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I have a few auto immune diseases and take immune suppressants, I get flare ups of my diseases too so I’m sending you hugs as I know how hard it is. Do what you can to get through each day. I’m sorry you don’t have a garden to enjoy, stand at an open window for at least ten minutes a day to get some fresh air and feel more connected to the world outside. I had to go to the Drs on Tuesday for my monthly blood tests and left the house for the first time in 4 weeks. I hated it and felt so anxious and was so relieved to get back home to my safe haven. Look at the next 12 weeks as your safe haven, do things you’ve wanted to sort out at home, allow yourself to rest and be kind to yourself. I hope you start to feel a bit better soon! x
Thank you so much for this! I’ve done some online shopping which is bad in itself I know and been spending lots of time doing self care- yoga, skincare, reading and long baths, it just feels like such a long time and I worry that it will be extended for people like us until a vaccine is available.
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Lars Guinard

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As if Americans don’t already have that other pandemic to deal with ... what did trump say though?
Trump said that more lives will be lost if the economy does not 'open' as suicide rates will rise and drug addiction will rise and drug addiction will become a great problem.
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They had them in Aldi today
Sorry more lasagna I don’t work for Aldi even though I’m giving them free fucking promotion today.
On a lighter note I’ve joined. Chris Whitty appreciation society on Facebook 😍🙌🙌🙌😂🤪
Is that actually a real thing?!
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Bless you but it’s his 21st, I don’t think he’d be impressed! 😁
I’ll try for fresh sheets nearer the time if I have no luck with dried over the next couple of weeks.

Bloody hell, it’s like the Streisand Effect - I ask for no more lasagne talk and I’m inundated! :eek: 😄
You should know by now, none of us on here have anything better to do with our time than post pics of LASAGNE...
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music to my ears I’ve already had a packet of cheese and onion finished off with prawn cocktail *chefs kiss* *rolls off into the rain*
kind of glad I missed the lasagne talk cos I love me a bit of dolmio... mamma miaaaaa!
there was that time we had lasagne as our wedding meal and I spelt lasagne wrong on all our tags 👀
gosh no butternut squash you need lovely thick melted cheese on the top and garlic and onions and mmmmm
(Are we all secretly Garfield?)
Well I’ve the same colour hair, does that count? And no smutty replies thank you!😺
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😂 I know, there’s a guy I see every week when I do my parents Saturday morning shop, I do wonder if he’s wearing the same one or has a supply. You can tell he’s not wearing it properly.
I’ve been ‘fit’ tested, so know exactly which mask fits me and gives me a seal. I failed on the first one that was tried. I would be suspicious though if I saw anyone in the type of mask I wear and wonder where they got it from.
We have fitted ones at our house and they've been fitted correctly for us, Husband works in hospitals all over UK and I work on early years. We both wear them for work and his company provided and fitted them for us
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Well I'm sure their like the rest of us contracted to so many hrs a week ..not contracted" to death" why should they take on extra work when their already employed ?and how do we know they're not on a tea break? and like you said the hospitals are empty so their" doing no harm" to anyone
Ahh so you're happy to see doctors/nurses pissing about dancing to fill their free time as they have nothing else to do which means people whose operations/treatments that have been cancelled will deteriorate and inevitably die?

I'm pretty sure the main reason they do those jobs is to save lives not dance and 'inspire' people.
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We can’t go out either and my son is 9 so growing out of garden toys a little but not as much as yours at 11 & 13, he has got a swingball that he absolutely loves tho so thought I’d mention it in case you don’t have one and can get hold of it from somewhere? And roller blades too? x
We used to have a swingball but we got rid last summer as it wasn't getting used. We don't have an area big enough for them to use rollerblades without having to go out
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Really scares me for some reason, just knowing the Nightingale Hospitals are indeed for the most poorly patients on ventilators. I truly hope we don't need that many beds. 💙
They’re super depressing too, did you see the one in the Birmingham NEC building ? Hideous
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So much is out of stock on Morrison’s, barely anything in stock. I was lucky to find a slot for Sunday’s just for some basics but they have no milk and barely any bread. Very strange how little they had in stock.
Thats odd! Our local has been decently stocked even when people were hoarding! Maybe due to restrictions being lifted?
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That's what I'm saying! But lots of people are so dismissive of other illnesses now and advocating this lockdown and basically saying that well of course people are dying of other infectious illnesses but we expect that. No. Its never okay. We have people dying of cancer because their treatments have been postponed due to a virus that most likely won't kill them, but cancer will. Thats not okay!
I thought I saw Nicola Sturgeon saying all cancer treatments would be going ahead as planned. Was a few weeks ago. Is this not true ? If so that's awful I thought life saving treatments would be going ahead with as much precautions as possible.
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This kind of thing is being shared on FB. It clearly originated in the US but is being posted in the UK. It's one thing to flout isolation on your own but to really try to get people to march, well, it terrifies me. What is wrong with people.
Trump will love that !

Yeah that makes sense.

I constantly go back and forth on what I think they will do.

I think it will depend on how other countries that are relaxing lockdown rules manage.
Yes I think they'll follow their lead
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Lars Guinard

VIP Member
I live in Canada, and am quite tuned into the US politics as it is often reported here. I won't be surprised if he wins a second term or if he tries to call of the election because of covid.
Trump seems to be level pegging with Biden, popular in the states such as Texas...I hope there is no second term but as @Horatio said he will spin this pandemic.
Oh if there is no election-blame the pandemic 😉
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yeah, I get that and I feel like yes of course we need an answer but how can they have a specific date? It seems ridiculous that people are wanting them to say on June 1st life goes back to normal when they’ve said they need more data to be sure.

As they say the R needs to be below 1 as such so the virus is less ‘About’ And able to fully spread. Of course it’s here to stay, I don’t doubt that. I just think that we are being told that what we are doing is working and we need to do a little more to ensure it.

I think that they are keeping a v close eye on how other counties are opening up to see what the repercussions are.

I don't expect a date. Id rather they would just put measures in place so can get back to reality. I am a mum the social aspect doesn't bother me as I don't go out much but I know it does to others and I feel that it's fIr that they can go on about their business. I also feel for the vulnerable people and would like them to get some sort of Normality back
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music to my ears I’ve already had a packet of cheese and onion finished off with prawn cocktail *chefs kiss* *rolls off into the rain*

kind of glad I missed the lasagne talk cos I love me a bit of dolmio... mamma miaaaaa!

there was that time we had lasagne as our wedding meal and I spelt lasagne wrong on all our tags 👀

gosh no butternut squash you need lovely thick melted cheese on the top and garlic and onions and mmmmm
(Are we all secretly Garfield?)
The bit about the wedding tags made me lol 😂
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You should know by now, none of us on here have anything better to do with our time than post pics of LASAGNE...
I’d report you all for derailing but then I’d be guilty too so..

Ooh’s talk of eating peanut butter from the jar made me crave Nutella last night. Went to amend my order last night but that’s sold out too! Sucks to be me! 😜
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