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ITALY: lockdown
CHINA: lockdown
DENMARK: lockdown
NORWAY: lockdown
IRELAND: close all schools, cancel mass gatherings
USA: close schools, ban all european flights

BORIS JOHNSON: "Right. Some of you are going to die. NHS are a bit busy, shit happens. OH, and don't forget the happy birthday hand-washing thing. Good luck."
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Just another opinion for everyone who is wanting to get tested but frustrated by 111 denying access. I work in a busy A&E department. We are now running low on the protective equipment that is needed every time we see a potential covid 19 case. So far I only know of one out of the hundreds we have tested that came back positive. I’m not criticising people wanting to get tested, completely understandable, but if we tested everyone who wanted it we definitely wouldn’t have the equipment available if/when sh*t really hits the fan later.
And that ladies and gentlemen is why it’s SO useful to have pple like you on this thread.
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Jelly Bean

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Omg I have a tale of utter stupidity my husband just told me. He works in a large open plan office with about 30 staff - they work in housing vulnerable people. He was out visiting (luckily) when his boss rang to say don't come back in. Apparently another worker had come back in after a visit, made himself a cuppa in the canteen, sat at his desk before announcing his last client had just seen had been diagnosed with coronavirus. He had sat with this person on his sofa for over an hour after he had been told!
My husband's boss went ballastic and sent everyone home. The idiot is being tested so no one can go back to work until they know the result. Office being deep cleaned tomorrow. It had been completely drummed into them what to do and he ignored it.
Words utterly fail at how anyone could be so bloody stupid. (No idea why the client even let him in but as I say they are vulnerable so possibly didn't really understand).
:mad: :mad::mad:
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I think the government's response has exposed how ill prepared for a disaster we are as a nation. There is no long term contingency plan for these sorts of crises. The huge amount of self employed people or those on temporary contracts, who will be crippled if they can't work for a few weeks, the parents who have no means to provide childcare but for themselves to look after their children, people who live pay cheque to pay cheque with no savings to rely on due to astronomical rents, mortgage and utility payments. As a country, we're in the shit, so this is why we have to carry on regardless. It's every man for themselves. The government's message is that we're all going to get this virus, some of us will die but you're on you're own so deal with it how you see fit. And that my friends, is Tory ideology in action.
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Well-known member
Just another opinion for everyone who is wanting to get tested but frustrated by 111 denying access. I work in a busy A&E department. We are now running low on the protective equipment that is needed every time we see a potential covid 19 case. So far I only know of one out of the hundreds we have tested that came back positive. I’m not criticising people wanting to get tested, completely understandable, but if we tested everyone who wanted it we definitely wouldn’t have the equipment available if/when sh*t really hits the fan later.
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VIP Member
Just another opinion for everyone who is wanting to get tested but frustrated by 111 denying access. I work in a busy A&E department. We are now running low on the protective equipment that is needed every time we see a potential covid 19 case. So far I only know of one out of the hundreds we have tested that came back positive. I’m not criticising people wanting to get tested, completely understandable, but if we tested everyone who wanted it we definitely wouldn’t have the equipment available if/when sh*t really hits the fan later.
Also, people getting annoyed at 111 operators for not budging should remember they don’t call the shots. Don’t shoot the messenger, as it were.
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Could the conspiracies be true and that it is perhaps a chemical weapon being released to cut down the world's population. It sounds mad but it could be something like this.....
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Well-known member
I know there’s a lot of people struggling with anxieties and fears at the moment so here are some of my suggestions. I hope this doesn’t come across as patronising. Sending virtual, non-infectious hugs to anyone who needs one right now!
  1. Seek information updates at specific times only (once or twice a day). The never ending stream of "breaking news" can cause anyone to feel worried.
  2. Use reliable sources (,, to gather information.
  3. Avoid social media, or take posts seen there with a “pinch of salt”
  4. Look after your (and your loved ones) physical health to best of your abilities: eat healthy foods, exercise, keep hydrated, practice healthy sleeping habits
  5. Look after your (and your loved ones) mental health to the best of your abilities: find a supportive ear to talk through your fears, practice mindfulness/ meditation (if this works for you), don’t neglect your hobbies (or pick up a new one)
  6. Reach out to loved ones. If this can’t be in person then text, phone, skype, email
  7. Don’t let anyone belittle your fears but don’t close yourself off from reassurance and positive mindsets either.
  8. Above all remember this is an unprecedented situation we are in and it is okay to not be okay. Just don't struggle alone <3
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elderly and ill tend to know their chances with pneumonia aren't good, and many will want to stay at home so that someone younger gets treatment. Even if your pare nts/grandparents haven't had that conversation with you, they've had it between themselves.
As for survival of the fittest, well yes, exactly. Until there's a vaccine or treatment people will die.
My dad was in hospital with pneumonia for 2 months last year.
Upon admission he was asked if he had a DNR. His reply... “No I do NOT! I’ve lots left to do thank you!”.
He was 79 at the time, so please don’t assume that older people will just wait around to die from it.
I’m well aware that if there is only one bed available then the younger person will get it, and rightly so but it’s sucks big time that it will come to this.
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Iconic Member
Should I go buy bread or not? Considering they are wearing gloves and masks in the shop but I'm scared 🤦🏻‍♀️
No, bread is for storms.
It’s toilet roll for the corona.

