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Iconic Member
Minister for Health, Simon Harris said he expects to be advised tomorrow to keep the significant restrictions to slow the spread of the coronavirus in place, for a period of weeks, but that Ireland will have to move onto a "different terrain" after that....

I had a dream I went further than 2km yesterday, no gloves on or anything.... fucking rebel.

one day. One day.

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Chatty Member
Don’t understand what is going on with my neighbours. They have a disabled child and have a sign up about him being extra vulnerable but constantly have family coming in and out. Often chatting in their garden. I just don’t know what to make of it.
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This tweet from January 14th highlights that the WHO advised the Coronavirus could not be transmitted person to person. The advice from the WHO led to the US not closing their borders to international travel and implementing further restrictive steps. I think Trump has a point here.
I wouldn't blame the WHO according to that they were going by the Chinese Authorities and we all know now they were lying
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Chatty Member
Brilliant programme on BBC iPlayer about intensive care, it’s set in the Gwent hospital and stars the doctor who was in the news recently talking about corona virus - think it was Channel 4? Youngish consultant with a lovely manner, said he has patients in their 40s.

I sobbed my way through much of it but it actually made me feel better - the incredible skill of the staff made me feel reassured. I couldn’t believe how they managed to save the life of a young man who had an enlarged heart.
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VIP Member
I am a teacher and I doubt myself as a mum all the time! Teaching is easier as you have support if you need it. At home there’s no “on call” it’s you 😂 also in secondary it changes every hour so you’re never with the same class too long. Honestly before I was a mum in my head I thought I can control a class of 30 kids how hard can it be ...... then I got my son and I found out! Don’t get me wrong teaching is hard work but I find being a mum more challenging at times.
I find my son doesn't do a thing I tell him, but I only have to say "I'm telling the teacher" an he's "on it " so teachers must hold some kind of secret power even they're not aware of :LOL: Teacher is a bad word in our house (thank God)😂
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VIP Member
I feel like testing still isn’t being used enough - almost 500 extra deaths with no common cause which could be explained by the pandemic just doesn’t sit right with me. I imagine that some deaths of people with underlying conditions are not being investigated fully as it’s easy to conclude they died of their condition alone
Don’t get me started on testing! A family member is paramedic and they haven’t been tested and have been told it will probably be the end of next month before they are.
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VIP Member
Same, I'm also introverted and I'm a real homebody, but I do like to walk out to my parents with the dog, go shopping with my mother and see my sister at least once a week. This has made me realise how precious and important a change of scenery and face-to-face social interaction is. My mental health was the best it has been for a long time before all this, now I feel like I've been pushed several steps backward and I feel drained, lethargic and emotionally numb for the most part. I've even started up my nervous habit of obsessively checking my neck for lumps and wishing I could see my oncologist, after making so much progress which has now totally gone down the shitter :(
My mental health has taken a downturn as well. I’m constantly on edge and feeling panicky especially if the phone rings for some reason? I’ve become OCD about people getting to close to me when I go out of the house, and paranoid about touching post that’s been delivered or groceries etc. It’s just bizarre because germ phobia is something I’ve never had until now.

I think there will be a big mental health crisis after this is all over.
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VIP Member
I'm the same, Total introvert with plenty of hobbies and projects to be getting on with, but just can't seem to settle into anything. Normally I would relish some time off, but not like this. I haven't even got any kind of routine going yet and its been almost 3 weeks.
same. Im a real bookworm but haven’t been able to pick one up since all this. Im too easily distracted at the moment.
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VIP Member
Does anyone else think we're at the peak now?

I watched a couple of minutes of Good Morning Britain today and Ben said that we don't hear many stories of people recovering from COVID. I personally think that's very good. If we keep hearing that 35 year old Kelly, 60 year old John or 89 year old Betty survived then people will think it's over/ they won't die from it and it's safe to go and flock to the beaches, high streets etc again and we'll have an even bigger issue. Now is the time for drip feeding these stories but focussing on the bad news to scare people to stay inside. The time for sharing positive survival stories will come later.
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VIP Member
I’ve spent all day on the garden with my kids. Had a lovely day playing and a paddling pool out. Felt like I was on holiday. Checked twitter and saw nearly 1000 dead and it all came back to me. We are doing this as 1000s are dying. Now I feel guilty for forgetting.
I’m glad you've had a lovely day and please don’t feel guilty for it.
You didn’t forget. If we thought about this 24/7 (argh hate that term!) we just wouldn’t cope.
That’s why this thread can go from serious to frivolous in seconds - it’s the only way we can deal with the magnitude of what is happening around us.
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VIP Member
It’s not the flu. How many times does this have to be reiterated?

As it stands it is a ‘new way of life’ there is no set date for this to end, so we may as well get used to it for the time being. Bit of a stretch to call it ‘programming’. I’m sure the government and businesses up and down the country are itching to get back to normality as are many of us who are stuck at home.

If you really think the government are trying to permanently remove our rights then idk what to tell you, you’re too far gone as far as I’m concerned. Load of nonsense.
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Chatty Member
The ITV journalist is asking questions but I’m distracted by her kitchen backdrop!! She didn’t get the bookcase memo...
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VIP Member
I must vent. I thought I’d do some puzzles during lock down and the first one I did was fairly easy. Thought I’d buy another. Wish I hadn’t bothered!!! I’m so frustrated it’s so hard 😂

on the cashless front one of the merlin sealife Centres announced they were going cashless before this all kicked off and there was hell!! parents complaining about kids not being able to pay with pocket money. The sea life centre actually reversed there decision. I’d like to see how people’s opinions have changed after this!

I hope it doesn't go cashless. I hate paying with card. I like paying with money then I can actively see what I am spending rather than just seeing numbers on a screen, also it teaches kids the value of money. I remember thinking of every penny I could squeeze out of a pound when I was a kid buying sweets etc. It taught me alot about budgrting.
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They are protecting people using the best course of action they have. Letting the virus “burn through” and calling it survival of the fittest would have caused more suffering and also further strain to an already overwhelmed NHS. I will always value human life over the economy, it’s a pity there are those who clearly don’t.
If they let it burn through they’ve estimated 200,000 deaths. They’ve said they’ll be lucky to keep it to 20,000 this way but even if it’s massively underestimated and this way 100,000 people die, that’s 100,000 lives saved. I get the fact we need to help the economy etc but what’s it become when that’s favoured over human life. We only get one life, money really shouldn’t factor in. I know it does but it shouldn’t
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Lars Guinard

VIP Member
Aaaw lovely Dominic Raab...remember when he said feminists were 'obnoxious bigots' and then carried on defending his views?
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