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I realise there is a dedicated thread but it moves too fast with all the "who is it" and Sun vs parents vs BBC twists and this is a slightly different point anyway, I'm not talking about the scandal itself, but just the timing that it all came out.

Essentially news of the BBC presenter scandal could have broken at any time since MAY and certainly at any time all last week. It seems to me that strings were very much pulled to deliberately make the story break on Friday afternoon and totally swamp the news all weekend. So which one of many did they need to be disappeared?
- the email about George Osborne's antics (the bizarre confetti thing that JSO claimed and then rapidly unclaimed when they got some backlash also helped to overtake that narrative)
- Boris Johnson failing to come up with his covid phone conversations
- NHS 1700 baby's deaths/injuries scandal
- couple of stabbings etc at dinghy immigration hot spots
- Biden and John Kerry turning up to talk about Net Zero in their 27-vehicle convoy
- Ukraine cluster bomb arguments
- think something about Pfizer losing a court case about misleading info on the vaccines given to children?

All of these stories (and maybe others) should have been MASSIVE this weekend, but all have enjoyed barely a word said about them all weekend.

You can also see that a scandal at the BBC has completely and conveniently wiped ITV's toxic environment from the agenda.

Anyone agree there's something slightly suspect about this all coming out when it did?
Whenever every media outlet including SM, forums, groups etc are all engrossed in the same thing, you can bet your life it's a distraction.
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Maybe it’s the food ( so many rare illnesses ) 🤢I was wondering why Ireland’s Iceland had to clear all the meat from the freezers a few days ago, didn’t happen in NI though.

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Thank you for @Doc for sharing this on the PS thread - I thought others here may find it of interest too

All this below is transcribed from a Twitter thread by @ciabaudo where there are receipts.

The 2 Faced Theatre Company | Partons
Theatre school with a difference, bringing the West End to the North West. Experience the Real World of Professional Theatre with classes and workshops for young performers.

Patrons of 2Faced:-

> Filth

> Kirsten O’Brien, CBBC star.

> Lesley Garrett, Opera singer

> Brian Blessed, Actor

> Styles & Drewe, Mary Poppins composers

FILTH > exploits now unfurling. Was onboard Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth with JIMMY SAVILE and PAUL TROTTER, who was charged with child molestation and child pornography. He was employed as a youth counsellor on the liners and supervised children in The “Playzone”.

KIRSTEN O BRIEN > co-star of Smart with MARK SPEIGHT, who committed suicide. Speight was a close friend of ROLF HARRIS who did a eulogy at his funeral. Sleight’s girlfriend died by misadventure shortly before he hanged himself. O BRIEN also was an ambassador for Missing People together with KATE MCANN, mother of missing MADELINE MCANN, and FIONA PHILLIPS, wife of MARTIN FRIZELL, boss of THIS MORNING that FILTH hosted.

BRIAN BLESSED > Good friend of JIMMY SAVILE and ESTHER RANTZEN. RANTZEN is renowned for CHILDLINE and she’s also honorary VP of National Parks together with SIR CHRIS BONINGTON. BONINGTON is also the director of OUTWARD BOUND. Outward Bound as a youth organisation and has an interesting list of former directors including JIMMY SAVILE and PRINCE ANDREW, FFION HAGUE (WILLIAM HAGUE’s wife), and SIR TIMOTHY BRIGHOUSE. One of Outward Bound’s camps, Ullswater in Cumbria, was the scene of child abuse. PRINCE ANDREW was “interviewed” for the role of director by PRINCE PHILLIP. Andrew has now passed the baton on to PRINCESS BEATRICE, whose 18th birthday party was attended by JEFFREY EPSTEIN and GHISALINE MAXWELL. Please read this about Outward Bound, it’s too long to list! >

STILES & DREWE > good friends with JULIAN FELLOWES, who together with DAVID STEEL defended pedalo PETER HAYMAN. DAVID STEEL famously also received a confession from pedalo MP CYRIL SMITH and did fuck all about it. FELLOWES was the President of the Society of Dorset Men. The society’s chaplain was REV TRAVELL whose son RICHARD TRAVELL was exposed by News of the World as a pedalo and a member of Hayman’s PIE. The Society also had a long term President, SIR ANTHONY JOLIFFE. JOLIFFE was the Sheriff of London and Mayor of London. He was also the Chairman at STOKE MANDIVILLE HOSPITAL (where JIMMY SAVILE abused many, many people) and also in the 80s was advisor on unemployment to the now-KING CHARLES.

