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Sky news spreading "MiSIFoRMation" about the origin now that they have leaked emails. :whistle:


Hey even Lord Fauci chimes in:


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I watched an interview with one victim a few years ago. I 100% believe him.

There are things you just can not fake.
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I've been reading the childhood vaccine book Turtles All The Way Down, suggested on here, I think it was you Pod? Thank you for sharing it.

The book comes with a pdf download of all its references, all of which are taken from publicly available data. The authors happily invite any debunking, and not a single debunk has come forward. Because it's all fact.

Amazon product

It's actually horrifying the standard of 'clinical trials' these vax go through to be apparently 'safe and effective'.

""As summarized in the table above (Edit; which I can try and copy in if anyone is interested), "the manufacturers’ package inserts and FDA licensing documents indicate that none of the US routine childhood vaccines has been tested against a true placebo."

For example, this Prevnar vaccine is the Pneumococcal vaccine, given at 12 weeks & at 1 year in the UK.

"Prevnar Vaccine: The Prevnar vaccine brand protects against multiple strains of the pneumococcus bacterium that can cause pneumonia. The Prevnar-13 vaccine protects against 13 bacterial strains and has been in routine use in the US since 2010. The vaccine replaced the older-generation vaccine called Prevnar, which was introduced in 2000 and protected against 7 bacterial strains. How was Prevnar-13’s safety tested before approval? Browsing the vaccine’s package insert reveals that it was tested against its predecessor, Prevnar. In these trials, severe adverse events were reported in 1 in 12 infants receiving Prevnar-13 (8.2% of subjects) and slightly less often in Prevnar subjects (7.2%). But how many babies who participated in the trial would have experienced severe medical events if not vaccinated at all? That question cannot be answered because the Prevnar-13 trials did not include a placebo control group. Unsurprisingly, the rate of adverse events in the Prevnar-13 was generally similar to, albeit slightly higher than, the rate of its predecessor; thus, the vaccine was declared “safe” and approved for use by the FDA. The Prevnar-13 turtle stands on the back of the Prevnar turtle. And what is the Prevnar turtle standing on? The answer: On the back of another turtle, which is standing on nothing but thin air, as we shall immediately see. Prior to its approval, the Prevnar vaccine underwent a major clinical trial in the United States. In this trial approximately 17,000 infants received Prevnar and a similar number of controls received a vaccine against the meningococcus bacterium. A review of the scientific paper reporting the results of the trial reveals that about 1,000 subjects in total were hospitalized (about 1 in every 35 infants), and about 1 in 16 had emergency room (ER) visits within 30 days of receiving the vaccine. In addition to the Prevnar or meningococcal vaccine, all trial subjects received concurrent DTP or DTaP vaccines. (Note that administering the trial and control vaccines concurrently with other vaccines further obscures the results, as it impossible to determine which adverse events are due to which vaccine(s).) And what about that meningococcal vaccine received by the control group subjects? In 1998, the year its trial took place, there was no existing alternative to the Prevnar vaccine. Thus, there were no ethical reasons not to give the control group an inert saline injection. Yet the manufacturer chose to give the control group the meningococcal vaccine instead, despite the fact that it had not yet been approved by the FDA and was still “experimental”. Why would the manufacturer, as well as FDA and other licensing approval bodies, prefer using an experimental vaccine over the safe, economical, practical, and ethical alternative of a saline placebo? There can be only one answer: to hide the true rate of Prevnar’s adverse events."


