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Well-known member
I’m sorry to report that the Pigeon is dead. May he fly high despite the permanent ban. The work has been invaluable and has kept us all entertained……. Though thankfully content is available in other places

Danny boy is so obviously rattled……. And rightly so…….. we know your past, present and your future. It’s filled with drugs and your demise…….. unable to even sustain a week of working without going on a bender and using those same tired excuses.

Daniel - You’re a fat addict. You’ve not kept the weight off and you’re not qualified. You failed over and over and over again - you’ve failed not because of what anyone else has done or said ……. It’s all on you. You’re a liar, a cheat, a fraud, a narcissist……. You’re a wannabe big time scam artist …….but you messed up big time. I know things. I know so many things ……… and all of them about you (and I’m not the only one). Sitting on my hands FOR NOW because unlike you I’m a decent human being ………. BUT one day …….. all those people will be telling everyone what they know.

Have you not figured out yet why you haven’t found the 👀👀👀 in the academy?? It’s hilarious. You are clueless and all the while they feed us information. We know all your comings and goings. So many secrets……. And you still trust them.
We have 👀👀👀👀👀 everywhere.
Presumably there is nothing stopping the pidgeon flying again on a new account? Continuing to "expose" him...
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What it is, I have been playing Tattle bingo with myself...

First I put the number and the username and then I put a guess at their real name - just a couple more staff and I have the full house 😂

I am joking. I just searched my posts where I have mentioned @Figureofspeech89 and it came up. I WISH I was that meticulous!

Ps: Not joking about the staff though 😏
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I know similar comments have been posted before, but this really stood out to me:

What Is Narcissism?
The word narcissist is a term regularly used in casual discussions to describe anyone who seems a bit self-involved. However, in terms of clinical mental health, someone needs to meet specific criteria in order to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder.

In general, people with narcissistic personality disorder are preoccupied with their own success and have a grand sense of self-importance that influences their decision-making and interactions.

Narcissists find it difficult to build or maintain connections with others because of their manipulative tendencies and lack of empathy. They often feel entitled and lack compassion, yet crave attention and admiration.1 The following are some elements of narcissism:

  • Having a sense of self-importance or grandiosity
  • Experiencing fantasies about being influential, famous, or important
  • Exaggerating their abilities, talents, and accomplishments
  • Craving admiration and acknowledgment
  • Being preoccupied with beauty, love, power, or success
  • Having an exaggerated sense of being unique
  • Believing that the world owes them something
  • Exploiting others to get what they want (no matter how it impacts others)
  • Lacking empathy toward others
Sound familiar?
Fixed that for you 😉🤭


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Here comes the hotstepper

Well-known member
He is pathetic. One day of feeling a bit off colour and he is posting for everyone to see like he is dying and now says he has covid.
Well I have had covid a week now and this is first time I have posted anything about it because I find it cringy. Today I had to get paramedics to come Check me over because I coughed and immediately had such a bad pain in my upper back near my lungs that I couidnt breathe in without it being agony and it sent me into panic mode which made me feel dizzy and light headed and not being able to take a full breath I called 111 and they sent emergency response thankfully after thorough Checks I was given the all Clear for lung clot, heart attack etc turns out as I coughed my back has spasmed and it's still in a spasm 10 hours on still extremely painful but guess what wheelie bin, I'm still doing housework, and having to cook my meals. I would hate to see him if his covid (if true) develops any worse than a cold, how would he manage? He is the sickest health plan provider on the planet.
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Here comes the hotstepper

Well-known member
I have sat back reading everything i can and i notice a change in his behaviour and that is he is getting really desperate to get ANY number onto his plan even if it is only 1 person and that means telling people he can help ANYBODY and ANY CONDITION including eating disorders , he can't deny saying it because its all online. That in itself is just terrible because even a specialist can't claim to stop anyone binging or fix their eating disorder .

I often think why has he been allowed to continue this cycle of conning people ,abandoning projects after a few weeks blaming the other party at every opportunity, bullying and harrassing people then throws the mental health card at them , opening businesses in different names and incorrect addresses not being changed, false accounting , the list goes on and i think i know why .

