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I personally think this is so sad 😞. I know its self-inflicted but it's also shocking what drugs do. Its disturbingly shocking , her face the way she speaks now. God love her , I think she will be found dead somewhere. At the end of the day she's someone's daughter/mother. Shocking
I used to feel like this too, I guess it’s human nature to feel sorry for someone who has so obviously wrecked themselves in every way. But if ever anyone was given chance after chance to turn their life around and still blew it every time, it’s her.
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None of her claimed TV, film, Netflix work or her one woman West End show happened.

Her marriage to convicted drug dealer David Kelly of Bootle didn't happen. Having split up 4 times she is now back together with him again.

Her mysterious multi millionaire Turkish businessman was a figment of her imagination.

She got tattoos in tribute to David the drug dealer and Chad the Daddy - a permanent reminder of her utter stupidity. Chad the Daddy has fled to Portugal apparently owing Polo £78,000 (Polo owes a catfished pensioner £80,000 so karma).

This year she has flitted between Portugal, Spain, UK, Turkey and the USA with the cheapest flights possible and staying at accommodation provided by Chad the Daddy, nice but dim Rosie and Slimy Rhymi.

Her much anticipated facial reconstruction surgery turned out to be a mere thread lift, fat transfer, Botox and fillers. Having been butchered in Turkey where they operated without anaesthetic and slapped her on the operating table she ended up looking like Marilyn Monroe (the decomposing corpse not the star). Having vowed never to go back to Turkey for surgery she promptly went back to get bigger comedy breasts.

Her job with Social Icon appears to have been another figment of her imagination. However her new comedy breasts meant she was on demand on Only Grams where for a 50% discount, 66% discount, Free for a month you could see her fingering her fruit corner to her hearts content - sadly nobody took up her free offer. So successful was her free offer she decided to flog a set of photos of her backside in the air with closeups of her arsehole and designer vagina for a mere £50 - she couldn't give away free photos so nobody is going to part with £50.

Polo is back to publishing highly filtered photos and posting details of her busy A-lister celebrity lifestyle to her adoring and deluded fans - so busy is she that she is alone in a hotel room in Harlow fingering her fruit corner in the hope some punter will part with some cash.

3 weeks ago she was moving to either a flat, apartment or house but instead she has stayed at 3 cheap hotels - she was supposedly moving to her new home Wednesday but is apparently still in her sticky hotel room.

Can't keep up with the people she has fallen out with - Big Amy has seen sense and kicked Polo out of her sons bed.

For 3 months the media have ignored her - no media coverage no steady trickle of tabloid cash.

The thread title is perfection:-

No job, no nose, no fam, no besties - what will become of Necrotic Westie?

What will 2024 bring - she claims she is going to get married to David, go back to Turkey for even bigger comedy breasts and publish her book.

First rule of Polo - never believe anything she says.
I enjoyed the year round up, eloquently put and funny. 2024 is only going to get worse for Danniella, she will spend Xmas Day no doubt freeloading off someone who's felt pity on her and her New Year prediction post that she will upload to all and sundry will be just that


Because shes going no where fast

Merry Christmas Tattlers, may you all have a happy and healthy 2024.

This message was posted by Error404's Social Media Team ✌
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No, no, no dear Spindle - the truth according to Polo was that her botched dental implants caused septicemia that caused the necrotic hole. Then the nasty septicemia morphed into osteoporosis, but only where the necrotic hole appeared and caused her nose to collapse and gradually slide into the void. Nothing whatsoever to do with the copious amounts of cocaine she spent her £200,000 Big Brother on.
“I was heavily groomed and given alcohol from when I was eight years old. I was given my first line of coke, actually I told people in the press I was given drugs in clubs when I was fourteen. I wasn’t. I was given drugs a lot younger and other sorts of drugs as well to suppress me whilst these things were happening to us.”

She says that she was given drugs to "suppress" her by her abusers. Never heard of anyone being subdued by cocaine, surely people with bad intentions would want to sedate and relax their victims and give them something like rohypnol or benzodiazepines. Not cocaine.
And here is the problem. Whatever the truth was has been so embellished and she tells so many lies and fabrications to flog stories to the media that what originally happened is buried under a mountain of bullshit so nobody ends up believing her.
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I've always felt the same about Westcrack as I do about Corey Feldman. Almost certainly abused at some point but then became, either willingly or unwillingly, a procurer of other kids for their abusers. Just a vibe I always had.
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Ohh I have some tea... someone I use to know was a party boy and very good friends with her. He use to say she would lie all the time, making up stories about opening up clubs/pubs. She even stole a load of his d**gs once...😆
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Fancy being so alone that you have to go to a pub, park yourself by the door to monitor who is coming in and out - to work out who is most probably going to be up for the ‘latch on’ for drinks etc - she really is at her most desperate
It has been well documented by many of the contributors here how she latches onto holidaymakers, usually hen or stag groups. She then uses a divide and rule tactic where she insults one member of the group and tries to make the others laugh and mock them (so they don't laugh and mock her). Some of the earliest examples was swapping selfies for drinks in Spain. She tries to ponce free fags, drinks, food, drugs - a snog and grope - sex.

She is never enjoying a night out with her friends on holiday as she is often alone and by herself - so she is always trying to gatecrash other peoples holidays and she has learned that this tactic has worked time and time again - although she is now often mocked on social media by those whose holiday she has intruded upon often reporting she is drunk or as a high as a kite. And I doubt only the extremely drunk or drugged or mentally incapacitated would take up her offer of free sex. She always goes for young and socially immature as she can manipulate them more than someone of her own age who would just tell her to fuck off.

She is jobless, homeless and penniless poncing freebies from strangers based on her being a 'celebrity' - a 'famous' actress.

If you let Polo into your life she will suck you dry and drop you like a stone when you can no longer provide for her.

If I ever get around to doing a detailed Wicki on Polo I will have to gather all the examples of her poncing from holidaymakers as a permanent record of this repetitive behaviour.
I bet she goes outside the pub picking dimps up :sick:
More than likely in the back alley behind the pub giving gum jobs for £5 to some drunk.
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