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If I was looking to sign up to a weight loss 'guru 😳' and stumbled upon THAT shit show, what on gods earth would make me want to sign up to his page?
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... Who strangely enough has gone radio silent after kissing Wheelers ass.

Sully really ought to be careful. When this all goes tits up, she will be the one with egg on her face.
I wonder if he realized supporting someone who advocates 15 yo girls performing sex acts on 55 yo men isn't such a great look?

Nah, he doesn't seem that bright.

Video enhanced

Volume is up
Complete clip, then some slowing down to truly appreciate what was said, and then a suitable ending for the superman Putin fanboy

Thanks for the enhancements, tbh I briefly skimmed this the first time and didn't even realize. Wow, what a total piece of shit (and hypocrite!) he is.

Disgusting, pathetic, and hateful as I find Wheeler I don't wish him harm. In fact, I wish he'd get actual help for his issues (not just Dr. Google). I do want him to stop harming others, and I think this group has gone a very long way toward that objective.
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Reported on YT and FB, for all the good that will do.

But won’t be watching, its just him sighing and stroking his chin pretending to be considering his "position" when we all know its because he woke up, sobered up and realised what a dick he'd been...and doesn't know how to get out of it!
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I aint buying it. All too convenient if you ask me...

It could well be true, but remember the story of the boy who cried wolf too many times?!
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I am told that that all 3 of them have managed to make the morning Scamademy live this morning, despite being on deaths door yesterday and only being hopeful of turning up today.

Nothing to do with the live at 11am with Nathan today and him needing his ever faithful Hunions on board.

He's got to get them all clicking like and make it look like he's actually got a following hasn't he?

So transparent 🙄
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So today the 'Big C' had determined he's too ill for his members and he cancels the Academy live again.

Despite 'hoping' to be back tomorrow,hes decided he can make a miraculous recovery and be well enough to attend a live with Nathan as theres an opportunity to gain some extra followers.

So predictable.

(thanks to 👀👀 who is actually livid at this!)

Oh and Wheeler, you DO have the Big C, but the C you have isnt covid and happens to rhyme with blunt...

How on earth the paying members dont see this is beyond me.

Oh and Rowland, I know you read here and tell him everything so can you tell him its actually BEAR with please. Cheers! 😘


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Love his recent head-banging TT saying “we’re just about to open the doors to the next intake of 80/20”
Errrrrrr……when did it ever close?
I thought he was capping it at 500 and then 1000 because the little flower couldn’t cope with 2000.
Yet here we are 3 months into the New Year scraping by at 200.
“Opening the doors” by arse.
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Looking at his TT page heappears to be a recovering addict trying to make a better life for himself, 113k followers. It's going to be a 2 hour special on addiction and trolls by the sounds of it... can't wait. Maybe he needs a little heads up.
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Fatt Dan bingeing on a whole packet of biscuits? But I thought wonderful you had cured him of his binge eating and saved his life? I thought he hadn’t binged once since he met you? Now that he knows how to ‘process his trauma’ surely a little worm like you wouldn’t have him running for the biscuit tin? Absolute dickhead!
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Surely he is not talking about us here? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The ultimate troll revenge could be:

1. Figuring out the difference in the phrases "bare with me" and "bear with me" and then admitting your mistake
2. Sticking to your next great pink-coloured schedule for more than a few days
3. Getting a recognised qualification in something that you claim you are an expert in
4. Having a breakfast show that actually delivered something of value rather than a few turnips feeding your ego for hours on end
5. Getting a thousand satisfied customers by the end of April (customers that received what they were promised and bought into)

* the current likelihood of any of these options occurring is indistinguishable from zero.

Failing this you could just make the drives of East Sussex the most sparkly in the whole of England. You could even make some TikToks about it: Wash with Wheeler (try to keep the smut level to a minimum though). The pun and joke opportunities for this venture are near endless. Your drive is "Wheely clean", "I used to be addicted to soap, but I’m clean now", ...
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Active member
Mate. Dude.

You're nor really happy though are you?
Come on dude.
Mate THINK how much happier.

You have emoshunal eating and binging. Or you wouldn't be fat.

The moment you sign up to the plan famalam then we can report your happiness and sex life. You'll never be over your trauma unless you're wheelered.

We (royal) can help with any and all conditions

Invest in yourself. Invest in me.

Welcome to the fam.

A lam
Hey Dude - I feel like your projection of your own self inflicted trauma brought about by acute narcissistic personality disorder, drug abuse and generic hypocrite disorder makes me think that maybe my life is much better and that maybe, just maybe, you need to lose a bit of timber yourself. Get up from your armchair, get a job, make some money, contribute to society and stop abusing your girlfriend and her young daughter... Or if you want a short cut... because we know how lazy you are ... just go fuck yourself! ;-) Dude!
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Jeez honestly so yesterday backfired and now he's pretending to have a moral struggle about revealing the rest. He's being vague enough about the info he has for people to fill in the gaps with their own imagination, it's so dangerous.

So if DJ is the ringleader how come my verified review appeared whilst he was still being coached by Chief Dipshit!

I literally have no words to describe a new tattle thread so here's my suggestion

Dan Wheeler 😬🤨🤔😡😧🤯🤥😖
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We have to talk about the cringe! I started to watch it this morning and kept fast forwarding! His interview with DJs son is just heartbreaking! This is not 'news' (sorry in advance dj) this is a young lad who was asked to pay his way and threw his toys out of the pram. I mean come on Wheeler when you need young boys to fight your battles, you have callouses on your hands from clutching the straws so tight. These videos are in fact becoming worse and worse. The cringe is off the scale. Wheeler gives me the ick so bad! People are literally only tuning in for the shit show now - but its not hitting his business numbers positively - sadly its not even affecting his viewing figures!
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Long time lurker (been around silently scrolling, and judging The Wheel Grim Shady since thread number 5 😂) You all make me snort laugh so figured it was time to join the ranks.

I’d better have a number (if you’ll have me!) I’m not sure how I managed to get booted off after week 4, but one month they refunded my payment out of nowhere, I got a cancellation email, I asked about it in the academy and then got kicked out 😂😂😂 I wasn’t even trying to cancel at this point but I’m not complaining.

Gained nearly half a stone on my 2340 calories and lost a mm off my right middle fingernail.
Welcome! 😃 @DansBarmyArmy will give you the official welcome but I do believe you’re No 191… I’m 171 and only been here a month or so, so we’ve gained 20 members- a lot more than that shyster has…! 👍🏼
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I popped into his live this morning, for all of about 15 seconds, lit-er-ally couldn't stomach any longer as he was making me feel ill.

His gurning face, trying to convey empathy & caring, whilst talking about an influencer (some woman who's the niece of his best/good friend, she went from a few thousand followers to 2mil - or something - during lockdown, talking about MH) dealing with trolls.

You've all summed it up better than me in the past few posts, but the level of delusion was really something to see...

Last chance saloon is racing at him from over the horizon & he fucking knows there's nothing, absolutely NOTHING that he can do about it!

It's been widely publicised that companies that received any covid funding & are now applying to close the company, are being looked at. His strike off request for DW Ltd has been suspended, this is due to either someone he owes money to filing an objection or it's one of the applications picked up by HMRC due to covid funding. Is that you Danny boy? Did your 'clever' accountant give you duff advice?? Or perhaps your devious mind thought you'd get away with it??? Whatever has stopped it, not looking good is it Danny boy....squeaky bum time Dude!
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