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Chatty Member
1. Dan Jones - we have got your back. Always.
2. The only person this will hurt is Dan Wheeler
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Chatty Member
Was thinking the exact same thing is that camera on the roof πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I'm sure I heard the whurrr of a droneπŸ˜‚

Kaz the Empath, oh empath this you silly woman and fuck off with your faux pity when you sit at the side of and enable the most destructive, narcissistic man I’ve ever come across.
I think she's got the words "empath" and "enabler" mixed up... Which is weird coz she's normally so good with words...not to mention her faultless spelling and grammar etc
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I dont tend to write much on here, i do have a number, but i cant let this latest episode go. What he has done here against DJ is unforgivable, and to attack people like Emma and DJ in this way is criminal and something really needs to be done. How can people around him let him broadcast that yesterday, he should have been stopped. As for Steve gathering the evidence by noticing a pattern in texts etc goes beyond belief, he is delusional, they both are. I couldnt watch all of the video as it causes such anxiety but the bits i have watched proves this guy is on the edge and needs professional help, how can those close by continue to ignore this behaviour πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
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I think last night was a huge mistake. He was high. He flipped out about losing Nathan, he had this weird collection from ratty Rowland sat in front of him. Kaz or Sean wasn't around an he thought fuck it I'm going live and I'm.gonna be a twat try cause a shit storm and play the victim.

He's woken up to the aftermath, shit himself realised he's playing it very close to breaking some laws an thought right let's backtrack into making into a go live with me or I'll press this "button" he apparently as.

I lost count on how many olive branches he must have in his garden too.

Daniel Son, wind your fucking neck in and Ratty Rowland give it up. You've failed at figuring who's who out and sent your buddy's brain into meltdown. That's you who's caused this wanting to feel important you nasty nasty troll.
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Whilst we have a lull in Wheelie Bin acting out behaviour...

When he thought he was onto a winner with Martine (shame that didn't work out for you Danny boy 😘), I searched on FB to see if he was posting on any other press articles the same as HullLive, & came across these from his past.

They have been briefly mentioned on previous threads -

1st, I'll call her Lady A. Possibly his first, or at least a very early, victim of being a 'project' that was announced with much fanfare & "I'm changing the world" type nonsense.

This was still under LifeChangingFitness, but he did use her early testimonial/video recommendation at the beginning of 8020. I might be wrong, but I think this was without her permission as their split was far from amicable.

She started with him 1st Aug 2016 & the last I can see posted was mid Sept which was week 7.

I can't remember the details, but I can only imagine he did his standard trick of letting her down & failing to deliver on promises made. I do know that bullying from him was involved & his huns also piled on the stress when the project failed, to the extent that the lady developed an eating disorder, gained a lot of weight & eventually had a gastric sleeve done. "Worst year of my life" was quoted from her at one point.

I'm happy to say that after a quick nosey at her FB profile, photos from last year show her looking very well & extremely happy, & I think celebrating the arrival of a baby! ❀

If anyone can, please feel free to correct anything I've got wrong or add to the info on both of these 😊

2nd the 365project ladies, his first post explains all, "changing the world & blowing the whole industry up...", again! πŸ™„

Appears this one lasted around 6 weeks before it all fell apart, started 1st Sept 2017 & last post found 9th Oct 2017. Some of the ladies were toxic apparently, nothing to do with him obviously! πŸ˜‡ this is the one where he got them all to run into the water on the first day together, bizarre?! 😳
Great work! He truly is the "gift" that keeps on giving... well not any more, so long as we have anything to say!

And yeah those ladies, so toxic after just a few weeks despite his rigorous 3 month vetting process! What a maniac. Not a single one of his endless harebrained schemes followed through to completion. Not one, in all these years!
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Can’t wait to see how your going to stand by Dan after this?

Does he not realise it’s not about DJ? Showing whatever evidence he has on DJ isn’t going to clear his own name. I just don’t understand what he’s thinking.

Also just a thought, He deffo didn’t have covid, that was the cover up for the fact he’s spent all week desperately trying to get all this β€˜evidence’ together. Probably should have spent some of that time with a solicitor, one that is capable of sending letters on time πŸ˜‰ had you done that you’d have been told how what your doing is probably going to land you in trouble.
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Chatty Member
Ok my take on all this rubbish. First to all his friends he thanked etc just remember he was saying the exact same things about Dan Jones a few months ago, how he was amazing and more than a friend he was family, so just keep that in mind for when he turns on you!
Second he talk about trolls using fake accounts and saying how he thought they would be kids, now remember we also have proof of Steve Rowland and kaz using fake accounts to attack people, pot kettle and black!
Third he is using a CHILD who has issues with his dad, wheeler approached him to do the interview so of course the kid is going to dramatise everything to make it more exciting. There would a long list of people wheeler has pissed off that would happily do interviews about him, would they be a fair and honest account, I don't think so. One example if wheelers ex wife came out and told her side of the story I'm sure it wouldn't paint him in a great light, that is exactly what he is doing by approaching a kid he knows has beef with his dad.
Fourth, him playing clips of an interview, isn't that what people do on TT with clips of videos he has done, yet he says doing that takes things out of context!
Fifth, there is no gang, there is no leaders, people post comments on here and that is it, we don't talk to each other elsewhere, we don't hatch and plan, it's not a bloody schoolyard!
Sixth, he seemed to get excited about the malicious communication stuff, he needs to go back and look at what he has done to people, Emma being the top of that list. That is the prime example of malicious communication!
Seventh, he says he is marmite you love him or hate him, and if you don't like marmite then ignore him, is that what he did to slimming world? The guy with cancer? Other coaches he doesn't like? He loves ranting on about others but apparently people can't do the same about him.
And finally his step daughter, saying she's 16 doesn't make it any better! I have an amazing relationship with my niece we talk about everything, but there is a way to say things to younger people and what he said is not it!

