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He can only keep this up so long, if today he didn’t even get one sign up and his academy numbers aren’t going up daily then he’s not going to be able to pay Sean or Kaz. I’m assuming they both can’t afford to be working for free, Sean has two kids. This can’t go on much longer without him bringing in some serious cash. I’m predicting by March it will all be over, he’ll be in a ton of debt buying laptops and equipment he can’t afford and he won’t be able to pay staff so it will be him and his tripod. Boohoo.
If he’s a naughty boy and doesn’t post the proper accounts with the proper tax paid then I suspect he may need even more cash than just paying the turnips.
If what’s posted is woefully short of at least the half a million that he’s spent months boasting about then that will be of interest (I imagine) to HMRC.
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Where did you train, Dan?

Oh I havent but Ive 12 years experience and I know this stuff really well.

Self taught?

Yeah dude, if you have an opinion, you search that opinion and youll find a web page to support it. I always do my research Im a science guy.

Wait....hold up....

Does he actually think he's funny? I mean like a decent comedian? Hes studied the craft and wants to make people laugh?

I have just watched Danny generalise about his critics and suggest it is all "psychotic narcissistic behaviour" directed at him . Just two points from this :

1. I don't think he knows what those words mean, but he does think it makes sense in a sentence.

2. If I have become immersed in some dark psychotic narcissistic world, like a kind of Turnip focussed Qanon, can someone let me know ? I would rather know now than be the recipient of an intervention or find myself storming a slimming world meeting waving a flag. I am also allergic to horned headdresses! :)

Danny, has something happened this weekend? I have noticed a huge increase in finger-pointing TT in the last 48 hours. Never mind, not every pilot TV show gets picked up by the networks, you might just be ahead of your time. Hospital Radio ?? It might be your calling, captive audience and all that.
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He also

"Lost 8 stone and kept it off"
"Proper nutrition"
"This is the food you eat on 8020"

Exactly this ⬆

He keeps banging on and on and on about how he's lost 8 stone and KEPT IT OFF

Danny, you're talking shit poppet. Go and have a lie down and take the rest of the year off.
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So I noticed wheelie bin stated on the live today; Kaz is doing this completely for free. 🤔 wtf turnip numero uno ?! You spend your entire week doing 20 hours of shows and live 4 hours away from your family all for zero money?! What hold has to got over her ? Other than an offer to dip herself in his wheelie bin?!
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211 I mean really give me a chance to keep up 😂😂😂❤ I am literally ugly laughing to the point snot came out 😆😆😆😆
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He's on now. Only an hour and 7 mins late

I saw 2 mins where he was saying Celtic like the football team instead of "Kelt-ic' then googling if Wales are Celtic.

That was enough for me to give up for today lol
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And he said he couldn't w**k without porn.. because his phone wasn't working.
I was lucky enough to catch that comment and also the one about the longest sex they’d ever had, all night apparently 🙄. Then some poor academy members sent him a picture of her house after the storm and her roof had blown off. Made his drama over a power cut seem ridiculous, but then he went on to point out that her insurance won’t cover it, he’s just unbelievably ignorant to anyone else’s feelings other than his own.
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So he didn’t think to bother to tell people he wasn’t live today? He really is the most clueless business man I’ve ever come across. Utterly inept. Come back MattDan!
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If he was making that much money, why did he need to move into his GF's cramped house and start running his business from her tiny back garden. Surely bringing that much dosh in a day could afford him a fancy pad to accommodate his big fat head and crew. Even with an expensive drug habit and 17 staff to pay for.
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Everything within this post is 100% true. I have evidence to back up every claim i have made here and in trustpilot l
I found Dan Wheeler when i was about to board a flight i pick up a magazine and it was the one that showed his transformation. I read that magazine on that flight and when i got off decided to change my life and lose weight.

I reached out to Dan Wheeler and after a bit of back and forth signed up to LIFE CHANGING FITNESS 8020 Lifestyle plan wasn't around then.
One thing Dan Wheeler did say to me was " It will take time to get where you want to be but when you get there it will be worth it" solid sentence right there and he was correct.

The second thing DW help me with was Greg Plitt (RIP) was touring Australia and i knew DW had meet him so i asked was it worthwhile going and he said yes 100% so off i went. I walked out of that seminar a different person than i walk in DW was right and i was glad i went it help change my life.

I started with LCF at 117 kg and was appointed another trainer not DW i was disappointed at first but started my journey and completed the 12 week program with amazing results. I continue again while still achieving great results and got to 92kg throughout my second stint my trainer got sacked and DW took over. The results i had achieved help me become a better father and husband but i wanted to achieve more and see how far i could go.

I started with DW and after a short time he asked me to go get blood test as he knew i suffered from depression and specifically said ensure the bloods contain you testosterone levels. So off i went to the doctor and when i asked the doctor that i wanted my test levels he queried it, i had to pay for them but got them.

My bloods came back and test levels where low but nothing extreme and DW talked to me about supplementing my low testosterone and see if i can get a doctor to prescribe TRT testosterone replacement therapy, no doctor would even accommodate that i even went to a specialist he said your levels are fine for your age. Telling DW this he explained it will change your life and if it isn't prescribe then there is always a way to get it and i found a way.

I had no other option but to go down the non prescribed avenue it didn't do anything physically due to the amount i was taking. I am not sure 100% if it was due to taking the testosterone but i was asked by the doctor before getting wheeled into emergency surgery to get my gall bladder removed if i take testosterone I lied and said no. Taking the testosterone was mine fault and mine alone I should have listen to a trained professional that being my doctor and the specialist someone that has been educated not just someone who was untrained but allegedly had experience. That was my biggest mistake i ever made in my journey but it was mine and i have to except that which i have.

