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Chatty Member
Let’s be real she wasn’t happy well before Covid. I mean she used to bang on all the time how she’s not like the other girls and she doesn’t like socialising and would rather stay home and play games… you know social anxiety. But now she’s complaining about being locked up. Which she really wasn’t. The girl will never be happy, she can let get of the last shred of her being “famous” on Instagram. Now is the time to change direction, there is no way she would be able to relaunch an influencer career, and I highly doubt many of any brands would be trying to work with her. She needs to grow up out of her tumblr days, do some actual work on her mental health and stop with the toxic positivity. She is mentally stuck at a bout 16
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I'm just so disappointed that she's using such a heavy filter. She preaches self love and acceptance, but the filter is so heavy I can't see your nasal bridge Dani.
And the side on approach again - I do get she's more comfortable that way but it'd be a huge step forward to see her facing the camera.
Otherwise all you missed
- Explant story (rehashed from insta)
- Depression, was so low, so went back to Australia (rehashed from insta)
- She's reducing alcohol, didn't like wasting Sundays on hangovers, it's expensive, she woke up one day with am epiphany to stop
- Moving back in with her parents. Can't afford rent where she is or to live abroad or live alone. Worried about her old life in Melbourne haunting her.
- Thinking of starting twitch and a podcast
- Discord stuff
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Well-known member
Everything she says is quotes from Tumblr and Tiktok things... even the whole "living on a farm with rescue dogs".... she's never going to do that, she's constantly sprouting things she knows will make her sound human / relatable or viral things she's seen online. She said in the video that she plans to stay in Aus for a year then wants to do her Euro summer. She can't live alone and goes crazy in isolation. She wants to travel, can't stay in the one spot. Beans suffers enough. There's just no way she could handle life not as an influencer / youtuber.

All the art and "creative" things she does is copies of other people's work. She's not a creative person, she really just has no idea who she is and clings onto anything that will make her seem inspiring (eg. Mental Health) to get her that daily validation she needs to survive.

She's never going to change.
yes exactly this! Can you actually imagine Dani living on a farm and having to get up early, take care of animals, take care of crops etc. Girl is so lazy. She just wants to live on a farm to take her tumblr photos and live out her farm girl Dani persona for a few months before she moves onto the next thing.

She would be doing her European summer right now but Em beat her too it so she has nobody to palm Beans off to.
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So we’re not an iNfLeNzA anymore but we don’t pay for holidays or getting our hair done anymore ffs….🙄🙄
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I don’t usually post on this site however I can’t help but notice Dani takes herself on all these outdoor dates to get coffee or go for a walk etc and NEVER takes beans... that poor pug is always stuck in that little flat.

her most recent story showed her taking herself on a walk and having a picnic and beans was clearly not there. It’s the perfect opportunity, why would you not want to include your pup. She really gives me the impression she doesn’t give a flying fuck about that dog and uses her purely as a trendy item to have

I mean not long ago, when she posted her video about aus and how she wanted to move (sorry for being vague I don’t remember the video clearly as I no longer watch her) she mentioned how she had 0 commitments tying her to a place and I actually commented “does beans not count as a commitment” or something along those lines. I mean she just drives me up the wall with how she treats that poor dog.
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New life eh?!

Also she’s a different type of strange; who brings over appliances like kettles etc. that have different outlets, when you can easily just buy them here
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Chatty Member
Probably her biggest drama I remember was falling out with her best friend Maddie, then Maddies little sister posting all sorts of receipts about how awful Dani is. Maddie then went to a festival an uploaded a selfie with some blue & green eyeshadow (she’s actually a beautician and very good at makeup), next minute Dani uploads a video tutorial for the exact same look!!!!! Copying her ex bestie lol

she also flew to NZ to stay with Shaanxo and then completely ripped off her eyeshadow business

there was the time she was sent a PR package with another guru’s new pallette, and did a tutorial with it on YouTube before the guru had had a chance to show it themselves (can’t remember who it was)

also when she did a day in my life vlog and admitted that she leaves beans in the tiny bathroom with no light from 8pm-8am.

If you want a trip down memory lane check out guru gossip, it has all her past scandals

Is she really 5’8?! She always looks so tiny to me… probably another of her lies 😂
She’s said she’s 5’7 before and also said she’s 5’11 so who knows
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She started following a bunch of sobriety accounts. I always wondered if she had a drinking problem because booze was such a big part of her "personality" (remember her tipsy videos? I mean come on)
I am glad she is trying to get a grip on that - alcohol is soooo bad for your mood and seriously amplifies depression/depressive episodes. She should seek professional help tho because we all know how disciplined when it comes to "getting healthy".
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Well-known member
I bet it's all a lead up to announcing Beans will be staying in the UK with her Aunty
You know its probably in the dogs best interest. It breaks my heart when dogs are put in the carriage of the plane for 13 hpurs on their own. How distressing. And being a brachial (i think thats the word) it w9uld be lucky to survive the trip.
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Highly edited profile picture lol … she would look like a clown in real life. She can never just put herself in front of a camera without turning to the side, facetuning the crap out of her face or hiding half her face with her hair. Remember when she said she wasn’t going to do that anymore? hahaha.

If she hates her nose that badly that she has to facetune it straight in every front-on picture, get it fixed. She’s done everything else imaginable to alter her appearance.

Whenever anyone else does a hair change like that… cool. When Dani does something like that…. she just looks like she’s going through a mental crisis.

For someone out of work, crying that she has no money to get her beloved pet back to Australia, she sure is still spending!
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Active member

1. Nice placement of the #gift tag
2. Why would anyone continue to send her stuff? Her followers are dropping like flies
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What is Lauren Curtis doing? I gave up watching her
She basically lives on a farm growing her own crops 😂 lol the crazy plant lady out in the bush. Dani will just be the "crazy lady" as she gets older, no other sense of identity.

Everything she says contradicts what she's actually going to do. She'll be emailing Jo Malone and Whitefox boutique her new address as soon as she moves. There's no way she would ever leave life as an influencer and there's no way she would ever be able to live alone. She can't last a few weeks on her own without deciding to move countries.

She spent the entire video going on about how she doesn't like drama, doesn't want to get involved, doesn't want to hurt anyone by calling people out. But at the same time giving hints the entire video of how much of a victim she is and how every person in her life has treated her so badly and all the people she could expose. She's never going to explain because she knows she's always done something to stuff things up herself and doesn't want to admit it.
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She is soooooo desperate to go viral for something in life lol.

There are already so many embroidered sweater businesses all over tiktok doing the mental health quote sweaters. She even copied the video of one that's in the top of the search results with the whole pink neon sign thing.

Can't believe her parents are letting her take over their beach house like a big vegetable and spend huge amounts of money starting another business which already looks like a big flop... she's only had 40 views on her tiktok video lol. And not long ago she was crying about spending money on getting her dog back to Australia to the point where her followers were offering to send her money. Love her priorities.

Four elevens lol lol lol. At least get the name right girl.
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VIP Member
I sound like a broken record but for real what does she do with her life? Wakes up and…? She has no job (that we know of) isn’t active on social media. So your life consists of what exactly? Taking photos, walking your latest victim dog, doing some art, eating food that no doubt her mum cooks, bet her mum does her laundry as well. Is she not worried about the long term? Everyone needs a career. Or even on the most basic level what about the need to feel fulfilled or having a sense of purpose?
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