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Welcome newbies. I cannot believe we have more people than he does in his academy.

Not bad for a bunch of TC's 🤣🤣
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Chatty Member
202 ………….
And we still have eyes in the room

He must cry himself to sleep every night knowing that he used to have 2,000+ members. Wonder if he is still kidding himself that he’ll have 1,000 by April 😅🤣🤣🤣

There’s only so long Kaz can surely go along with it, backing him up when he talks about X amount of places left etc before she says ‘dude we aren’t getting the sign ups, we need to cut our losses’. Sadly, I think she’s in so deep she’s just going to keep plunging money into this until there’s nothing left.

9 weeks into 2022, no big level of sign ups, people leaving just as quickly as joining, Kaz can’t work for free for ever, Sean surely will need more security in a job with having kids (sick pay, holiday pay, pension etc), the end is in sight.
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Rod J

Active member
" All this beautifulness....." A lively clip from today's show discusses trolls and all the " beautifulness" the plan has created.

Some comments are added, so hopefully it is not so frustrating to watch.

  1. 25 pound a month is to much money ? NO 900 pound for 16 weeks is to much money
  2. There the friend of someone who gave up, there the friend of someone who didn't prioritise themselves ? NO a trainer who gives up on client twice with excuse after excuse is someone who didn't prioritise themselves.
  3. Blame it on me because that's the easy thing to do ? Yes 100% see points above
  4. Changing peoples life making them happy and healthier? Yes LCF did that for me through my trainer DF
  5. Trolls ? No, trolls aren't people who tell the truth.
If you have 1000 and 1000 of happy people who enjoyed and liked the plan, why are you concentrating and spending so much energy on the people who are telling the truth (in DW head its slander).
If these one or two people didn't enjoy themselves why try and prove your innocence's why wouldn't you just scroll on by and not give them the light of day. The innocent would let it slide the guilty will defend themselves.
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VIP Member
How many influencers or people who have a significant social media presence have trolls? ALL OF THEM. How many of them lose businesses or livelihoods over it? NONE OF THEM!!! Because trolls are nasty, vindictive people who tells lies and take a dislike to someone for no decent reason. Trolls aren’t affecting your business Dan, truth tellers are. There’s evidence to back up every single claim. Trolls aren’t affecting your MH Dan, having to face your shortcomings, underhand activities and your drug addiction are!
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Also while I’m on one (can you tell I’ve just watched ydays video 😂)

I think he thinks that the TT account we all loved that has now gone was DJ
At this point he'll be claiming Emma is DJ, and just using some incredible filter and voice changer on her TT videos 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️
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Well hello. I’m brand new. I was about to sign up to the 8020 plan this week but then I googled the owner

I think I’m really glad I googled 😬
Well WE are glad you googled! Our mission is to prevent others from being scammed.
Welcome to our amazing clan.... if you read the wiki at the top of the page it will put you in the picture 😊
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Just clicked into the FB live, all 7 viewers must have been having a whale of a time listening to kaz cackling. I did spot this in the comments though!!
Ah, explains why he was shouting about trolls when I just popped on. "Slandering, defaming & trying to ruin my reputation when all they do is concentrate on negativity when I've got thousands of people losing weight, feeling happier, earning more money at work (eh?! 🤔🤣) blah, blah...." Kaz pipes up about hundreds of positive & happy ppl doing the plan on TT 🤔

Then she says let's go to an advert, & just turns the device around to see the laptop showing the ad, all in reverse on TT! 🤦‍♀️ so professional! 🤡🥸🤪🤣

11 ppl watching that 💩show
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I have sat back reading everything i can and i notice a change in his behaviour and that is he is getting really desperate to get ANY number onto his plan even if it is only 1 person and that means telling people he can help ANYBODY and ANY CONDITION including eating disorders , he can't deny saying it because its all online. That in itself is just terrible because even a specialist can't claim to stop anyone binging or fix their eating disorder .

I often think why has he been allowed to continue this cycle of conning people ,abandoning projects after a few weeks blaming the other party at every opportunity, bullying and harrassing people then throws the mental health card at them , opening businesses in different names and incorrect addresses not being changed, false accounting , the list goes on and i think i know why .
I honestly feel he is now a deer in the head lights with no where left to run because the spotlight is firmly on him and all these messages that have been posted between him and former clients is evidence to even his biggest supporters (of which i was one of them i'm ashamed to say and i just don't know how )that he is dangerous ,a conman, a liar, a fraud ,rude ,arrogant, a delusional idiot oh i could go on but you all know what he is .
The one thing that crossed my mind and i'm sorry i don't know anything about businesses or self employment but come April when this tax year ends isn't that when the shit will hit the fan for his business and accounts?
I was nodding my head along through everything you have written. Thank you social media for allowing this all to be captured and seen by others. Most definitely TCQH has helped enormously in collating the astounding backlog of evidence here and preventing sign ups. I can’t say anything else you haven’t already said here.

The HMRC and his accounts are the big one I am waiting for though, I pray nightly to the Gods that he and his business accounts have been flagged to the right authorities and he will have his books gone through with a fine tooth comb 🙏🏻
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Why does he continue to think the Dan Jones is somehow behind all of this? No one person is. We are ex members who found out moral compass and didn't like wheelers behaviour and actions. We were bullied by him and threatened. This was way before Dan Jones parted company with him, so why on earth does he think Dan Jones has anything to do with it?
I'm more than happy to provide my name (which by the way is also on my verified trustpilot review, so no it is not fake!)
He seems to have merged the issues we have with him with issues between him and Dan Jones when they are completely separate. He is blinding himself!
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VIP Member
#200 WELCOME!!!!

We now have MORE members as the academy
Wonderful. This day arrived sooner than I had expected!

Of course, there's the fact that many if not most of the accounts in the Scamcademy are not real paying members, while each and every one of ours is an actual individual. Nevermind the fact he is too delusional to understand this.
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Active member
Hahaha oh silly boy.

That was an exceptionally transparent attempt at a faux emotional tussle with your conscience.

Staged tears tomorrow night maybe? Don't forget your trusty eye drops.

Do better Wheelie Bin, do better.
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