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sorry but that baby has been passed round about 50 people and he’s barely three days old. Bizarre behaviour especially for a third time mum you’d think you’d want to savour those important days of bonding not have him like a little pass the parcel instagram prop. I used to like Erin but her behaviour lately a smacks of someone desperate to prove how happy she is (maybe to family/friends she’s fallen out with).
i thought this too, I know everybody is different etc but considering she puts everybody in on social media we’ve not once seen a chilled night with just her the baby and her partner. When I had my child visitors was my worst nightmare I just wanted to sit with him on the couch all day/night not have daily party’s in my garden with numerous different people consuming alcohol
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They are split up again !!! I follow her bag page if any help. Once was at a party with her & she was so bitchy & rude & constantly posts about how she's a girls girl & meets friends everywhere she goes aka when she's coked off her face but sober she's boring & bitchy !!!
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I looked at this the other day I thought Erin would have had it in her bio but wasn’t there. She’s still following EB though…
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Lola Faith

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Makes me laugh when I see pics of her with her friends living this 'high end' life. I know of one of her friends she tags and she's a hairdresser in a bang average salon in a little average town. I'm definitely not judging the job choice but wearing Chanel earrings and top to toe in designer gear when I know the family cannot afford this lifestyle is so funny. So many lies 🤣

All the designer stuff she wears is fake, fake Chanel, Valentino, Dior, Gucci etc - she was selling knock off handbags and shoes for years. I messaged her once about the Gucci Marmont bags, she was selling copies for a lot of money which was ridiculous! She's a Zara girl really! She comes from a wealthy family - her Dad made a lot of money I think in engineering, Mcginley it is called, so i'm pretty sure he bought her a house and set up the business for her and Cara.
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I used to like following her but she's got so up her own backside! Even talking in the third person, what is that about?!
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Chatty Member
I've followed Erin for ages as I absolutely love her style and (sounds weird I know!) her hair 😍. I used to think her friends and her looked like they had such a great time on a night out until one time when they carried on partying at her house until 8am or something the next morning and I realised they must be using something to keep them going all that time! Flouting lockdown rules was also a bit annoying, particularly with the little babies. But I do like her positivity and energy!
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I clicked through and I couldn’t believe how bad the shopify was. Looks like it’s been set up by a 13 yr old as part of a coursework project. Highly embarrassing. Also the stuff she is selling is straight from Ali Express. I feel sad for her, clearly her sister must have been the brains behind Elle Belle. Erin was deffo the sales person and used to be great at it, but this shit show just proves you need both to do well. I can’t help thinking she’s just lost her way. Very sad
The new shoplift uses a similar colourscheme / theme to her sisters shop.
She’s only got one product for sale. Bizzare Wait until it’s ready & stocked to launch it.
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