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Think I will be tuning out soon is completely unwatchable I can’t wait till Paul does I’m so bored of that dragged out storyline the scenes drain the life out of me
The writers have ruined so many characters like Carla she was so fun when she first started so was Leanne
Where is daisy I like her
They need to bring Kym mash back
Rosie and Sophie should come back
Can’t stand Glenda and George
You think it’s unwatchable now but want Helen Flanagan back. LOL
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Rosie glow

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I think Nicks being a bit of a dick towards Roy especially as there has been a fair few murderers in his own family 🤔
I get that Dillon is scared of Mason and his hench men but he's going back to London after the trial im sure he will be safe from them there
Agree that Maria is just being over the top now
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The BGT weeks actually used to be good
I know, BGT week used to mean some baddie who was thought to be dead, barged himself into a house and took people hostage at gunpoint.
Then on the Friday episode he’d always get killed by someone in his family.
C’mon Corrie, put some originality and realism back into your scripts. 🤣
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I feel like they’ve messed up with the Lauren storyline. It could have been good and at first I was interested in where she’d gone/what had happened to her but everything with Roy is annoying me and there’s not enough focus on what’s actually happened to Lauren. They’ve no evidence she’s been murdered at all yet they’ve charged him with her murder? I know people can be charged with no body IRL, but then there’s usually some kind of evidence. They have nothing. And Roy has always been a bit different, but he’s never been stupid which is how they’re making him out to be. Yet another storyline that had potential that Corrie have made a mess of.
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Sometimes Corrie does my nut in. I've just been reading some spoilers and this one is just stupid.

Toyah is going to be sued for defamation by 'The Institute' and is worried about costly legal bills. Absolutely stupid. She is living in her sisters flat and helps out in the Bistro. She literally doesn't have a pot to piss in. As if they'd bother suing her. Or, at the very least Toyah would be saying 'fill your boots'.
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I love going to my granny's house, it's like taking a step back in time.

I'm dreading this Toyah storyline too, it's ridiculous even by corries standards. I've not long watched her r*pe story on classic and I dunno how they are going to make it work.

My guess is Nathan is Lauren's secret boyfriend, he was the one at the door the night we didn't see who turned up. Bethany will uncover this via her journalist skills, track him down like Agatha Christie and in turn find Lauren, freeing Roy.

They should hire us tbh.
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I don’t know what is more bollocks; the God awful Toyah dead baby story, or Roy’s Willy Wonka nightmare boat ride moment.

Fuuuuuuuuuuck. I couldn’t be arsed to even finish that episode. Nope. Fuck off with that bollocks
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I know you're all moaning about the current Corrie storylines, but as an Emmerdale fan viewer, I can tell you now that you're getting away lightly. We've got a whole hour tonight of Chas and her endlessly dreary love-life, Tom, the wannabe wife-beater, Rhona the baby-snatcher, etc, etc zzzzzzz. Corrie has designer togs, school gangstas, a QUARTER OF A MILLION POUNDS fraud (Carla's caps) and even a bridal party hair disaster...what's not to love? 😁
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The whole storyline involving Lauren’s “Murder” and Roy being charged is absolutely ridiculous. They have hardly any evidence and haven’t even got a body. It’s also has echoes of the Joanna Yates and Christopher Jeffries case.
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Sorry if this has already been mentioned… but what in sweet Jesus Christ’s name is going on with the decor in Maria and Gary’s flat??? It’s like a rose gold diamanté fever dream. Gary and Liam must love waking up to that every day.
Have you seen Gary driving Maria’s rose gold fiat 500 😂
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I’m glad it’s not just me because I too thought the whole Eileen telling Sean that Dylan wasn’t welcome there had all been forgotten!
When Violet took Dylan away she did say to Sean that there was no need for him to move out now. It was very fleeting. She obviously changed her mind again. The writing of the episodes over the past few weeks has been atrocious.
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