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And avoid any "information " on products given out by the BBC.
"THE BBC has set up a new ‘disinformation unit’, BBC Verify. Marianna Spring, the BBC’s Disinformation Correspondent, says she is currently studying ‘the UK’s conspiracy theory movement’ which she claims has ‘evolved and intensified’ since the Chinese coronavirus outbreak. Spring identified ‘alternative media’ as a source of so-called conspiracy theories."

‘I’m looking at the way alternative media is funded, I’m looking at its impact on local communities, I’m looking at its connections with far-right figures and also its foreign links,’ she said."

"The millennial journalist’s reference to ‘far right’ rather gives the game away. Evidently disinformation from the left wing or globalists is OK then! And what she means by far right is not neo-Nazi, but ordinary conservative, Christian views, once upon regarded as mainstream and still held by most of the British public."

"The whole thing is laughable anyway, because the BBC itself is one of the biggest sources of disinformation, certainly where climate change is concerned. So I suggest BBC Verify begin by looking into the BBC’s own coverage."
"Roger Harrabin, the BBC’s former Energy and Environment Analyst, let the cat out of the bag last year when he tweeted that the BBC has long been trying to ‘knit climate change into the fabric of the daily news’. In other words, try to link every bit of bad weather, famine or other disaster to global warming, in the most surreptitious way possible. Little wonder that only 44 per cent of Brits trust the BBC’s journalists to be truthful."

"The above examples are only the tip of the iceberg. It would be a full-time job for Marianna Spring and her team to monitor all the disinformation the BBC spews out."
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Someone else was adamant that "covid stopped with them" and raged about how selfish people were. When she herself said she tested positive, she still posted about popping into her local store and posted on the M&S thread.
Wow maybe this person lied about testing positive or is popping to M&S the lie surely both can’t be true at the same time? Too complex for my simple mind 🤯

Maybe M&S addiction is a real thing it might be so strong it makes people eat their own words if that’s the case we need to #bekind
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Thank you @xyzcba, their contribution to the thread is so insightful 🙄.
Anyone wanting to " debunk" the real conspiracy thread needs to head over to secret celeb goss, much more fast-moving and outrageous than here. It's even has wild, inaccurate theories from the most ardent ct haters. 😂
Hey isn't life a ball in 2023 🙄.
Thankfully I have one .
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“ It was the quality of the jabs your Honour.... only c. 50% of the mrna ones were their proper intended strength, apparently.”

Folks sure are odd.

The 55% mRNA variables between batches is the truth. Which I’m pretty sure wasn’t even known when they turned up for their appointment even if they claim they “fully consented”.

Backpedaling- okay sure if that helps you sleep better at night Alas I am just a zoo keeper, and never personally said every vaccinated person would die. I’m honestly just hoping my friends and extended family won’t be affected more than they already have. I would be lying if I said I didn’t worry though.

Rather than being annoyed at the CT’ers, I would be more angry that a product I had put my faith into was allowed by regulators to use such damaged mRNA .

They seem to have forgotten all of this though:

-They said it stopped transmission.

-“They” said spike proteins were broken down almost instantly. Why have they been found up to 4 months later circulating away?

-They said it would be safe in pregnancy, and that it wouldn’t be able to pass through so why has the vax been found in breast milk?

-There was no link between taking the vax and MS, why is there is now?

-They said there was no link to period issues.

-They said there were no issues with myocarditis.

For some who did take three, Four, five and even six jabs later the experts warning the White House say they will still need to be re vaccinated against the newest strain like us who never cost the NHS approximately £23 per jab.
If it had been me who had followed the science, I would be counting my blessings that I personally not had a bad reaction so far.
I try not to go to the dark side, I've never liked negative bores. But it seems to me that some people put way too much importance on some random not very bright fb post they have seen and judge everyone by it 🤣🤣🤣.
No one I know has ever claimed vaccines will kill everyone. And most posters on here go by evidence of what has happened to our loved ones and evidence dripfeeding out about what damage they can do to the body. If you and your loved ones have not suffered any harm then I would think how lucky you are and not mock those who have, based on some randoms sm post.
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Wow maybe this person lied about testing positive or is popping to M&S the lie surely both can’t be true at the same time? Too complex for my simple mind 🤯

Maybe M&S addiction is a real thing it might be so strong it makes people eat their own words if that’s the case we need to #bekind
I am a huge M&S fan and for transparency have 41 company shares .

