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Not to be too satirical but it feels like BoJo is playing SimCity and just seeing how quickly he can kill all his fucking citizens
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Chatty Member
Anyone else feeling like to calm down their anxiety they won’t look for updates over the weekend . I feel like sitting with the news on all day isn’t good for my mental health. I just think I will lock the door over the weekend and just keep us all in and play games.
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So they have updated the 111 questionnaire on the NHS Website. Basically it advises you to call 111 only if you're unable to manage your symptoms or you've not seen any improvement within 7 days. So unless you're in that situation, you don't get tested! So how are the numbers going to be accurate? Don't they care?! I'm so confused. There will be thousands of sick people that won't get tested.
The tories dont care for anyone that can't afford private health care!
Hopefully people will remember this terrible fuck up at the next election!
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I'm a genuinely worried. I'm on universal credit, housing benefit and my eldest has free school meals so I simply can't afford to stockpile. I went to Asda earlier for some dairy free milk for my youngest (he has a dairy allergy) and there was none left. It looked like the entire store had been ransacked. I honestly can't understand why Boris hasn't done more to curtail this frenzy of stock piling. What do I do now? Try and carry on as normal? Apply for a foodbank? Oh yes, let's just all rely on our trust funds and daddy's money 🙄
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It’s worrying they’re saying the peak in the UK is 10-14 weeks away!! That’s terrifying. How much worse is it going to get. Why are we not isolating now to stop the spread so it doesn’t get to that peak? I don’t understand all this, it’s too early and it’ll do more harm if we lock down and stay home. How will it? Surely if we all stay home it’ll pass? Just like Italy are hoping it’ll achieve.

I can’t deal with this stress and anxiety now, never mind in 3 months, I have an anxiety disorder but after a few hard years I was finally in a better place. Well, I’m now slipping again. What a shitter 2020 has turned out to be hey 🙄
I’m gutted, for purely selfish reasons being that I am due to get married smack bang in the middle of this peak - 13 weeks away. My head feels full of worry. I actually feel like I’m making myself ill by thinking about this so much!

Just a few weeks ago I was thinking, “yes, this is going to be our year!” and now...?

I know I sound incredibly selfish and people have much more to worry about. I just feel like this is a good place to let off steam!
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Iconic Member
With uncertain times ahead members of the public are being advised to check that their contents insurance is up to date as police plead with the public not to display their valuables
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VIP Member
Anyone else feeling like to calm down their anxiety they won’t look for updates over the weekend . I feel like sitting with the news on all day isn’t good for my mental health. I just think I will lock the door over the weekend and just keep us all in and play games.
Turn it off, put some music on, dance because you can, play games and laugh.
It's the best medicine.
We don't have control over what this shambles of a gov are doing, but you do have control over your feelings, so do what makes you happy.
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Is it wrong to wonder how Theresa May would have reacted to the outbreak...? 😬😬
I’d give my little toe to have her back right now. I really thought BoJo would at least be a bit rallying. He can’t even brush his hair let alone lead us through the worst public health crisis of our time.
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I’m not on good terms with my Mother ( I don’t call her Mum) , I’ve just called her to see how she is and it caused a row because “ you never call me , am I dying”.

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I am absolutely incensed that Boris has said that yes, older people will die. You know what asshole, I don’t care how old my mother is and if she’s considered to have had a life or not by your standard. She’s my mother. I would knock down every twenty something and/or child if it meant she got to live ONE day longer. I don’t really care about Tom, Dick or Harry. Maybe that’s how our generations are now, selfish and self gratifying, but again, I don’t care. I don’t want MY elderly relatives at risk, however dispensable you might feel they are. I want my ‘vulnerables’ to see the year through.
My dad is 80 and in the highest risk group.
I love him dearly and I am so scared that this will be what finishes him off.
However, as much as it would break my heart, if it was a choice between a 20 year old getting a ventilator and living another 60 years or my dad getting one to prolong his life a little longer, then I know the 20 year old should have it.
It’s sad that it may have come to this in 2020. 😔
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I plan on not leaving my house until it's absolutely necessary, mostly concerned about my husband bringing germs into me as he is a joiner and is constantly out and about in public places fixing things for his work, whatever he gets I always get but a worse version of it. As well as being immunodeficient from the chemotherapy, I am asthmatic, and every virus I get goes straight to my chest. Last month in a+e I waited 4hrs for a nebuliser, and I felt like I was dying and in severe trouble. What happens if I catch Corona and if my chest becomes affected like they say is likely for those who are vulnerable and there is no nebuliser or breathing equipment for me? Fuck those who say those who are anxious are over reacting, they clearly have the luxury of good health, otherwise they'd be in a panic too.
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I work in retail for a big well known company.... my sister works with me also.