FELLOWES also worked with DAISY LEWIS on Downton Abbey. LEWIS is the daughter of the Chairman of THE GROUCHO CLUB, JOHN LEWIS. TheGroucho Club attracts/ed members from the entertainment and media industries and reportedly include JIMMY SAVILE, IAN WATKINS, HARVEY WEINSTEIN, GARY GLITTER, KEVIN SPACEY, ROLF HARRIS, STUART HALL & MAX CLIFFORD. STEPHEN FRY was a founder member alongside CLARE MAINPRICE. MAINPRICE’s father, HUGH MAINPRICE had a business partner in the form of pedalo COLIN PETERS. Another member of Groucho Club is DAVID JASON. DAVID JASON’s long-term work partner was RONNIE BARKER, whose son ADAM BARKER is a convicted pedalo.
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As rainbowlemon said we discussed it last year ,after some were recalled due to benzene being found in samples. Much to the amusement of elsewhere.
What we put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies, and sunscreen is full of toxins, also there was talk of chemical reactions. I try to follow the mantra don't put anything on your skin you wouldn't be happy eating. And have never used sun cream.
During this hot spell I have seen so many people wearing practically nothing , covering themselves in sunscreen and being out in the blazing sun all day. You only have to look at hot countries to see this isn't how to behave in the sun. Loose clothing, covered skin,hats ,shade and gradual skin exposure to the sun avoiding midday...its not rocket science but thicko brits won't be told.
Seen many babies and children being slathered in chemicals while being half naked and playing or sat in baking hot sun. It's idiotic behaviour like a bottle of chemicals gives them the all clear to not respect the sun. Infact you could argue it causes more damage by altering people's behaviours, i.e. staying longer in hotter sun and thinking you are safe.
I think it also might block the benefits that the sun can give, vit d etc.

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Imagine being called a conspiracy theorist for simply believing a medical product may not have been as safe as promised, coming from a company that has previously paid the largest fines in history for fraud amongst other things.

I can't speak for everyone, but I never personally believed that there were microchips.

Just wondering if there will also be a thread for the vax Penbraya? None of what I've posted recently even comes under the conspiracy line...





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"Open letter to Dr Nikita Kanani MBE, Deputy Lead, NHS Seasonal Vaccination Programmes
Dear Dr Kanani,
Thank you for your personalised circular urging me, as ‘a priority for seasonal flu and Covid-19 vaccinations’, to book my shots now.
I last had flu in the winter of 1999-2000. Since then I have investigated the efficacy of the annual flu shot, and lean towards the conclusions of Dr Tom Jefferson, of the Cochrane Institute, who has stated that ‘Influenza vaccines are about marketing and not science. We have few trials, and masses of very poor quality observational evidence. We [the Cochrane Institute] have presented evidence of considerable reporting bias, which governments continue to ignore. The science is missing and so making an informed decision is very difficult.’"
"These medications have already caused unprecedented numbers of adverse events. The most egregious life-threatening and life-changing injuries have been inflicted on young people who were in virtually no danger from Covid, but people targeted by your campaign for priority jabbing on account of their advanced age are also at risk. Older members of my own family have suffered, and are still suffering, serious illness in the wake of the booster shot. No wonder Dr Angus Dalgleish, an expert in immunology and professor of oncology who has seen patient after patient relapse on receiving the third jab, is calling for the injections to be banned!"
"This brings me to the question of informed consent. In this respect I find your circular shocking. You urge us to book a jab online, to visit a walk-in ‘vaccination’ site or a handy pharmacy. There is no suggestion that a family doctor who knows our medical history should be consulted, or that we should be guided by our own situation, and the strengths and weaknesses of our own constitution, before subjecting ourselves to this one-size-fits-all treatment; no suggestion that ‘vaccination’ should be undertaken in full awareness not only of its risks and its benefits, but of alternative ways of strengthening our resistance to illness."
"You claim that ‘seasonal vaccinations’ offer ‘better protection than any immunity gained from previous infections’. This I believe to be misinformation pure and simple. I myself had Covid with the original symptoms (dry cough, fever, extreme breathlessness, loss of taste and smell) in mid-December, 2019, before we were instructed to panic. At that time I was 76 years old. I took to my bed for a couple of days with throat pastilles and the occasional paracetamol, and recovered in time for Christmas. Presumably I now have natural immunity. Certainly I have suffered no recurrence of the illness to date, whereas almost everyone I know who has had the mRNA injections has subsequently been re-diagnosed with Covid at least once, often repeatedly. My own experience, then, suggests that you are wrong, and that the many reputable doctors who declare natural immunity to be superior to anything that the mRNA treatments, or even traditional vaccines, can achieve are correct. What is more, such immunity is guaranteed free from life-threatening or crippling side effects, both now and in the future. "

