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VIP Member
We have one confirmed case in our county, toilet roll, hand soap, bars of soap, child and adult paracetemol and ibuprofen and pasta shelves were empty in our massive asda this morning.
Manager was in the hand soap aisle (i was there to get shower gel, of which there was plenty, guess people really dont wash their legs 🤯) and he told me a woman came in the day before and bought 19 packets of 12 toilet rolls 😑
I totally get people stocking up but unless your backside is the size of the titanic then you don't need 228 toilet rolls!
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Chatty Member
I wouldn't worry by the jump to 85 - it was inevitable. Will increase more then could level off, as it's been doing in China.

I'm not going to even start brewing my 30 bottles of wine yet :D
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Well-known member
Friend of mine has just taken her whole family on holiday and isn’t worried makes me wonder how people seem so calm about it all and here’s me fretting over every sneeze lol
Are your friend and her family in good health? Because if they are I really don't see what there is to worry about? Absolute worst case scenario is they catch it, and get over it?

I have a holiday planned and I intend on going unless the flights are cancelled or there is a travel ban.
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Chatty Member
I’ve just seen people sharing videos saying coronavirus is a cover up for 5g. I love a good conspiracy theory but I’ve already had enough internet today and it’s 8am.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Harping back on the supermarket raiding/stockpiling....

I have 42 toilet rolls. All bought prior to the corona 🤣😂
And I’m not willing to share.
Y’all be jealous when you’re shaking to dry or counting two squares per person whilst I’m living my best life using 4/5 😎
Blimey. And I thought I was Billy big balls having 12.
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Spoke to my elderly mum last night who was quite distressed by a programme on Radio 4 yesterday, The Moral Maze, where they discussed whether in the times of coronavirus it was worth spending money keeping elderly ill people alive anyway. I hadn't heard it so not entirely sure if that is accurate but if so how bloody horrible to even discuss it. I thought we were supposed to protect the weakest members of our society?
I'm sorry your mum was distressed, but to put some context on to this. My 93 grandma was in hospital last year, she was in the latter stages of dementia, she was unable to walk or do anything for herself. She has pretty much lost the ability to speak and was frequently distressed, so much so she caused herself an internal bleed due to an stomach ulcer. The whole family was in the agreement that she did not need treatment, she needed to be made comfortable. The hospital tried everything medically they could to prolong her life (to us it was not a life),She was on drips and being tube fed, it was awful to witness. In the end we were able to get her discharged to a nursing home, which we funded, where they looked after her until the end.

For us as a family, felt that she was costing the NHS unnecessary expense and taking up a bed that could have gone to someone who has a life to go back to.

I am sure they were not referring to all elderly people, and had my grandma had some quality of life I would have been grateful. Sorry to derail the thread.
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Chatty Member
BBC News ticker
Breaking News
Paramedics told to be clean shaven to reduce infections.

😢 For all the paramedics that are now less handsome😆
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Chatty Member
I don’t know where you all are posting from. I myself am in the US. My husband died at the beginning of January. For 2 weeks Drs. Wrung there hands over what exactly was wrong. Every test( bills totaled over $40,000) was run,then run again(sometimes 3 times) Everything came back negative. They presumed it was pneumonia( full disclosure,he had a compromised immune system). I watched the nursing staff,Drs. Every day trying to get a handle on what was going on.
When he died, this virus was still not on the radar here in the states. His death was listed as pneumonia.
When this virus hit,I did look at all the symptoms it presents with- a match exactly to what my husband had!
I have recently spoken w a Dr. who treated my husband. When I presented what I thought,his words to me were “ while no proof as testing was not being done/available,it is a good possibility death was related to virus”.
Now,am NOT trying to scare anyone,be an alarmist,but thing is,testing didn’t start for the states until late into January. And maybe in other countries as well. How many deaths or even illnesses could actually have been related to this virus prior?
No,we hadn’t travelled outside the country,but we had travelled locally/interstate..who knows who we all may have been exposed to that actually had travelled,been in contact w someone and were carriers.
No,I am not panicked over this. What will be will be(just like the flu,etc). It’s just a food for thought thing.
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VIP Member
What about if I stock pike vodka I can wash my hands and drink it if times get tough.
Or we go to the Winchester and wait for it all to blow over.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Ugh avoid twitter. Horrible ex footballer Matt le Tissier tweeted he didn't know what the fuss is about as it is only old people and those with underlying conditions who will die anyway.
He is rightfully getting slaughtered but omg. :mad:
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VIP Member
I was in a public loo the other day and a woman tried to walk out without washing her hands! 🤢
The woman next to me shouted at her 'OI HANDS NOW!' 😂
Was talking about this at work - sometimes if i have to go into a cubicle to adjust stuff, such as hauling tights up, sorting a problematic bra etc I still wash my hands afterwards as can’t face anyone thinking I’m a non-washer 😁
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VIP Member
I stopped in at the motorway services today and went into W & H Smith's, they had loads of paracetamol, flu stuff and medicines. People must have forgotten about motorway services. So that's a tip for anyone wanting to stock up 😂😂
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Another inconsequential tidbit from CORONA BRITAIN: (a designation the sun wii be using soon if not already) I had a job interview yesterday and they weren’t shaking hands. Not clear on whose orders - upper management or government body ? One of the interviewers said earlier that day they'd been “told” they couldn’t shake any more hands for the time being.
I was relieved. My neurotic brain had already played out several awkward moments arising when no one really wanted to touch anyone else’s hands right now but we all still felt obliged to go through the motions.

