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I was out tonight - a good turn out and so lovely to see. After we finished clapping one house started blasting youll never walk alone (I’m from Liverpool) and everyone started singing. Slightly cringe but also quite lovely to see.
Lived in Liverpool for a few years (worked there wasn't a student) and it is honestly the best city. The people make it. Kindest warmest people ive ever met
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Yeterday we had the radio on with endless corona commercials, its unavoidable.

They literally were saying "while we learn how to adjust to a "new way of living"!!

Its programming people, please wake up!!!........
We should be going about our lives as usual, as during every flu season. In fact, we should INCREASE social mingling to achieve herd immunity quicker.

We cannot stop the virus with lockdowns, what we’re doing is prolonging the outbreak and guaranteeing a second wave.

And as far as testing, we should only be testing for antibodies to the virus, in order to see how close we’re getting to herd immunity.
Good thing no one needs to take advice from you! How is that armchair science degree treating you?
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Umm, three run ins - Lidl middle aisles... But now I have learnt I can pick up items from this eccentric emporium whilst picking up the essential milk, bread eggs etc so am currently doing laps of my front room on an electric scooter, wearing a snood and wielding a circular saw
Jesus wept I do make myself some enemies don’t I 😂😂 #Numberonetroll
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To me it looked like the WHO couldn't have been clearer how serious it was and were saying countries were not taking it seriously enough when trump was busy saying it was fake news or whatever.
Can you imagine being so narcissistic that you think you know better about HEALTH response as a businessman who is essentially a conman than the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION!!!!

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If boris is in a stable condition sitting up in good spirits why is he still in intensive care ? Surely he should just be on a normal covid 19 ward
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Just to follow up on my Auntie and not being able to order any food online for her... I emailed Iceland because it was showing as no slots available. I explained the situation and the next day, loads of available slots. But only for people over retirement age and vulnerable. 🎉🎉👌✌
Iceland has been a life saver for us as I'm shielding for 12 weeks. It's the only place we've been able to get delivery slots for.
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I know everyone has their different opinions on the clap and whether it should be done or not but let me tell you something from a front line workers perspective

We can spend up to ten hours a day in full PPE , some days with lead aprons under all that , heat exhaustion , we end up with sore throats and bad chest from breathing in hot recycled air because of the masks we have to wear, when we do take them off , we are left with cuts on lips and noses and marks all over faces because of how tight they have to be, cuts and split skin over my hands over how often I have to wash them every day , some nights it burns when I have my bath because of how red raw they are , waking up through the night because of images you see that you can take back, going home to an empty flat every night because your other half has moved out because of the high risk I carry from being around it all day , it can be like groundhog day every day

So yes , some people may not want to do the clap and that’s their decision but when I’m coming home from work and I see the people in the streets doing it or if I’m at work still and I see police force and fire engines outside of A&e with their sirens and bullhorns , it gives u that slight glimmer of hope inside, it puts a smile back on your face , everyone comes together for that one minute a week and it gives u that inner strength to continue
I am glad to hear you find it up lifting. This has made me reconsider doing it again next week (did it the first two but not this week) but I was also thinking of donating to the buy lunch for frontline staff or something similar if I can find it. I feel like I want to actually give you guys something. Sending you a huge clap this morning and hope you can find the strength you need for another day. Thank you x
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Iconic Member
Yes BUT the big question is..... are you going to clap tonight? :unsure:
I’m busy, washing my hair.
No but seriously,
I support key workers by being a responsible bint, washing my paws, shopping for neighbours when I’m doing my own shopping...and staying the fuck home.

