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VIP Member
Same .. got told off too. 🙈
Went to pick my medication up and had to wait outside the Chemist's (they had the shutters down) for 40 minutes till they finally opened up again. You had to stand on a marked spot and shout your name and address. When it was ready they basically threw the bag with the medication at you from inside (staff never stepped out of the Chemist's and no one allowed in) .. queue behind me was massive. Good job we had great weather this week.
I know it’s not funny but just the image of your medication being chucked at you!
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I must vent. I thought I’d do some puzzles during lock down and the first one I did was fairly easy. Thought I’d buy another. Wish I hadn’t bothered!!! I’m so frustrated it’s so hard 😂

on the cashless front one of the merlin sealife Centres announced they were going cashless before this all kicked off and there was hell!! parents complaining about kids not being able to pay with pocket money. The sea life centre actually reversed there decision. I’d like to see how people’s opinions have changed after this!
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I got “told off” at chemist yesterday as I didn’t stand behind the line. I’d not been out to shops fir four weeks I literally didn’t know what I was doing! It’s very odd you’re right. In my own home it’s like a bubble you can hide from it all it’s very weird in the shops.
I did too last week! The door was open and they had a sign on the door that said only 2 in at a time and marked lines on the floor inside to stand behind. So I went in as the shop was empty and got told off for coming in and was told to go outside and they’ll come to me.

They should change the sign if they don’t want people coming in. Saw about 5 more people get told off too. Surely posting a sign on the door saying ‘stay outside’ would save them the breath and trouble.

I appreciate everything they’re doing, please nobody think I don’t, but they have a real attitude at my local pharmacy. Always have done.
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Times move nowadays love having their own back account and contactless card. They can have one from age 13. I got them for two of my kids when they were 15. My son uses Apple Pay on his phone. They definitely understand the value of money as they’re always checking their balance and my son hates it if he dips below a certain amount!

I rarely use cash as I find coins/notes ‘dirty’. Imagine how many hands they’ve passed between? 🤮 I also prefer contactless as I don’t like touching chip and pin machines as most of them look filthy and I always think of how many people have touched them and the germs!
I hate pin machines. Years ago in London some drunk lads pissed all over the machines. I could just imagine someone rocking up a while later and wonder why the keys were damp 🤮.
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There was a science report on BBC the other day saying there's no real reason to close schools as children are not affected that seriously by Covid19

It seems everyone is desperate for schools and childcare to reopen and to be done ASAP.

I find it quite amusing that the same parents who have claimed I'm overpaid and have an easy job are now stressed out with their own children after 3 weeks because they can't think how to entertain them. That comment came from the parents of a 2 year old I look after, Dad's a Solicitor and Mom works 3 days a week but she comes to nursery Monday to Friday and does 730 till 6 without fail, even when Mom and Dad take annual leave.
I've always thought nursery workers and teachers are actual angels for what they do...and this time has only reiterated that for me. It is bloody hard work to keep children entertained and safe and happy. Its exhausting. I'm also thankful for this time with my boy that I wouldn't usually get cos hearing his funny little stories 24/7 cracks me up. If anything though this time is just making me doubt myself as a mum that I'm really not good enough, but I am sure I'm not the only one feeling that way either.
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Aaaw lovely Dominic Raab...remember when he said feminists were 'obnoxious bigots' and then carried on defending his views?
Honestly I think I'm attracted to absolute wankers and he fits the bill. I want him to spit on me.
*I've been celibate too long. Please help*
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VIP Member
Must be frustrating for you having to read such stuff.

Thanks for all you're doing x
You’re always gonna get the numpties who just say things looking for a reaction , these will probs be the same numpties who are out in force this weekend thinking the rules don’t apply to them and these will be the same numpties who will catch covid and then depend on the nhs who they were once slagging off to help them get through it 😂😂
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I’m finding it so difficult. I never had loads of money - I used to take her to Tesco to get a free apple and have a wander. Now I’m anxious about taking her outside and I just feel trapped. I love her so much but with only a 2 year old to talk to, I’m finding myself looking forward to dinner and bed just to get the day over with.
Its really hard. I find myself feeling impatient with my 3 Yr old boy when he's constantly asking me to play Avengers with him when I have to sweep up crumbs from his 400th snack of the day!! I keep trying to tell myself to be glad I'm home with him and not having a key worker job and be away from him. But every single person will feel the same. Good days and bad days. At least we can come on here and vent and get some support and in between some laughs xx
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Yeterday we had the radio on with endless corona commercials, its unavoidable.

They literally were saying "while we learn how to adjust to a "new way of living"!!

Its programming people, please wake up!!!........
We should be going about our lives as usual, as during every flu season. In fact, we should INCREASE social mingling to achieve herd immunity quicker.

We cannot stop the virus with lockdowns, what we’re doing is prolonging the outbreak and guaranteeing a second wave.

And as far as testing, we should only be testing for antibodies to the virus, in order to see how close we’re getting to herd immunity.
You do realise healthy young adults and children are dying of this? Herd immunity did not work!
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My neighbours were outside all day today having a bbq and smoking weed with our other neighbour. We pulled them up on it tonight and they couldn’t care less and are pissed off with us!!
i saw on social media that some of my colleagues (they don't live together) are planning a trip this weekend! it is driving me mad that people are not taking this seriously
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Chatty Member
Pointless briefing again today. Nothing new announced. They have to introduce stricter lockdown measures. It is not enough to say "don't go out this weekend"! 🤦‍♀️
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I think it's a bit of a put down of the medical staff if people think they would pretend he is ill for publicity. I believe he is ill. I am sure they are being cautions with trying to stay a half step ahead of his illness as it would be a big thing if he got worse and is very much needed right now.

It's also a bit disrespectful to those who are also currently ill or who's family are to say he is faking it. Why can't people believe he is very ill - lots of people are that's the point here !!
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VIP Member
So in summary: they’ll decide at the end of next week whether to lift the lockdown, continue it on the same terms or continue the lockdown with stricter measures.

I think what they do will partly be dependent on how idiotic people are this weekend. I’ve been watching the traffic cameras on the motorways and they’re looking busier than they were last week. I’m obviously at “peak boredom” now! 😂😂

I realise that it’s important to stop the spread of the virus but I also selfishly feel that, if I’m sacrificing things and not able to go outside, then neither should anyone else who isn’t shopping for essentials or key working etc.
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I am conflicted. I have never been the sort of parent that sends their child to school or anywhere because I want rid of them, but my son is struggling with his reading and writing and I can't help but worry this is going to massively set him back. I do lots of writing excercises at home with him and have been using the learning packs his one to one as sent but I really don't feel confident that I can get him up too speed as well as well as his teacher can. His health is of course note important than this right now but i worry about everything.
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I’m aware the minister may be spinning it but I don’t know why the newspapers are kicking off about the minister taking supplies to his parents. If there’s literally nobody else to do it I thought that was acceptable to drop supplies?
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