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VIP Member
My (limited) understanding is this. We have moved on from containment (trying to trace EVERY case and their contacts) to delay. Delay means this thing is spreading faster than we can trace so therefore it's no longer a priority to test and identify every suspected case. The aim is to push the peak further away towards the summer (because of resources and other winter illness related NHS strain). Therefore if you suspect you have symptoms/ contact with symptoms you should isolate to try to prevent spreading it further. If you don't have symptoms carry on with your normal life as far as possible to keep the economy functioning etc. I know "economy" is like the anti-word at the moment but there is some point to this approach. If everything were to go in to complete lockdown now and then have to stay like that for months and months because it didn't contain the virus as we hoped then this would also have devastating consequences. Essential service personnel not being able to work, businesses closing and complete financial meltdown will also result in loss of life (for various reasons). It's a very delicate balance and fortunately it is not my job to decide!

P.S. I am no BoJo fan. There is plenty in this government's response to Covid 19 I am not happy about!!

This is how I’m looking at it too, as I said previously this guy on twitter summed it up well, he’s an epidemiologist and an expert on contagion....



VIP Member
I know none of us have the answer or else we’d be very rich, but seriously when is this likely to calm down? They want it to peak at the start of May. Is that when it gets worse? Will it get better? It’s scary now.
I think they are hoping when we get the warmer better weather it will calm down like what the flu does I think


Chatty Member
4 out of 16 federal states in Germany announced today that all schools and nurseries will close from Monday onwards. I think the other federal states will follow this decision (due to pressure) . Yesterday the federal state ministers talked for hours (must have been very heated) and couldn't reach a consensus on nationwide school closures but I think it'll happen anyways.

Bundesliga will stop playing next week (until at least 2nd April). No idea why they'll still play tomorrow 🤦🏼‍♀️


VIP Member
2 surgeries in my local town announced they had to shut today and would only be taking telephone apps. Mines hasn't reported anything as yet


Well-known member
My son (9) had a cough a few weeks ago, it went and for the last 5 days or so hes had another cough. Hes well in himself with no temperature but with the new guidance i should keep him off school?


VIP Member
I work for a local authority we’ve all had an email saying services are being shut down and teams will be moved to support the most vulnerable


Well-known member
I was supposed to have a doctors app on Monday, but did it over the telephone today as she's developed a cough (she sounded dreadful to be fair) and is on lock down at home - still working though, doing telephone consultations where possible (mine was for a fit note to go back to work post surgery... that might not happen!!), and using her online system to log stuff through to the surgery. She said they were trying to keep as many people away from the surgery as possible too, unless absolutely necessary.

Shame, I needed a prescription for the pill too from the nurse, that ain't happening now.... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


VIP Member
Why is half of Europe on lock down, USA declaring a national state of emergency and the UK are doing not a lot apart from advising us not to call 111? Am I missing something?
Partner spoke to 111 3 times yesterday (he’s been made to selfisolate) and got told 3 different things.

Also re - the figures. I reckon they’re skewed by the cause of death. Because surely if the single cause isn’t corona but complications due to (heart attack, cardiac arrest etc) they’ll log that as the cause and it technically wouldn’t count towards the stats?
wish my company would do this, much more sensible. There is little reason for anyone in office work to have to commute atm
In an ideal world it would be great, but some jobs just cant work from home. I guess time will tell over the next few days/weeks how it’ll all pan out ☺


VIP Member
I believe this is information they were given late last night, so it's likely it will take time for it to filter through.
Our head teacher was at a meeting with another local primary school and was still there when we left dance at 6.30.


VIP Member
I was supposed to have a doctors app on Monday, but did it over the telephone today as she's developed a cough (she sounded dreadful to be fair) and is on lock down at home - still working though, doing telephone consultations where possible (mine was for a fit note to go back to work post surgery... that might not happen!!), and using her online system to log stuff through to the surgery. She said they were trying to keep as many people away from the surgery as possible too, unless absolutely necessary.

Shame, I needed a prescription for the pill too from the nurse, that ain't happening now.... :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I have an appointment Friday to get some stitches out and then a smear the following week, my surgery are only doing phone appointments....hoping they can still take the stitches out 🙈🙈


VIP Member
We’ll never know the origin I just take it in the context it was intended that might be different for you 👍
What do you mean “different for me”? Surely we all feel concern and sympathy for the elderly and vulnerable? Which in my case also means not feeling totally comfortable when I see a photo of an elderly person, most likely taken without her knowledge, passed around the Internet to elicit the maximum shock/ sympathy factor. The hypocrisy is quite staggering.