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Again. Why aren't paying members questioning this. It makes me think that there's a far lower number of paying members in the academy than we thought
I wouldn't be surprised if it's only a dozen or two of his absolute most "loyal" (deluded) supporters at this point. They are either still somehow charmed by him and want to believe, or more likely recognize the plan doesn't work but are for whatever reason sympathetic toward him and want to "help" him. Indeed we have a number of members here who initially were quite supportive and positive toward him, everyone wakes up at their own rate.

Unfortunately, by enabling him they extend the chance he may go on to harm others. Thanks in large part to the good work here and elsewhere (and large number of honest reviews on TP), those chances are minimized and hopefully will remain so.
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He’s the most unhealthy human ever who the hell is this ill ALL the time I am fat and unfit yet never ill 😳😂
I guess having over 8 stone under that Superturnip costume is detrimental to his immune system. Either that or he spent too long in the cold weather in the garden, practicing his boxing.
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I bet he was punching holes in walls when he had no power, not knowing how many views or likes he had must have been torture for him but preaches on his plan to turn off your phone in the evening to unwind ready for bed. He can't possibly live by his own rules. Im Sick seeing his face every day and still trading.. I'm sick of seeing him say any account on any platform that disagrees with him is a fake account. I'm. Sick of him calling anying who disagrees with him a troll. The lies he spouts every day are getting more and more outrageous and yet STILL people are supporting him. I just don't understand these people at all.
Sorry for my mish mash of a rant but I had so much stuff in my head about him I had to get rid of it.
Do not apologise for feeling the way you do. Its all perfectly valid and pretty much what most of us are feeling x
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Those past screenshots - gold, fantastic work finding them. Just shows it’s not a temporary breakdown, this is who he has always been.

Didn’t expect the Dan/Kaz fallout to begin so soon, but here we are. She’ll have been doing the majority of work for months, I’ve no doubt. Dan’s far too important to be dealing with any of that low level stuff.

So now it’ll be Kaz’s fault that it all went wrong, before she got involved, he was a success 😂 I can hear him saying it. You can tell he’s turned on her now.

Sean’s only there because he gets to smoke drugs all day, everyday - he should be ashamed of himself with a family to support.
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I've just caught the last few minutes of his live and there are no words!

They bring on SR to talk about his top 10 fat loss tips. Whanker immediately looks at his watch, cuts him off and says they've run out of time and one of these days they will get the timing right. Obviously I am so aware at how time keeping is such a priority to Whanker 🤦🏼‍♀️ but I'm wondering how much they wasted talking absolute shite to then cut off the stuff people are paying and wanting to see. Absolute shit show.
I just had to go and take a look at that 🤣 Oh poor Steve. He'd been working on his top tips all weekend just to have it snatched away from him in the last minute. Why couldn't they have just ran over schedule by a couple of minutes to allow Steve to have his moment in the spotlight? It's not like they have to be anywhere!! Unless the show automatically just ends at the set time. I don't know how this shit works to be honest 😅
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I’ve no sympathy for Kaz, she is cut from the same clothe as Dan. She’s as bad as him, selfish, controlling narc user.

She totally thinks she’s in charge of this situation. I can’t wait for them to fall out, it will be spectacular 🥳
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Well after a long weekend of hitting social media on all fronts and of course the best in the world breakfast show what has Whanker got to show for it? Embarrassingly low engagement and -1 in the academy. Keep doing what you're doing Daniel there's a good little boy👍
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What a wimp. He caught it off Kaz he said- anyone remember her 'dying'?? No, she came into 'work' every day.
What a big pathetic 👶
His pathetic tiktok he’s just done proves he’s not that ill, just an attention seeking, lazy twat. He can only do this “job” because no employer would keep him, way too lazy and self indulgent. Where I work 3 absences, even if only one day each, or 10% of your contracted hours within a rolling 12 month period automatically triggers an investigation. If they’re not happy with that investigation then you immediately receive a written warning that lasts 12 months, be off again at all in that 12 months and you face a final written warning. He wouldn’t last six months with his work ethic, or lack of it.
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his live today has the Martine McCutcheon clickbait headline - he is such a deluded knobhead
Came here to say this!! Thing is, he knows that there are a lot of people out there who can potentially see it because it's on his public platform, and they'll assume MM has done HIS "plan" and sign up, because people these days love a celeb endorsement.

Makes me so angry that he takes advantage of people like that!
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I honestly don't think he has the insight or self awareness to know what he has said and done is wrong. He may well be thinking its "bants" but even a small amount of common decency would tell you that it's inappropriate to post online to his millions of followers. He also doesn't care enough about anybody but himself tofeel any type of guilt. I disagree that he will be panicking now, he thinks he is invincible, he's proved time and time again that people's lives mean nothing to him. The only.language he speaks is fame and adoration. Get him "cancelled" and take that away and he's nothing. Every adult in that room has a duty of care towards that child. They are either as bad as him or too scared to call him out. Either way, they have failed her
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Down to 217 now... Almost time for 200 party boys and girls 🎉🎉

That storm really did cause you some havoc didn't it Danny?!

We are standing strong at 182 members and yet yours are dropping quicker than your wifi signal...

Have you found our 👀👀 though I ask myself?! 🤔

For anyone lurking - if we haven't assigned you a number yet, shout up and we will give you one. I would LOVE for TCHQ numbers go outdo his Facebook group, sorry Academy!
216 now pmsl

Count down is on literally at this rate it’s 5 mins till complete financial ruin 😱🧐😂😂😂
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He may not know what he said or why it’s bad. But the other adults in the room - bot who would be aware of safeguarding given they have had jobs in vulnerable sectors - DID KNOW.

So report it. Report all of them. Even if a social worker is then put in place to educate the cunt then at least they’re aware.
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If anyone is going to watch at all today don’t forget to do it on YouTube Incognito so it doesn’t count towards his viewing figures. Personally I just can’t stomach listening to him anymore and I’m at work anyway. He’s bad enough on his own but with the cackling old hag in the background it’s even worse.
Wonder if he’ll correct any of the info he got wrong yesterday? Did he get the guest he was looking for on Sunday?
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Todays talking points; hes definitely NOT high.

Also, where do the family go when he's "filming"?
Haha oh this did make me laugh

1. Gervais (9.58)
2. Rogan (9.57) 🤔 - yeah that's how time rankings work in his 100m analogy? 0.01 second faster is now silver medal

When he said how much Musk and Cox have influenced him and hopes it shows!!!


(A little bit of wee came out)
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I really don't think he does. I don't think he's got any awareness of what he's saying. Just responds to these videos with the first thing that comes to his head
This. He has very little cognitive function, he certainly can’t be bothered or expected to remember facts or previous discussion of a given topic.

Dan is driven completely by impulse. Consistency is not a consideration.
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