The poster was raging about a co-worker giving it to them when they could have got it from anywhere.

Why not be #selfish in that case and risk spreading it to their usual elder customers when there are Halloumi kebabs + feta & spinach wraps involved.

For credit: it was Monga who spotted that one.
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Bill Gates is said to have met Epstein in person for the first time in 2011 according to various articles then a few years later Melinda also met him in 2013 once knowing he was a convicted abuser of children

He already had an affair they got over she alludes to more infidelity she’s the wronged woman that tried to warn her husband to stay away her heart breaks for these young women that’s the controlled narrative

Why would she go and meet him even once it doesn’t make any sense to me their foundation does a lot of work with women and girls their public image doesn’t go with hanging around child abusers does it?

Now it’s in the press Epstein tried to blackmail Bill Gates

Melinda Gates is said to have warned Bill Gates to stay away from Jeffrey Epstein after the couple met with the convicted sex offender in 2013 in New York.

Melinda Gates reveals meeting with ‘evil, abhorrent’ Epstein and says Bill’s friendship with him eroded marriage

Graig Graziosi Thursday 03 March 2022

‘I made it very clear how I felt about him,’ she said of Epstein

Melinda Gates has revealed that her ex-husband Bill Gates’ friendship with notorious child sex trafficker Jeffery Epstein gave her "nightmares" and contributed to the power couple's divorce.

She spoke with CBS Mornings about her disdain for Epstein and its impact on her marriage to Mr Gates. The interview was her first since their divorce last year.

"I did not like that he had meetings with Jeffrey Epstein. I made that clear to him. I also met Jeffrey Epstein exactly one time. I wanted to see who this man was and I regretted it from the second I stepped in the door," she told CBS's Gayle King.

She said that Epstein was "abhorrent, evil personified" and that meeting caused her to have "nightmares”.

"That's why my heart breaks for these young women. That's how I felt, and I am an older woman. He was awful," she said.

Mr Gates’ relationship with Epstein contributed to the erosion of the couple's relationship, though Ms Gates said it was not the only issue.

"It was not one thing, it was many things [that led to the divorce]. Any of the questions remaining about what Bill's relationship with him was... those are for Bill to answer. I made it very clear how I felt about him," she said.

Mr Gates has since said his friendship with Epstein was a “huge mistake” and a “substantial error in judgement”.

She said she and her ex-husband are still “friendly” and they still have business together, but they are not “friends.”

Asked by Ms King about Mr Gates’ fidelity during their relationship, she said those questions would have to be answered by him. Mr Gates has acknowledged one affair during his 27-year-marriage.

“I believe in forgiveness. I thought we had worked through some of that,” she said of the affair. “I gave every single piece of myself to this marriage. I was committed from the day we got engaged to the day I got out of it.”

She said she hopes that one day she and Mr Gates could resume a friendship.

“We are friendly at this point. Friends is a different word for me. That might come over time but for me there is still healing that needs to happen,” she said. “I wish him well. I certainly don’t wish him any harm.”

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Wonder what's causing the spike in baby loss?

Is it just down to "ethnic inequalities." ?

"It shows that 698,909 babies were born at 24 weeks — classed as extremely premature — or later in the UK in 2021, an increase of 1.5 per cent on 2020.

Stillbirth rates increased among all gestational age groups, with a 12 per cent jump in stillbirths among babies born between 28 and 31 weeks.

Babies born before 37 weeks accounted for 75 per cent of stillbirths and late foetal losses, as well as 73 per cent of neonatal deaths."

No real update on the Scottish spikes either:

"At least 18 babies under four weeks old died in March, a rate of 4.6 per 1,000 births.
Infant death rates vary widely from month to month, but the increase is larger than expected from chance alone.

It comes after at least 21 babies under four weeks old died in September, a rate of 4.9 per 1,000 births.

