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Mine have had them 4/5 times and been ok. They're very rarely poorly, never have colds etc but both now in bigger schools (previous school 50 kids and now 400/1000+) so probably more likely to pick stuff up. Just worried with mum being vulnerable at the moment
You have to do what feels right for you. But personally I would concentrate on building up all of their immune systems naturally. And obviously keeping away from mum if poorly. It is a worry when loved ones are going through very harsh treatment, especially when they can't face much food or drink but I made sure my husband had his immune boosting drinks etc .
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They have played a blinder. Get everyone fat and addicted to junk food which has brilliant profit margins.

Then sell them a cure.

Then treat them for all the side effects the cure caused.

Doesn't that weight loss drug have a cancer risk.
Yeah , thyroid cancer has been linked to it.
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(Sudden cardiac death was the most serious and worrisome adverse reaction of COVID-19 vaccination in our study,” the researchers wrote. “[It] warrants the careful monitoring or warning of SCD as a potentially fatal complication of COVID-19 vaccination, especially in individuals who are ages under 45 years and receiving mRNA vaccination.”

The researchers added they believed Korea’s reporting systems had found patients that the United States’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, or VAERS, would not have caught - while also ensuring that all the reported cases were real.)

From the comments,
I am someone who resisted the "pressure" (aka "blackmail"; "bullying" etc) to take these injections, and yet find myself living with a badly vax-injured person (kidney failure, shingles (in the throat!), imbalance, partial loss of eyesight ... so far and let us hope that is all).

Identifying the negatives of these injections will not be enough to expose them.

It will also be necessary to debunk the myth that they "saved tens-hundreds-of millions of lives".

That will be the final line of defence the injection advocates will retreat to.

"I still meet plenty of people who insist that our only national mistake was not to lock down harder and sooner than we did. This is why I am quite sure many of those who supported these moves will never abandon their position.

Those of us who, like me, took the other view, are unlikely to shift either. Why is this?

I have come to the conclusion that it is really about whether people like being bossed about for their own good, or whether they do not. A surprising number of us turn out to love Big Brother. Not only could these illiberal types not get enough of doom-packed propaganda, decrees urging them to stay at home, keep their distance and wear masks, but they were sorry when it ended."

"Will the price of closing the economy, in inflation, taxes, destroyed businesses and lost jobs, ever be computed?
And what about the old people whose health was damaged by being forced to stay at home and abandon their active existences?"

"Even what seems to me to be clear evidence that masks were futile is disputed by others who insist they were effective. So those who wish to believe this was a good idea are difficult to persuade otherwise.
While I have my own opinions, and am very glad I expressed them, my heart sinks at the prospect of years of reports and counter-reports. Everything in this debate moves just out of our reach, like a mirage, as you try to grab it."

"Though my own view is pretty much the same as that of the report, will it persuade you? And will Lady Hallett's official Covid Inquiry solve the problem? I rather doubt it.
There is one good thing, which yesterday's document confirms. Debate was justified."

" it was reasonable for me to raise objections at the time. It is increasingly respectable to suspect something went badly wrong, that at least we might have gone too far, that smart scientific and medical voices such as Sunetra Gupta and Carl Heneghan were justified and responsible when they raised doubts; and that Jonathan Sumption, the retired Supreme Court judge, was also acting responsibly when he protested against the suppression of liberty by ill-made and excessive laws."

"Government document from around the same time spoke openly of fanning fear, advising officials: 'A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened . . . The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.'
In my view it was this, the acceptance of Chinese totalitarian methods as normal, the use of fear to isolate and crush opposition, that were plainly wrong and should never ever be allowed to happen again."

"There should have been free, two-sided debate. Whatever you think about the effectiveness of lockdowns, we must not allow ourselves to be frightened into the strong arms of Big Brother. Next time, he may be more reluctant to let us go free again."
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Seen many babies and children being slathered in chemicals while being half naked and playing or sat in baking hot sun. It's idiotic behaviour like a bottle of chemicals gives them the all clear to not respect the sun. Infact you could argue it causes more damage by altering people's behaviours, i.e. staying longer in hotter sun and thinking you are safe.
I think it also might block the benefits that the sun can give, vit d etc.
Well said comrade. There is no respect for the sun and sunscreen alone is not an excuse to sit outside all day.

