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Hmm I heard that nob the other morning speaking about it. I really wish he'd fuck off, and I'd like to think that the majority of current government will ignore him like everyone else should.
I can't see it happening though, it's what they've been gearing up for all along
Another MP is calling for all care workers to have it or employers to reconsider what role they can have in looking after people
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Where did you find do this? I sounder what the rest of the letter said?
I saw it posted on a covid page on Facebook, so hardly reliable, but the page says their fact checked so who knows.
I guess there's loads discussed that we're never privy to know, and if it's true then that why - it's shocking!
That said I've just noticed the spelling of 'organization', which our government wouldn't use, so I'd happily retract it as being rubbish
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From the late great Rik Mayall. I'm going to find the full version and watch this. Its called One by One if anyone is interested

@DreamDolly I posted your dress, have you seen the blanket on the Captain Tom thread? It just keeps getting better! 😂
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The King in the North

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I listen to Dr Mike Yeadon who was Vice President of Allergy and Respiratory for Pfizer. If anyone knows what they’re talking about it’s him and he thinks these lockdowns are completely unnecessary and harmful. Covid 19 is real but it is the handling of it that we are all questioning, not whether Covid exists itself.
You mean the same Mike Yeadon, who ended ip making a number of false claims in his blog.

The reason that we are not out of this because the government want to make their friends richer.

If lockdowns and rescritions are harming people, explain Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, Cuba, Iceland, Greece, Finland, Norway, Thailand are all managing fine and not in the same position as us. Their economy is open, they have low deaths, because they managed to control the virus.

I mean... They have been proven to be "massaging" the test results sooo its not like any of us are wanting things like this to be happening 😐
For what purpose?
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I don’t know about that. Isn’t it buying into the “write off all debt” scenario. You no longer actually own your business but they allow you to keep it on. It’s kind of like equity release. They are never going to give people that amount of money for nothing. It ties into the September 21 plan ...
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Yes you’re very right. I was seeing it as more compensation for a mis-sold loan as opposed to a bail out because it absolutely fits the criteria. They were taken out on the basis of “three weeks to flatten the curve” and those businesses are still by law unable to trade a year later. Surely there is a legal element to that re being fully informed. But then again human rights are irrelevant at this point
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There is a famous South Korean I think influencer who is just AI! Cant remember the name but have definitely seen it somewhere.
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Hey guys, just seen this very interesting video by Professor Dolores Cahill, and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich discussing very important issues about the Covid Vaccine, it’s well worth a watch..

Just stumbled across this, I e never come across this before, a change of pace from covid....... Video.

. Transcript of video ( apparently)
That’s really interesting, thanks for sharing this. Personally, I feel that it’s been any excuse to get people into these FEMA camps. Allegedly, these camps are going to be used as re-education centres, and it’s for people like us who are questioning the whole covid scamdemic.. I feel really sorry for any CT’s in the states, and it also begs the question as to how long before our freedom of speech is taken away under the guise of “misinformation”!! Always remember that Offcom are part of the government..

Also, did anyone catch it when the words “Flesh Eating” were mentioned?? And something to do with “Other worldly strength”?? What exactly is this emergency bill (HR9781) anyway?? And why would women have to give birth “underground”?? On the video, many of the words were censored/classified but, whatever it is, it sounds really scary...😱

So, I found the video about Bill HR9781. It’s a bill from 2008 regarding homeland security, and the millions of dollars needed in order to implement this. The guy putting forward the bill was a Republican senator called John Haller.
The reason everyone is freaking out over this, is because the bill says something about “flesh eating”, but then says “classified”. It also referenced a disease, but again, it says “classified” and not what this mysterious “disease” is !!!!!!
I think most of us know by now that Covid is a Bioweapon that was intentionally released, maybe this “Bill” was about laying the foundations for everything that’s happened now!!!

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Never mind the implications on everyone else suffering with health problems that will only get worse and end up overloading the NHS (handy that it will add to the excess deaths isn't it 🙄)
Then a generation of kids going without a year or mores education, no hope of school leavers getting a job or quality university education.. leading to even more mental health problems.
The elderly are dying a slow death due to isolation - after all they still can't go out and be safe even after the vaccine... and the list goes on.
We can't keep locking down because the virus has mutated. If people believe in the vaccine and the scientists then they say the MRNA jab can be altered, so why keep the world from turning.....?
Oh yeh, because maybe that was always the plan!

