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Hey gang! 👋🏼
New to these threads… followed a lot of the drama on TT but there’s so much more here 😯
DW loves to bang them nails in his own coffin.. 😬
I’ve read most of wiki and some from some of the threads.. I’m not gonna say I’m shocked coz there’s very low levels DW ain’t afraid to stoop to!
I used to follow him and was tempted to join but then saw him slating Dan jones, (who I have followed a lot longer) and decided not to (thank the lord coz what a waste of money that would have been 🤣)

anyway, just wanted to say hi 👋🏼
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He really is just throwing shit to see if any if it sticks.

DJ was late to the tattle party and if Wheeler really believes we are all one of the same person then he's even more deluded than we think. Lets not forget that he initially said this was the work of 6-7 trolls simultaneously logging in and out of accounts to slander him.

I think the Nathan thing tipped him over the edge. Whether it was anything to do with DJ or not, he's chosen to point all his frustration in DJs direction as he is clutching at straws.

He openly said it was Sleuth Steve who had been collating all the info for him. I hate to break it to you babes, but you are WAY off. Even DW knows hes only playing a guessing game as he even said the police won't be able to do anything as its not concrete. So hes assuning its DJ and is prepared to throw him under a bus on the basis that it ''might'' be DJ

Rowland... I don't care how many times he declares his undying love for you, hes NOT your mate. You are useful at the moment but as soon as you are surplus to requirements he will do the same to you. Have you forgotten about all those arguments in your quest for acceptance?

Using someone's child as a way to get to them is low, real fucking low, not to mention pretty sad.

As is paying for guests on a bullshit breakfast show. Just saying.
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Yesterday was World Obesity Day, yesterday Alison Hammond had a breakdown on live tv over her weight and the issues it’s caused her, yesterday Wheelie Bin and Chief Turnip discussed his first erection, talked to the dog, chatted about boring irrelevant shit for two hours while having multiple technical issues that were “triggering” and asked everyone to “bare with me” approx 2039 times. Talk about being utterly clueless and living in your own little bubble of ignorance.
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Can I have a number please?

" How did we get here"

Oh you silly little boy! -

Is this your pathetic " made for TV" drama ? A grown man milking a bad situation for all it is worth. A shameless attempt at getting a few followers.

This is a complete set up, any comments going up that challenge your bullshit are being deleted, and let us not forget your famous rant about wanting someone maimed in a car crash, and then you have the cheek to sit on the settee acting like you think things through and are caring ?

You are going to do F All. We all know why as your reputation, background, and a plethora of evidence would not get you taken seriously by anyone in authority. Even a solicitor would only take your money for the introductory hour before declining to help you.

Let me call you out on this one "all the time it was just the women...... now it's a man" . What you have told us is you don't mind women complaining but you get the old ego out when a man makes you look like the jerk we all know you are.

I have just heard some self-indulgent rambling crap about your legacy. You have not got a legacy, other than that of failed diet plan seller who can't pay HMRC .

Am I really watching someone taking kind supporting comments and putting them up on the screen so we can all wallow in this ego-fest of stupidity?

Dan, off you trot to the police, who will be too busy to indulge your little ego show, and once they find out you turned the whole thing into an attention-seeking broadcast, they and the CPS will drop you very quickly, having already worked out what you are really about.
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DJ - he seems to think that whatever he has to say would be enough to make us turn against you.

There is nothing he can say that will make me think bad of you. We have all said and done things we have later regretted where DW is concerned.

Even if he did say something that made me think twice, his actions today have completely fucked it. Using Shane as a way to get to you is abhorrent and an all time low.

I stand beside you still.

Sending love to you Carla and the family x
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I didn't see any of it, but here's my take...

DJ could be a murderer, or a drug dealer, or a paedophile...anything. I hope you aren't mate, but "bear with me." He could be any manner of bad things. And that will be what it will be.

BUT it doesn't make Whanker the good guy.