Post from my friends Facebook - boyfriends and sons name removed :

It appears I have contracted the Coronavirus (probably about 2 weeks ago when **boyfriend** and myself visited London to see Big Thief). I’ve felt absolutely fine, no issues at all up until this morning, when I woke up with a stupid tickly cough that wouldn’t stop, sore/tight chest, and was breathless after walking down stairs (then up them again five mins later). Haven’t had a fever until about now (currently shivering in my hoodie under two blankets but with a slightly raised temp). NHS 111 and my GP have confirmed it sounds like I do have it, and instructed me to self-isolate for 7 days. **Son** is self-isolating with me and his school have instructed him to stay at home for a week. **boyfriend** is also working from home. Fingers crossed they don’t show any symptoms!

Things to note:
1) There are no “cold like symptoms” for me. No snotty noses, no aches and pains, no sore throat.
2) Although I’m on my arse, the flu feels a million times worse. This just feels “a bit shite”.
3) If you have any cough/tight or sore chest, breathless type symptoms or a mild temp (I’m about 38 degrees C at the moment, so it’s not like I’m melting), then PLEASE self-isolate.
4) It’s not as dramatic as the media is making out. Bear in mind I’m a relatively healthy 40 year old with no underlying health probs. Don’t wait for some sort of horrific Hollywood-type of illness to befall you before you take action.
5) Use your common sense. Even if your immediate family aren’t showing symptoms, they could be carrying the virus if they’ve been in contact with someone who is showing symptoms.
6) If you’ve had contact with any of us in the last week, please keep an eye on yourselves.

P.S. - I have a normal amount of toilet paper in my house. Get a grip you lot. 💩
so, she has a cold and she’s looking for attention 🤣😂
I sneezed yesterday, I’m not diagnosing myself and telling “my story” on Facebook 😬

P.S. - I have a normal amount of toilet paper in my house. Get a grip you lot. 💩
no offense to your friend but....piss off karen 😂🤣 you wouldn’t have that sass if you were really sick
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But how does us staying at home now delay a peak? Sorry for my ignorance, I just don’t understand it.
My (limited) understanding is this. We have moved on from containment (trying to trace EVERY case and their contacts) to delay. Delay means this thing is spreading faster than we can trace so therefore it's no longer a priority to test and identify every suspected case. The aim is to push the peak further away towards the summer (because of resources and other winter illness related NHS strain). Therefore if you suspect you have symptoms/ contact with symptoms you should isolate to try to prevent spreading it further. If you don't have symptoms carry on with your normal life as far as possible to keep the economy functioning etc. I know "economy" is like the anti-word at the moment but there is some point to this approach. If everything were to go in to complete lockdown now and then have to stay like that for months and months because it didn't contain the virus as we hoped then this would also have devastating consequences. Essential service personnel not being able to work, businesses closing and complete financial meltdown will also result in loss of life (for various reasons). It's a very delicate balance and fortunately it is not my job to decide!

P.S. I am no BoJo fan. There is plenty in this government's response to Covid 19 I am not happy about!!
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New poster here! Found the thread and it’s kept me better informed than any other media! At first I wasn’t overly worried...after seeing Boris’ actions- moreover lack of!- I am increasingly concerned. I work at a gp surgery in the south east of England. Admin side of things. It’s all this lack of clear info that’s got me anxious. I understand it’s a new virus but surely there must be plans for this scenario ie. a pandemic?!?! I have elderly parents and they worry me the most. You guys are super supportive of one another on here- it’s good to have found the site 😃albeit in such circumstances
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I’m turning off my news and deactivating my Facebook this weekend. I don’t want to know numbers or where cases are. I’m going to bake with my children. Colour in. Do puzzles and just be in our wee bubble. My screen time is also high because I’m forever checking the numbers and map to see where cases are. It’s taking over my life!
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Dear Reader

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They have no faith in our population, there are so many things we could do amongst ourselves to help if only they'd give us the resources.
Boris stated in tonight's conference that they are relying on our 'altruism', they know we are going to step in to help each other anyway, so why not help maximise our efforts?
They should provide online leaflets with guidance on how to care for someone with mild symptoms, the safest ways to drop off food to those who are self-quarantined, etc.
If the tories are not going to protect us, at least help us help each other.
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Chatty Member
I am so so angry!

I understand the need to close things down and take stronger measures at the right time. However, telling people #yolo #soz your loved ones will die took them all afternoon? Rage!
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I feel very sad that the uk government have not given us any show of ‘action’ or advice. I watched the press conference and cried when Boris said ‘people will die before their time’ those people are family members that are much loved, not disposable items that will save money getting rid of them! I put on an earlier thread that it feels like they are allowing it to spread for that reason, I sincerely hope I am wrong.
I also don’t understand why they are saying we are 4 weeks behind Italy I thought we were only 2 weeks behind?
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Scotland has its first death from Coronavirus. In the lothians is all it’s stating so far and it’s and elderly lady who had underlying health issues 😢
This “underlying health issues” is really pissing me off.
Are we supposed to think that’s okay then because, hey they had problems anyway?
It’s not a “get out of jail free” card that I’m happy to accept.
These people with underlying health issues are still someone’s mother/father, etc.
Rant over.
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