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Well-known member
It's not obvious in your post that your statement covers one week in October.

Also, what?! Every death of a young person is one too many, whether from Covid or from a vaccine. No need to be aggressive.


VIP Member
I know it’s crazy what they’re going through, I’ve read the letters back and forth and it’s just shocking. Guess that’s the joys of the postcode lottery!
Shocking, I know at my LA they have profiles of population growth and have invested locally in extensions/opened up nurseries in community buildings when they knew demand would outstrip supply to ensure every child have a local place.


VIP Member
They haven’t tested their kids so not sure what you’re talking about? It’s the parent of a child who has tested positive. Not the kid. Everything they’re doings within the ever changing guidance
I can still understand their concern, because it's likely the kids will catch it off the parent and can then spread it among other kids who may then go home and spread it to the people in their households.

At the end of the day no one wants to catch covid, even if they've chosen not to have the vaccine (I would assume).

It was like before the pandemic if I was working next to someone who was coughing and spluttering I'd keep away cause I don't want a cold or cough lol.


VIP Member
No they can't. I think this has been an interesting test for them. They'll also be looking worldwide at industries that have been affected by mandating.
So many people haven't given in and I praise them for that!
They know that mandating firstly doesn't mean vaccine uptake, if anything it pushes people onto sticking their heels in futher.
Secondly, it has a knock on effect to the most vulnerable and poorer people in society.
I think we're lucky having the NHS for this reason. The government can't play with it, if we were private like other countries then it would be easier to push through.
We're back to wait and see now.....

Didn't we get told that the anti viral tablets would be due next year? I think then we'll see less pressure depending on the outcome of trials and less vaccine coercion.

I for one would be more than happy to take an anti viral if I got ill, and i think many people who are against the covid vaccine would as well. It seems a happy medium in my opinion
Apparently they're supposed to be 2 here before the years out but only for the old and vulnerable . The plan is for them to work alongside the vaccines for breakthrough cases if people test pos or are exposed to the virus, They're still going to keep jabbing until they turn it endemic they want healthcare workers to have the vaccines so they'll potentially only get a mild form of illness and be able to carry on their role once they decide that it's acceptable that enough of the population will have enough protection from vaccines and other treatments that's what the push is for those settings .
Plenty of people died from covid with pre-existing health issues, so going by your logic it wasn’t the covid that killed them it was what they had before? Or does that logic only work for vaccines?
That is not what I am saying. If his mother has a history of heart problems and stroke, had the vaccine, then had issues with heart and strokes… it is coming across as the vaccine caused these issues.

But your post was saying without saying that she was already ill. If any of us said that about an already poorly covid patient we would be jumped on.

The fact is she was ill right from when she was vaccinated and now has to have carers.
But she has a history of heart problems and strokes…
Not sure you’ve researched this yet but you won’t catch covid if you have antibodies. That’s why during the Spanish flu they got the nurses that had already been infected to be in the front line treating people.
It’s not about that though is it it’s about the label of being vaccinated/unvaccinated, it would be unbearable for you to be classed as unvaccinated even though in your case it’s the more logical decision.
You can catch Covid-19 twice so yes I have researched it and immunity does not last forever. Are you for real? You think I took the vaccine because it would be unbearable for me…I took the vaccine because of how Covid-19 has left me feeling.

I am not here telling anyone why I think they didn’t take the vaccine so I’d appreciate if you’d do the same.
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VIP Member
They don’t, I was also asked when I was pregnant and I told them not to ask me again and they kept sending me texts and letters to book my covid vaccine.
That’s different from your midwife asking you at every appointment though.

Those texts and letters are just the NHS comms machine. I had my first 2 vaccines via nhs research and despite being vaccinated the nhs don’t speak to each other I got the same letters and emails 😂. They got more passive aggressive with every text message 🤣
With respect, none of those pictures are what we asked. Where is the footage of people dropping dead in the street? It was only shown in China at the beginning of the pandemic. But now as more is known about the disease it’s clear that if you have the disease severely you’ll probably be bed bound not going about daily life and suddenly collapse dead.

