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VIP Member
I like Dawn but she can fuck right off with that Patreon. Of course she's entitled to her own income, but she already must have a very good income from her books and writing career. Not to mention Chris O'Dowd's vast income. How much money do two people need?
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Hmm.. I won’t be paying to read things she used to write for free on Instagram.

Is she that desperate for money with her publishing deal and her movie star husband with houses in LA and London?

She asked for her followers opinions on it but didn’t seem to care that most weren’t impressed!
I quite like Dawn. She’s a good author and she’s funny. She said her IG would remain the same and this would be deeper, more writing? Just because her husbands a movie star doesn’t mean she shouldn’t push herself as an artist and make her own income surely. She’s not forcing people to pay.
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Chatty Member
I have issues with successful people that have already made it using patreon. I feel it should be for struggling creatives, causes or people that do work with no commercial opportunities. So many youtube channels use it even though the individual behind it is making 5 figures a month.

It just sounds like you get access to a blog-like thing.

If her content was good, just release it on a blog free to all and it will rank in google and make more than the $2k ish a month she's making from pateron.

Money is one of those funny things, the more you have the more you want.
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Chatty Member
Cows and So Lucky are adult books. I've read them both but So Lucky was better but I don't actually think she's that good a writer. Very basic. Her plots are predictable
This post has made me feel brave enough to say The Cows is the worst book I've ever ever read. The storylines were ludicrous and it was not the big comment women's relationships with other women it was touted as.
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This thread has been quiet for a while! The new lockdown book doesn’t sit right with me, I feel like she’s trying to capitalise off Caroline’s death and the engagement it gets her? That might be a bit harsh... but also, lockdown has been a global thing and Dawn STINKS of privilege (which she never acknowledges) - who’s going to pay to read about a very wealthy woman having to look after her own kids in her massive LA house when everyone in the world has been experiencing lockdown. People have been working on the front lines, losing so so many people, but oh look at Dawn she couldn’t get weed for a week and had to be a parent sober.
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VIP Member
The Patreon issue is complex. Ultimately I see it as a antidote to influencer culture. Instead of consuming ‘free’ content where the person is paid by brands to shill products in sponsored content of varying frequency, Patreon offers a model where you can pay the person directly, leaving them with a steady-ish income stream and they can produce content free of commercial pressure.
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Did you see the post she made (then swiftly deleted) about being so stoned she passed out on her kid fully clothed?
To be fair I know it’s not quite as wild but I woke up yesterday morning with really minging know like when you should have washed it the day before and then you leave it and it really is a bit yuk? So anyway, I promised myself I’d wash it yesterday. We then had a fairly normal day (as far as lockdown with 3 kids is normal) but me and the hubby might have had a bit too much to drink last night and guess what I woke up this morning and I was happened to my hair? It was clean and silky...and just like....really fresh. I can only conclude that I showered late last night and gave my hair a lovely wash and blow-dry. But I kid you not if it wasn’t for the clean haired evidence I wouldn’t believe it bcos I don’t remember a thing.

I’m laughing bcos that is like THE most boring thing to do when really drunk...but also kinda freaked myself out that I don’t remember doing it at not one teeny tiny memory. I only had a bottle of Prosecco (I know that’s probably quite a lot, but you know what I mean....)

I like Dawn, she’s funny and kinda keeps it real ya know? I’m guessing she fell asleep next to her kid when she went in to check on them late at night or something? So she didn’t make it to her room to get into her PJs? I it’s clear that her and Chris like a drink or two (and obvs a smoke) but she doesn’t strike me as a neglectful or dangerous parent. She probs deleted it as she thought that the parenting police would be all over it like a rash, which I kinda empathise with in all honesty.
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Thanks for that, I’d only come across The Cows, not a fangirl obviously!!

But she is generating her own income already. And as a married couple I would expect them to share money between them, that's not sexist, that's common sense. It just seems very greedy to me.
It does seem a little sexist. I’m sure they ‘share’ things, but who knows what the future holds. It’s greedy for her to make money from her writing because her husband is a movie star seems really outdated and unfair.
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Chatty Member
Ugh one of those people who is funny for a bit but soon becomes insufferable. And I'm sorry but begging for stuff when you are rich AF is so undignified and amoral.
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Why pay when you can get it for freee?

