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VIP Member
So my husband paused and screen shoted this to show me It's a ZOOMED in pic from channel 4 where they were showing hospitals with supposed Corona patients. They never let us know the patients were mannequins. very Odd

Had to style my hair apply make up and trek to the store yesterday-
Anyway, besides the ppl masked/gloved up, the really strange thing was waiting for the cashier to wash down the conveyor belt that ppl put food on. After every single checkout, the girl had to spray it down again and wipe it clean. It had a really bad chemical smell, obviously from the spray. This poor girl is breathing this in, getting the chemicals on her hands, etc. She wasn't gloved or masked up..almost as if she was like "f- this, I'm ready to check out myself".

Ppl have lost their cotton picking minds.
Please take these sort of posts to the conspiracy theories thread.
Admin: not trying to moderate, but there are members on this thread who have lost loved ones and these type of posts are completely insensitive. Thank you.
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I don't doubt that he was very unwell, personally.
I don't think they would've put him in the ICU without reason.

He's probably still very unwell but not enough to need the ICU assistance.
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VIP Member
It’s always the quiet ones who surprise you. I bet he’s into some right kinky shit.

I’m not even going to apologise for that comment.
this is nightmare inducing. Might just go and wash my eyes with bleach and pretend I didn’t read this.
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I'm not sure how much I trust these numbers, a neighbour of my dad's passed away recently very out of the blue. He was in his 50s, fit and healthy. A neighbour went to check on him and found him. They are labelling the death as covid19 despite him not having tested positive at any point and they won't be testing him as he has already passed 🤔
That’s very dodgy. He could have died from any number of things. Heart attack or anything. You hear of very healthy people passing young and suddenly. I don’t trust the figures at all to be honest. Not saying they are purposefully lying but I think it’s got out of their control.
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Detty pig

Well-known member
I know everyone has their different opinions on the clap and whether it should be done or not but let me tell you something from a front line workers perspective

We can spend up to ten hours a day in full PPE , some days with lead aprons under all that , heat exhaustion , we end up with sore throats and bad chest from breathing in hot recycled air because of the masks we have to wear, when we do take them off , we are left with cuts on lips and noses and marks all over faces because of how tight they have to be, cuts and split skin over my hands over how often I have to wash them every day , some nights it burns when I have my bath because of how red raw they are , waking up through the night because of images you see that you can take back, going home to an empty flat every night because your other half has moved out because of the high risk I carry from being around it all day , it can be like groundhog day every day

So yes , some people may not want to do the clap and that’s their decision but when I’m coming home from work and I see the people in the streets doing it or if I’m at work still and I see police force and fire engines outside of A&e with their sirens and bullhorns , it gives u that slight glimmer of hope inside, it puts a smile back on your face , everyone comes together for that one minute a week and it gives u that inner strength to continue
Could not be more grateful for everything you do. I'm glad its encouraging to you. I dont clap but I'm still thankful to you and all the frontline workers x
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Iconic Member
I also love the implication that this person uses the word vadge more than badge, for it to autocorrect to that.
It’s like it’s come full circle and we’re already back to the clap.

Trump TV.
Amazing testing, phenomenal testing, we have the best testing in the world, it couldn’t be any better, I would say we’re the leader of the pack.....tremendous testing.... amazing.

Trump bingo.
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VIP Member
So just been speaking to my best friend. She attends cobra level "bronze" shes an area manager for our local city council (adult care).
Hospitals are sending covid patients back to care homes (still infected), health care assistants are signing death certificates, no one (even if they DO NOT have a dnr) is being recusitated and bodies are literally being dumped in rooms due to private ambulances being run.
I've put this on here because I know its 100% true and anonymous.
God knows what else they are talking about at "silver level" I'm assuming "gold" is head government.
Again this is our local city council and death tolls arent that high yet. Death statistics are no way near accurate because their are bodies left in rooms for days. 😔

Health care assistants can’t sign off death certificates, they don’t have any registration

And Btw I had to put out a cardiac arrest call out today and do CPR

U should be questioning your source 😂😂
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VIP Member
Someone had a fucking air horn here. I’d just put my daughter to bed. I was NOT pleased. Clapping is fine but fuck off with your saucepans and air horn!
That made me laugh a lot! I’m not sure that was your intention 😂
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VIP Member
Hope everyone's ok.