What DJ, or Liam, or anyone else he wants to chat shit about now or in the future is or isn't or might be...actually doesn't fucking matter when it comes to Whanker. This forum, the whistle-blowers, the unhappy customers...all of it - is because DANIEL WHEELER IS A CON MAN, SCAM ARTIST AND A BAD PERSON and no matter what he has to say about anyone else, that fact will never change.
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I’ve tried reporting a problem to TT, I don’t know if it would make a difference if we all did that to change the decision on the FP ban. Please let me know if these are not ok to post, I know you have to be careful about talking about other platforms. FP has done such a great job at holding him to account 🙌👏View attachment 1088601View attachment 1088602
Worth having a go at least, might get it actually looked at by a human instead of 'computer says no'

There hasn't been anything controversial from FP of late & I can't think of many posts that got reported & removed permanently, nearly all were reinstated. Wonder why now? Can he have done anything extra to get removed permanently?

You do know we ain't going anywhere don't you Danny boy? That has actually penetrated even your thick skull by now? You do understand that if you didn't have all this shit in your PAST, we wouldn't be able to show it in the PRESENT? You know, like a gift that keeps on giving 🎁

The only way that we'll stop, is when you do.

Stop treating people like dirt.
Stop lying.
Stop scamming money for an outdated plan with no support.
Stop being a shit human being.
Stop being vile, arrogant & deceitful.
Stop deluding yourself that you're going to be rich & famous.
Stop committing fraud.

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Friday obviously tipped him over the edge, but i think this has been building for at least 4 months, if not longer. Paying £250 to his 'new best mate' Nathan to appear live & bin him off like that (as he later found out from The A Team) must have really hurt. Not like he's EVER hurt anyone like that or let anyone down though eh? I'm sure we could reach at least 100 instances, if we tried not very hard to remember some...

Never mind anything else going on, the financial position of the company is dire. I doubt that there's more than 100 paying customers, that's £2500 income per month. Remember this is company income, he can't just use that as his salary (well, he could, but that really would be bloody stupid!).

£2500 income max per month into the company, Sean (if earning) min wage on 20 hours p/w is £720 p/mth plus employers NI. He's likely to be taking £740 p/mth for himself, & would have topped up with a dividend (he's said this is what he was doing last summer), but, you can only take a dividend if the company is showing a profit after taxes that are due, which is highly unlikely at the moment. If you take a dividend when there's no profit, that's a huge can of worms opened - you'd have to pay the dividend back, if you can't, it gets very messy & tax would be due as it would be classed as a loan from the company. If accounts were filed showing illegal dividends, it would very likely trigger an HMRC investigation.

so, roughly £1000 left for all other company overheads, not many with his set up, but there should still be some. I doubt he's kept everything above board or even recorded transactions correctly, so the financials are in a mess, one way or another, guaranteed.

I think he's been hanging on since before xmas thinking there was going to be another influx of new customers, but if all you put out is crap content (& you can't even maintain that on a regular basis, broken promises littered everywhere), this is where you end up.

there's no hate campaign or a one man band trying to bring his downfall, just a group of nearly 200 people that's come together & brought his shit out into the light. And, boy, does he not like that!

Any new readers, just click the pink WIKI button at the top of the page to see some (it's not all of it!) of his past behaviour. It's shocking, honestly, you won't believe some of it, but it can ALL be documented & it's 100% truthful.

his live yesterday about DJ was truly horrendous & vile, but no great surprise as we know he's capable of anything, especially if drugged up. none of it was factual, just ramblings of a truly unhinged man who needs to seek professional help.

saying it was ok to bring DJ's son into this mess as we/DJ did the same with Grace, just shows how twisted his mind is! HE said something vile to Grace on a live & we highlighted it online & reported it to the relevant authorities. The fact she was 16 not 15 made no difference to what he'd said & HE was the one who involved her in his live, 'we' didn't bring her into anything.

i hope to god this shitshow ends asap as his behaviour is only going to escalate after the fall out from his 'revenge plan' & he needs to be stopped before he can harm anyone else.
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Hasn't Whanker realised that getting one TT account deleted is like using masking tape to fix a dam that's cracking open? He's too late - everyone knows now, he can't stop the momentum.