"Mere Coincidence or Deliberately Flawed Design?
As we’ve clearly illustrated in the preceding sections, not one of the vaccines the CDC recommends all American children receive was tested for safety in a Phase 3 clinical trial where the control group received an inert placebo. All the vaccines reviewed in the preceding pages – of which tens of millions of doses are administered to infants and toddlers in the US every year – were tested in trials which did not include any control group at all, or ones in which the so-called control group received at least one other vaccine. Is it just coincidence that none of these vaccines has been tested against a true placebo, despite the fact that in many cases doing so would have been easier, cheaper, and yielded more valid results than the testing that was done? Is it just an accident of fate that the accepted methodology of all childhood vaccine trials obscures the real rate of adverse events of the new vaccine? That seems highly improbable. As explained at the start of this discussion, testing the safety of a next-generation vaccine against its predecessor is justifiable on ethical grounds: Withholding an existing and proven treatment from control group subjects would be immoral. However, there is no justification for conducting a chain of trials (turtle upon turtle upon turtle) that ultimately stands on nothing but air. Moreover, what possible rationale could justify trials for new vaccines wherein the control groups receive other (sometimes experimental) vaccines? Would a safety trial for a new cigarette have any credibility at all if the “control” group consisted of subjects who smoked a different kind of cigarette? Whether or not you believe this trial methodology is ethical, its consequence remains the same: The true rate of adverse events of routine childhood vaccines is virtually unknown; therefore, there is no scientific basis for claiming they’re safe. The fact that we don’t know how often childhood vaccines hurt the children who receive them casts a dark shadow over the legitimacy of vaccine programs the world over. But that is not all. Even worse, as we shall shortly see, safety trials conducted for some childhood vaccines blatantly and seriously violate the medical code of ethics. In any vaccine clinical trial, a balance must be struck between the vaccine’s potential benefits (disease protection) and potential risks (adverse events). When control subjects in vaccine trials receive another type of vaccine, even if it’s done in order to obfuscate the real rate of adverse events of the vaccine being tested, the compound they receive is at least of some potential benefit to them. However, in the rotavirus vaccine trials this imperative ethical risk-to-benefit balance was blatantly violated."

@Freedomofspeech89 I think you'd enjoy this book.
Thanks @xyzcba. I will definitely look into this. I keep getting nagged to have the whooping cough vaccine but I’m not sure I want it. Especially as this will be third time getting it!
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The courts are getting busy:

Also this group have linked papers by each system.

Neuro has 628 papers.



Also remember kids there was NO Coercion :

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A lot will be disappointed their quick fix is under investigation.
Monga I saw the other day the way women in particular are casually talking about injecting themselves recommending it to others it’s become normalised

People getting eating disorders as well by the sounds of it saying they need to eat less and up dose because of reaching a plateau

One company being recommended is also selling hormones
I have read all the threads on Tattle and a number of people who said those who didnt have the covid vax were selfish, are on there taking vital medication from those who need it and not giving a shit.
Yes exactly shortage is acknowledged I saw that mentioned repeatedly
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Do you have the link for this please? Someone in my family was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She started radiotherapy. During treatment she had the covid vaccines as the cancer hospital refused to treat her unless she she was vaccinated. Anyway since being diagnosed and 3 lots of radiotherapy along with 4 covid jabs, her cancer levels have tripled and now she is waiting to find out if the cancer has spread to her lungs. Her cancer levels have not gone down despite having radiotherapy. Me and my mum are convinced it's cos the covid jabs have accelerated the cancer? We are so upset about it. But I can't find anything online about it.
So sorry to hear about your relative. My mum has cancer, just about to start radiotherapy. Also my exs Nan passed from an aggressive rare cancer, my mums cousin has a terminal blood cancer, a school mum in her 40s, a guy I know in his 30s and have heard of more. All of them have been since summer 2022 and I'm convinced it's related to the jab too. Also my great Aunty passed from a heart attack and know of 4 people in the last 6 months that have had strokes, 1 passed away
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I didn't mean to be cruel. I actually think normalising obesity via adverts and bs "beauty " campaigns is cruel. I think allowing children to become obese is cruel. It's not beautiful its unhealthy.
Also normalising getting takeaways delivered to your door whenever the urge arises and drinking fizzy drinks all day long is a short road to disaster.
Our health is our wealth and seeing the state of the nation upsets me. If you are allowed to give in to your every desire eating wise, spend your leisure on your phone ,whilst also being driven from door to door, (all for an easy life ?) what can you expect. And when their stretch clothes become too stretched they want and are offered a quick fix.☹.
So many people aren't just a stone overweight now or chubby, they are obese. But oh it's another thing we aren't supposed to care about .
(Supposedly ) new health campaign starting in our schools to tackle childhood obesity, kids are stuck on game consoles most of the day they’ve no interest in normal outdoor things like kicking a football , too boring in comparison to the thrill of getting the elite badge on FIFA.
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So at this point in time what exactly is the conspiracy left about the covid vaccines?