As for Boris saying that it's affecting young people then that a blantant lie, their own stats say that it still not affecting them!
We can't stop the world because young people might spread it - maybe instead we need to protect the elderly and vulnerable and set up proper services for them, rather than pay people who have a 99% chance of survival for sitting at home because of a convenient mutation
So well put!! Dear God it is tragic how brainwashed people are through their own TVs. And even more tragic they pay the BBC for the privilege.
We know they're really after the young people. They want to vaccinate the future population . Everything else is all smoke and mirrors.
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Well...If anyone’s interested, here’s the West Memphis Three video by Kendall Rae (it’s probably the best one I’ve seen on the case). It certainly is extremely creepy and shocking..

Oh you've done it now. I've not watched her in a while, but thats now me not doing anything later 😂
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It’s still against the Nuremberg Code I believe so we’re legally not obliged to undergo any medical procedure that we don’t consent to. Not that human rights mean much anymore mind. For instance the NHS are trying to force a woman to be PCR tested before her operation, she refused and they let up but now it seems they’re trying other tactics to coerce her into it. Tbf I could always dip it in some Coca Cola to give them the positives they are so desperately seeking 😂
Don’t forget that a kiwi fruit, a quail, and a papaya also tested positive!! Let’s be honest here, the PCR test can prove you have ANY disease if they amplify it enough!!

Are you saying that Sheila Fogarty is a liar Monga?? How very dare you!! 😉😂
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Chatty Member
You mean the same Mike Yeadon, who ended ip making a number of false claims in his blog.

The reason that we are not out of this because the government want to make their friends richer.

If lockdowns and rescritions are harming people, explain Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, Cuba, Iceland, Greece, Finland, Norway, Thailand are all managing fine and not in the same position as us. Their economy is open, they have low deaths, because they managed to control the virus.

For what purpose?
I know for a fact Thailand have strict lockdown when necessary. Our government have only just touched on stopping travel. We aren't the people you should be angry at.
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I think that's exactly what they've tried to do here. I saw a person mention under one of the tweets about the council getting A LOT of money to keep the city in lockdown 😱 which ties in with what was mentioned previously about certain countries getting a big payout to keep countries lockdown (sure that was here)

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It will only let me scroll back to the 5th Dec for some reason but wanted to show some proof
I live quite close and same thing around here. They even put a letter through saying how we should accept a test to help stop the spread, it was worded strangely and we thought it was a scam.

The next day we had another letter put through saying sorry we missed you...please call to get a home test kit.

I find it all strange it’s only happening in the city and not the county...
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Just wondering if anyone here has been offered the jab yet? What will happen if the jab is linked to your job? @Cupcakemum - Any updates on your situation? - I also see that they are now saying that it’s ok to “mix and match” the vaccine from different manufacturers. I was under the impression that it wasn’t safe to do that?? Where is the data that shows that it’s safe to do this?? It’s like playing Russian roulette with these jabs..
Not as yet... I think my parents may be in the next groups and we've discussed at length what has been / is happening although ultimately it is each individuals decision.... Me, my partner and my brother and his partner have no plans to have it (we are low down on priority anyway but maybe not so for how quick they want to have every adult done)

My neighbour who is a nurse had hers last week. She said she felt fine after but the next day she had really bad aches and uncontrollable shakes and felt very nauseous. She seems okay now.

My elderly auntie had hers yesterday and she notoriously hard to get hold of on the phone bless her so I will hear more tomorrow when she's spoken to my parents I think

HOW is your mum now Dolly x
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It’s very quiet on here today. I hope everyone is ok? Bit better news regarding my mum, she’s up and about, eating ok, and apart from her sore arm and still feeling fairly tired, she’s on the mend, and honestly, I’ve been so worried about her, so to know that she’s doing better is such a massive relief!!
That’s fantastic news ♥
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The King in the North

Well-known member
Also, you poison a whole country through their water supply, that becomes obvious. Releasing a virus that targets the vulnerable is clandestine and hard to identify a perpetrator. It’s genius.
How have Vietnam, Greece, South Korea, Japan, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Australia, Thailand and New Zealand, all have managed not to find themselves in our position. Do you have any proof that the virus was intentionally released?
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Has anyone ever heard about the conspiracy that Whitney Houston was murdered as a “blood sacrifice”?? There used to be this girl I knew who had contacts in the music industry, and she was the one who told me about it.
It’s certainly very strange that Whitney, her daughter, and her daughters boyfriend, were all found dead in exactly the same circumstances!! What are the chances of that happening?..
Also, on the day that Whitney died, she was seen with Ray J (yeah the guy from the Kim Kardashian sex tape). And Ray was allegedly buying drugs for Whitney, and was also the last person to see Whitney alive in her hotel room. But he soon got out of there before the cops arrived..
I just think there are so many unanswered questions, so, here’s a video, if anyone’s interested.

Yes ive always found those circumstances strange. I will look at that later , thank you. x
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