A preliminary investigation later found the spike was not linked to Covid."
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Thank you! Yes all going smoothly thankfully. Found out we are having a boy which is really nice. Poor thing being born into this mental world 🤣
Ah Congratulations! ❤
I know, I do wonder what sort of world they're going to live in as adults 🤯
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Hopefully more successful than the covid vaccine 😉
Seems like a no brainer and another cash cow. 63.8% of England is already obese or overweight....

I haven't seen much media bashing of those using Ozempic and causing real shortages for those who actually need it.

(25.9% Obese + 37.9% overweight in England Commons library 2023 numbers )
Reposting this again too:

In the this morning segment about the trial one of the presenters says: no one should be worried because it's no longer used in the uk".

Reassuring, but if you've already had it?

Currently AstraZeneca is #trending with 35.5k posts.

Wonder how we could have spent £18 million...



Seems like MiNsForMAtion now.

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The ‘Unvaccinated Are Unclean’ Compilation

"During periods of peace and prosperity, when the prevailing social mood is positive, it’s often tough to know who is truly decent and reasonable. During times of stress and fear, people are far more inclined to show their true colors. Many get swept up in the emotions and groupthink of the frightened herd, thereby losing their capacity for critical thinking and principled action. Under such circumstances, if you insist on maintaining your individuality, you will likely be shocked to discover that even people whom you took to be old friends may join the herd in ostracizing you.

2021 and early 2022 were just such a time for those of us who didn’t fervently embrace the crude dogma of the COVID-19 Vaccine Cult. The following video is a remarkable expression of how easily a modern, advanced civilization can embrace the most atavistic, tribalistic, and scapegoating passions.

Especially revolting is how these expressions are enveloped in lies and cheap virtue signaling. We, the unvaccinated, will forbear the impulse to retaliate, but we won’t forget the pronouncements made in this compilation or the people who made them. Because we are wise, we will try to obey St. Paul’s injunction to suffer these fools gladly."
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I'm that Diva

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👀Well, well well! About bloody time this is properly investigated. Things that would have the average person getting jail time. The main witness has gone into hiding.

Hunter Biden scandal so grave even US Left-wing media can't ignore it # via
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Imo people who fall for ott outrage over " hot air" are ALWAYS missing the point.
"The acceptance in our societies of deaths from despair as a leading cause of mortality among young and middle-aged men is a subject worth exploring. But, as always on Cheapo TV, that’s not what was going on. Instead, Laurence had been called in to attack what Miss Evans had said about it on some other station. Commentary is a low enough profession, but commentary upon other commentary is lower still, and (in this case) commentary upon commentary upon commentary (Lozza had been invited to comment on Ava’s comments on the bloke who’d been commenting on male suicide) is almost entirely removed from anything that matters."
"Remember what the Steyn Show used to do on GB News? Vaccine victims ignored by the government and vaporised on social media. The industrial-scale gang-rape of English schoolgirls up and down the land from Rochdale to Banbury. The utter uselessness of the British constabulary, who are too busy dancing their clubfooted macarenas to investigate any crimes."
"‘Seen any of that lately on GBN? As I’ve said with each of these new Ofcom complaints, GB News would have done better to push back against the Steyn rulings – because at least then you’d be taking a stand on the biggest public-policy disaster of our times, as opposed to defending the right to pronounce a woman entirely non-shaggable. Which, in terms of free-speech first principles, may indeed be a right, but not one you’d necessarily want to argue before a jury, never mind faceless ideological commissars of a highly politicised state bureaucracy."


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But Monga if you repeat a lie often enough, you truly can believe it. Someone said they wanted articles and not sensational tweets. Wonder if they will still actually bother.

"In March 2021, The Telegraph was one of the first newspapers to imply a causal link between the jab and blood clots after Norwegian scientists suggested a possible mechanism.

On the day we published the story we received a threatening phone call from a senior official at the MHRA warning that The Telegraph would be banned from future briefings and press notices if we did not soften the news. "

"All of this shows a troubling paternalism in government, academia and some media outlets who believe that the public is not capable of weighing up the pros and cons of medical interventions and so must be shielded from the truth."

