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What I find interesting, but at the same time understandable, given how feral some of them are, is, when I last looked I had only noted one person who had said that it was a bad idea, going a bit far, making contact away from there.There must be others who think it's strange!
They know they'll be set upon, so prob just keeping schtum
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I’ve never believed her, I didn’t with the dvla thing either and I was proven wrong 😂
There’s been too many holes in her stories and making out she didn’t know her “friend” had come on and defended her made me laugh 😆

She’s probably a nice woman in real life but it’s not coming across that way on cc

Another thing I’ve notice too is that they’re trying to be too present in people’s life
We have a rant or a conversation about problems that are affecting our home lives, but I don’t know what shift someone works and how many days a week they do it.
It’s too “familiar” and it’s gonna bite them all on their arses.
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I genuinely think it’s ruined their thread. There’s a handful who hang on Jos every word and that E person is right, there’s a lot of unanswered questions but no one can ask again or they’re jumped on. I’d also like to say most of us are going through something but it’s not an excuse for being nasty. Jo has major mood swings and I would not be putting myself in her firing line by following her or meeting her in person
It may sound far fetched but there has been people (kids and adults!) Who have been groomed through anon forums! It starts as anon chat, then they private message (jo is trying to get them to do this), then they reveal who they really are (well, who they pretend to be) then they are persuaded to meet up where they are then in real danger! People have been stalked, murdered, raped! it does happen! You literally have no clue who you are talking to and absolutely EVERYTHING should be taken with a pinch of salt and you should guard your identity. I can't believe how stupid some people are 🙄
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I’m having a self care night tonight. I’ve declared this year is the year of the glow up. I’ve got one of those weighted hula hoops and I do that every day. I’m cleaning up now then gonna take myself to the bath, for a gin or 10 and have what I call a princess bath, where I wash every part of my body. Hair mask. Face mask. Skin care. The lot.

I’m having a self care night tonight. I’ve declared this year is the year of the glow up. I’ve got one of those weighted hula hoops and I do that every day. I’m cleaning up now then gonna take myself to the bath, for a gin or 10 and have what I call a princess bath, where I wash every part of my body. Hair mask. Face mask. Skin care. The lot.
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I forget that we are not a group chat and that other people do not give a flying shit if I’ve my slippers on by 7pm 🤣🤣
You do make me laugh 😃

I’m good thanks, I’m off to the drs as it seems it’s hello menopause (just turned 40) had symptoms for about 6 months and it’s not exacerbating my adhd symptoms (still officially waiting diagnosis, however 36/37 on the questionnaire drs said extremely likely) so hoping to get some sort of help to relieve symptoms & to see if my adhd referral can be rushed but I don’t think they’ll rush it
Hopefully they can help you out. I think I'm on my way down that road too. Stupid bodies 😒
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Quite frankly I don’t even give a fuck what the outspoken ones in there say anymore. There’s some vicious cunts there. Oh yes there is! But there are nice people too! Say what you want about me! Me and my wooden spoon are very happy here thank you!
Thats just it, there are some really nice ones on that thread, just a few who made it hard watch, coming at someone’s child is just disgusting.
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That’s the thing. It’s a distraction from things when we are having a shit time but it’s also the last thing on our minds.
Jo will probably go off for a day or so and come back with another woe is me tale (I bet she was woe is me & probably all these other accts that’s popped up wanting to out Aimee)
Who’s ismellofcatpiss on CC, they’re on here aswell?
I’m ismellofcatpiss❤
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I don’t want to say this on Aimee’s thread because it’s clearly watched like a hawk but I wish those on CC would be careful. A lot of them are now following Jo and I think it’s a recipe for disaster. Apparently she’s speaking to an ex of Aimee’s and she was supposed to be going to Barcelona which is coincidentally the same place Aimee is going to but now last minute she can’t go 🙄

There’s a reason we are all anon and I really hope this doesn’t backfire on those who are genuinely nice over there 😕
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And the fact they scroll past Jos nasty comments but if someone else went on and said that about Jo or anyone there they would all jump in and comment saying how nasty it was, speaks volumes to me that does!
Absolutely!! I’m glad one of their own called her out!! Wonder if she will go skulking off again for a few days like last time. Whether you have an ill relative or not, there’s no excuse to speak like that!
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End of day check in ❤

How’s everyone’s day been? Anything exciting happen today?

Hope you’re all well.

