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VIP Member
Struggling with my mental health amongst the pandemic. Tried calling the Samaritans a few times and they didn’t answer. Tried talking to my doctor earlier in the week and all she said was ‘everyone is feeling like this’. I messaged my therapist saying I was having bad thoughts on WhatsApp and she’s seen it but hasn’t reply, I’m not scheduled to speak to her until Tuesday. Swear this is like the universe telling me something ahaha.
You matter, never forget that.

Get back in touch with your doctor, or another one at the surgery and tell them you need a better response than 'everyone is feeling like this'. If it's really bad, call 111 and they can help. Make sure to keep your appointment with your therapist in Tuesday.

Other options as well as Samaritans in the UK:

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
Call 0800 58 58 58 – 5pm to midnight every day
Visit the webchat page

Papyrus – for people under 35
Call 0800 068 41 41 – 9am to midnight every day
Text 07860 039967
[email protected]

Shout Crisis Text Line – for everyone

Text “SHOUT” to 85258

Some helpful information and resources are also avaliable here:
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If they let me go to Primark and not round to my mums for a cuppa then I'll be raging!
I need family more than I need the shops
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Don’t normally post on this thread but I am avid watcher! My dad is having the jab today 😊 he’s just turned 68, think the south west are quite ahead with the targets, if anyone else in the Gloucestershire area.
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VIP Member
Can someone explain why people are so up in arms about these supposed “vaccine passports” whereby we would somehow have to prove we’ve been vaccinated in order to travel to certain countries. I had to have jabs before I went to Asia and didn’t even question it (I had to pay for them too!). Surely it’s just sensible for countries to want to ensure people travelling in have received necessary vaccinations (whether you believe the vaccination necessary is another debate which I can’t be bothered getting into right now). Even if it goes as far as needing to prove you’ve been vaccinated to go to events or something like that... again, does it really matter? Why would the government implement such a complex system just to “control” us? If I have to flash a QR code on my phone before going into a nightclub I’m not particularly bothered - maybe I’m brainwashed and this is what they wanted me to think. Clearly I need to “wake up” to what is going on here - because to me none of it really seems particularly sinister :unsure:
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Chatty Member
i had it in summer i am in my early twenties and healthy. It got to my brain so i went cyanotic (blue) from lack of oxygen/being unable to breathe, kept passing out, went to hospital, not sure how long i was there but i forgot my name, had to learn how to walk again and didnt know where i was. not fun at all. please do all you can to keep others and yourself safe.
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Struggling with my mental health amongst the pandemic. Tried calling the Samaritans a few times and they didn’t answer. Tried talking to my doctor earlier in the week and all she said was ‘everyone is feeling like this’. I messaged my therapist saying I was having bad thoughts on WhatsApp and she’s seen it but hasn’t reply, I’m not scheduled to speak to her until Tuesday. Swear this is like the universe telling me something ahaha.
Hi lovely, I’ve never ever commented on any thread here before just usually lurk but I saw this and couldn’t not comment, as I don’t want to leave no reply and for something to happen overnight. I’m so sorry you had a response like that from your doctors, that’s awful and I hope your therapist gets back to you soon. In the meantime I’m not sure how this whole messaging thing works on here, but please feel free to message me and remember this is not forever, we will soon be out of this. What’s helped me is planning everything I intend on doing when restrictions allow, maybe you could make a list of everything you are going to do? Are there any friends/family you can speak to or maybe get out on a walk with tomorrow? Please don’t isolate yourself xx
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VIP Member
I voted to refuse the vaccine however I’m still undecided, if it becomes mandatory to have it to be able to travel etc then I’ll have the vaccine. But otherwise, I’m highly likely to survive, I’m young, healthy, don’t drink or smoke, and I’m not overweight. I don’t have the flu jab so I don’t see why I should have this 🤷🏻‍♀️ But like I say I may change my mind, it’s not 100% made up
Tbf i used to Think it was always the older age ones with health issues that would suffer the most
Until we had to tell a mother the other day her son had died from covid and he was in his twenties and was a personal trainer in excellent shape
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VIP Member
I’m also feeling very positive today (mood not covid status lol). Just small things like noticing it’s 5.30 and not fully dark yet, seeing daffodils growing, seeing the numbers going down and more and more people having the vaccine. I can’t wait to go to a lovely country pub with an open fire and have a big roast dinner with my friends and drink cider!
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I don’t understand the issue with the variety of effectiveness of the vaccines. Surely so long as it’s stopping deaths and hospitalisation then that’s good enough? Isn’t that what we’ve been locking down for? To prevent deaths and hospitalisation? If we can trade lockdown for vaccine then isn’t that sufficient?
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VIP Member
What I don't understand is the SuperBowl the other day had 25000 in the stadium in a country over around a third of a billion people. England play India in Chennai from Saturday in the Cricket and is allowing fans in attendance in a country of over a billion people.