And while early studies suggested that the AstraZeneca jab might reduce transmission by up to 67 per cent, by October 2021, Oxford University found it was less effective than Pfizer, with the transmission impact disappearing entirely after 12 weeks.

But there remains the awkward truth that those at the lowest risk from Covid – the young and the healthy – were the ones who suffered the most from the jab.

Monga's headline:

Emergence of Post COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Diseases | IDR

We are reporting 31 patients with new onset post COVID-19 vaccine autoimmune diseases and a severe exacerbation of an existing disease.

" In 27 patients (87%) there was no autoimmune disease background and patients presented with new-onset disease (Table 1). Twenty-nine (93.5%), one (3.2%), and one (3.2%) received Pfizer, Moderna, and Oxford vaccines, respectively. Eight cases (25.8%) received one dose of the vaccine, eighteen cases (58%) received two doses, and only five cases (16.1%) completed all three doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

The average time between vaccination and new-onset disease symptoms was median of 7 days (3–21) in those who developed IMD after the first dose), median of 14 days (2–25) in those after the second dose, and a median of 19 days (17–22) in those after receiving the third dose, with most cases occurring after the second dose (54%)."
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I've been reading the childhood vaccine book Turtles All The Way Down, suggested on here, I think it was you Pod? Thank you for sharing it.

The book comes with a pdf download of all its references, all of which are taken from publicly available data. The authors happily invite any debunking, and not a single debunk has come forward. Because it's all fact.

Amazon product

It's actually horrifying the standard of 'clinical trials' these vax go through to be apparently 'safe and effective'.

""As summarized in the table above (Edit; which I can try and copy in if anyone is interested), "the manufacturers’ package inserts and FDA licensing documents indicate that none of the US routine childhood vaccines has been tested against a true placebo."

For example, this Prevnar vaccine is the Pneumococcal vaccine, given at 12 weeks & at 1 year in the UK.

"Prevnar Vaccine: The Prevnar vaccine brand protects against multiple strains of the pneumococcus bacterium that can cause pneumonia. The Prevnar-13 vaccine protects against 13 bacterial strains and has been in routine use in the US since 2010. The vaccine replaced the older-generation vaccine called Prevnar, which was introduced in 2000 and protected against 7 bacterial strains. How was Prevnar-13’s safety tested before approval? Browsing the vaccine’s package insert reveals that it was tested against its predecessor, Prevnar. In these trials, severe adverse events were reported in 1 in 12 infants receiving Prevnar-13 (8.2% of subjects) and slightly less often in Prevnar subjects (7.2%). But how many babies who participated in the trial would have experienced severe medical events if not vaccinated at all? That question cannot be answered because the Prevnar-13 trials did not include a placebo control group. Unsurprisingly, the rate of adverse events in the Prevnar-13 was generally similar to, albeit slightly higher than, the rate of its predecessor; thus, the vaccine was declared “safe” and approved for use by the FDA. The Prevnar-13 turtle stands on the back of the Prevnar turtle. And what is the Prevnar turtle standing on? The answer: On the back of another turtle, which is standing on nothing but thin air, as we shall immediately see. Prior to its approval, the Prevnar vaccine underwent a major clinical trial in the United States. In this trial approximately 17,000 infants received Prevnar and a similar number of controls received a vaccine against the meningococcus bacterium. A review of the scientific paper reporting the results of the trial reveals that about 1,000 subjects in total were hospitalized (about 1 in every 35 infants), and about 1 in 16 had emergency room (ER) visits within 30 days of receiving the vaccine. In addition to the Prevnar or meningococcal vaccine, all trial subjects received concurrent DTP or DTaP vaccines. (Note that administering the trial and control vaccines concurrently with other vaccines further obscures the results, as it impossible to determine which adverse events are due to which vaccine(s).) And what about that meningococcal vaccine received by the control group subjects? In 1998, the year its trial took place, there was no existing alternative to the Prevnar vaccine. Thus, there were no ethical reasons not to give the control group an inert saline injection. Yet the manufacturer chose to give the control group the meningococcal vaccine instead, despite the fact that it had not yet been approved by the FDA and was still “experimental”. Why would the manufacturer, as well as FDA and other licensing approval bodies, prefer using an experimental vaccine over the safe, economical, practical, and ethical alternative of a saline placebo? There can be only one answer: to hide the true rate of Prevnar’s adverse events."


