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Well-known member
Riiiiiiigggghhhhtttt. And being a critical thinker is believing everything Q tells you and ignoring scientifically proven facts and coming up with theories of your own based on those facts. Cool, cool.
Respectfully, as a mother of a son with long hair who likes dresses etc., you have no idea what you are taking about.
Carry on. Someone come call me when this goes back to being an actual conspiracy theory thread.
I think you thought I meant you, I’m agreeing with you. Sex/Gender are different. The things we believe are specifically for women vs men have changed throughout history.
I’m saying for a lot of conspiracy, hard believers, their conspiracies that they like to talk about conflict with each other too much because they are only applying the parts that align with their own beliefs. That’s not “critical thinking” that’s not learning and it’s blindly following.

Blade Runner

Chatty Member
I've just read a conspiracy theory that I absolutely loved!

It is about NS&I premium bonds being a cover for legit paying secret agents and those in witness protection. Electronic Random Number Indicator Equipment (ERNIE) is used to make these random selections to pay them.
ERNIE came up twice for me, not very big but better than a slap in the mouth.
As long as they don’t pay them with my winnings.


Chatty Member
Hmmm maybe people shouldn’t be so quick to happily spread their potential bio weapon around. Nothing at all to say that for everyone who once had the virus in their system will stay wonderfully fit and healthy. I’m sure big pharma would love to sell us lots of expensive drugs to rely on for all those who survived it but keep having issues years later. The Gov will love selling off the NHS to their rich mates.
I’m confused, did you mean to quote this post? 😂


VIP Member
If the public found out how much tax money was embezzled through dodgy COVID contracts (test and trace, PPE, laptops, school meals etc..) they'd probably never vote again. The Goodwill foundation has done such a good job at exposing this yet BBC and the other news broadcasters fail to report it.

This Government truly are the most despicable group ever in office. They've let the virus kill and destroy as many as possible so they can profit more from it. And no, I'm not some hard lefty who hates the Tories anyway.
I’m not anti-Tory at all. Have voted for them in the past. I cannot forgive letting that complete thicko be education secretary at this crucial time though.

I’ve always been really big on the importance of voting but after the last 10 months I am never, ever voting again. Feel foolish for ever having done it.


Chatty Member
The White House page on FB is the most heavily moderated page I’ve ever seen it only ever shows like or love emojis very few true reactions slip through , this is the Trump era I’m talking about ,it’s now archived so I’d say their YT would be the same.
Quite possibly.. I never looked at the YouTube before so I only know the views of now.... From knowing how people feel about trump I'd say you are probably right!


VIP Member
I’ve got another q, is anyone tested at work by a PCR test? I’ve only heard of lateral flow and antibody corporate testing? Mine is the latter
If we tested positive with the lateral flow , our hospital reswabs us using the pcr test

We have lateral flow tests, I however have declined to test myself. We had antibody blood tests back in the summer.
Wouldn’t you want to know for peace of mind that you haven’t got it or you that you could be asyompstic and passing it to others


Well-known member
I saw someone posting regarding the the vax seeeeen not changing dna and calling people for thinking it can do such a thing... I'm not sure it was this thread.. It may have been the "to have the vax seen or not" thread

Sorry.. Pressed send before I'd finished!

I just stumbled across this... Not sure how legit it is as I don't have a copy of the publication to verify

If you can, it is best to click the picture and go through the other pics attached as I think it lifts information from the article

What would be the point?


Chatty Member
I’ve got another q, is anyone tested at work by a PCR test? I’ve only heard of lateral flow and antibody corporate testing? Mine is the latter

The King in the North

Well-known member
Everyone knows the theory behind communism, but anyone who has studied history will know the theory versus real world application means the concept of equality for all and absence of government is now null and void? Are you actually advocating for communism 😂 you may be looking forward to owning nothing and being happy but I'm certainly not
I don't like communism, because it wouldn't work. Actually, under communism, the local community own everything, so you don't own nothing.

But the Great Reset is about owning nothing, what happens to taxes, what happens to mortgages, what happens to money? You mean the government are doing something to effectively transfer all assets to the local community.


Chatty Member

the cashless society thing reminds me of the beginning of handsmaids tale when they removed the money from the women!
Personally believe it would be the Russians rather than China, they love to hack but I guess the Chinese hold the technology sooo?
but again new world order and China not sure I’m convinced their policy align.
Sorry I'm a bit lost haha what technology do you mean? And what would the Russians hack?


Chatty Member
I’ve got another q, is anyone tested at work by a PCR test? I’ve only heard of lateral flow and antibody corporate testing? Mine is the latter
We have lateral flow tests, I however have declined to test myself. We had antibody blood tests back in the summer.