So I won't be watching, and no matter what comes out this week you know it's going to be twisted to suit wheeler because that's what he does. He seems to think whatever it is will turn us against Dan Jones, but this was never about Dan Jones, it's about wheeler. Dan Jones gets on with his journey doing his own thing and that has nothing to do with the rubbish wheeler does on a daily basis. So I don't why he is trying to link the two other than he is hoping it deflects from the vile things he has done. Good luck wheeler, you will need it if you think this will rescue your business
πŸ™Œ well said - exactly - this was never about Dan Jones - he is just one tiny piece of this. None of this will stop Tattle - this has, if anything, increased members here!

What I can't get over is using his son. If my son did something like this I would be furious - not with him, or whatever he would say, I would be furious that a much older adult approached my child, manipulated him and filmed him saying something that that adult knows full well the child will regret, when they are older. Whatever he says on camera, he is now going to have to stand by. DW won't care in years to come, but this will cause a rift in a family that will last forever because it has been taped. Any parent will know how hard it is parenting this generation because of the internet. I am constantly panicing that one of my children will write something or film something on the internet that they will live to regret, for a grown man to encourage a young boy to do this (regardless of what he says) is sick.
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VIP Member
Oh dear Rowland. You really are digging a massive hole arent you?!

Besides sitting beind 212 tattle accounts do you really think DJ is also responsible for VERIFIED reviews?

Give it up fella. Youre as deluded as that boss of yours.
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What is it with his camp always using the 'it didn't happen to you' as some excuse as to why you should keep your mouth shut? Running man did it too.
... Who strangely enough has gone radio silent after kissing Wheelers ass.

Sully really ought to be careful. When this all goes tits up, she will be the one with egg on her face.
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I'll be honest, I was expecting to see that all evidence of yesterday to be wiped out of existence & no further mention of it made.

But, alas, no. Even worse, twatface has just taken great delight in his live saying how much he's looking forward to 7pm tonight when he'll be showing 'evidence' against DJ, including full interview with his son & finally taking DJ 'down'...

It's like the malicious communications act doesn't apply to him! 🀯

Does it have to be the person this bile is directed at that can report it? Can you report on behalf of someone else?? Off to investigate...🧐
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I missed all of this going down but I don't often understand what goes through chinnys head and I'm even more confused now.

The vast majority of people here were here when DJ was still with chinny. I don't understand what the narrative in his head has been.

He spends 99.9% of his time worried about us and how it affects his public image but in doing that he's self destructing. If he spent the time and energy he spends fighting back the 'trolls' on his paying customers and his business then we'd have nothing to say.

The 'trolls' won't go away with you exposing one person, they will go away when you either stop scamming people or put some actual effort and care into your business and the people you're meant to be helping.

Imagine going to a sw meeting and spending the full time going through comments made online and making accusations, they would have no customers. I don't like slimming world but at least you somewhat get what you paid for.
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Does he really think people have got the time or inclination to sit and listen to him waffle on for an hour every night for five nights just to get to the point? I’ve done all my reporting so im off guys, not giving this man any more of my energy or my time today, he’s just not worth it. There are people fleeing for their lives right now as he sits there in his lounge trying to be important and relevant, dude, you’re not.
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Gem of the day!
A quick chat about empathy, love, and caring. From the 8020 Foundation Course in Beautifulness Module 1
He (and turnips) threaten people
Harass people
Take 100s of Β£s off people
Offer to fight people
Broadcast that he hoped to see someone maimed
Thinks nothing of sexually inappropriate conversations with kids



All you sad, uneducated couch dwellers, stop picking on Danny! It's you lot that are in the wrong! You're just projecting your shit onto him and that's making him do all that stuff, and make threats, and call you c*nts and, and, and, wait...

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Chatty Member
Thank goodness for that, thought I'd stuffed up my 1st attempt! 😭🀠
Well done @IfTheCapFits πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Š
If it's true that Kaz was groomed from the age of 16, then she more than anyone, should have been disgusted and horrified at Wheeler's behaviour towards Grace!
Is Wheeler still off camera? Maybe it's because he saw yesterday that we all know he's put shit loads of weight on and is looking like a bag of shite and doesn't want all his fan girls and boys to see him looking so bloated and unhealthy...? πŸ€”πŸ˜‚πŸ€”
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Velvet Veil

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Coincidentally, Rowlands fake TT stopped replying to me on TT just around the time his leader phoned him. I did wonder where he’d gone πŸ˜…
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It makes me laugh that DW is so engrossed on his own alpha male mentality he actually thinks this group has to be led. I seem to have missed the vote where we changed leader from @ashdlol to DJ πŸ€”. Welcome to the world of a democracy DW, we are all free thinkers here aiming to air our shared grievance.
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You can’t make this level of stupid up. They honestly think we are all Dan Jones πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. When did we stop being 7 trolly cunts and become Dan Jones? Are we like a gestalt? Have we all become one being?
Jesus DJ must be bloody shattered; fair play to the dude changing accounts on tattles 203 times a day! πŸ™ˆ
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Chatty Member
Hasn't Whanker realised that getting one TT account deleted is like using masking tape to fix a dam that's cracking open? He's too late - everyone knows now, he can't stop the momentum.

And, more importantly - he can't do anything about HERE!!
It's like "whack-a-mole" - for every account that gets banned another one pops up! I came across another 2 accounts yesterday that only started spreading the truth about Wheeler and 8020 within the past week or soπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
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