"Mere Coincidence or Deliberately Flawed Design?
As we’ve clearly illustrated in the preceding sections, not one of the vaccines the CDC recommends all American children receive was tested for safety in a Phase 3 clinical trial where the control group received an inert placebo. All the vaccines reviewed in the preceding pages – of which tens of millions of doses are administered to infants and toddlers in the US every year – were tested in trials which did not include any control group at all, or ones in which the so-called control group received at least one other vaccine. Is it just coincidence that none of these vaccines has been tested against a true placebo, despite the fact that in many cases doing so would have been easier, cheaper, and yielded more valid results than the testing that was done? Is it just an accident of fate that the accepted methodology of all childhood vaccine trials obscures the real rate of adverse events of the new vaccine? That seems highly improbable. As explained at the start of this discussion, testing the safety of a next-generation vaccine against its predecessor is justifiable on ethical grounds: Withholding an existing and proven treatment from control group subjects would be immoral. However, there is no justification for conducting a chain of trials (turtle upon turtle upon turtle) that ultimately stands on nothing but air. Moreover, what possible rationale could justify trials for new vaccines wherein the control groups receive other (sometimes experimental) vaccines? Would a safety trial for a new cigarette have any credibility at all if the “control” group consisted of subjects who smoked a different kind of cigarette? Whether or not you believe this trial methodology is ethical, its consequence remains the same: The true rate of adverse events of routine childhood vaccines is virtually unknown; therefore, there is no scientific basis for claiming they’re safe. The fact that we don’t know how often childhood vaccines hurt the children who receive them casts a dark shadow over the legitimacy of vaccine programs the world over. But that is not all. Even worse, as we shall shortly see, safety trials conducted for some childhood vaccines blatantly and seriously violate the medical code of ethics. In any vaccine clinical trial, a balance must be struck between the vaccine’s potential benefits (disease protection) and potential risks (adverse events). When control subjects in vaccine trials receive another type of vaccine, even if it’s done in order to obfuscate the real rate of adverse events of the vaccine being tested, the compound they receive is at least of some potential benefit to them. However, in the rotavirus vaccine trials this imperative ethical risk-to-benefit balance was blatantly violated."

@Freedomofspeech89 I think you'd enjoy this book.
Oh I'm glad you found the book useful I thought it sounded very informative and the author put a lot of research into it.

Hope everyone is well ❤
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In the news recently:

Confirmed by the conspiracy theorists at the Wall Street Journal.


"It's time to tell the American people the truth"


From the Conspiracy theorists at the Spectator channel:

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My midwife asked me if I was covid vaccinated and I was like absolutely not! She was like well its safe... as far as we know. I've had numerous letters asking for me to take my 7 Yr old child for it as he's at risk... as he's autistic.

Also I've never messed with contraception bar condoms. Synthetic hormones no thank you. My body unless pregnant is meant to have a period once a month. No I don't want a coil either. Only foreign object I want inside me is my fellas 🍆 thanks. After every baby I've had I've had medical professionals trying to push contraception onto me. Like not being funny but how do use know I don't want more kids and want them close together? I've said for years watch how when people my age hit their 50s how many cases of reproductive cancers there will be cause of these hormones they are shoving in themselves.
I was put on the pill at 14 because that was easier for mum than risk teen pregnancy. It fucked up my hormones, never really went through a full pubity, emotionally stunted. Now I'm in my 30s and having natural cycles for the first time in my life have actual emotions and feel like a different person.

I do have a copper coil which the Dr's really tried to talk me out of and it's fine. I take zinc to counter balance the excess copper.

Hormonal contraception have done women a massive disservice
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Edit: Sorry for my grammar and extra word typos above.

I can't edit my posts, but have always been bad at typing so that's not a good mix.
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