Did anyone see in Boris’s public address on Tuesday he said he’d been at a hospital that had some corona cases and he still made sure to shake every persons hand he could? It was clearly meant to play down the seriousness of the situation (while also not passing up the chance to remind his subjects he’s a man of the people)
Does that not seem shockingly irresponsible, even for Boris ? I am surprised it’s not bad more media coverage (his people did have to clarify he meant shaking staff hands only. He clearly didn’t)
Isn’t it hilarious that in the same week some companies stopped the interview handshake entirely, the actual prime minister used an address to the nation to boast about recently shaking as many hands as possible (in a hospital treating victims of the corona virus ) He topped it off by pledging to continue to shake as many hands, and spread as many germs, as possible.
Well he's a public figure who can't even be bothered to comb his own hair! so wouldn't like to imagine what the rest of his hygiene habits would be like :#
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Well-known member
I wonder how Sky are getting the figures before anyone else 😡 (not saying they’re wrong btw. I’d just prefer the Government website to be updated first so we know it’s accurate).
I know! In the interest of accuracy they should just wait until the numbers are out and then report.

But its Sky news.... so only a matter of time before we see Kay Burley reporting live from the sandwich factory that supplies lunch to the people doing the testing
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Anyone else fine in the day but gets anxious about it all in the evenings? I have lots coming up this month which I really don't want to cancel. In the daytime I think it'll be fine, live your life, but in the evenings I want to cancel and hibernate! I'm living in a state of 'I don't know what to dooooo'.
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Iconic Member
I don’t either! Never in restaurants etc either. There’s far to many germs and people who are manky!
I have 40 spare toilet rolls regardless of the coronas 😆
The scramble to stock pile is literally just my weekly shop 🤣

Most of the dried pasta is being turned into art by 3 year olds and they don’t really understand when I scream “that’s for the coronas!!!!”

I joke but I know I feel better having everything I need in the house throughout the year and I bulk buy on offer.
I counted 6 anti bac gels in my car alone, ranging from little miss lemon scent to “burn your hands off” hospital strength antibacterial stuff, and I’m tempted to get security for the stash at this point 🤣

I’m derailing with my smugness 🤣😂 squeezemee 🤣😂🤣
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VIP Member
Supermarkets around here were a bit low, but not out of anything other than hand sanitizer and heard some shop workers getting annoyed that people kept asking where it was "just use soap on your idiot hands😂" to each other rather than at people

The tone seems to have really changed today to "when did you realise this is very serious" rather than naysayers saying it's nothing.

I'm still tempted to buy a chest freezer, random things like marmite I think will have shortages in a few weeks with the supply chain all messed up.

Macron is saying an epidemic is inevitable, which is pretty obvious by now but it's more newsworthy that he's admitting it. Definitely not on the same page as Johnson.
This is what it's like near me


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Chatty Member
Ugh avoid twitter. Horrible ex footballer Matt le Tissier tweeted he didn't know what the fuss is about as it is only old people and those with underlying conditions who will die anyway.
He is rightfully getting slaughtered but omg. :mad:
Matt Le Tossier
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Iconic Member
While everybody is self isolating I will be able to do my regular wkend shop in peace and quiet.
I’m not panic buying, worst case scenario is I will eat the OH and then the dogs 😂
I went to a shopping centre today that is usually packed at the weekend, it was dead, the multi-storey car park was empty.

and it was fabulous!! 😂
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