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Strangely enough MSM and other popular sources of information suddenly become gospel

Should MSM be taken as gospel by anybody?

In fact is there precedent for any person to take what MSM / politicians / corporations say as gospel?
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I also had a thought, what if the entire thing is an elaborate way for billionaires to disappear from the world,...
That though had crossed my mind too, I doubt we're alone on that!

Alternatively, what if the entire submarine company is a massive scam,...
What if the "window" is just a screen behind five layers of dirty glass and they just play a Titanic wreck simulation on it, it never actually goes to Titanic at all. At
Sounds like that series Space Cadets from years back? Where they put a bunch of teens into a simulator under the guise of being a set of lucky winners who got to go into orbit (I think they said low orbit to explain why there was still gravity and they weren't all floating about.

A fake titanic tour like you describe I think is entirely feasible to get away with, even with knowledgeable passengers.
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It’s official…Will they ban it 🤔 who’d have thought hairdressing was so dangerous 😂( not from disgruntled clients)
It fully stopped transmission until it was known that it doesn't .
There was no connection with myocarditis until it was known.
There was no link with multiple sclerosis until it was found.
No link to alopecia until it was also found.
There was no evidence of the vax in breast milk until it was found.
It didn't come from a lab until the "experts" at the FBI said it most likely did.
It wasn't linked to GBS until it was either.

Such talented psychics to know all of the above right from the start when they FULLY consented to the "clottington Shottington" .
What happened with Monkey pox?

In May, the HSE confirmed that 57 cases of hospitalised chickenpox had been recorded. 15 the year before.

Isn't that relatively good odds though from the "58,000 cases of chickenpox every year in Ireland"?
It's around 0.098 % .
I wouldn’t vax against it. I thought the reason they didn’t was because it could cause a surge of pox / shingles in adults 🤷🏼‍♀️
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I am not a Luddite. They seem to have missed the bit, where I said anything in excess is bad. Guess I can't comment on the effects social media is clearly having on young children, because I too also spend my time here.

Still know it doesn't add up to the nine hours a day, unlike the mother with the 11 year old child. Them also beavering away about their sexuality, celeb and possible child killer threads is perfectly okay though.

To be honest though I do actually feel smug being a PUREBLOOD and also being a universal donor. So I'm going to use the hashtag #doubleplusblood from now on.
Something a bit different

I can see why it was banned. 😬
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From the WSJ:

View attachment 2298117
This one too: :ROFLMAO:

"The unvaccinated knew what we didn't. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands.

As the world struggles to come to terms with the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, one question that continues to surface is why the unvaccinated didn’t do more to warn us about the potential dangers of being injected.
Sweet Jesus, Mary, Joseph & the wee bloody donkey, I've heard it all now. That has to be a parody? Surely?

Not it's now our fault for not warning Enough?!
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Has anyone seen the TikTok’s of this lady? Absolutely insane.

People suggesting she was sat next to a shapeshifter. Others saying she was clearly drunk / hallucinating.

I don’t think she was drunk personally
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“His lifestyle is very different and kind of intriguing although it would not work for me,” Mr. Gates emailed colleagues in 2011, after his first get-together with Mr. Epstein.

Bill Gates is talking about a registered sex offender known sexual abuser of children, further details from article:

Mr. Epstein and Mr. Gates first met face to face on the evening of Jan. 31, 2011, at Mr. Epstein’s townhouse on the Upper East Side. They were joined by Dr. Eva Andersson-Dubin, a former Miss Sweden whom Mr. Epstein had once dated, and her 15-year-old daughter. (Dr. Andersson-Dubin’s husband, the hedge fund billionaire Glenn Dubin, was a friend and business associate of Mr. Epstein’s. The Dubins declined to comment.)

Mr. Gates, in turn, praised Mr. Epstein’s charm and intelligence. Emailing colleagues the next day, he said: “A very attractive Swedish woman and her daughter dropped by and I ended up staying there quite late.”

In late 2011, at Mr. Gates’s instruction, the foundation sent a team to Mr. Epstein’s townhouse to have a preliminary talk about philanthropic fund-raising, according to three people who were there. Mr. Epstein told his guests that if they searched his name on the internet they might conclude he was a bad person but that what he had done — soliciting prostitution from an underage girl — was no worse than “stealing a bagel,” two of the people said.

In March 2013, Mr. Gates flew on Mr. Epstein’s Gulfstream plane from Teterboro Airport in New Jersey to Palm Beach, Fla., according to a flight manifest. Ms. Arnold said Mr. Gates — who has his own $40 million jet — hadn’t been aware it was Mr. Epstein’s plane.

Six months later, Mr. Nikolic and Mr. Gates were in New York for a meeting related to Schrödinger, a pharmaceutical software company in which Mr. Gates had a large investment. On that trip, Mr. Epstein and Mr. Gates met for dinner and discussed the Gates Foundation and philanthropy, Ms. Arnold said.

And in October 2014, Mr. Gates donated $2 million to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab. University officials described the gift in internal emails as having been “directed” by Mr. Epstein. Ms. Arnold said, “There was no intention, nor explicit ask, for the funding to be controlled in any manner by Epstein.”

Will post about Melinda Gates who also met Epstein these people have huge wealth and access to influential people yet this is the company they kept when they profess to care so much about people especially children
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"The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has revoked authorization of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid vaccine after it was paused over rare blood clot concerns, which sent demand plummeting."

