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VIP Member
I need to share my joy with you lot....

After nearly a year of doing our weekly shop online and having it delivered, I had a mini meltdown yesterday and declared that I was doing the weekly shop (2 adults, 3 kids) at.....wait for it....M&S. It's our closest store but obvs I have only ever driven past it because we ain't rich. We are more of an Asda Smart Price kinda budget.

Husband looked like he might say something (something eminently sensible to be fair.....something like "Are you fucking kidding me....we can't afford that" etc) but then I gave him THE LOOK. You know the one....the one that you can give after knowing someone for over 20 years....the look that says " You do NOT want to pick this fight." I have not socialised in I don't know how long. I am Mary Poppins to our kids and an unpaid Homeschooling guru. All I do is cook, clean, homeschool and walk the dog. For months. I need this.

So I drive the 2 mins to M&S like I'm in my way to fucking Heathrow to embark on a 5* break to Dubai. I am high on life 😂 I spent over twice our normal weekly budget....a blistering £197 in total. But do you know what I handed over my debit card like a bad ass mother-fucker like YEAH BABY...🤪

Husband looked quite tearful when I gleefully showed him the receipt- it was like the opposite of one of those TV shows where they show you how much you can save by swapping to Aldi. I was like "Aren't I clever...I managed to nearly spend £200 on food" 🏆🏅😂

Anyway, I bought a few tins of 8% Mojito so hubby will have gotten over it when I drink them tonight and turn into a crazy drunken horny Mum, let him feel my boobs (maybe more ladies...just maybe!) and fall asleep by 8pm.

We'll be on Asda smart price for everything for the next 2 months to make up for it but I do not give one solitary shiny shit.
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Not sure I get the smiley emoji that always accompanies these things? Only 828 dead lol
Well I used to put a comment when the numbers had dropped from last week saying it was good but then someone had a problem with that too so I switched to a smiley.

The smiley is because the numbers have continued to drop and yenno... that’s a good thing? I’m not putting smiley because people have died. Obviously.

Sick of people picking at nothing. Put me on ignore if you’re triggered by an emoji.
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I’ve had a look at the past few Mondays data (UK) and it is as follows:

08/02 - 14,104
01/02 - 18,607
25/01 - 22,195
18/01 - 37,535
11/01 - 46,169
04/01 - 58,784

so in 5 weeks we have dropped the daily case figures by over 44,000 cases a day. It seems to be dropping roughly 25% week on week or a bit more so hopefully this time next week we will be just over 10k.

Then by 22nd Feb (roadmap out of lockdown announcement) we should be comfortably under 10k. Looking really promising at the min 🤞🏻
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Just recieved my vaccine. Actually got quite emotional especially after almost a year of shielding and feeling terrified about catching it. Feels like the first step back to normality
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Someone I went to school with has got covid, both she and her partner and their kids (they have 4, one of whom is under 1). Grown ups quite poorly but kids not so bad.

They live in a council house and their boiler had just broken, it’s -3 here tonight. Council have said because they have covid no one can come to fix it until their isolation period is up in a few days 😐 and to wear coats to bed and wrap up warm.

