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Nothing screams loving mother more than staring at yourself in the phone while weirdly rocking a child that is way too old for it to (fail to) convince strangers you’re a decent mother
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OMG I haven’t looked at crystal for months and just caught up. This is actually making me LOL .
Imagine Tarah and brick lips getting together to make up a story about how a PI exposed them and now they know who the TrOlLs are 😆😆😆.
“Yeah, that’ll scare them! Let’s do it!” 🫠
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What I want to know is why isn’t she using her energy right now to focus on the retreat she’s in the middle of? It’s one of the only things she has actually been able to pull off in the last few years. She should be quite occupied and staying very busy making sure it goes well for the people who have shelled out $3,000/head to be there. Instead she’s bizarrely throwing a tantrum on Insta about something completely not related to her retreat … or is it?

Makes me wonder if she’s trying to lay a little groundwork to cry ‘my bullies are making up stories about me’ because something has soured during one of the retreats and she knows it’s a problem. Trying to head off any criticism that might surface? I wouldn’t put anything past her, she’s always trying to spin a narrative.
This is a good theory! I wouldn’t be surprised if Tattle had been raised to her by several new people as no doubt Crystals google search isn’t the most complimentary between her Design Twins rip off reviews and Tattle.

What I can never understand is how these twits don’t get that we are only talking about information they post themselves about their own lives?

Everything discussed here is their own words and if they didn’t actively scam women into buying their courses/Aliexpress jewellery/goods that never arrived and actually looked after their kids, they wouldn’t even have a Tattle thread?
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Did she pump up her lips again? 😳 I'm sorry, that's all I could see during her late night stories where she thinks it's her responsibility (along with her "instasistas") to "diagnose" what's wrong with this woman (who she doesn't know), hands. Well, that & her crazed eyes.
She’s really getting carried away with this fantasy that she’s some kind of guru able to heal women. The shampoo girl’s skin problems started when she started her job so she’s obviously having an allergic reaction to the products or her skin is having a severe reaction to being dried out. Regardless, unless Crystal’s “instasistas” can prescribe a medication or a course of treatment then that whole post was performative. The girl needs to see a dermatologist, not listen to ole crazy eyes. (Those eyes get so wild they start to appear slightly crossed in some of the freeze screens.)

Honestly the lips fascinate me. Sometimes I give her the benefit of the doubt and think it’s got to be an allergic reaction of some sort, because
1. No one could possibly do that to themselves on purpose over and over again
2. Not even a trainee at the cheapest laser clinic would accept the job
Lips are not supposed to be rectangular, Crystal. The fact that she keeps paying to do that to herself is wild.
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You are a fucking nutcase Crystal!!!!
Please....come for me expose me.....I would LOVE to personally sit down and chat with you, but only unless you are prepared for an honest conversation 😉
I'll even supply a meet up place and date....and pay for lunch. much did you and Lie-la pay for the PI per hour? Just curious....I might need to employ one myself and get the facts on you and your dodgy friends life....I'm sure the Government would love the facts 😆

I think she and Leila vastly underestimate the amount of people who would be more than happy to really take the gloves off (so to speak) and tear them a new asshole face to face. They both hide behind block-and-delete and then whinge about people taking their opinions to another forum. Come on bitches, grow a spine, let people comment on your posts and address the feedback head-on!
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So after saying she was going to be in Bali for a month and it’s been less than a week she just posted a story saying she’s flying home next week now. I went back to screenshot it and it had already been deleted. She said she’s missing her son which I find very hard to believe is a reason she would fly home and that she misses her house after saying a few days ago that Bali makes her happier than anywhere else..
Maybe it’s because the dumbass has somehow managed to break her laptop?!? she can’t live without her laptop, the one daddy bought for her not that long ago. Honestly this woman is like a spoilt child, can’t look after or value any of her belongings.
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There it is. She’s finally come out and said it. Her life is so much better now that she’s dropped the dead weight of her kids. She’s been walking up to that line, eluding to it ever since Jonny moved out, but she’s finally admitted to it. She asked God to make this the best year of her life and now that she doesn’t have to bother with being a mum anymore it is. God did this for her. She’s happy and not lonely anymore, her kids were keeping her so isolated because she couldn’t be out running the roads constantly. Her life is so much more fulfilling in every way.
What an absolutely heinous piece of shit excuse for a human being she is.
so awful. 'no responsibilities', like it's a great thing. Honestly heart breaking for those kids.
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Smug Crystal has entered the chat. She’s woken up in Bali feeling froggy. Telling her lies and promising to burn everything to the ground and not let anyone silence her any more!