Well-known member
Here’s the problem. Woke people are all accepting of everything people do until somebody disagrees with them or expresses an opinion they don’t like. Their recourse is to try and shut people down. I’m accepting of all people’s opinions whether I agree with them or not. I wouldn’t dream of telling them they are wrong and I am right. If people’s opinions hurt ones feelings then the offended person needs to work on their reaction to others opinions. It ceases to be the problem of the person expressing the opinion. So here we are, discussing what’s right and wrong and missing the point of it all. We should be looking at why there’s such division and getting back to basics. Nobody really cares if somebody’s son wears a dress but you will never get everyone to think that’s “normal”, and continually pushing it down people’s throats into accepting it as the new normal is only going to further that divide. That is critical thinking.
But what are the basics?
agreeing to disagree doesn’t seem to be either camps vernacular tbh.
Personally using the dress thing as an example yeah of course you can say “don’t find it normal.” But critically thinking would be to question why? You can’t claim to be a fringe thinker and waking up to the things you’ve be taught and like Barb said isn’t this entirely centred around being continually told something as a status quo, which over certain points of history are massively different. I’d personally question if it’s because my beliefs lie in a certain time period when fashion changed? purely from a practical point?
I get people feel the media always talk in what’s I don’t “popular” feels like the wrong word? But there is more than one newspaper left and right. Sensational shit sells at the end of the day.

Sorry I'm a bit lost haha what technology do you mean? And what would the Russians hack?
Sorry 😂 I mean like banking platforms, phones etc where we access it all, if they build it/make it they’d know where the weak spots are. If all our banking was electronic and they wanted to take it off us.



Chatty Member
Beautiful. Simply beautiful. I love it.

what the bleep do we know was a huge eye opener for me.
the work of Masaru Emoto fascinates me.
I will duck duck go what you have mentioned ❤ sorry for going off topic everyone 😂

The King in the North

Well-known member
I know for a fact Thailand have strict lockdown when necessary. Our government have only just touched on stopping travel. We aren't the people you should be angry at.
I'm angry at both the Covid19 deniers and the government. Not saying people in here are denying Covid19.

Yep, 100% right 👍 Thanks for agreeing 😂
I didn't agree with you. Why would someone skew figure to destory themselves.


VIP Member
I agree about the part to do with accepting people for who they are, however some of it feels like a mass distraction over what really is important. If we are squabbling with each other the we are not directing that anger at what the real issue is.

Take BLM- I completely back that 100% in principl. However watching what happened in America and the false narrative put out there in the media is disgraceful. Same in the UK and how BLM protest were allowed and supported with police even taking the knee.
Yet anti lockdown protesters have much harsher treatment thrown at them, and that was even before this current round at the start of this year. Follow the money trail around BLMs- its saddening.

So I see the woke movement as a form of thought policing. Agree with us, accept the narrative and that’s fine. Question this and you are a white Supremacist, or racist, or in the case if brexit, ignorant, thick, ill educated. So it’s more a cult for virtual signalling. At least that’s how I see it.
so being woke isn’t waking up per say, at least in my opinio
I agree about the part to do with accepting people for who they are, however some of it feels like a mass distraction over what really is important. If we are squabbling with each other the we are not directing that anger at what the real issue is.

Take BLM- I completely back that 100% in principl. However watching what happened in America and the false narrative put out there in the media is disgraceful. Same in the UK and how BLM protest were allowed and supported with police even taking the knee.
Yet anti lockdown protesters have much harsher treatment thrown at them, and that was even before this current round at the start of this year. Follow the money trail around BLMs- its saddening.

So I see the woke movement as a form of thought policing. Agree with us, accept the narrative and that’s fine. Question this and you are a white Supremacist, or racist, or in the case if brexit, ignorant, thick, ill educated. So it’s more a cult for virtual signalling. At least that’s how I see it.
so being woke isn’t waking up per say, at least in my opinion, it’s the high jacking of ideology while screaming and shouting everyone and everything that has a differing opinion with candle culture, removing free speech and thought, under the guise of freedom for all.
cancel not candle 🤣


VIP Member
Wow. I have never heard of that site, I dare not go on it now! Whats your thoughts? Is this story true? Doesn't really have an ending which you would expect if it was real like "i have contacted the police " etc and would you really post it on reddit?

I’ve been on the site loads of times, and it’s definitely very creepy looking at pictures of people who (allegedly) don’t exist. I’ve linked it above if anyone wants to check it out. As to whether it’s a real story, I think it is, and just because the person doesn’t say anything about the police doesn’t prove anything. Also, the dark web is very real, and they say that you can buy anything on there, and I would imagine that would include people trafficking..

That's on the subreddit nosleep which is for people to put up short stories, they aren't real
I definitely didn’t know that!! But the original site is real “This Person Does Not Exist”. Also, if it’s not a real story, why are people replying to it as if it is real? Surely users of Reddit would be aware that’s it a “story” section??? That doesn’t make any sense!! 😂