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Chatty Member
She has driven, for free, all that way in this awful weather. She says that driving over the bridge was horrific and she could feel her legs going numb. Any reasonable employer would have told her to stay put, he doesn't even pay her and she does it!! i don't understand her - why is she doing this for him 🤯 Even worse, she is really upset about the journey, trying to tell the story and then while she is telling it, he can't bear her getting attention so he keeps picking things up in the car saying 'whats this?' or interupting her by looking at the comments. He is not a friend Kaz - why do you do this fo him??!
If she wanted to stay in the 'podcast' then why can't she join online from home. Then she'd have the hours she's not working to spend with her husband and child too!
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He's laying low to avoid questions about MM I think. Or one of the multiple authorities he's been reported to have been in touch. It would have to be something to keep him away from the camera
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He is absolutely full of shit, if he was earning that sort of money he wouldn’t be wearing the same clothes, his girlfriend wouldn’t be driving her parents car and he wouldn’t be doing his shitty lives from her front room or Kaz’s car.
It’s disgusting he expected Kaz to drive around in it, it’s very windy in Burwash and no sign or power until tomorrow at the earliest.

Happy Monday! 🗣 now 243 🥳
Made my day!
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I am not for body shaming anyone but he has made the conscious and deliberate choice to promote a fitness lifestyle SCAM with himself at the centre. Would you go to a dentist with black, rotting teeth? He has proven time and again he can't meet the most basic obligations (including to his own health), meanwhile berating those who can't meet his 10K steps, for example. (He can't manage half that as proven by his own screenshots.)

Complete and total hypocrisy! In this case, he absolutely should be and deserves to be called out for the fat slob he is. His complete lack of self control is evident in everything he does including his own physical appearance.
Exactly this. It's not about shaming his body, it's shaming the lies he tells about his body (whilst only ever filming from the shoulders up), and the lies he tells about his lifestyle. Its shaming him for claims he falsely makes which are at the core of him scamming others.

My favourite ever fitness instructor was a woman who didn't have a six pack or turned up in body hugging lycra to show off her instabod. She was probably a size 14-16, who openly talked about wanting to eat a whole bar of dairy milk at the end of a bad day. BUT she delivered a great class, which she took and worked out with us the whole way through. She charged us for something, delivered it amazingly well and was LIVING it herself. She was doing the work, and wasn't selling a lie or lying about herself.

Oh, and Whanker - the filming angle ain't hiding anything. Your face is fat.
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I hope they ask to see his 😂
Where did you train, Dan?

Oh I havent but Ive 12 years experience and I know this stuff really well.

Self taught?

Yeah dude, if you have an opinion, you search that opinion and youll find a web page to support it. I always do my research Im a science guy.

Wait....hold up....

Does he actually think he's funny? I mean like a decent comedian? Hes studied the craft and wants to make people laugh?



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I don't think lives are stored that way on TT, I could be wrong but I've not seen them if they are.

Just going back on earlier comments, do we think Sean is getting paid? Funds must be running pretty damn low at the moment, surely he couldn’t be there unpaid with a family?

Kaz has got absolutely no excuse to be there, what is her husband thinking?! What can her kids think of her never being home 😔 husband appears to support Whanker too 😳 she'll be regretting all this lovesick teenager bollocks sooner rather than later me thinks 💔
I was thinking earlier has her husband seen how DW talks to her? My partner would go mad if some one spoke to me like he spoke to her on the live today! Do you think she hides what he is really like from her hubby?
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Velvet Veil

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Perhaps Michael Mosley's & Martine's lawyers have got him tied to a chair & gagged?! 🤐🤨🤭
My first thought was along those lines, he thinks he can lie and slander with impunity, welcome to the real world, Wheeliebin 👍🤭 I hope his chickens are coming home to roost 👏
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I listened to this video and I'm sure he says "plenty of ham in there" rather than "fanny" still wrong on both accounts by a mile but I am sure he said in reference to the sausage meaning men he said "ham in there" meaning woman, said fast it does sound like "fanny" I must admit. Maybe I'm wrong.

Exactly. Thanks for the photo to show what it would look like. I just don't understand how he can shamedly say he lost 8 stone but kept off, he just hasn't. It makes, me so angry his constant lies
I went back and listened again both on the original and the edit cut
At 2 hours 53 the conversation turns to " not much sausage..."
At 2 :53 :25 he says it and one second later Kaz turns to her left and puts her head in her hands. That might not be the reaction you would get from saying " ham in there". Kaz puts her head down, and after the huge exhale from Dan you hear from Kaz " that's awful".

I edited the footage and maxed out the voice for volume and clarity. I had never heard " that's awful " before. Unlike Danny, if I get something wrong I am going to check. It is a small file now, have a listen. I have an ear syringe appointment on standby in town! :)

I must buy Danny a better microphone, it will save me time in the long run!


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Wheelie Bins new idea.

Emotional shagging and Binge Banging.

It'll save your life mate.

Starting to sound more like a cult by the day


But even when you correct the spelling, it's still nonsense anyway.

