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I'm a crafter! I've had a silhouette machine (similar to a cricut) for over 5 years but like somebody else said every bugger has one now! I mostly use it to vinyl designs on clothes for me and my partner. CBA with the drama that comes from selling anyhting from it!

I've just ordered an new ipad to get into procreate drawing. I don't know who I think i am. I want to make cute sticker/art designs but I can't draw for shit so it's going to be hilarously bad!
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I took a career break in October 2019 and decided to take up knitting. I made a blanket first, just knit squares and sewed them together, then moved on to baby clothes for my nephews and niece and started doing adult clothes in lockdown, although I keep doing the same cardigan because once people see it they all bloody want it 😄 mum taught be knitting when I was very young but never picked it up until I was 38! Better late than never I guess! I’ve attached a few bits I’ve done! I paint a bit too but I find it easier picking up the knitting needles. I’ve done the bobbly cardigan a few times in different colours, about to start another one just waiting on the wool to arrive, I find knitting quite addictive! I’m just a bit slow at projects now I’m back at work 😒 please share more of your projects I’d love to maybe get some inspiration to try something else.
those mosaic murals are unreal I love them!!
These are beautiful, I love those little sheep!
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My first attempt at knitting… safe to say I won’t be knitting any jumpers any time soon 😂
I really struggle with tension, no idea what the hell else made it go tits up
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Done a hat for my neice, only second time I've done one, going get a better bow for it since am not liking the ribbon

Does anyone know of any other YT videos that have cute toddler hats? This one was supposed to be a little owl design but I wanted minnie instead so obvs never done the owl face, but I'd like to try other hat designs


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I started off crocheting a few years back, I crocheted huge loads of blankets, sold quite a few too. I started knitting really because I saw on the online knitting community people making socks and I was just obsessed with it. So I bought some sock yarn some needles and followed a youtube tutorial for a simple sock pattern and I was away!! I loved kitting socks, I haven't knit so many recently but I do love it. Its satisfying and small enough to not feel too daunting or long terms which I like.
At the moment I am just focusing on a cozy memories blanket which is easy and I don't need to think too much about it. As others have said it helps with my anxiety and makes me feel calm.

I follow a lot of makers and indie yarn dyers on instagram and I have noticed quite a bit of drama does kick off between them all from time to time. Mainly American ones if I'm honest. But I can never keep up and as I have no friends in the knitting community I'm just on the periphery I don't know what is happening a lot of the time.

I've tried Cross stich and embroidery also but didn't stick at them, but still have all the bits I bought so would love to give it another try.
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Guess who merrily stitched half a fairly large cross stitch pattern before noticing they had the fabric in the wrong orientation?

I found a website tutorial about joining pieces of aida together, but I experimented with scraps and it looked atrocious.
I started unpicking it (hence all the bits) but can't be arsed.
I've bought new aida (hence it being all creased where I shoved it in my bag so I could colour match).

Can't believe I did this! Think it's because I'm having to use a large rectangular frame and it's more comfortable to hold it a certain way, but didn't take this into account before starting.

I'm doing this pattern for a neighbour, it's not even one I particularly like. Otherwise I'd abandon it lol.


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Does anyone else find crafting to be incredibly calming? When I feel down or anxious I find doing simple repetitive stitches so relaxing
It has a physiological effect on the brain, calming the amygdala (stress centre). There is evidence that it has the same impact as mindfulness. Aren't we amazing?!
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I meant to post some of my cross stitches here to show you all ages ago! I do have a story about one of the chart suppliers I used to use but I don't want to take over the thread with multiple posts, so I'll hang fire til I've reminded myself of all the twists and turns!
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This is my current work in progress - 3 years into it, just over halfway done. The original art is Farewell to Anger by Leonid Afremov.
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One I did for a friend retiring from work, massive GoT fan!
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Above my stairs on the landing.

I have more but I feel like I've taken enough space already! 😂 😂 Love seeing all your work and sharing with fellow enthusiasts!
Those are so beautiful! My granny was a prolific cross-stitcher and my mum does a lot too. I've tried, but I find I can only really get excited about crafts I can wear. 😂 Stunning work from you though, please share more pictures if you have them!
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Those are gorgeous! You've got a great eye for colour.