As he passed through life and crossed people the people affected broke away from him and moved on and he moved onto his next project and nothing ever surfaced again about it . As the years have rolled on and more victims lie in his wake more people have heard of this forum and started sharing their experience BUT the most important part of it is the evidence of screen shots people are posting because no matter how he tries to turn it around or claim that didn't happen in that way he can't get away from it , they did happen ,he did say those things.

I honestly feel he is now a deer in the head lights with no where left to run because the spotlight is firmly on him and all these messages that have been posted between him and former clients is evidence to even his biggest supporters (of which i was one of them i'm ashamed to say and i just don't know how )that he is dangerous ,a conman, a liar, a fraud ,rude ,arrogant, a delusional idiot oh i could go on but you all know what he is .
The one thing that crossed my mind and i'm sorry i don't know anything about businesses or self employment but come April when this tax year ends isn't that when the shit will hit the fan for his business and accounts?
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New member
Long term lurker first time posting! Yesterday was the final straw for me, watching him gloat about Dan J son giving him an interview and all this evidence he has etc. The man is vile! I did his program and at first didn’t see issues with it all but it soon became clear this was all about his ego. I got out as soon as I could wishing j never bothered
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Hi all. So I’ve been around for a while on all platforms… I really should have come on here earlier, but what better way to beat the numbers in the “academy” 🤣 could I have a number please to join the fun 😀
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This is probably not as important in relation to gutter press of Turnip Towers over the last 24 hours. However, it if anyone in the Turnip Towers of Toxicity reads this, then maybe you might realise why this daily show of banal thoughtless nonsense is never going to grow an audience.

Daniel Wheeler, your daily show has failed and will continue to fail even if we ignore recent " troubles". It is not funny, it is not clever, it provides no insight other than showing us the cognitive insight of a self-medicated drug-addled mind. For that, it does serve as a warning to us all.

Turnips you have mastered " smug" and " stupid" but certainly not smart.

A sample
Danny puts on President Bidens State of the Union address to the United States Congress and decides that it is a big joke and they have it all wrong. A guy who knows nothing about the State of the Union address, and cannot be bothered to google it, then passes comments.

Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi are referred to " the women behind him, on the left and right". This tells me no one knows what they are commenting on.

The Ukrainian Ambassador to the USA is Oksana Markarova, she is not someone " off the street", she is a very smart lady within the Ukrainian government.

The " lady in blue" is Jill Biden the Presidents wife, most people beyond the intellectual capacity of a turnip would either know that, research that, or even guess that. Turnips to your audience she is " the lady in blue". If you comment on football will it be " the person in red, kicking towards the white net"?

The Ukrainian Ambassador did not speak at the State of the Union address, as it is not customary to do so. Since 1982 and the time of Ronald Reagan, esteemed guests are applauded but do not speak. To criticise this, or to mock it, only shows that a root vegetable has no place in geopolitics.

With every breath, with every comment, many would call your puerile nonsense " group think", but I believe the "thinking" part has long since left the building. I look forward to the day when webcams are licensed like drones, and you need to pass a basic test in order to inflict your thoughtless prattle onto the world.

Right, I am off to host a webinar on sustainable turnip farming in the 1800s as part of my daily 5 hour agricultural breakfast show. I know nothing about the topic but realise that a smug attitude, inane comments and self-assured laughter will get me through.
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New member
196 was next, but @IfTheCapFits has done the honours.

Welcome to anyone new that has joined us. Pull up a seat and get comfy! X
Hi. Long time lurker. Member last year and gained back 2 st of the 3 st I’d lost on another plan. Back to that plan now and losing again. I cancelled as soon as my last payment came out. I’ve observed the fallout since with horror 😡. I’d love to know what my number is!! 👏👏👏
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Thanks to @JCMSadie for the winning thread title

Hope I've done this correctly! 🤞 #stressed 🥴

He's got a cold 🤧 boo hoo! Usual Whanker behaviour currently suspended due to him being a huge drama queen, I'm sure the respite won't last long!

