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Iconic Member
I don’t want to sound smug but I’ve always been that weirdo who’s never used a public toilet, doesn’t touch door handles, uses anti bac after touching a self scan machine and the children and has 5 spare EVERYTHING just Incase.

I try to hide this from people on the daily but I’m coming out of the closet (I’ve opened the closet door with a tissue)
I’m proud to be a freak 🤣😂🤣
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Does anyone else get annoyed by comments that say things like 'its only the elderly or those with other health issues who die, you dont need to worry if you're young and healthy'.
Like that makes it ok? Maybe im a more sensitive as i lost 3 elderly (70, 82 & 84) relatives at the end of the last year. But those were much loved members of my family, their age doesnt suddenly make them surplus to requirements and unimportant.
People can be so bloody heartless.
I suppose when you see the statistics, you're just seeing numbers but each number is a person and that persons death will affect many, many more people.
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So I’m reading Iran ‘temporarily’ released 54,000 inmates to prevent coronavirus overrunning their prisons.

What the cinnamon toast fuck is going on.
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i’ve just seen on twitter that the kids in wuhan are being taught their school lessons and doing homework via an app and they’ve worked out if they give it enough bad reviews it’ll be removed from the app store so that’s what they’ve been doing. Got to hand it to them that’s clever!
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Harping back on the supermarket raiding/stockpiling....

I have 42 toilet rolls. All bought prior to the corona 🤣😂
And I’m not willing to share.
Y’all be jealous when you’re shaking to dry or counting two squares per person whilst I’m living my best life using 4/5 😎
We will all be there reminiscing about Andrex Quilted and double velvet while we tear pages out of the phone book to wipe, and Oohthedrama there will be living the high life :ROFLMAO:

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Iconic Member
Harping back on the supermarket raiding/stockpiling....

I have 42 toilet rolls. All bought prior to the corona 🤣😂
And I’m not willing to share.
Y’all be jealous when you’re shaking to dry or counting two squares per person whilst I’m living my best life using 4/5 😎
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Continue here!
And just to start on a lighter note, because it can be overwhelming!
Mr Corona is on tinder!!! 😂🤣


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I was at crufts yesterday. Wasn’t too concerned at first. Until a bloke walked past me coughing without covering his mouth. And I don’t remember seeing many people using the hand sanitiser provided either. Why aren’t people taking this seriously? I for one am petrified
I think most people aren't very clever. They can't connect dots. To them, they think this might mean being forced to stay beside the pool in a hotel on quarantine at best and a fortnight at home with Netflix at worst. They don't understand virology and the basic fact that new viruses are scary, they don't know how the NHS works and can't imagine a scenario where they are left to die, they don't begin to grasp the economic significance. I think that a lot of people think that they are the hero in a film, that everyone around them might die but they'll get the happy ending - unaware that they are actually Third Coughing Man in the first scene. Some people also lack empathy and nobody else's fear, suffering or death means anything to them. When Ebola was in the news, a friend of mine got a nosebleed and was making Ebola jokes, and when I said it wasn't funny he told me "chill, it's not a big deal" - as if thousands of people dying horribly was nothing to care about.
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Went out for lunch today and had to use the loo.
I was washing my hands and the lady in the next cubicle came out, gave her hands a 2 second rinse under the cold tap, then under the drier and left! I used my jumper over my hand to open the door after she’d touched it. That’s poor personal hygiene when eating anyway but in the current climate it beggars belief!
I was in a public loo the other day and a woman tried to walk out without washing her hands! 🤢
The woman next to me shouted at her 'OI HANDS NOW!' 😂
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JUST MY OPINION but I think Covid-19 has been circulating in the UK before the 2 cases detected in York. The vast majority of people who have had it will have just put it down to seasonal cold/flu and recovered and not thought about it again.

in some ways it’s lucky we’ve had crappy stormy weather this last month as it has stopped a lot of socialising
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Man alive.. there’s one person on this thread who is determined to make everyone completely terrified. 😑
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I have just looked in my cupboard. Lentils, rice, tinned tomatoes,tins of beans and soup. About 20 tins altogether. 3 bags of pasta, 3 jars of pesto. And oddments. My freezer is tiny, I live alone and it was adequate before. 😕 I don’t eat much bread and milk makes me spotty. Enough for about a month, if I eke out. I have cat food and litter. Doing an online shop tomorrow. Pension day is Monday.
That sounds grand. If I didn't have kids I'd be fine with self-isolation. Without sounding like a dooms-dayer if things get really bad I can totally envisage local communities stepping-up by way of creating local resource sharing street by street. You could easily create a resource-exchange system without requiring human contact..."Swap me your loo roll for my rice" kinda thing (all hosed down with anti-bac) or just leaving unwanted goods at the top of the road.

You can bet your bottom dollar there might soon be thousands of bored pple in self-isolation that will create fucking ingenious ways to keep communities going and I know it's sad but I am here for that kind of shit!! Can you imagine what might be achieved if we focus some of our greatest minds on these priorities as opposed to their habitiual corporate careers? We could change lives!

Despite what pple might sometimes want you to believe, history shows that there is a shit tonne of pple out there who will want to help others. I am a total do-gooder myself!
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I’m not sure if I live in a pocket of badassery or ignorance but I’ve just been to Asda and picked up a little bottle of antibac. Nothing missing from shelves, no additional paranoia, everyone as miserable and grubby as usual 🤓
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Jelly Bean

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Spoke to my elderly mum last night who was quite distressed by a programme on Radio 4 yesterday, The Moral Maze, where they discussed whether in the times of coronavirus it was worth spending money keeping elderly ill people alive anyway. I hadn't heard it so not entirely sure if that is accurate but if so how bloody horrible to even discuss it. I thought we were supposed to protect the weakest members of our society?
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As far as I’m aware, an endless lava-flow of diarrhoea isn’t a symptom of covid-19, is it? This was a local Sainsburys yesterday. Absolute lunacy.View attachment 91908l
You can see the people milling around the kitchen rolls and wondering if they should buy them in lieu of bog roll 😂
as the resident **toilet roll hoarding** expert I suggest the party napkins.....they’re usually 2 ply and if you’re really lucky in some cases....3 ply 🤭

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NHS talking about people washing their hands, when some people don't show daily or wash their legs
I’m sure people aren’t opening doors with bare legs tho?! The whole point of washing your hands is that they constantly come into contact with objects that other people have touched/coughed/sneezed on x
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I can't stand Matt Haig at the best of times but jesus fucking christ what an ignorant comment.

The Chinese govt have literally been welding apartment building doors shut so people are trapped inside, locking people in metal containers, and dragging people from their homes if they have a temperature.

Perhaps he should do research instead of spouting this absolute bullshit. Countries should NOT copy a communist/authoritarian country.
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Although we've asked for transparency...
There are degrees of responsibility that have been breached for me tbh.
You cannot state publicly police will only deal with essential cases and assume there isn’t an insidious population of society intent on chaos, violence and stealing
I don't think it'll come to this but at the very least you’re tempting riots, looting and increased crime for lack of fear of getting caught.
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