-The vax stops transmission? It did until it was found to be incorrect.
-Vaccinated people can't spread covid? Proven to be untrue despite what CDC director Rochelle claimed.
-Covid didn't come from a Chinese lab, until the FBI said it was the most likely source.
-There were no links to period and irregularities until one was found.
-The NIH hid data until the director admitted it wasn't deleted just not made available.
-There was no evidence of blood clots until it was found.
-No links to myocarditis until proven.
-The spike protein which is supposed to degrades within 48 hours. Was found to be present even 4 months later.
-Biodistribution was not possible until it was acknowledged by the American society of surgeons
-There was no vax in breast milk? Until it was found to be present.
-No DNA contamination until it was found.
-100% efficacy until the contracts revealed they were bought with efficacy unknown.

-So it's just about the number of people who have died, directly or indirectly after taking something that was promised as safe?

Were we truly insane to have thought we should wait and for believing those who say they have been injured?
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Ooh and laughing at my post too, just to make it obvious to anyone reading who they are! Well done Smellyfishcake, you've clearly got too much time on your hands 😂
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I personally don't buy the nuclear threat. The clue is in the word itself - New Clear. It's just another signpost/psychological dripfeed to what's coming; a whole new world (not the Disney song, think A Clockwork Orange world, book, not movie).
Logic is ones instrument here. No need for crazy people like us to say it because it's very simple - If the means were available to nuke places, it would already have occurred. Any we are told about will without doubt be just another episode in The Greatest Show On Earth where we are actually the players. Hiroshima, just another false flag digitally designed reel to REAL to move the plot on. Any illness or congenital disorders regarding the native people since, almost certainly was something in the air or food or water or more likely, good old fashioned lies. It's so easy for them. All the face tuning/voice altering software and applications have been around for a very long time. They're not recent. They're given to us now as they have a better version (Silly-Con Valley, again the clue is in the name) of the software. Also to plant little kernels of doubt to the more conscious cattle that these things can be done and woah, what if all of us Bacofoil heads are indeed correct? 😮. Well, the movies at the cinema look real, what are they not getting about the endless possibilities to lie and back it up with a viral video? ..."I saw it on the news, someone was filming!" 🙄🙄🙄
The world isn't real as presented to the herds. Every single person with a platform is a player. Trust me on this. There are NO organic successful, widely respected opinion people. They're constructed, even if they themselves aren't aware they're being used.
Apologies for the long, non paragraphed post, but sometimes I hate seeing all the spacing while reading about subjects that commas and full stops and semi colons will suffice for.

Also my lovely intelligent critical thinking Tattlers, O Neg Universal pure blood here and I love being around my own people. I can tell if there are other negs around. It's a feeling. My weans call it my Spidey senses as I'm always correct.
The blood of the original ancient source from the North. One thing though, I have three autoimmune conditions and I'm not allowed to donate blood. Convenient, eh? 🙄
Don't let the ignorant ones weigh any of us down, everything becomes apparent in the fullness of time. Wait til the water is off because of some pretend story and all the loos back up 😮😝💩. Will they believe it then? ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐😙
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I see the projectors are projecting their projections onto " those who think as one" again. It all reads like a big double bluff to me...or am I just being paranoid 🤣 🤣🤪🙄
P.s. I must be lacking something but I can't fathom out how questioning an untested medical procedure being almost forced on healthy people makes you a right wing conspiracy theorist but spending your days speculating wild theories, gossip ,accusations and warped morality about people you don't even know is perfectly normal behaviour 🤔 😜.


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