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Yes, no problem, also can you let me know what you think about it please? It’s so interesting, and I feel that so many of the points that are raised in the video, have never been reported!! So it’s a real eye opener that’s for sure!!

Thank you.
Still only coming up as the video on my phone, will try and open it on a laptop at some point this week so I can watch.
Very interested to see what it says.
Seen your post re: wayfair - not sure if it’s been mentioned before but do we think there’s any truth in the rumours that it’s used to traffic children?
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I think this was posted by @chanandlerbong a few days ago. It’s so awful, and I actually hate that old fart Claus (chief executive of the World Economic Forum) he likes others to do his dirty work, Prince Charles is a massive fan of his, and he always attends the WEF (I wonder why eh??). Makes me sick to my stomach thinking of these bastards!!!

Everyone hates Blair, so why is he sticking his oar in regarding the bloody vaccine!!! I mean, it’s not as if he’s going to take it!! As I previously said, the only substance the “elite” want, is adrenachrome!!!

@chanandlerbong - It looks like Lin Wood has endorsed that video I posted about human trafficking. It’s the one by Paul Rice, who is an indie film producer ( he directed the film “A Child’s Voice )

You can just see the evil in his cunt face. I have no love for this man. Vaccines are our route for Liberty. I wish other people were properly paying attention to what is going on.
I watched the Modhi video, and I had no idea that India was sending us PPE and testing kits in March last year?!! And apparently, India has been the worst affected country in the world from covid, but they were still able to send us what we needed while they were in the middle of the worst health crisis ever?!! Yet, they have now vaccinated 2.3 million of their health care workers, and are on target to vaccinate 300 million (????) of their vunerable and elderly citizens!! Oh, and apparently India are now a “major” vaccine supplier!! But they still have enough to vaccinate most of their population!! Personally, I believe that the Covid Vaccine will be mandatory in India...
I had no idea that India were giving advice of immunity boosting by using ayurvedic methods- because it actually would have been an awesome thing to share with us as a population. I was stuck by the id, digital talk and money transferred because of all the digital structures they have in place.
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I remember watching that Louis Theroux interview with Saville, and up until then, I just thought he was just eccentric, but after re-watching it, it was pretty clear from the start that he was a monster, I think that in the beginning, when all the allegations came out, a lot of people just refused to believe it, as he was a British Icon and part of many people’s childhood memories...
I thought the article below was quite interesting...

That's no surprise , old James Molyneaux was linked to Kincora he was a unionist politician(leader of the UUP) ...He was world head and commonwealth grand master of the Orange Order the Irish equivalent of the free masons with thousands of members from all walks of life ..easy for files to just disappear.
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Has anyone listened to the Caliphate podcast?

I am late to the bandwagon and not listened to all the eps yet but there is a disclaimer at the beginning that the guy they interview is thought to be a fraud etc, was never really in ISIS.

I’ve not googled it as I don’t want to spoil anything but I am just not sure I believe that? He has so much insider info when he’s talking about it, he seems really legit. I wondered if his arrest could be some sort of cover up to delegitimise some of his claims?

Could be totally off base though as I haven’t read enough about it, also how I heard about Caliphate was another podcast saying he has been called a fraud and said ‘whether you believe that or not is up to you’ which sort of planted it in my mind I spose.
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All great, valid questions. Do you remember how we were introduced to Covid? We were fed with footage of people in Wuhan dropping dead on the streets. What a crock of shit. This was only ever intended as control via fear. I must admit, it did scare me until I actually got Covid, which was just a dose of flu basically, not the certain death I was led to believe. Background, I am in 3 levels of vulnerability for this, worst of all severe asthma. I’ve had pneumonia twice, much worse. I’ve met so many people who have lost family members to “Covid”, only they are now seeking legal representation because they didn’t die from Covid. They died within 28 days of a test, one from a heart attack, one a brain haemorrhage and one in a car crash. All had Covid on the death certificates.

Lies, lies, lies. I’ve always banged on about how we are controlled by the food and drug industry. Bottom line, and I’ll shout this in case you can’t hear “THERE IS NO MONEY IN A HEALTHY SOCIETY”. They poison us on the daily, via food, water, prescription drugs, alcohol, cigarettes (which btw everyone knows kills but have they banned them - NO).

Doctors are brainwashed at medical schools to believe what they are told is the only way. Have a conversation with one about well established alternative therapies and you’ll see just how brainwashed and arrogant they are. It’s not their fault. The drug companies run the show. Any alternatives are classed as quackery, normally because they are cheap and accessible to all (read The Borax Conspiracy). I’m sure many go in with wonderful philanthropic reasons, but that’s how they get manipulated. Also talk to doctors who have left the industry because they’ve seen the light.