Such a warm day here
Massive queue outside local supermarket but we were out of milk.
2 young guys early 20s were messing about in the queue 1 telling older gent behind him that he's keeping away from him as older people more likely have the virus.
I couldent bite my tongue so I said yoir more likely to have it and pass it on to him so give it a rest and give him some respect.
He apologised said it was joke
His mate then said sorry to me and the older guy and said his mates always a idiot.
Also overheard few conservations very loudly saying they struggling with Lock down but adhering to it.
I think it is a strain on relationships and mental health.
My kids been grumpy last few days.
Husband been keeping busy and we played with kids in the garden and brought them. A few more treats than normal the last few weeks.

Avoided watching too much news today.

Bit worried about neighbours they don't speak great English.
It's a shared house.
Not sure the father and the brother working as they were decorators.
The mum has new factory job.
Their alchol recycling pile makes ours look good .
They friendly with our kids.
We have them an old bike other day for their little girl.
Their school delivered a food parcel today.
It's hard between offering help and being nosy.
Don't know much about them they rent, their landlords awful.
They like to bbq and play cheesy 90s music.
They have freinds or family who live opposite who still viist.
Yet they wear masks and clean everything that comes into the house so they a odd contradiction.

Off to work tonight and anticipate it being busy as weather so nice bbq bits and booze I guess.
Glad you told the idiots in the queue. The young ones piss me right off total twats!
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Chatty Member
Did anyone watch the Channel 4 programme last night “How clean is your house - coronavirus special” or some similar title? I gave up on it in the end because it seemed to be major scaremongering. I’m surprised they didn’t just say attach a vat of bleach to your jet wash and spray your entire house, inside and out, every 2 hours.
Or perhaps everyone is cleaning like they showed and I’m in the minority. I only go out once a week max and that’s to shop.
I managed 15 minutes. It was giving me anxiety. They may have well set up a hazmat station outside the front door and walked everyone through a sheep dip whilst fumigating the house.
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VIP Member
I hope it doesn't go cashless. I hate paying with card. I like paying with money then I can actively see what I am spending rather than just seeing numbers on a screen, also it teaches kids the value of money. I remember thinking of every penny I could squeeze out of a pound when I was a kid buying sweets etc. It taught me alot about budgrting.
Times move nowadays love having their own back account and contactless card. They can have one from age 13. I got them for two of my kids when they were 15. My son uses Apple Pay on his phone. They definitely understand the value of money as they’re always checking their balance and my son hates it if he dips below a certain amount!

I rarely use cash as I find coins/notes ‘dirty’. Imagine how many hands they’ve passed between? 🤮 I also prefer contactless as I don’t like touching chip and pin machines as most of them look filthy and I always think of how many people have touched them and the germs!
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VIP Member
I think when they said 3 weeks and they'd review measures a lot of people only focused on 3 weeks. The very vulnerable were told 12 weeks for a reason. I'm not surprised if it'll last longer. It's been 3 weeks on Monday, it would be normal to have a meeting about it. I'm a worrier but that's my thoughts
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Good Egg

VIP Member
As much as I’m desperately searching for the light of this veryyyyyy long Coronavirus infected tunnel, I’m going to miss this thread with all of its fucked up comments when it’s all (eventually) over 🥰🤣
Me too... me too we shall have to have a thread once this is all over

#co-bra meeting
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VIP Member
My neighbor went to Morrisons yesterday at 2.00pm and she didn't get home until 5.30pm 😱

(She told me this in a message I wasn't watching her at the window 😂)
My husband thinks I’m being overly dramatic when I tell him how stressful grocery shopping is right now!
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VIP Member
I’ll support the NHS by continuing to not vote for the tories 🙊

But yeah. I’m doing that by staying home.

My door is way too close to other’s anyway. With them believing that the virus actually spreads further than originally thought, I’ll stay in my house instead 🙃😂
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Star is born

VIP Member
Most of us having up & down days, It’s perfectly normal 😏 It helps to stay away from media reports, and get out for a walk or listen to music. The Weather has really helped me today, So why do I find myself watching channel 4 dispatches 🙈 ffs
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