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Chatty Member
Regarding nurses having time off , it depends on each of the trust
Our trust kept all Annual leave in place so that all Heath care professionals had time off and wouldn’t burn out yet another trust up the road cancelled all annual leave during the peaks and allowed them to carry it over into the new financial year
That makes sense... I know in Summer she had some extra leave due to there not being enough work available but unsure of the reason for this. I just assumed it would be all hands on deck whenever possible as that's what I've been reading here and elsewhere (not this thread) and obviously I don't begrudge her any time off at all! It was mainly down to the year we had and being told to stay home and here's my neighbour going abroad 4 times and I only went in my back garden 😂

Did anyone ever see what happened or came about regarding those monoliths? Are they still appearing? I always figured it would be some art thing or a publicity thing but cannot find anything (apart from some chap put one outside his shop to get more customers 😂)
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VIP Member
Consider signing this! I know someone with a shop classed as non-essential (not sure how when it's essential to keeping the lights on and putting food on the table for his child) who is now in £100k of debt from these loans. He would have closed down if he knew how long this would go on for - he was counting on "three weeks to flatten the curve" :cry:

I don’t know about that. Isn’t it buying into the “write off all debt” scenario. You no longer actually own your business but they allow you to keep it on. It’s kind of like equity release. They are never going to give people that amount of money for nothing. It ties into the September 21 plan ...
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VIP Member
Trump claimed from the start that the virus wasn’t all it was claimed to be. He warned of the efficacy of testing. He was called mad. Low and behold, he was right but the credit for anything will go to Dementia Joe. Trump also banned all flights from China at the outset. He was called a racist. Now Biden is reinstating bans on flights from Europe and UK Trump lifted, but he’s a bloody hero. I’m not for any political parties but I hate hypocrites!
I wasn't aware of Trump making comments on test efficacy - if someone can link something that would be good. I've mostly only seen him complain about the volume of testing and how it leads to more cases. Less testing using the same tests would have still been picking up the same "mild" instances of the virus so that can't be it.

Trumps lifting of the flight bans timing is extremely suspect, set to take effect after Biden took office. Almost as convenient as his rescinding the executive order barring white house staff from taking lobbying jobs.
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VIP Member
I’ve read some of the posts, and I’m inclined to agree with them. If he passes away in hospital or is moved to a care home and passes away, he’ll be without his family.
It’s such a shame, but because of his age, and the fact that he was suffering with pneumonia before he was admitted, it’s highly unlikely that he’s going to survive this.
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Chatty Member
This is quite long but an interesting read. Anyone who thinks the UK won't 'work' with China has not been paying attention. The HK asylum agreement is just a performance. I think working under them is a more appropriate term however. We should all be asking ourselves why the CCP are absolutely desperate for the entire world to lock down and why we followed the pandemic response of the Chinese COMMUNIST Party and not Sweden if we are supposedly a free country.



This was also a massive revelation that didn't garner much response

Says it all
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VIP Member
Never mind the implications on everyone else suffering with health problems that will only get worse and end up overloading the NHS (handy that it will add to the excess deaths isn't it 🙄)
Then a generation of kids going without a year or mores education, no hope of school leavers getting a job or quality university education.. leading to even more mental health problems.
The elderly are dying a slow death due to isolation - after all they still can't go out and be safe even after the vaccine... and the list goes on.
We can't keep locking down because the virus has mutated. If people believe in the vaccine and the scientists then they say the MRNA jab can be altered, so why keep the world from turning.....?
Oh yeh, because maybe that was always the plan!

As for Boris saying that it's affecting young people then that a blantant lie, their own stats say that it still not affecting them!
We can't stop the world because young people might spread it - maybe instead we need to protect the elderly and vulnerable and set up proper services for them, rather than pay people who have a 99% chance of survival for sitting at home because of a convenient mutation
Seems the demographics are changing


VIP Member
Hate how Captain Tom Moore is being used to drive the narrative that 'holidays are irresponsible' - i.e. he got what he deserved for exercising his human right to travel - when his trip isn't even related to him catching COVID? It represents the wider debate, he is 100 years old and has earned the right to make his own decisions which include dying from COVID should he wish to accept the risk.

Why are him and his family being lectured by randoms who think they know what's best for him 🙄 The man probably has very few years left on this planet and I assume he'd rather not spend them completely alone and locked in his house before and after his vax

View attachment 413242
There’s a thread about this, have you seen it?