"Less than a month after the J&J vaccine was granted emergency use authorization from the FDA, it became mired in controversy over a small but growing number of severe blood clotting disorders called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) in people who got the shot. "

Glad I waited longer than a month. 🤪



Safe and effective. They're only Seizures: In days 0-21, 61 seizures occurred post-vaccination. In days 22-42, 43 seizures occurred post-vaccination. In total, 104 seizures occurred post-vaccination.

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Remember those in foil hatters always complained that there was "no long term data". At least there is some now for children & the thorn that seems to myocarditis.

Researchers followed a group of 40 patients aged 12 to 18 for up to one year after the children were diagnosed with myocarditis, or heart inflammation, following vaccination with one of the messenger RNA vaccines from Pfizer or Moderna.

73% presented of the children may have been asymptomatic. but cardiac MRI showed 26 still had abnormal results. With a follow up five months later 19 had scaring.

Dr. Yiu-fai Cheung, with Hong Kong Children’s Hospital, and the other researchers wrote. The implications of the persistence remain unclear but that given it’s an indicator of subclinical heart dysfunction and scarring, “there exists a potential long-term effect on exercise capacity and cardiac functional reserve during stress.”

33 of the kids were males.

How many folks who had myocarditis post vax may go around thinking they're completely fine, as long as they're not showing symptoms, but actually have scaring they're not aware of.

I'm just a simple exotic dancer, but does heart scaring in any form sound like a good thing? :unsure:

Please get vaccinated though.


As long as it's not your child.

What also happens when you shut down the entire world for coivd.

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This missing Titanic submarine which sounds like they got all the parts to make it from B&M Bargains or Wilko. Can't help but wonder what other thing is going on in the world and being covered up, while that story is seizing all the headlines all week.

So predictable
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Hi newbies.

After three years. This thread is much quieter than it used to be. I bump it, but most of the other regulars got tired of being mocked for things that have unsurprisingly turned out to be true. So they left away from #theothers .

I watched the movie, but didn't personally didn't like it. It was also produced by the Obamas.

Crazy rich white lady who hates the world is suspicious when two black strangers turn up in the middle of the night. Obvious they're going for the race baiting, when the daughter also tells her father not to trust the white folk.

For someone who had apparent insider info- he wasn't all that prepped. The little girl finds out what happens in the show she's obsessed with, but they end on a cliff-hanger and you end up not knowing what's going to happen to them. Nobody listens to the girl at the start and at the end and she ends up in the bunker.

If you liked this, you might like Jericho.

It would be wise to have extra food/ whatever, in your home as a safety net for your family.

Weird we have double standards, because when the billionaires we should all be hero worshipping do it- they don't get called crazy tin foil hat'ers.

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I'm that Diva

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I agree, the funny thing is, after the last three years where the MSM and Governments have put out so much disinformation, the comments on these articles are "Meh" I don't think the majority of people now would believe an alien invasion and would attribute it to project blue beam.👽
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“ It was the quality of the jabs your Honour.... only c. 50% of the mrna ones were their proper intended strength, apparently.”

Folks sure are odd.

The 55% mRNA variables between batches is the truth. Which I’m pretty sure wasn’t even known when they turned up for their appointment even if they claim they “fully consented”.

Backpedaling- okay sure if that helps you sleep better at night Alas I am just a zoo keeper, and never personally said every vaccinated person would die. I’m honestly just hoping my friends and extended family won’t be affected more than they already have. I would be lying if I said I didn’t worry though.

Rather than being annoyed at the CT’ers, I would be more angry that a product I had put my faith into was allowed by regulators to use such damaged mRNA .

They seem to have forgotten all of this though:

-They said it stopped transmission.

-“They” said spike proteins were broken down almost instantly. Why have they been found up to 4 months later circulating away?

-They said it would be safe in pregnancy, and that it wouldn’t be able to pass through so why has the vax been found in breast milk?

-There was no link between taking the vax and MS, why is there is now?

-They said there was no link to period issues.

-They said there were no issues with myocarditis.

For some who did take three, Four, five and even six jabs later the experts warning the White House say they will still need to be re vaccinated against the newest strain like us who never cost the NHS approximately £23 per jab.
If it had been me who had followed the science, I would be counting my blessings that I personally not had a bad reaction so far.
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Has anyone heard of the film Sound of Freedom that's just been released in the US? You'd be forgiven if you haven't as it hasn't had a lot of advertising about it. Amazon and Netflix refuse to stream it. Its about child trafficking. A cinema chain in the US is showing it but people have been turning up to watch with pre-booked tickets only to have tickets refunded due to the air conditioning not working (this was in North Carolina). Strangely enough people were commenting that they had the same problem but in different states all over the US. Probably it won't get the views so will be pulled from viewing. Im guessing the powers that be will be happy! Apparently Elon Musk has said that he will stream it on twitter.
Yes I have heard of it as it has Jim Caviezel. Religion is very important for him and it came up in my recommended on Youtube.

Sweet Jesus, Mary, Joseph & the wee bloody donkey, I've heard it all now. That has to be a parody? Surely?

Not it's now our fault for not warning Enough?!
Not 100% sure hun.

Do have some good points though:

"It has become all too clear. The silence of the unvaccinated was a dangerous, sociopathic, and irresponsible decision that has had serious consequences for those of us who received the vaccinations." .

"Because we are good people. We took those injections because it was the right thing to do — until it wasn’t. "

Indeed how selfish of us not warning them against the "clottington shottington."

As a wise squirrel once said : "Imo it’s way more fun to just laugh at them kicking off from afar."
$349 million left to pay for unused vax's in Canada. o_O

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