My sister texted earlier, one of her favourite clients has died after taking ill after having their latest booster and flu jab ☹. Elderly but was still living a loved and productive life.
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My mum literally went along with this narrative and said that the unvaccinated should not be treated. Honestly some of us will never forget how our families and friends behaved during this ‘pandemic’ and it really brings it all back watching this.

The argument came after I refused to have any subsequent jabs after my second two shots and refused to get my son jabbed. I was selfish apparently. 🫠
I'm sorry you had to go through that too.

Is it not also similarly also #selfish to expect someone to get vaccinated for you too?
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Guess a "sorry" three years down does make it better.

"Danielle Smith, the current premier of Alberta in Canada, has done something remarkable. She took the bold and unprecedented step of apologizing to unvaccinated Canadians who’ve faced unfair treatment from the government throughout the “pandemic.” But Ms. Smith actually went beyond just issuing an apology, Danielle actually made a promise: anyone who was terminated from their job due to their refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine will be reinstated."

BioNTech headed for the courts
The first of MANY and I wonder what else will come out.

This also aged well lol.

Guess I can believe it now that FOX news says I can.

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Yes I was wondering this….
edited to add my thoughts
obviously not an expert but I think more of these wildfires are started deliberately than we’re led to believe…I certainly don’t believe they’re all to do with climate change like we’re told they are.
just seems suspect that its increasing in line with worldwide panic about climate change? and I know to a non CTer that sounds like DUHHHH obviously?? But think about it…what came first, climate panic or wildfires? I take it with a pinch of salt anyway
I don't know whether it's true or not, but there's a video of an electrical pilon about to come down in the wind just before the fires in Hawaii.

My dad pointed out grass will only get so dry, it doesn't matter of it's 30 c or 40 c, the grass gets dry enough to catch fire during most summers, increased temp woulndt make a difference. We used to get wild fires in the woods near me in South East UK all the time when I was a kid with less than 30 c summers.
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Omg that come back reply made me howl thanks. 🤣
So funny,so true.
(“I was ashamed of myself when I realised that life was a costume party, and I attended with my real face.”
Well, all I can say to that is... it takes a hell of a lot of courage and conviction to wear one’s “real face” to the masquerade.)

(Here are some things we’re supposed to believe—

Vladamir Putin just went completely stark raving bonkers and decided to march into Ukraine for no reason whatsoever. The U.S led NATO forces had absolutely nothing to do with any of it.

The Russians blew up their own pipeline; blew up their own dam, and will very likely blow up their own nuclear power plant as well.

The Russian forces are totally demoralised; on the backfoot and completely clueless; with no answers to Zelensky’s “Winston Churchill like” strategising genius.

Donald Trump is the most evil man on planet earth, and all and anything bad happening in the world, is HIS fault.

The vaccines are totally safe and effective.

The only way to achieve and maintain health, is via an endless series of synthetic gene altering injections.

The common flu mysteriously disappeared from the entire planet between the years 2020 and 2022.

Big Pharma is 100% totally trustworthy and only exist for our health and well-being.

Government health and safety measures cannot be questioned. Anyone who does
so, is a right wing extremist and spreader of misinformation; (and most likely a racist.)

Perfectly healthy people of all ages dropping dead all over the world for no apparent reason whatsoever, is perfectly normal and has absolutely nothing to do with a “new; never before used on humans; largely untested gene altering medical intervention” that was rushed out within 6 months and has been administered to billions of people all over the planet since early 2021.