VIP Member
Not according to PHE.
Cases are rising in the under 30s, but that isn't reflecting in the hospital admissions. Of course there will be some young people that react badly to it, there always is even with flu or pneumonia, because that's what some peoples bodies do.
The media have been asked by the government jumped on young people to scare us and them in to behaving, but the data doesn't match the words
I think once people are vacced they reckon it’s going to filter down the generations it’s will mutate and change to try and get around the vaccines it’s already doing that with the three new strains they’ve picked up they’re in completely different parts of the world but are showing similarities in their spike protein I think they were picked up in people under 50 and teens like the S.African variant was only noticed because of the amount of young people that were in ICU it made them look into the cause, the data won’t show that now but check it in a few years time and you may see a different picture that’s why they need to get it under control or future generations will be worse off than they are now ( in all aspects)

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VIP Member
His exact words about his test were that it was never designed to detect a specific virus.

Baring in mind that WHO have since said that it's being used wrong I think debunks the previous debunked theory
Can you link me to his quote please? i.e. whatever paper he cited that in. I have looked for this myself before, and struggled to find, thats why I'm asking.

Also 'used wrong' is a bit vague. It is referring to the cycle rate which I did cite above as being potentially problematic.


VIP Member
They can't do anything. It says there they're only urging people to have a test.
No way would I open the door to anyone (well I don't anyway to be fair 😂) and let them perform a test on me, or have them watch me on my doorstep.
Why does it need to be done anyway? I'm sure on the briefing that they said they run further tests on any positive cases to keep track of the virus anyway and any mutations... unless this is to keep the numbers up 🤔
I think they can issue a fine if someone refuses to get tested, but surely they have to prove that the person could be infecting others. It’s a gray area to be sure, but I would have a look at the coronavirus act, or just don’t answer your door? 😉



Well-known member
Who wants to identify as a teapot? Can you explain what you mean by that? I have no idea what you are referring to.

This thread has lost the way a little, and there appears to be a lot of confusion towards what critical thinking actually is.
Bit wishy washy but it is this:
noun: critical thinking
  1. the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.
    "professors often find it difficult to encourage critical thinking among their student

  2. And terminology routing around “theory” =contemplating/speculation etc
  3. A conspiracy theory is belief that an organisation works secretly for unexplained events.
    unfortunately a handful of these relate to modern politics. It’s not just Covid conspiracy thread.


VIP Member
I find it very interesting that people would reply to a post that is allegedly in a “horror story” Reddit that is supposedly fake 😂
I mean, these people answering the person surely must know??
Nevertheless, it scared the crap out of me!!
Thank you. I don't mean to sound negative but I don't believe they're really looking for a cancer cure. The world is over populated, and some might say we have to die of something.
Although some might also say that every other disease has now been miraculously cured,as it appears everyone these days dies of Covid!

I am jealous of your optimism. I remember how that feels x
What do believe 'they' are doing instead? And how would you explain the development clinical trials etc. that are improving survival rates for lots of different cancers at increasing rates?


Chatty Member
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Well-known member
is it because they are just following orders? Do they not question things.
But this is what I'm asking...Following who? According to this thread alone its big pharma who want us sick and on meds = Then it would make no sense to force getitng vaxxed then for anything ever?
It's the government on other thread we shouldn't trust because they lie to us and want to control the population by killing us with vaccines and not illness. These governments who believe in running their countries very differently and continually war with each other over politics etc all over the world all agreed?
See this shit is what makes me convinced their ultimate goal is to crash the economy. It makes perfect sense really, dissenters can carry on with as many protests and online petitions as they like because once the pound becomes worthless we all become dependent on the government to survive and thus slaves of the state. Then they can reset society under whatever conditions they please, which I assume will be social credit scores and mandatory vaccines linked to your digital ID.

Once the second lockdown was announced and that parliament doc discussing how it's ethical to make vaccines mandatory emerged I thought right okay, they're gonna plunge us back into lockdown for a few months, make life absolutely unbearable and tell us to vax our way out. But all of this carry on is surprising even me. Even with the vaccine the focus is still on lockdown - how to tighten it and continue it indefinitely. Not a peep re the economic impact, no exit strategy... Just keep on until the inevitable happens. I can't believe people are still going along with it tbh.
would sort of make sense. Seems easier to press delete on the computer and just crash it though.