The images you have shown might be distressing but some of those images are culturally how deaths are handled anyway so it’s not actually shocking to the people who see it as their normal.
These images do show people in body bags, on the street, make shift morgues etc. That is what I was referring to from the original comment as the severity of the pandemic was being downplayed.


VIP Member
To be fair, you're meant to get a PCR test if you've been in contact with someone who's tested positive when you're double jabbed and only go to work if the test is negative.
This is where they have played loose with their wording.

"You should still" implies that while you should, there's no actual requirement and you can carry on as normal. You don't even have to isolate.

Whereas unvaccinated, you have to either test and remain isolating till you get the result or isolate for 10 days and not test.
According to the government the overall infection mortality rate is 0.096%;

Whilst the majority of people do survive Covid, I accept your point that surviving covid doesn’t mean fully recovering from it for some.
That is an estimate from July. The worldwide stat would be interesting to know but also hard to model as countries report cases, deaths and recoveries differently. Some don’t report at all.
I am pretty sure Prefrontalmedialcortex talked about his bad personal experience with covid, so his bias is totally understandable to me. Any personal experience (with covid or a jab) makes you biased, but a lot of people keep denying it when it's obvious.
His? You mean her…I am female/she/her.


VIP Member
It doesn’t mean the vaccines are not effective. Roughly half of those in ICU are unvaccinated and the other half are vaccinated with underlying health conditions/immunocompromised.
It still doesn't matter in this instance they're waning sooner than anticipated and once again coroni has taken over .

have to admit this is really pissing me off, if the vaccine was making a drastic difference maybe (although I don’t agree with them at all)
But right now, what are we on the sixth or twelfth jab 😐 with minimal benefits in my opinion
I think a lot of it's down to people not bothering to test and then turning up at hospital ? there was a woman on earlier part of the HSE saying people are a lot sicker this time so I'm assuming they're ignoring symptoms until they're well advanced and the surge is what's causing the pressure .


VIP Member
The flu kills thousands each year, people just don’t batter an eyelid as daily deaths/infection rates aren’t reported and the media aren’t scaremongering around flu etc.
The covid death rates I don’t believe are accurate, you could get ate by a shark but they would put it down as covid if you had a positive test within 28days? 🙄🙄🙄🙄 bullshit.
The flu never had the same impact as covid.
I would suggest based on the data for Covid fatalities following from July until the present day that this overall estimate is highly unlikely to have changed in any significant way. Still, even with the way that Covid deaths are recorded, it is a reassuring low estimate based on 16 months of collected data at that point in time.
Doesn’t reassure me much. 😕

Do you trust the other figures provided by the DoH around coronavirus just not this one because it doesn’t fit your argument? 😂
🤨 The 99% survival rate is not true as there are a lot of factors to take into account. Nothing to do with fitting ‘my argument.’
Can’t see anyone denying covid has caused heart problems in a minority of people. It has been found vaccines have caused those issues too so not sure what your point is? Trying to one up? People are ill it’s not a contest.
Trying to open one up? People are ill it’s not a contest? If you cannot understand what I mean by my comment then that is on you. I give up with this thread. 😩


VIP Member
It’s not the same as the flu jab though. The flu jab changes every year with different strains. The covid vaccines are all the same are they not? It’s not altered for different variants? Yet you now need 3.

If they are only going to give it free to most at risk in the future then those people denied it should take note then that they aren’t seen as having risk factors so the scaremongering to them has been totally unwarranted.
Well, my first two were AstraZeneca, but my booster will be Pfizer. I assume they're slightly different in composition, hence the difference efficacy percentages.

Charging for future vaccines is just a hypothetical that I assume has been mentioned due to low risk groups being charged for the flu vaccine. Again, I haven't heard of being asked to pay for a covid vaccine. It would seem pointless given the government wants as many people vaccinated as possible.