Safe and effective clothing: ;)


From my bookmarks as I asked last year:

I am sorry for anyone who may be offended by my quoting.




For the closet CT'ers maybe all the aliens are actually demons? :LOL:
There's also definitely a social aspect to the anti conspiracy theories, as they form a little community and it becomes them Vs the uneducated masses. Constant gossip severed as a way to cement bonds and exclude individuals perceived as dangerous.
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The UK in an image:

Everything is okay....


Lawyers rule the world part:

This is a post from someone in 2020 :


The claim : Made in China to ruin the west's economy Bet the friend just took it down to stop the tension. :unsure:

Will they now be apologizing to the stupid f*ing mate now ?

Today. 06.2023 (Well technically two days ago).


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I was thinking this morning that I needed some red cotton to mend something.
Just now, this ad has appeared on Tattle.
I didn't say anything outloud, I just thought it. Am certain this has happened before too.
Bit of a worry...
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Has anyone be g following what’s happening at burning man? FEMA has gone in and allegedly it’s a disease outbreak making them very Ill, with what some are think Is Ebola. All very odd. This is down to the texts that been sent out from inside……
Also this comes off the back of an interview doing the rounds about Prince Andrew and what he did to a couple of kids in an Ukraine club.
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Monga's nurse on the lies that took over from logic,science,known practices and patient/doctor trust during the covid/vaccine debacle.

It's ironic that we still have to post vaccine stuff on a ct thread.
How come prebot disappeared when vaccine thread was shut down, was it because their work was done?
How much of what we ( the dangerous ,crazy antivaxxers) posted the last 3 years stands up today? ( Answer most of it!).
How much of what the people who called us every name under the sun ( and who couldn't wait to vaccinate children) purely because we were wary of the experimental drug push stands up today?
John’s now being labelled a fruitcake anti-vaxxer depite being one of the most informative advocates of covid vaccines throughout the pandemic …#Dontquestion anything !
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This is a bit off topic, but I suppose we are officially under chat so it doesn't matter

I just wanted to ask if anyone can send some positive energy and healing prayers to my cat Daisy who right now is undergoing emergency surgery because of a uterus infection.
We are lucky in the sense that her body released puss from the cervix (otherwise she could have died) and now we are just awaiting the outcome
She's in good hands and she's been brave and strong but any support given (for her recovery) right now would be so greatly appreciated.

Thank you everyone ❤

View attachment 2330479
Hope Daisy gets better soon ❤
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Sorry above should read : *They do.

So just had a quick look:

This is another older post I had posted.


" The report published 8 March 2023 is therefore the last regular publication of the Summary of Yellow Card reporting for COVID-19 vaccines. "

Odd the last report didn't mention ALL of the other menstrual reports just for the Bivalent vaccine.


Another day another story :

" Experts have issued an urgent 'death' warning to anyone who has had Covid in the last two years.

New research shows that anyone infected with the bug are at an increased risk of dying for up to two years after catching it. Most Brits have already had Covid since the pandemic, with many being infected more than once. "

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Sorry for not posting much here on this thread. It simply just no longer feels the same and it's tiring. I’m just glad we do have our own space elsewhere.

Update on the measles panic in the UK.

Time to head to the bunker again over 128 total cases. From 7.6 million kids under 18.

"The uptake for the first dose of the MMR vaccine in children aged 2 years in England is 85.6% (1), and uptake of 2 MMR doses at age 5 years is 85.5%."

"A new UKHSA assessment of the risk of measles resurgence in the UK shows that the risk of a large measles epidemic outside of London is considered low (2). Models suggest, however, that an outbreak of between 40,000 and 160,000 cases could occur in London where vaccine uptake has consistently been lower than the rest of the UK ."

Neil Ferguson let loose with the calculator again ? :LOL:

Info from:

Also the pfizer whistle blower case has not been dismissed yet:

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The true extent will only come with time. It's only been 2 years and 10 months since the first vax in the UK. It took 4 years for Thalidomide to even be noticed and 7 years for an independent team to determine without a doubt that Dupont had poisoned 60,000 people. 40 years for J&J to admit the truth about their talc.