none of it needs to go online for praise.
But if it helps others to feel less alone go for it!
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Today has been an ‘angry’ day for me. Now I have recovered I am just feeling overwhelmed with the situation like I know we all are. This in turn is making me angry over the smallest things. Triggers have included - the guy over the road who has the worlds noisiest motorbike that he constantly revs and having rubbish for the bin outside and it’s already full. All petty shit I know but as I am just permanently on edge and worried, I am therefore tired and angry.
I had a really bad day today too. I think its completely normal and we all will lash out at things that are petty or silly.
For me, my family are keeping me sane. And the lack of a routine is driving me mad. I never thought I would envy parents with toddlers but at least you have a walking, talking alarm clock that winds you up all day, keeps you throughly entertained and has you tired enough to fall asleep at night! I have no routine and feel like Ive watched everything across ALL streaming sites! I have so much energy and nothing to do with it so cant sleep at night and am awake at like 6am until I finally doze off however this leads to me waking up so late in the day and just that will ruin my day. Trying really hard to fix this pattern and give myself jobs but I'm in this weird funk where I have loads of energy but lack motivation and then feel so fatigued from doing nothing! Must be lack of Vitamin D.

Chin up. We're here for you on all day, good or bad xx
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Can't remember who posted on here about their neighbour dying and it being classed as coronavirus but Chris Witty just said that the ONS figures will take into account anyone dying in the community who a Dr believes died from coronavirus even if they did not have a test for it. That's odd. For instance, if the neighbour lived alone and they couldn't ask family members what symptoms they had been experiencing prior to death then what would make the Dr assume it was coronavirus?
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I really hope people seek medical help for other things that really cannot wait, we are being told not to be put off phoning the doctor for advice etc. Yesterday I had an episode of stomach pain - like I'd never felt in my whole life, totally paralysed me to the point of nearly passing out. My husband called 999, but it stopped fairly soon after, so we called back to cancel the ambulance and instead called the GP. I spoke to the doctor pretty much right away after telling the receptionist what had happened. She's prescribed me some medication for excess stomach acid, but admitted gallstones are a possibility. She'd normally have sent me for tests but wants to try the prescription first. She did say though, if it happened again then I should go straight to A&E, not to be concerned about going as they are well organised to separate corona/non corona patients as something like this will be taken seriously and not ignored. She was very reassuring that I would be taken care of if it happens again.
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Really think we need a harsher lock down and fines. People are taking the piss.
I totally agree. It pisses me off people don’t seem to care. Myself and my husband have health conditions. Our dads are self isolating and we can’t see them to help. Then there’s people having kids round their garden, out and about in their cars. Where are the police? Its a joke. I’m having to have strangers bring me food and my prescriptions, and I feel like a fraud, even though I shouldn’t but the guilt I feel that someone is risking their life for me is eating me up. These people are so selfish putting everyone at risk and dragging this whole nightmare on even longer!
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I really feel for you and I totally get where you are coming from. I used to look forward to nap times and bed times too, I think most parents, if they are honest, have felt this way. It can be lonely just having a toddler for company, do what you need to do but again, please don’t be so hard on yourself. This is such a forced situation and not everyone is finding it easy, and that’s ok.
I wish she still napped! It’s a whole day and she gets so whingey and I can’t really take her for a change of scenery apart from a short walk where she’s not allowed to touch anything or see anyone. I feel so bad for her. I had just started a new job after being home with her for a year and she had started at preschool and had little mates and suddenly it’s all been taken away.

Its really hard. I find myself feeling impatient with my 3 Yr old boy when he's constantly asking me to play Avengers with him when I have to sweep up crumbs from his 400th snack of the day!! I keep trying to tell myself to be glad I'm home with him and not having a key worker job and be away from him. But every single person will feel the same. Good days and bad days. At least we can come on here and vent and get some support and in between some laughs xx
Yes I’m finding I’m snapping when she repeats stuff to me - like if she wants something and I don’t instantly get it or whatever. Or her asking me to play aeroplanes all day. It’s awful for her but argh I just can’t!! I need a break!
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Not been well today at all, so only just managed to look at the figures for today and those are devastating 😞
Please remember that although those figures today are terribly sad, around 1600 people on average, die every day. I can't find any figures for recorded deaths not related to COVID-19 anywhere. Does this mean that the average daily rate has gone down I wonder? That's over 600 people less today if so.
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I'm surprised no one seems to have found some rather dark humour in large parts of the UK population giving NHS staff the clap.
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