I know its obviously a difficult one but you can’t leave a family of 6 with no heating in peak winter when 2 parents are already very poorly. The kids are all under six and like I said, one is only months old. There is sticking to the rules and there’s being ridiculous.
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My brother had to say goodbye to his mum(same dad but different mums)via video link last night. I'm absolutely heartbroken for him.
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Chatty Member
Here's a different one. I'll be having the vaccine and I really dont give a shit what other people think. Call me a sheep, call me a Guinea pig, I don't give a fuck. This isnt just for me, it's to protect others as well. Those who may not be able to have the vaccine due to allergies. It's one thing not to have it and it's another to sit and look down your nose at people who will. Every single inch of time and money has been pushed into this vaccine and you're telling me scientists, whose careers are on the line, wont have thought of long term effects and just want to kill everyone off? Bore off. It's not a brand new vaccine, its developed from other things such as the flu vaccine, SARS etc. I really dont get anyone saying they wont have the vaccine, honestly. I trust scientists more than I'd trust a dodgy YouTube video or Fave on Facebook. I thought we wanted out of this shit show? But now you've got people on the high horse pretending they're better than a vaccine which means we'll keep going around and around in circles. This is an opinions, its mine, and if you dont agree you dont have to respond and tell me I'm wrong for voicing an opinion. That's what everyone else here is doing too
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Had a big old cry today. First one in a while lol. I’m just so fed up :( I miss my family. They’re all together celebrating my brother and his girlfriend’s baby announcement (work being done on my brothers house so they have moved in with my parents for now) and I’m 2.5 hours away on my own (house share so can’t form bubble). They try to include me through FaceTimes and texting me updates about going to buy the pram etc but it just makes me feel worse. I’m so lonely and just feel so out of it. I see my boyfriend for walks but it’s not the same as a proper relationship, we’re just like mates at the minute since all we can do it walk and talk. This isn’t how my life should be at 22 😭 giving it a few more weeks until the start of March and if things are still like this I’ll be moving back home for a while. Trying to stay so positive and focus on things like weightloss which is going really well but I know I’m just masking how down and depressed I am. Every day is more and difficult and even the things that my family think are helping (facetime etc) just make me feel like I’m even more alone whilst they’re all having a nice time together with the news of the baby 😔 I don’t watch the news at all anymore thinking that would help but I just feel so meh all the time.

(not after sympathy lol, people have it so so much worse than I do and I’m incredibly lucky but sometimes a gal just needs a cry and a moan where nobody I know will see it!)
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I don’t really understand the attitude that some seem to have about going back to normal... other countries in the world are already doing it? At some point stuff is gonna happen without restrictions and not because we have hit zero covid... you are gonna have to accept that.

To think this is an event that will change the world forever is very short sighted and self important tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I have said this before, but weirdly I am better when I’m in lockdown waiting to find out when we come out than when we are out of lockdown and expecting a lockdown.

They can’t really take much more away in lockdown, I’ve accepted that my immediate future just involves eating takeaways and watching married at first sight and I’ve made peace with that.
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Don’t get complacent, they can spike just as quick... if not quicker, especially given all the variants...
Can we not have some positivity?? It seems like at the moment anything good has to be met with doom! Cases and deaths are seemingly dropping which is good and a positive sign lockdown is working. Nobody on this thread is saying to be complacent but we’re all for celebrating the wins...
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Whenever I'm getting bored of lockdown, I end up looking at how well the cases have dropped and that helps a lot. I can't believe on the 8th Jan we had 68, 000 cases. Today we 15,000....
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The problem with people refusing the vaccine for whatever reason, is that they are still relying on the majority of others to take up the vaccine and stop the spread of covid on their behalf. If everyone decided not to get vaccinated then we would be in the same situation for much longer.

Unless there are legitimate health reasons for not having the vaccine, it is ultimately a rather selfish decision.
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VIP Member
Buying washing powder, using emojis... clearly the thread rebel 😂
Can I just say, I was well excited today to post the figures and select my emoji for the day based on what would cause the most controversy however I got here and my dawdling over emoji selection meant someone had already posted the figures. Very upsetting times for me. I had such plans.
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Anybody struggling more and more?

I’ve had my vaccine. More people are having the vaccines. Some countries are getting better. I should feel positive but I just can’t.

Every day is like Groundhog Day. I am SO bored. I feel like we are just wasting our lives and if one more person tells me “it’s the same for everyone” I will swing for them. It’s so shit.
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Tbf, I’m very happy to feel shit for 48 hours if it means if I was to contract COVID I wouldn’t end up on a hospital bed. I get people being concerned about side effects but in the grand scheme it’s a small price to pay for some kind of immunity.
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