Having said that, Doctors are useful in some circumstances, there are some great drugs like antibiotics, but they are only prescribing drugs, many new to the market, that are sold to them through the drug companies as cure all snake oils. Doctors are not pharmacists/chemists. They only prescribe based on what they’ve been told.

You have to ask why we’re so fearful because, after all, we’re all going to die, yet we’re all trying to die of something less serious. Does it matter? My philosophy is to live each day the best you can and not worry about what “THEY” tell you. Yes, your grandma/grandpa is going to die, usually in their 80s or 90s something will get them, maybe even Covid. Probably if they’re frail a common cold will get them. That’s just life.

Please don’t take any of this as a lack of empathy, more just common sense. I’m a person who lost both parents by the age of 18. The pain is astounding, but we’re all on that path, so why not just enjoy the ride. Being afraid of death and being led to believe that doctors will stop you dying is a great money spinner and brings me back to my first point, control through fear.

I also echo every word @chanandlerbong said above.

Try spending an hour in my head 🤪
Glad you recovered but just wondered did you ever contemplate it was a false pos you received.
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My grandads wife is 94 and she has a blocked artery in her foot which she is now dying from. She is in so much pain at home but she doesn’t want to go into hospital as she is absolutely petrified of dying with none of her family around her. How has this even been allowed to happen in our day and age. It’s beyond cruel and evil. Surely the powers that be must so that! The question is are they really that incompetent or are they really that evil? I can’t work it out.
This is so awful, and actually it beggars belief that in this day and age, people are so frightened that once they go in, they will probably die alone. I feel so sorry for your poor Nan, and it was the same for me when my mum was sick following her covid vaccine. I just knew that if I called an ambulance, the chances of never seeing her again were too high, so I completely understand. Sending love ❤
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I would agree, however I listened to a respected professor talk about how the virus had missed steps to make it an organic leap from animal to human. He went into great detail that I cannot recall now, but he knew his stuff, he a,so spoke about how lab mice have evolved in such a way they are no longer viable to be used in drugs trails. It was fascinating. Just pure truth from his knowledge base without agenda.
We'll have to agree to disagree then.
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I’ve just done a quick google search on John and thankfully he’s still ok. 👍

Did you ever see that video about the death of Heather O’ Rourke? She was the little blond girl from Poltergeist, and died in very suspicious circumstances...
Nooooo, I’m off to go down that rabbit hole ....
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My husband has just come up with another theory. Depends whether or not you believe in climate change and the theory that we won’t have a planet in 50 years. With that in mind we somehow have to stop people travelling around the world, keep them at home using less fossil fuels. Get them used to buying local and online. A return to basics. There’s no denying the atmosphere has improved and it’s weird not seeing vapour trails cross cross the skies like they used to. Thoughts?
That would be amazing and I would be on board with it! But how does Trumbo the climate change denier fit in?
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The King in the North

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If you want to bankrupt people for going against the government then I think it's right up your street babe
Communism isn't bankruping people. The local community run everything, and there isn't a government.

Honestly, I wish people stood up to the government before this, but they didn't, pretty much overwhelming voted them. Clearly didnt care about our poor encocmy in 2019, massive poverty, food banks, low paid workers while the government make their friends richer.
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Chatty Member
My husband has just come up with another theory. Depends whether or not you believe in climate change and the theory that we won’t have a planet in 50 years. With that in mind we somehow have to stop people travelling around the world, keep them at home using less fossil fuels. Get them used to buying local and online. A return to basics. There’s no denying the atmosphere has improved and it’s weird not seeing vapour trails cross cross the skies like they used to. Thoughts?
The first post on the thread says it.
I wonder if that type of thing was what they meant? I saw someone do it with their Oyster card 😂
Seems like a bit of a sensational news story they print to get reads. Like you said we are already phone chipped, tracked and recorded. We could all ditch our phones if we were bothered.
One of the earlier theories on insta was that they are trying to remove cash, because hardly any machines etc were working. I think probably it was more likely that they believed it could spread that way and now they know otherwise/ wash it/ aren’t particularly arsed?
I wonder if the dropping like flies thing was a cultural thing/ignorance of the virus thing. Like if you truly believe youre not unwell and continue to push through your day, you’d just faint? Or that people over there are scared to take to their beds because of repercussions?
Could quite literally be paid actor’s/fakers but would seem a stretch?
My partner feels the cashless society is also a way to track everything (he's not a conspitacist) in the way that it'd stop money laundering and the banks would have full control (ie you account can be stopped anytime)
Looking back on the dropping down (it didn't look like fainting but could have been! And also didn't look like amateur film) and doors being welded.... I'd say it may have been footage from actual films or some sort of acting - not seen anything like that since! I did read somewhere that China's economy is now fine and they possibly have started WW3 but it isn't how we usually view a war?!? But then to see them building quarantine camps... I'm not sure. I guess unless you are there you don't really know and even then you don't really know! My friend in Wuhan hasn't been in touch for a few weeks so I haven't been able to find out what she's going through