Should both parents be drinking and smoking weed when they are responsible for minors? Serious question for any parents reading, not a preechy finger wag, i would have thought one needed to be sober just in case something happened. 😮

Bored, so looking for new fiction i was looking at her book reviews but i get the impression they are for teens. I think pateron seems beggy and leaves a bad taste in tje mouth when she and her family are more than comfortable. Chris has a lucrative career, (not HIS money but money for HIS FAMILY) and Dawn has had success on tv, and now has a book deal. That is what she should be living on, amd putting in the family financial pot. Pateron is for those struggling to get paid / get that book deal etc. Being greedy is unappealing, and quite possibly in the long term will do more harm than good.
I’m not a parent but I hate to think if I ever became one I’ll have to give up all fun. If they aren’t getting out of control I don’t see a problem with drinking and smoking personally.

Yes her family are comfortable, but does that mean she should she work for free? Dawn is a writer, not an instamum influencer shilling us crap with sponsored posts. There clearly is an audience that is willing to pay for her content so I think it’s fair play to her 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I used to really like her and now she is starting to irritate me.

The whole feeling guilty about climate change is a bit tiresome being as she lives a life full carbon footprints.

But it's ok because she only buys vintage and uses recycled loo roll.

I cant stand celebs who spout off about this when they contribute more damage that your average lay person.

Emma Thompson is another one. Flew from America to London a few years ago by private plane to take part in a climate change protest.
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New member
But she is generating her own income already. And as a married couple I would expect them to share money between them, that's not sexist, that's common sense. It just seems very greedy to me.
Myself and husband don't share our money. We share the bills and mortage but after that, that's our money and we spend it on what we want. We'll buy each other presents etc but after that what we earn is our money so Chris and Dawn not sharing money is probably ideal on their parts. If that's what you're talking about
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VIP Member
I like her too but I won’t be paying.

She’s not that good a writer. Probably got the publishing deal due to her husband being a movie star.
I won’t be paying. I very much doubt she got the deal due to being married to a movie star. She doesn’t use his name and a lot of people know her from other things.
She currently only has one book released and it’s quite well written, I’ll be interested to read her new book. I found Giovanna Fletchers books to be hard to read as they really are not my thing, but fair play for putting something of your own out there.

I like Dawn but she can fuck right off with that Patreon. Of course she's entitled to her own income, but she already must have a very good income from her books and writing career. Not to mention Chris O'Dowd's vast income. How much money do two people need?
I didn’t say I’d pay, but I can’t see anything wrong with what she’s doing. As I understood it this is part and parcel of her writing career. It’s a bit sexist to suggest she shouldn’t generate her own income but just live off her husband.
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VIP Member
Same argument was made with Amanda palmer. She’s married to Neil gaiman yet she uses Patreon. I fast went off her when she bullshitted her experiences living in New Zealand during the lockdown.
Did you read Dawn's book where she covered lockdown? Absolutely unrelatable. To sum it up, her and Chris were either drunk or stoned
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VIP Member
The Patreon issue is complex. Ultimately I see it as a antidote to influencer culture. Instead of consuming ‘free’ content where the person is paid by brands to shill products in sponsored content of varying frequency, Patreon offers a model where you can pay the person directly, leaving them with a steady-ish income stream and they can produce content free of commercial pressure.
This is how I view it. I’m happy she’s going down this route as it gives us the consumers a choice. As others have said here I won’t be paying for her content but I’m sure others will and at least then she doesn’t have to turn her page into QVC like so many others have. I would hope it could lead to better content for everyone.
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VIP Member
But she is generating her own income already. And as a married couple I would expect them to share money between them, that's not sexist, that's common sense. It just seems very greedy to me.
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VIP Member
I quite like Dawn. She’s a good author and she’s funny. She said her IG would remain the same and this would be deeper, more writing? Just because her husbands a movie star doesn’t mean she shouldn’t push herself as an artist and make her own income surely. She’s not forcing people to pay.
I like her too but I won’t be paying.

She’s not that good a writer. Probably got the publishing deal due to her husband being a movie star.
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VIP Member
Ridiculous how she keeps her Instagram open just for AD’s but her bio says she’s left Instagram. Well delete your profile then instead of still trying to make money from it 🙄
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