"The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but, on the contrary, that it was impossible to avoid joining in."

It takes courage to not go with the mob baying for their pound of flesh. People showed you exactly who they were during the pandemic.
Disclaimer: 8th December to today is 2 years, 10 months and 22 days . Rounded down.

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It starts with one person and they will cheer. I still think it’s fine to block accounts if someone had been convicted of criminal activity, but thought crime? Nothing to stop it being expanded incrementally.

By Niemoller

“First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
I miss the others not posting, but I get why. Being bullied away & having enough of it all. Maybe Reddit will be somewhere else people can feel they can post freely.
They do have some nice groups with supportive folks but during the pandemic I was kicked out of r/facepalm, because I was a member of another group. Never had that before.
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So predictable
Recent threads/forums/news that quickly became all consuming distractions for the masses:
Hollywood has beens vanity court case.
Random missing woman .
Long known about TV age difference affair .
A few men in a sub.
Cat kids.

Meanwhile crickets for :
Uk politics corruption and lies.
US politics corruption and lies.
Covid/vaccine cover up and lies.
Important decisions that will affect peoples freedoms and liberties.

On speaking out about vaccines,
"Because you kind of think music industry, you kind of think it's raging against the system, it's saying what it wants, it's standing up for independence and freedom and to hell with anyone else.
And yet it seems to fold and accept whatever mandates, controls, or restrictions are put in place, which is strange.
It is, yeah. I mean, if you go back into the 60s, when people like Joan Baez and Country Joe and the Fish and Bob Dylan and all these people were talking about, one, directly or indirectly about the war in Vietnam or race riots or whatever it happens to be, pop music and pop culture was at the forefront of that.
And you didn't have to agree with their position, but they were allowed to have that position and make it known publicly.
That is not the situation that we are in now in the West. It doesn't matter what particular position, what subject you're talking about.
It's almost impossible not to offend and transgress upon somebody's sensitivities."

On pride movement,

"They think they're in a community.
They're not, they're not, and also being gay is not that interesting or special.
It just is, it's like talking about the shoe size or it's like talking about your hair colour or whatever, it just simply is. And there are plenty of people out there who have tried to turn it into some kind of brave campaign. And there's no doubt about it, for some people coming out, it does require a certain bravery, it demands a certain self-confidence and a decision in your own head that regardless of the result, the reaction we're going to get, you will stick by what you are.
So I wouldn't say, but brave is a bit of a big word, I think, for coming out.
I'm not sure that it is that. But unfortunately, we now have LGBTQ blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And it doesn't speak to me, and it doesn't speak to many, many, many gay people.
And Douglas Murray talks about, he talks about when you see a low loader lorry at a pride and a bunch of gay disco bunnies all dancing to disco music, thinking that they're significant because they're gay.
They're not. They're not. They're just gay. It's really, really simple.
And it should be. In fact, I think, in a funny kind of way, the fact that the flag is so important to to some people, tells us that we haven't really moved on at all.
I think this is what we're seeing now is a regressive, it's regressive rather than progressive I think back in the day as I said earlier when there was there was a political movement and Section 28 and all that stuff had to be fought."
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This very intelligent lady who CARES about her fellow man/woman and child ( and who recently nearly died) is apparently, according to the verbal diarrhoea inflicted, thought and word police a rabid conspiracy nut.
I'm embarrassed for them .
Pregnant women are being let down in so many ways it’s disgusting 🤬

None of these scornful people have anything to say about the elderly / disabled / those with learning difficulties who were denied medical care and given Midazolam

On lockdowns Bill Gates is invested in nasal blockers apparently focusing more on those than vaccines which didn’t work to stop the virus spreading, it’s posted earlier in the thread link to his interview

If he says there’s another Pandemic and has bet his money on it then you should probably believe it his investments / areas of focus tend to go in his favour

@Brigitjonesbuttcheek there’s still people in 2023 with everything that’s come out saying it’s safe + effective nothing to worry about only a few adverse reactions those people will be masked up driving their car alone I’m almost sure of it

However these same people that call it safe and effective don’t seem to be bragging about taking all their boosters hhhhmmmm what’s that about?
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