Not long after that our training ended through the program finishing with no real results to speak of I was just less 1 gall bladder.

A couple of years ago i reached out again to DW and wanted to start training with him again it was 8020 lifestyle plan this time around.
I paid 900 pound for 16 weeks told to walk 10K daily and eat 2340 cals (sound familiar) with a catch up once a week. After a few weeks DW went missing our training stopped with zero communication and i thinking to myself WTF did i pay for ? have i been conned.
DW reached out 6 months later (i think) and said he was sorry how our training ended and wanted to make up for it. Me being me thought awesome lets go DW was prepared to start the 16 weeks from scratch.
We started again got to about week 4 and it was all over again due to same reason as before with lot more excuses than before a hell of alot more. At this point i was done with DW i am 100% sure he only used me for the money because that was one of his many times he was homeless and going through a break down. DW could of stated "mate i am not mentally ready lets postpone and reload when the time is right '. The person i am as can be seen throughout my many interaction with DW would of been just get yourself right first then we can go again.

Trust is my biggest downfall i trust the wrong people.

Our training finished and i never spoke to him again until I was alerted that my transformation photos where being used for the 8020 lifestyle plan, my results where from LCF by a different trainer who used his own training methods LCF had a variety of trainers who did bespoke plans not 10K and eat 2300 cals. I emailed asking my photos be taken down as it was false advertising. DW reached out to me asking is there a problem and he thought we where mates, that comment right there i knew he thought he did no wrong to me. DW wanted to talk 1 on 1 and i said yes that's fine i gave them a time to call me and i even offered to go on his live so we could talk about the issue i have with 8020 using my photos. Those offers where declined and i was told the photos will be removed.

While their are a couple of positives that came out of picking up that magazine that day which i am grateful for the negatives of the constant lies, taking my money 900 pound, sacrificing my health (at some extent was my fault) take way the positives that i learned.
DW never really done anything towards me achieving the great results it was my determination, effort and time i was willing to sacrifice plus the trainer i had and that is why i achieve my results not because of DW.

If you treat someone that you call a friend the way he treated me i would hate to see how he treats his enemies. I was going to go back and delete that line but its obvious how he treats them after viewing comments here and his social media pages.

Sorry for the long winded post but i just wanted to get my story out if my trust pilot review gets taken down.
I have told the truth and passed on my payment, transformation photo, interactions whatsapp and email and if Trust pilot still take down my post after all this evidence then the question should be asked i have exposed my true identity can DW show evidence that he didn't do what i state happened. I know he cant and that's why he never spoke with me 1 on 1.

I am proud of what i achieved and continue training to this day.

I changed my name from anonymous to my real name on trust pilot and shorten my name on here but i am the same person. DW isn't a threat to me, i am not intimated by him and never was.
I stand by my words and actions my name is RODNEY JOYCE and this is my story that is 100% true.
Wheeler truly is scum isn’t he; preying on vulnerable and promising us the world. The very fact he did you such a wrong and then daring to use your photos. He is a fraudster and this story just adds fuel to the rage that is growing about him. There is power in numbers .Thank you so much for sharing your story you have 180 non turnips plus here cheering you on. ❤
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Oh imagine he’s gone and been arrested.

The dream. Slamming him in a prison cell for theft/fraud/child grooming/tax evasion. The weak little “calorie deficit” cry as he hunkers down to his bread and water and no tv, social media or inter webs.

Sigh. To dream.
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I think this contains more or less the same details as above. Burwash falls under Rother District Council to be specific. If that helps

Report the sick fucker. I have no sympathy for that girl's mother any more. She's doing nothing to protect her child from this fucking predator and the toxic environment he has created in her home. I just want to go round there and cut his fucking balls off 😤
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If he was making that much money, why did he need to move into his GF's cramped house and start running his business from her tiny back garden. Surely bringing that much dosh in a day could afford him a fancy pad to accommodate his big fat head and crew. Even with an expensive drug habit and 17 staff to pay for.
I reckon maybe, just maybe it's because he's full of shit 🤣🤣
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if I remember correctly someone mentioned that kaz invested 4K into 80/20? Please reassure me I’m not making it up!
shes also has put a lot of years effort in.
Dan is 100% making promises to her.
probably along the lines of “when things pick up like last March you’ll be my right hand man on a salary”

Anyone considered that kaz may feel trapped?

reason being I myself was in a similar situation when I was 18.
Had a boss that didn’t pay me for 6 months whilst working I couldn’t do nothing about it as it was cash in hand (naughty I know.)
I was always promised to be paid on the “next big job” “just hold on” “something has come up I can’t Pay you“ or I would be paid little bits to keep me sweet
my mentality at the time was, if I walk away I have 0% chance of getting any money back I am owed. if I stay just a little longer I may get it.
so young and naive.

Could kaz be In a similar situation? Too much invested over the years to walk away?
Dan promising her a life of luxury when he’s the next James smith/ joe wicks.

Just a thought.
p.s I never did get the money. The f*cker died didn’t he 🤣
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The exact same thing happened on Friday's shit-show! Poor Steve getting all excited to appear alongside the other turnips but yet again he's cut off in his prime!
The one person who is actually qualified in any way isn't allowed to even say anything 🙄🙄🙄
Just a thought. Is this the start of a long-running "joke" from the Turnip Temple? I just noticed it felt a bit stilted when Danny talked about being on a tight schedule. Is this the mirth filled, side-splitting humour of constantly introducing someone who never gets to say anything on their chosen topic?

Do this every day, in an attempt to build an audience. "Oh sorry we have no time for you.........." put that on repeat you have comedy gold circa 1980!

Or just chaos with turnips being well turnips!

If it happens again, I bet my Monster Drink it is a set-up.
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