Mainstream media tells us the truth, and anyone getting their information from alternative sources, is a conspiracy theorist.

Politicians; multinational corporations and government institutions are totally incorruptible and collectively strive for the betterment of all humanity.)

Unfortunately a lot of people do believe these things .
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Yes I’ve seen the releases. Sometimes the truth does seem stranger than fiction.

Wonder what could go wrong?

Also saw the possible Ebola at burning man. Time to head to the bunkers again gang. Pandemic 2 heading our way again.
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A Midwestern Doctor from The Forgotten Side of Medicine

"Is COVID More Dangerous Than the Flu?Unpacking The "Science" Behind the Annual Vaccination Scam"

"A huge business exists that revolves around making people afraid of the seasonal flu so vaccines can be sold each year."

•Many of the fundamental ideas supporting this practice are erroneous or rest on a very shaky foundation—for example, no one actually knows how dangerous the flu is and flu shots have been shown to make you more likely to become ill from the flu.

•Much of the COVID-19 playbook was copied from the one developed to sell flu shots. For this reason, understanding the malfeasance with the influenza vaccination program provides a valuable context for understanding what is happening right now and why treatments for these conditions are never allowed to see the light of day.

"Recently, I was consulted by a public figure to answer a seemingly simple question—is COVID-19 less deadly than the flu now?"

"Unfortunately, this is actually a very difficult question to answer, to the point I would have never imagined how difficult it was had I not looked into it myself. "

The Influenza Industry

For more years than I can count, I’ve watched the same script be re-enacted:"

(1. We are warned it’s going to be a bad flu season.

2. We are told it is thus essential to get our flu shots by every media network and health authority we encounter (along with the majority of healthcare workers we see).

3. The flu shot to varying degrees “fails” because it doesn’t quite match the circulating strain of influenza.

4. We are told the flu season will be extra bad because the flu-shot isn’t for the correct strain, but it is nonetheless essential to get your flu shot because the partial protection it provides is still lifesaving.

5. In bad years (which is many of them), understaffed hospitals get over crowded, which in turn is used to whip up a hysteria to justify doing even more to push that year’s vaccines.

6. The flu season ends and we are told it killed a lot of people and that we must work harder to vaccinate next year so this does not happen again.)

The earlier letter article I posted reminded me of an incident as recently as this January when I was bullied and belittled by nurses and 2 doctors as to why I hadn't ( at my age 58) had the covid or flu vaccines .
I was not up to arguing my point very much , and didn't feel any need to justify myself to these younger but twice my size " health" advisors and I was also grateful to be seen so quickly BUT one thing I will never get over or comprehend is the reply the Dr gave me when I replied " I was very ill with covid early 2020 so felt no need to have " immunity " from an untested vaccine when I had my own".
His reply ( a man who had studied for years) "You couldn't have had covid 19 as there wasn't a test available for it then"!!!!🤔🤣🤣
Brainwashed cult.
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"The vast majority weren't vilified or fired from their jobs, let's be honest. "

The mental gymnastics some people go through to rewrite history which does not suit their view. Just because you may not have experienced it personally, does not mean that it did not happen.

Think it was on page 14 of this thread which showed 1.9k AUS workers fired in one area alone.

I have personally never felt discriminated because of the colour of my skin, but I would never make the blanket statement, that there was was no racism in Britain.
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Yes I have heard of it as it has Jim Caviezel. Religion is very important for him and it came up in my recommended on Youtube.


Not 100% sure hun.

Do have some good points though:

"It has become all too clear. The silence of the unvaccinated was a dangerous, sociopathic, and irresponsible decision that has had serious consequences for those of us who received the vaccinations." .

"Because we are good people. We took those injections because it was the right thing to do — until it wasn’t. "

Indeed how selfish of us not warning them against the "clottington shottington."

As a wise squirrel once said : "Imo it’s way more fun to just laugh at them kicking off from afar."
$349 million left to pay for unused vax's in Canada. o_O

I'm really sure it must be a parody. There's no name to it, nowhere to comment or reply.

This bit takes the biscuit 😂

"The unvaccinated should by any moral measuring stick have done more to warn about the potential risks — to help us make informed decisions about our health. And "they must now ask us for our forgiveness."
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