Knitting is easy to learn - I found it puzzling at first, but then something just clicks and you're off. I don't crochet, but I know people who do both say that knitting takes twice as much time, but uses half the yarn.
Hi fellow crafters just new here but longing this thread! I'm a crocheter mainly but started off by knitting. This post perfectly sums up knitting and crocheting. I picked up knitting very quickly but took years to master crochet. I prefer crochet because it's quicker and easier to follow a pattern. When I knit, I make small toys but when I crochet I make large blankets... I can't do it the other way around!

I've tried a lot of different crafts over the years, about 10 years ago I was really into card making. I still have all the equipment but don't use it much. I'd love a cricut machine though.

My most recent thing has been making miniature rooms-they come in kit form and you put them together, customise them, wire up electric lights etc. I've done 8 so far and I'm running out of space!
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Hi. I'm new/ late to the thread and it's very interesting reading about what others are into. I'm a papercrafter and found it thoroughly therapeutic during lockdown- probably saved my sanity. My main thing has been card making and stuff but am wanting to move on into more complex projects, time allowing. Am so envious of those of you who can sew (properly), knit and crochet. I bought a sewing machine years ago but gave it away to someone who needed it as it was gathering dust.

Another thing I've been up to in recent years is doing some creative stuff for mum's care home. We have a couple of 'seasonal' bare (artificial) trees, which I do up according to seasons and upcoming events, amongst other things.

With the card making, I've kind of moved away from the more formulaic stuff/ die cutting and am trying to come up with more original stuff, which is hard as there's so much out there. I think card making projects for men are so lagging behind other themes, so that's what I want to do more with, especially humorous cards. Humour is so much more difficult to gauge, when coming up with ideas.

Love vintage and steampunk styles. Am also quite into nautical themes. I am not so good at using bright colours but love working with earthtones as well as blue/ green shades. At the moment, I'm on a roll with Autumnal themes and colours, which I absolutely love and have also developed something of an obsession with gonks. My technique is a bit cluttery/ busy but it sometimes 'works'. I have friends who are much more 'minimalistic' in their styles, which look fantastic but my technique probably reflects my personality, as it will with everyone, in some way.

Speaking of clutter, I have acquired so much stuff over the years, it's beyond ridiculous but I love looking at all the materials, lol! I live in a small flat and have limited capacity so it's amazing what I've managed to squash into it! Sometimes, just 'enjoying the stash' is pleasure in itself but a nightmare when trying to find stuff, even though it's all boxed and labelled. I have stacks almost to the ceiling! Oh, for more space- to work in, let alone store things. I always seem to end up on the living room floor and cursing myself because I am always fighting to keep dog hairs off my 'creations'. (daft as I am, I wouldn't incorporate them willingly into any 'art'!)

Might put some examples on when I have a bit more confidence and time. x
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I would second any recommendation for Attic24's blog for a beginning crocheter. Some lovely free patterns and tremendous photo tutorials. Her blankets are relatively easy once you've mastered a stitch as it's mainly the colours that change rather than the stitches. Coastal Crochet also does fabulous blankets and photo tutorials but her stitches are more complicated. I mainly do blankets, some lace shawls and mandalas.

I learned to knit as a small child and prefer it for garments and socks, as well as most shawls. For socks, I love Coopknits's two books. I know that around 64 stitches will fit my feet perfectly and use her plain pattern all the time for patterned yarn. I only wear my own socks now and they're so much warmer than bought.

I also learned to sew as a small child, largely due to tradition in both families as well as being unable to buy western clothes. My special treat was to walk through the fabric suq with Mum even if we didn't buy. Having grown up with standard paper patterns, I don't have any problems with them but it would like to learn to adjust and fit them better though I gave too many hangups and too much embarrassment about my body. I have done a few evenings classes in patchwork as well as one where I had a properly fitted Victorian set of stays to wear as evening dress with skirts.

