didn't know dyslexia stops you from learning how to pronounce fucking words. BTW not taking the piss out of dyslexics here, as most can pronounce their words with no issues, it's the spelling that their brain fucks them on, not how to say it.

PACIFIC. Grates me every. single. time. How does Sean sit there and not tell her hey that's not how it's said/pronounced? Is he just as thick as she is?

I indirectly met Demi in a box swap group, I believe she may have been one of the people to set it up, this was wayyy back. She would promote her yt like crazy, to the point I genuinely thought she was buying followers (still think). There is no fucking way her range of subs are natural, not a chance. I unsubbed from her main, but now and again when i'm bored and feel like watching car-crash tv I tune in. Nothing has changed, she's still common as muck with an air of entitlement :rolleyes: and now this feckin' house ad grab galore. When youtube culls the ghost/bot followers again whenever that will be ,she'll lose majority of them, just wait and see I'd honestly say 10% of her audience are genuine the rest are paid for. I know she reads here, most narcissistic boootybargainbabes aka "influencers" do, please learn how to speak. It ain't your geordie accent love, it's you.
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Chatty Member
she actually used the word abuse if you go back and listen and for someone who was actually in an abusive relationship I take great offence to that
I missed that as I was half asleep watching it. That really angers me as well. Having an abusive partner is torturous and I still have issues related to it to this day. My poor fiancé is having to deal with anxieties and insecurities he had nothing to do with. I thought using the word bully was triggering, but using abuse is despicable too. If all she has to worry about is him not liking her outfits, she's lucky.
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Oh my goodness, can you imagine the ribbing that lads going to get tomorrow morning, they'll be howling at him and calling him wolf boy. Is he ever gonna stop being Demis bitch?
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Demi Donnelly #10: I’m very pacific about the detailing in my pashage

Because honestly the cheek of her grandma to offer to give her a vase that doesn’t match the pacific chavfest vibes.
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In that new video, Sean was talking at a normal volume and Demi the hyena needed a bloody warning every time she opened her mouth.

I hope she didn't just buy ugly clothes to return them after trying them on. That would be really scummy. Also that french maid outfit was 😨😰🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮😷😷
she 100% has just bought them for the video... just silly stuff she would never wear; kinda defeats the point of 'my boyfriend rates MY shein outfits' but ofc she's just bought what would make the video 'funnier' without thinking about the impact

she keeps harping on about how she likes to 'experiment with fashion' and likes extra clothes but she literally only wears joggers and her minging vans everyday ??? jumping on trends once again when she's literally the most boring person

ALSO the way she screams laughing all throughout the video !!!! Jesus wept ... Sean makes a normal comment and she's screeching laughing ! its soooo fake its infuriating me

Screenshot 2020-10-28 at 01.14.09.png
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Chatty Member
Bit of a random post, but just wondering if anyone else agrees.. I am and have been for a while very suspicious of someone on this thread. They haven’t posted for a day or so and they don’t post very often but they feel very ‘Amber Wright’ to me.
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Has anyone else noticed when Demi talks he has twitches between his eyes & his forehead? No joke, seriously watch for yourselves. It’s like ticks.
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Anyone else find it really odd that the majority of Sean's (and some of Demi's) pages are throw back pictures where they are much slimmer?
I've always thought this, specifically sean. He mustn't be happy with himself, he only seems to post pics of when he was slim.
I bet he wants to get in shape but demi makes him feel bad for it 😂
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I like the kitchen but it needed white tiled flooring, silver taps/handles and a new oven! It bothers me so much that nothing matches 😂
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I know everyone has different tastes but I really Dislike her kitchen. I just think it looks cheap. She should have gone for a darker navy that almost looks black, with copper handles and tap. The gold looks yellow and really tacky imo and the whole thing is too dark for such a small room anyway. If she had taken everyone’s advice and knocked the wall through to the living room she could have had an amazing open plan room with a big island in the middle.
She should have lived in it for a while before deciding what to do with the space tbh
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I was just thinking.. dya reckon if another man showed demi interest she would cheat and leave sean? i can see her doing so and then crying saying it was a mistake
I reckon both of them would do this. I honestly don't think either of them are happy with the other. They're just going to live life unhappy unless they grow some balls to experience being single for the first time in their lives
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She’s just got nothing about her. If my Nan offered me a vase I’d take it, even if I didn’t like it just because my Nan gave it to me!
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I’ve just watched her ‘living in my car for 24hr’ and it’s genuinely the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen. It’s at the same time as the camping trip and she’s literally sleeping in the car because she doesn’t want to sleep in the tent. You can see Sean and their friends sitting around the campfire socialising and she’s refusing to get involved and is sitting in the fucking car filming a YouTube video. Wow. Sad as fuck. What must their friends think?!

edit: and then she failed it after 16 hours which is clearly when she forced Sean to leave the campsite, had her melt down over not wanting to drive home and made him pay for a hotel for the night. so it was just an excuse to be an ignorant rude fuck to all their friends and get her own way. What a delight she is.
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Does anyone else feel uncomfortable when she’s doing these shopping vlogs and openly filming other people in the shop without their consent? She could do these videos and keep the camera on herself or Sean without filming others. I get it’s a public place but I wouldn’t be happy if I’m going about my day and end up on YouTube...
Yes!!! The thing is, some of these people could be in witness protection or hiding from abusive ex partners etc or anything. It's really not ok filming people without their consent. The least she could do is blur the people out.
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She tried to make out he gets days off. Saying when he’s at the house he’s having a break from his electrician job, and when he is there he’s having a break from the house. Then went on to say she’s here all the time because she’s filming and editing. She’s on a different fucking planet honestly.
Yeah I don’t really think you sitting swinging about in your office chair ‘editing’ is in the sane league as Sean’s job!
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anything at all

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I don't keep up with fashion but what on Earth is she wearing ????
I wish she would stop Rolling up/tucking shirts in her bra, it looks stupid
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Kandy floss

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Did she really complain about having to drive home in Sean’s car when she was making him go home early? 🤣

If they’d stayed the time they were supposed to he might have been able to drive and they wouldn’t have had to get a hotel 😂 my boyfriend would definitely break up with me if I was anything like her and I can’t say I’d blame him
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