Carry on! 😉
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I hate to be the one to point this out Wheeler but with or without DJ we are not going anywhere this is bigger than any ONE person! There is not one leader despite your continuing accusations we stand together nearly 200 strong so see you and your team of 2 at 7pm mate 😂😂😂

We were here LONG before DJ n we ll be here LONG AFTER YOU
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Chatty Member
Newbie here 👋 well I came across DW on tiktok and just thought - there is something off with him, he came across incredibly arrogant and abusive. As ever, I came to Tattle and Jesus, what a ride the last couple of hours have been! He’s incredibly dangerous. He’s now trying to do some sort of This Morning style programme from 9-1 every day. Does he realise most people work and even so, who wants to watch the daily ramblings of a mad man? I’m absolutely astonished he hasn’t been brought up on criminal charges for some of his behaviour. Also, the 80/20 thing isn’t an original idea he has come up with, it’s ripped off from several others.
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Chatty Member
This is what happened (apparently)...

‘Danny boy spread misinformation saying she was 15 when she was 16’.

It was me who posted the clip about Paul Hollywood and it was me who said Grace was 15 (based on a live not long before that)
I’m not Dan jones.

He’s trying to pin all this on Dan? Using his name to gain followers? More delusional than ever.

We stand behind you DJ.
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Ok my take on all this rubbish. First to all his friends he thanked etc just remember he was saying the exact same things about Dan Jones a few months ago, how he was amazing and more than a friend he was family, so just keep that in mind for when he turns on you!
Second he talk about trolls using fake accounts and saying how he thought they would be kids, now remember we also have proof of Steve Rowland and kaz using fake accounts to attack people, pot kettle and black!
Third he is using a CHILD who has issues with his dad, wheeler approached him to do the interview so of course the kid is going to dramatise everything to make it more exciting. There would a long list of people wheeler has pissed off that would happily do interviews about him, would they be a fair and honest account, I don't think so. One example if wheelers ex wife came out and told her side of the story I'm sure it wouldn't paint him in a great light, that is exactly what he is doing by approaching a kid he knows has beef with his dad.
Fourth, him playing clips of an interview, isn't that what people do on TT with clips of videos he has done, yet he says doing that takes things out of context!
Fifth, there is no gang, there is no leaders, people post comments on here and that is it, we don't talk to each other elsewhere, we don't hatch and plan, it's not a bloody schoolyard!
Sixth, he seemed to get excited about the malicious communication stuff, he needs to go back and look at what he has done to people, Emma being the top of that list. That is the prime example of malicious communication!
Seventh, he says he is marmite you love him or hate him, and if you don't like marmite then ignore him, is that what he did to slimming world? The guy with cancer? Other coaches he doesn't like? He loves ranting on about others but apparently people can't do the same about him.
And finally his step daughter, saying she's 16 doesn't make it any better! I have an amazing relationship with my niece we talk about everything, but there is a way to say things to younger people and what he said is not it!

So I won't be watching, and no matter what comes out this week you know it's going to be twisted to suit wheeler because that's what he does. He seems to think whatever it is will turn us against Dan Jones, but this was never about Dan Jones, it's about wheeler. Dan Jones gets on with his journey doing his own thing and that has nothing to do with the rubbish wheeler does on a daily basis. So I don't why he is trying to link the two other than he is hoping it deflects from the vile things he has done. Good luck wheeler, you will need it if you think this will rescue your business
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I do hope he hasn't been hospitalised...

Oh, don't worry Whanker, I'm not concerned for your health. No. I'm just worried for the female nursing staff. Can you imagine having that insufferable prick on your ward? "Here darling, little (and he does mean little) Whanker needs a sponge bath hnwahnwahnwa" "kiss it better while you're down there" 🤢🤢🤢

I suppose they could always get revenge - catheterisation with a splintered stick, perhaps?
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Video enhanced

Volume is up
Complete clip, then some slowing down to truly appreciate what was said, and then a suitable ending for the superman Putin fanboy

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