Yet we are to believe our extremely small by comparison island is so unsafe we can't sit on a couch at the home of someone else?
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Chatty Member
I am so fed up of Covid and really question everything I do these days.

I have not been to a hair salon since July, I was meant to go in October but cancelled cause numbers were increasing a lot daily. I was rebooked for January but that got cancelled due to restrictions that were put in place in December.

Hair salons are now reopened and I am due to go this week. It is for my colour and a cut. I was really looking forward to it as my hair is awful and was making me quite down (small on the grand scheme of things, I know).

We have been sooo careful throughout the last year: stopped dining out in March, get takeout (all packaging in bin/reheat food), not seen anyone to socialise, disinfecting groceries, etc. We try so hard to stay safe.

I am starting to feel doubtful about whether to go to my hair appointment. It is going to be around 3.5 hours min (no blowdry). I almost feel a sense of guilt for going...what if I get sick and pass it onto my husband? It seem to that the media is really going on about this new B117 variant from the UK. It is now in our province and they are saying how it can be spread within seconds, not like the old one which took at least 15 minutes and is much more contagious. That is freaking me out...but I am not sure if they are just fearmongering? They are also saying how because of the new variant, we will have a really bad wave in March.

Ugh. I was happy to finally have something to look forward to. If you were me, would you go?
You cannot live your life in fear of something that MIGHT happen. I’m sure you and the salon will be taking necessary precautions so if I was you I would go, you will probably feel a lot better once you’ve been and had your hair done.
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VIP Member
Struggling with my mental health amongst the pandemic. Tried calling the Samaritans a few times and they didn’t answer. Tried talking to my doctor earlier in the week and all she said was ‘everyone is feeling like this’. I messaged my therapist saying I was having bad thoughts on WhatsApp and she’s seen it but hasn’t reply, I’m not scheduled to speak to her until Tuesday. Swear this is like the universe telling me something ahaha.
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Iconic Member
For fuck sake.

“Hundreds of British passengers returning from Dubai have been using Dublin as a back door to avoid strict UK travel restrictions and quarantine in recent days in a development that has sparked serious concern among airport staff.

Flights to and from the Middle East, as well as onward connecting flights from Dublin to the UK, have been extremely busy since the British government banned direct passenger flights from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) a week ago in a bid to stop the spread of the highly transmissible South African variant of Covid-19”
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VIP Member
Sorry am I reading this right...pubs without alcohol?

Might as well go sit in the odeon without any film showing as well.
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VIP Member
Apparently SAGE are now saying masks forever and rule of 6 for the rest of the year?! They can fuck right off. I’m moving to Florida 😂 Stadium full of people and we can’t even see our families or friends.
Yeah it was literally one guy who advises sage (John Edmunds) made a passing comment on Peston about how we would could possibly continue using masks for things like public transport, and that got spun into ‘SAGE says we will be wearing masks in all situations forever’ which is clearly the same thing 🥴

Honestly the press fill me with violent rage 🙃

edit to add: he also said the UK will be more or less free of covid by Christmas but why would they focus on that bit when there is hysteria to cause!
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Maybe on the 22nd Bozza is actually gonna come out and tell us everything is lifting and we can do whatever we want again? Hence the suspense 🤪🤣
I feel like I’m on deal or no deal hoping for the £250,000 box when we all no it’s gonna be 1p :cautious:
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VIP Member
I know I get too whipped up when I read stuff like that it just makes me SO angry that these statements can just be made and we’re expected to just accept it. I’ve gone from being so positive this week to basically wondering what the point is again. Could just about deal with losing 1 year of my life, I don’t think I can lose another. (Before people say about those who have literally lost their lives I know I work in the NHS - doesn’t make it easier)
I completely know what you mean, I’m not blaming you for getting worked up. I just cannot stand it either. I would rather they just didn’t speculate because it has gotten SO out of hand.

In terms of statements like these and the way things are twisted in the media, I would really appreciate if at the briefings they were addressed.

So this statement about masks today, if Whitty or Vallance would address it and give their view rather than just letting every opinion get put out there as fact (and they are opinions, even though they come from scientists).

I am surprised there hasn’t been a statement about the culture of fear and anxiety that is being pushed in the media and the effect on mental health.

anyway. Rant over 🤣, figures

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