And why do people always have to do the chasing? "Pop over to my xyz, and send me a message." No links, so...which Facebook/Insta (I mean, that IS your FB page?!). "Pop over to my FB page (guess which one, I have at least 3!), solve three riddles and say Candyman five times in the mirror. Then send me a message via semaphore and your contact details in morse code. Then I might reply, if I'm not staring at myself in my front camera or taking drugs off my girlfriend's coffee table."

Bitch, if you want my money so bad why do I have to jump through hoops?
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Velvet Veil

VIP Member
Kaz is now reading from woman's own (?) In her boring droney voice- they're about to chat live to someone called Sam who needs help. Run Sam, they just want your money 😰

Kaz is now reading from woman's own (?) In her boring droney voice- they're about to chat live to someone called Sam who needs help. Run Sam, they just want your money 😰
Omg, I know who this Sammie is, I used to follow her on YT. She has really, really bad mental and physical health and in my opinion, is vulnerable. She's very articulate when she's ok but has huge crashes
I hope she doesn't trust Wheeler, I hope she does her due diligence 😳
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Yet again this plank thinks it's reasonable to find an excuse to talk about sex

Ways to increase serotonin:
"sit on someone's face"

He's consistently mixing up all kinds of bullshit about hormones and how they interact with one another

He is talking shite. These things are not as simplistic as he states.

But hey, who are we to question him if he's done his Google research and smooshed all that stuff together in ways he thinks it should be interpreted.

Is there a Groupon certificate in endocrinology too?
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You are right - for the first time today I tuned in and the first thing I heard him do was say to the world that Grace said she was so tired from being 'happy' last night. He opened with that to make sure we hear that she is happy. It was manipulative in the extreme. For the first time ever I have had to switch him off as I was unable to listen to his diatribe and his clingons any longer. The frustration I feel at listening to someone who is so un self aware and reluctant to face their own limitations, I want the police to knock at his door with social services. Live on air. I want all the team including Sam to be placed in handcuffs pending investigation. when that happens I want him to have his biggest viewing ever. I want this because I want to see true consequences of his actions.
I really hope there is some consequences- honestly, this has nothing to do with the academy, I’m gutted for that child. I’ve been there, you make out to everyone it’s all OK, it’s fine, I find it funny too. I wasn’t sexually abused or groomed by the person. But living with someone who talks openly about disgusting sex acts, opening admits drug taking and has insists it’s all good fun and “jokes” is absolutely an abuse in itself and the effects last forever. It’s not OK. Honestly I’m actually crying and I’m not a cryer. Get him out of that house Sam, for gods sake, it’s not a game, it’s not funny!
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Sorry accidentally pressed quote and can't figure out how to cancel 🤦‍♀️ anyway while im here... I cant find the words for how awful this post is. Just the fact he's trying to sell his scam based on someone's vulnerability. It's awful.
Considering he’s been in therapy for 12 yrs (supposedly) you’d think he’d have a better understanding of how to talk to someone who is struggling. He might as well have just said “it’s probably your fault, man up and look on the bright side” because that’s the message he gave her. So sad.

He’s acted like an absolute immature teenager this week over his power cut yet he thinks he can give life advice out to other people and tell them what they should be doing.

He should have moved them all to a B&B for the night and then he could have carried on working instead of just whinging like a petulant child.
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I've only seen the clip about Paul Hollywood.

Kaz's reaction shows that she knows how wildly inappropriate it was. I doubt it because God forbid anyone stand up to him, but I really hope there was a serious conversation after they came off live.
She absolutely knew exactly what was going on. And did nothing!

Ok I have thought about this overnight. I have a natural aversion to taking a final step - one which you cannot return from and actually still feel that he needs the shit putting up him - but I am not totally convinced it was anything more than him being fucking stupid and thinking hes cool. However! Having thought about it, I now realise you are right. This kind of behaviour is not healthy and not appropriate. Maybe just Maybe this could be a catalyst for Sam getting out of this situation. When I was in a similar situation I needed that one event to trigger me to end things.. I knew it would come and when it did, I walked away but I needed that compelling event. I really hope this gives her the strength she needs even if it happened behind closed doors, or that her family saw it, and intervened. A 15 year old in any circumstance being asked that question by an 36 year old man is illegal. Im all for people being open about sex, but thats crass and vile. What I cannot get past is that she is someone elses daughter. Not his. Hes violated her and hes shown contempt and disrespect to her parents and on a public forum. We can only be thankful for the fact he doesnt get many viewers!
I’m of a similar mind. Do I honestly believe he is “grooming” the daughter? Probably not (although I have no way of knowing). Is he extremely stupid, and willing to say or do anything for attention? Yes.

But I look at it from the child’s perspective. Regardless of his intent, Wheeler’s conduct is outrageous and likely illegal. The other adults are failing her. I was relieved to see from posts here that someone should hopefully look into the matter.

The situation needs to be evaluated by someone qualified and able to intervene appropriately if needed.
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There are more people on their studio floor than Dan Wheeler has viewers 😂
I want to answer “the interviews with Hollywood stars” as one of my favourite features. Do you think they can convince the likes of Harrison Ford or Meryl Streep to dial in for a wee chat 🤣
I would actually reply with this but alas this would mean:
1 - he’d know who I was and
2 - he still might have people in the Academy not paying a jot but still with access 😉 I’d hate for Kaz to have to spend more time investigating who pays and who doesn’t 😁
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