I learned the basics of embroidery as a child and was a member of the Embroiderers' Guild for a while but I'm a bit cackhanded, being dyspraxic. I used to do a lot of cross-stitch and have a few Lavender & Lace angels done with more of the patterns waiting. Having done last year's "We All Stayed At Home 2020" hoop, I'm currently doing Cotton Clara's "Adventure Awaits 2021" hoop in backstitch to join it. I also get the Craftpod boxes every quarter with two projects in which are mostly embroidered with some other craft occasionally thrown into the mix.
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Love this, thank you for setting up! Not mega crafty but am attempting to embroider some baby sleepsuits with my daughter’s name some point this / next week so will be reading for tips! xx
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I have been really enjoying making my scarp blanket so far. It is so colourful and fun. It changes colours, yarn type and yarn quality at irregular intervals all over the place. It somehow looks just as nice as something I have planned properly.


DAE get surprised at how much drama some small hobby groups can generate?

I am in a Facebook group for crochet beginners. Within the last few weeks the following arguments/drama/general stupidity have happened.

People who buy online for price/ease/no local shops V people who only buy from local independent stores and like to rub it in people's faces if something goes wrong with an order.

People who accuse others of being unethical as they buy yarn from Aldi and pound shop.

People complaining that some people are not beginners and should not be allowed in group, but failing to understand that without a mix of abilities it would be the blind leading the blind.

People who last minute decided to make a temperature blanket and panic bought yarn without planning....and then got upset because of the cost, the fact they bought to much or to little in one colour, they didn't check the weight of the yarn when buying in and have spent lots of money on 10 50g balls.

Someone saw a handmade blanket in a charity shop and had a rant over how cheap the charity shop was selling it for as it ' devalued' the work.

People who say ' I have never done crochet or knitting, but I want to start making and selling as a buisness, what is the easiest way to do it, also I do not want to have to deal with making basic items yo practice as these take up space'.

Someone made 'dragon scale' gloves and another user laughed at them and said it made her hands look like they were covered in tumours.

People posting AI crochet and passing it off as their own work.

I just crochet as it is a relaxing thing to do when I watch TV or listen to podcasts. I don't understand how people get so wound up over yarn twiddling.
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Just overcome a mental block and re-threaded the needles on my overlocker.
Now starting to make a Billie sweatshirt (Tilly and the buttons pattern). First ever sweatshirt.
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Very impressed at all the pictures of work. I can just about manage to sew a button back on something 😬
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Hello all! I cross stitch and knit ( to a fashion) bit have decided I might quite like to get into sewing and have bought myself a Tilly and the buttons book so fingers crossed it all makes sense and I haven’t just spent £100 on a sewing machine for no reason! So if anyone has any recommendations for getting started please let me know. I’m looking forward to seeing what you all create this year
I started by making things from the Cath Kidson Sew book. Easy things like oven gloves to practice using the machine.

I enjoy sewing and have just bought an overlocker and a Tilly and the buttons course on how to use it.
I also knit, have a jumper which I need to finish. I also cross-stitch, I have a big cross-stitch to finish.
I have a subscription to Sew Hayley Jane sewing box, so I have a surprise of different fabric each month. Sewing and Tattle have kept me sane in 2020!
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@Professor Slop Those are absolutely incredible as well as that watercolour style one being beautiful! I’m new to cross stitch as an adult, not having done any since primary school around 1980 when we did embroidery. I’m slowly working my way through quite a complex floral pattern, but it’s nothing compared to what you have shown. It’ll probably take me six months to finish it as I’m so slow. 😊
Cross stitch definitely helps to pass the time during lockdown though.
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It’s only taken me a year to pluck up the courage to thread my gift overlocker. 😳 Made a pair of pants yesterday I’m wearing today - so no pics as I need to protect you from my arse!

Someone said a few pages back you Don’t have to be great - just enjoy it. I’ll remind myself of that next time I’m unpicking a seam… or struggling with which way up to face the fabric.
I love my overlocker. It's a game changer and means I can wash my homemade clothes knowing they'll survive the wash.
For crochet, I recommend keeping trying, because initially I just didn't 'get' it and once my crochet hook was flung across the room in protest... but then once day it just clicked. :ROFLMAO:
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