‘I make a really great income, I don’t even talk about how much money I make’ - you just had to buy a used laptop, bitch! You couldn’t put a roof over your head if you didn’t have a flatmate! YOU FUCK OLD MEN FOR MONEY. Psycho lunatic.


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That poor boy being made to feel responsible for his mother’s misery. What an awful thing to do to him.
That is just awful. Seriously. Crystal - take it down. You need to make him feel better, that’s your job. Whether it was his decision or his father’s, you need him to think you’re ok. There is no doubt that this will make him feel worse. The only thing we can hope is that his dad has removed social media or at least blocked her account from his phone.
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So, am I understanding this correctly?

She is paying high rent in two locations, has no regular clients, and has previously been unable to afford to replace her laptop which is literally the main tool she needs to designHER dreams?

If Crystal won lotto she'd be broke in a year.
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I literally think she’s referring to running the holidays and ‘leading’ Jodie and Lisa and Jenna and Joan .. so ‘planning’ to be a leader and reinventing myself as a mentor etc. *cough cough bullshit*
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The PI thing is so weird. I don’t believe it for a second, and also don’t believe they can find the identity of anyone. But if they did and could, then what? It’s not a crime to make commentary online (aka share your thoughts) on what a public figure is sharing
Exactly. What crimes are we committing? What exactly would taking it further look like? Pretty sure ‘investigating’ us, finding out about our jobs, families etc as she claims is more morally grey than what we’re doing here.

Ps, I think Lego brows is deep in the threads from way back, must not have been able to forget that one.
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The new eat shit and pray trip that she's planning for in Sept means she will be away from her sons yet again. I would love to see her spread sheet for costings on all of these trips. Its a Peter borrows from situation, sprinkled with help from her parents. She doesn't seem to have a real job at all, just this bombardment for these Bali trips. She is on Centrelink and rental assistance. She would be getting minimal CS because the fathers have the boys a fair % of the time, plus she's renting out rooms in her rental. I wonder if the R/E knows she's subletting?
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If any of that bullshit spiel was true and she thought women should help women then wouldn’t she “mentor” for free? You’re not trying to help women you’re trying to profit from them because you’re not actually a talented enough designer to make a living through actual design.

Just like Carlz J Soda obviously not making enough as a photographer so she’s always shilling courses.
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Im just bloody thankful their Dads are decent enough Men to put their foot down and do what is right for those boys.

Imagine her dribbling her sorry victim story about how awful the Fathers are?! Yet, it isn't a coincidence that 2 different Fathers have taken both your boys away numerous times.

Crystal, You're an absolute disgraceful Mother. Hang your head in shame.
All of this. I really hope the boys get to enjoy their childhood now instead of being hauled to new homes, schools and all of the disruption they’ve experienced.

Crystal is too fucking selfish to realise that it’s not about her, it’s about the wellbeing and happiness of her children.
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The only person I follow who liked Diddy’s garbage “apology” video is of course Crystal Bailey the abuser apologist.
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I couldn’t care less how difficult it is for her, this is her fault. She created this. He chose to move out because Crystal never bothered to mother him even when he was right there under the same roof. The level of emotional and psychological abuse he must have endured in her house for him, a parentified child (whom she has warped into thinking that he is responsible for her wellbeing), to have decided to leave must have been excruciating. And there she is, publicly raking him over the coals for it and intentionally trying to make him feel guilty. That performance is all ego wound, it has nothing to do with missing Jonny. That narc cares about no one but herself. She’s a horrible abusive, neglectful mother.

Guyz, she could have fought to have him stay and committed to him to be a better mum but if she fought for every single little inconsequential thing (like her son), she wouldn’t have had the energy to be able to pull off two back-to-back retreats in another country and change the lives of 13 women. 🤬 It’s a good thing those 13 strangers were more important to her than her sons are. Priorities, hey?


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