I have been off this week as my daughter has been extremely unwell in hospital (they’ve been arsey about this) she’s now home- thank god!! However I now have a horrific dry cough a temperature and now being told that I need to self isolate by the government... of course I will follow this not wanting to spread this to anyone if it the worst! However I’m absolutely dreading telling my boss...she’s literally going to lose her s**t at me, which i think a lot of people are worried about.

I have bad asthma 3 asthma attacks this year already... well first one days before Xmas. So my attendance is already at an all time low asthma and also having scoliosis.

I’ve been informed that we’ve run out of hand sanitizer at work, soap in the toilets.... but it’s ok because we’re going to get a box in to sell to customers... but nothing to protect the staff at all!!
Jobs that were advertised have now been taken down as profits are at an all time low. They are laughing at us for being genuinely worried for ours and our families health.. one person returned last month from Italy- in the heart of where this virus is in the country returned straight to work... boss said she’s fine and can’t force her to go home.

Some bosses think they are above everyone
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Interested in opinions- would you take Teresa May over Boris right now? At the time I felt that she rather lacked leadership quality in terms of having her senior team on side and also being inflexible in her approach, but I wonder whether she would be the perfect person for the current job as opposed to bumbling Boris? *Discuss!*
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The big push is on helping the elderly and vulnerable - who is protect them? Healthy people like myself?
I work in a massive open plan office. How am I supposed to help my elderly Nan with compromised health without putting her at risk. Who is supposed to help her?

to protect the vulnerable means that those doing the caring need to be the targeted group and that simply isn’t the case!

copied from previous thread - didn’t think it posted there because Of post limit but apparently it did!
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Basically by doing this "immunity of the herd" they are basically doing survival of the fittest. If you die you die. What a shitty, shitty approach. All them elderly people, payed tax all their lives, now retired and being fed to the wolves. Disgraceful behaviour to not even try and stop it by any real means. Wash your hands and sing happy birthday bollocks.
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I am absolutely incensed that Boris has said that yes, older people will die. You know what asshole, I don’t care how old my mother is and if she’s considered to have had a life or not by your standard. She’s my mother. I would knock down every twenty something and/or child if it meant she got to live ONE day longer. I don’t really care about Tom, Dick or Harry. Maybe that’s how our generations are now, selfish and self gratifying, but again, I don’t care. I don’t want MY elderly relatives at risk, however dispensable you might feel they are. I want my ‘vulnerables’ to see the year through.

Bet if that chick you just knocked up was at risk it would be a different story, eh? Or has she already left the U.K. for Mustique or likewise?

And my local Tesco looks like a bomb site, people were walking around like zombies, shovelling pot noodles and tinned baked beans in trolleys (I guess during these trying times, fruit and veg - which were plentiful - is off the menu), aimlessly looking for bleach and toilet roll.

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I know how harsh this sounds but I kind of wish people would shut up about their holidays, cancel them, and move on - there is not "conflicting messages" the message is stay where the fuck you are and worry about holidays when this is all over ! Saying this as someone who has had to cancel a trip to Italy (and I haven't been on hols in years )
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The scare at my GP was exactly that a scare. Some idiot came in, straight up to the receptionist and stated “I have coronavirus” quite rightly the whole place shit themselves and the place was locked down.
What actually was wrong was the person had a sore throat and a slight temperature - hasn’t been in contact with anyone from a highly infected country or travelled anywhere. The person in actual fact has tonsillitis!

firstly thank the lord it’s not a Case but secondly is this person stupid? Or were they just doing it for fun!! Every single person knows not to go to the GP!!! It is driving me mad the amount of idiotic behaviour that goes around! HONESTLY!
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