Lots and lots of love, as always

I think this thread is my favourite corner of the internet. What a fab bunch of people ❤ I guess this is one thing we can thank aimless for!
Mr Huggis was laughing at me earlier. He calls on lunch break every single day, pain in the hole, anyway, he asked if I’d checked in with the kids or if he would text. I said to him “I’m just checking the wee coven first then I’ll fire them a text”. 🤣🤣
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I’ve got a day off today! Well say day off. Gotta do a full clean of my house not that’s it bad but you know what I mean and I stupidly stripped all the beds this morning now I’ve gotta make them 😭😭😂😂😂 but im having a cup of tea and some biscuits first. School run was a cold one this morning and I’m still cold 🥶
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Morning everyone! I’ve woken up in a stinker of a mood but the show must go on. I hate people 🤣 excluding you lovely bunch of course ❤
I can relate!! It’s so bad that one of my kids asked me “why are you a moody Margaret today”?

Who the sod is Margaret anyway?! 🤣

I need to do some food shopping and we're on the drebs of cash 😭 been the longest month! Roll on the 31st...
Aww I know, January is the longest month isn’t it, it’s a struggle by this time!! Hope you’re alright!!
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I don’t want to say this on Aimee’s thread because it’s clearly watched like a hawk but I wish those on CC would be careful. A lot of them are now following Jo and I think it’s a recipe for disaster. Apparently she’s speaking to an ex of Aimee’s and she was supposed to be going to Barcelona which is coincidentally the same place Aimee is going to but now last minute she can’t go 🙄

There’s a reason we are all anon and I really hope this doesn’t backfire on those who are genuinely nice over there 😕
Yeah and they becoming friends on fb and gonna arrange to meet. I think it could backfires and also one of Aimee’s huns requested one of them (so now she’s gonna know who one of them are) it’s not a good idea
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I’ve reported her comment. I agree with a comment made there, they all jump on you for even having a slight difference of opinion and it’s disgusting. For the record Jo, Aimee is a cunt but I won’t spend my life finding things to report. I have a job and a family to focus on
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Along with hot flushes the memory loss is shocking for me
Same!! Ive just turned 45 and have been perimenopausal since I was about 37. The symptoms were getting too much. I went to the docs a couple of years ago and she said it sounded like menopause but because I was under 45 she would run tests just to rule anything else out. Low and behold, hormone levels confirmed menopause 🙄 my last 3 periods have been 8 months apart. I need to get to 12 months before I'm officially postmenopausal, so i need to make it to mid April. Knowing my luck, "Aunt Flo" (cringe) will make an appearance on April 1st so I'll have to start my countdown again 😭 having said that, post-menopause isn't meant to be any better. I'm finding the weight gain the worst to deal with. I dont eat huge amounts, walk the dog 3 times a day, go swimming, but the hormonal belly isn't shifting. If any of you have any tips or advice it would be more than welcome!! Xx
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Can I share some good news? I'm chuffed to bits that we've bought our absolute dream home and are moving imminently.
My friends in real life are really disinterested in my news and make me feel bad for being excited so I've had to hold it in quite a bit. We all came from council estates with parents on benefits and so do the whole 'who does she think she is' routine. I'm still common as muck (I love corned beef ffs!) but i wish someone would just be pleased for me. My parents have both passed away and I have a NC relationship with my siblings
Omg Congratulations on your new home!!! I'm so happy for you! 😁. You shouldnt feel bad for being excited, x

Just don't do a Hyacinth Bucket, haha (kidding) 😉😂
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Thankyou my lovelys! Was the most amazing feeling and he keeps saying it now 😭

My partner gave me the hump yesterday though, he said he feels like he has to spend too much time with me at, ffs 4 years together and see him 3 times a week, plus hes freaking out at living with me and my son soon.... Feel like I'm getting strung along

Aww that's so lovely. My nephew has a couple of developmental "issues" (hate the word because he's perfect and no issue what so ever) but one of those was we didn't think he was going to talk for a long time. Then he started saying words here and there and I always wanted him to he able to say my name (even if it wasn't perfect, whatever his version would have been) and now all of a sudden he says sentences and he can say "aunty swishswing" (enter real name obviously) and at the start it melted my cold dead heart but now about 18 months later... the constant "aunty swishswing" x4,000 and we joke "remember the days we wanted him to talk so badly, it was a peaceful time".

In the best way possible, I obviously mean no offence by this but I so hope you get to the stage where you miss the peace too. 🩶

Kids are so amazing and they'll surprise you, or at least thats what we've found with my nephew. He wasn't expected to walk and now he runs around, he can count to 500 (he's four) and he can tell the time. He's just exceeded all of our expectations and more. But he was perfect before all of this and he's still amazing now.

I hope I'm making sense, I'm definitely saying this from a place of love and hope. 🤦🏽‍♀️
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@Mumof3 sorry you're having a rough time. Don't feel like you need to battle through here. This is a safe space. Use us as a sounding board if you need, there are people around at all times.

Love to you all xx
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