With regards to the climate.
I'd agree somewhat if it was like lockdown 1 as there where barely any cars and the noise and even light pollution and actual pollution was down but here where I live the roads are just like pre lockdown and we hadn't seen the sun for 2 weeks until we had blue sky Friday!!! and there was constant spraying. Night's have been crystal clear mostly and stars have been really visible but from 5/6 we have a lot of planes and then the day is a write off
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From what I read, they started the HIV/AIDS program in 1969, so it’s entirely possible that they took the data on the first case and then manipulated it, as the real reason was to unleash it on to African nations as a means of population control. Interesting stuff though..

Interesting reading..

ETA - The above video that is a re-upload, is well worth watching if only to see the news reports about the “mysterious vaping illness” that infected residents at several care homes that were close to the Fort Detrick Bio-Weapons Lab. from what I’ve seen and read, it seems very likely that the original Covid strain was partially developed at Fort Detrick and then sent on to the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, which is a Government Bioweapons Lab. also interesting is that the French were involved in actually setting up the Wuhan Lab, and allegedly had some kind of interest in it...
Hi @DreamDolly You always post such interesting links, thank you! I'm glad to hear that your mother is feeling better and I hope she's fully recovered very soon 🙂
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I’m pretty sure when we got our pup a few years ago we had to ensure the vet used the same vaccine manufacturer for the second puppy vac as those used by the breeders vet for the first. So how on earth can they get away with doing that with humans if they can’t with dogs!?
They're not supposed to mix the vaccs it's on the manufacturers instructions ,I think it's only England will be doing this NI are deff not don't know about the rest of the world.

Yes, I heard that interview Majid did about Wuhan. But, I also know that you cannot trust anything the Chinese authorities say!! I believe 💯 that the virus was started in the US at Fort Detrick and then finished in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It never came from a “wet market”!!
With regards to the amount of Chinese citizens who died during the first wave, whatever figure the Chinese said it was is not to be taken seriously, as millions of mobile phones belonging to students suddenly went offline, and this is very telling because in China, everyone HAS to have a government controlled mobile phone that has basically everything about you on there, including your banking details and your health status. They also work as a “traffic light system” which is linked to your social credit score. So, for millions of Chinese students to suddenly go offline, tells me that whatever number they give, to add on the millions of missing students.
The university of Hong Kong did a study and found the true figure to be 232,000 people I remember reading about it ages ago.....How is your Mum doing now ?
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Does anyone know what this is all about? I've seen CTs jumping on it. Elon's endorsement rings alarm bells for moi who is he to talk about 'the people' :cautious: Why do people think he is a good billionaire? Am I missing something?

All I know about Dogecoin is that it was created in 2013 by 2 guys as a meme!! Then Elon tweets about it and it goes up 50%??? Have a look at this video, the intro is actually really funny 😁
And, I don’t like Elon Musk!!

ETA - I should add that the Dogecoin “mascot” is a Shiba Inu, which is one of my favourite dog breeds, still wouldn’t buy any of them coins though!!
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Look into rescues. So many people have got puppies over lockdown and realised they're hard work, so there's now thousands of poor dogs in kennels waiting for someone like you ❤ I have a rescue and it's the most rewarding thing ever!

And people said it was a conspiracy

Once one country does it, everyone else will follow
It's being considered throughout the EU
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Chatty Member
Just stumbled across this, I e never come across this before, a change of pace from covid....... Video.

. Transcript of video ( apparently)
Here is the Bill - I've tried reading (thought this had posted ages ago! Not sure if it passed and cannot see anything about the Beings... 😱)
Oh dear...😉

My eyes read the boards as Escape the Vaccinations 🙈
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You mean like a bad cold or flu? I just think this is mass hysteria. Old people die and often it’s a cold that turns into complications like pneumonia. All common cold are Coronaviruses. This situation is just nuts!
Cold and flu are way, way, way different. People die from the flu old and young. But people don’t seem to know the different, getting the sniffles and going “I’ve got the flu”
Grouping them together is for the way they are built nothing to do with the effects that they have. Babies die from the flu, people with treatable illnesses die from the flu, what’s old 60? 70? 80? Y BBC
Are they not worth bothering about. Regardless it isn’t the flu C19 transmits easier than the flu and seems to make people sicker.
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