And, more importantly - he can't do anything about HERE!!
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Hi! Fellow ex-80/20 victim. Been seeing the TikTok’s and wanted to help get the numbers above their group lol
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How many influencers or people who have a significant social media presence have trolls? ALL OF THEM. How many of them lose businesses or livelihoods over it? NONE OF THEM!!! Because trolls are nasty, vindictive people who tells lies and take a dislike to someone for no decent reason. Trolls aren’t affecting your business Dan, truth tellers are. There’s evidence to back up every single claim. Trolls aren’t affecting your MH Dan, having to face your shortcomings, underhand activities and your drug addiction are!
I think it's quite telling that, from what I've seen, Whanker doesn't actually have many trolls. If he did, his engagement would be higher for a start 🤣🤣 Clearly he isn't popular enough to attract real trolls...that must really boil his pish.
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Surely he is not talking about us here? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thank you for sharing. I’ve passed that to the police - including Steve Rowlands comment about it being best served cold.
(And yes - the investigation is real and it’s still active. It’s with CiD)
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OMG what a day at TCHQ! 🎊🎉🍾

At this point, I have no idea even who I am?! 🤪

Who cares 🥳, more of us than in his academy 💪👌

Stuff that up your wotsit Whanker boy! 🖕💥🥳😘

#IamSpartacus 🗡
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What a complete pile of shite, yeah DJ come live at 7 if you really care about your family, threat or what!!! I need help with the algorithm 😂😂
I heard this comment and was shocked. If someone said this to me I would find it caused me harassment alarm and distress.

Each to their own, but I would not indulge this sick individual by appearing on any " show". This is nothing more than an attempt at exploitation to change the narrative and drive engagement. If it goes wrong and Lord Lunacy himself knows it could, by appearing on a " show" everyone ends up in a " he said, she said, then I said" situation which helps Captain Clown mask his bad behaviour.

Kaz, I have never mentioned your name in any post, unless your name is " turnip". You know this approach is wrong as I have watched you carefully avoid saying names when the Chief Gaslighter does. You sidestep some topics, as you are wise enough to know where all this can go. When your " boss" says " if you really care about your family" in order to coerce someone to come onto a live broadcast, and you don't stop him, you are complicit in 8020 crossing a line. Recording it all in the day but letting disturbed individuals talk garbage using pre-recorded material, does not excuse you from possible legal issues in the future. You think you have plausible deniability, I suggest you are an enabler.

It is funny to me that you believe everything seems to revolve around DJ when it clearly does not. It is very concerning that you Kaz are joining in with a man who has mental health issues ( his words not mine) to threaten a person in the public domain, though I am sure " I was not in the room" will really help you out there. A strong defence if ever there was one.

DW has lost the plot, but Kaz go and get some legal advice before sitting in that room with that clown again. He is a lead weight and sinking to the bottom, do you really want to go down with him?
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Well hello. I’m brand new. I was about to sign up to the 8020 plan this week but then I googled the owner

I think I’m really glad I googled 😬
Sorry, I missed this one...

Welcome to TCHQ #189 ❤

I am so glad you found us, you most definitely dodged a bullet there!

Pull up a chair, grab a cuppa and get comfy x which case the Pigeon would become a Phoenix! 😊
Yes!! Pidge, if you are reading, please create a Phoenix page! 👌
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SHIIIIIT!!! - it looks like Funky's account has been deleted 😭😡😭
Hopefully it's just temporary and will be back up soon.
Wheeler's camp are obviously feeling threatened with Funky's content so reported it, which is so weird coz Funky only repeats what Wheeler has already done or said!
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I honestly don't think I have it in me to give wheeler a second thought anymore. When is he going to be stopped? Its so frustrating
I don't think he ever will. He's so desperate for attention that even though he's basically freeloading off Sam and doesn't need the money aspect, he needs someone (anyone) to tell him he's something. And sadly, there will always be people, even if it's only a handful, who refuse to see the proof. Probably people just as desperate as him for attention. They kid themselves on that he's some big deal - despite the evidence against it - and flatter him. In return they're flattered that a "big deal" pays them attention. It's a pathetic little circle. Thankfully, the circle is shrinking all the time. So while it may never stop, at some point it'll just be him and Ratty, alone in a shed, jerking each other off with Whanker shouting " I'm the best in the world at what I do" and Ratty chanting "I've been Wheelered!"
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Look what just popped into my inbox !!!!!!!!!

Exciting offer ! Improved customer service! faster email response times!
........Hang on a sec - I need to go and change my Tena Lady :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Any suggestions to help me with a reply?
Im not sure that Fuck off Prick will cut it today !!

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