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Active member
Well hello. I’ve been waiting for this shit show for a moment.

Firstly, what a bitch you are Toni. Your life is somehow wrecked because of your beautiful son. He has never done wrong, none of this is anyones fault, but as usual, Toni needs someone to blame for her life, which she views as pathetic.
If I were ever to have children, I would do ANYTHING for them, to provide, care, nurture, please and excite. Anything.
But Toni, all you want is to have the life for yourself and hide your little handsome boy upstairs and then bring him out as and when is required for attention, sympathy and god forbid, payments.
Yes as you’ve stated, to all your followers, minimal customers, and local eyes, you do have a great life. You have your house sitting to the way you way it - (which that only may last 2/3 weeks), you have trips away more often than I have sex. You get out with your friends, sorry, staff children. You get time at home with your partner lying on the sofa. In my home, we fly past each other to get things at home done that haven’t been touched because we’ve been working extra hours, looking after family members, getting the house cleaned and ironing done. We seldom get to sit down on the sofa together and just chill. But that’s our life, and I’m happy to have a life that there’s no drama, no pleasing other people and simple things make us happy.

Anyway, a more pressing subject, I’m surprised Toni hasn’t worked out who I am by my posts, but I don’t give a shit xo
1. I had a night out with Toni and Clitoris back when she was feeding from Cliona’s bank account. All Toni could talk about that weekend was when she got Maddison into full time care, she’s going to start her life again - “as it should have been before he turned it upside down” yes that “he” is her darling son. Cliona made Antiona believe that she would be a multi millionaire in a year with their new venture together, and she would have a rambling mansion in the country with all her family living with her. I vividly remember asking “if you get that, you could have a full time carer living with you in a dedicated apartment/annex style living for M. She said that she wouldn’t but instead stated that “her life needed to be her own”.

2. The night she was out, there was a tantrum (I hate calling it that, but her son was upset and it’s the term she uses frequently), and Paul was relentlessly phoning her to come home, after 2/3 calls, she turned her phone onto airplane mode for a couple of hours. Once airplane mode was switched off, dozens of calls and messages came through. Emergency services had been at her home with her son, and she laughed it off - “always a drama”. Sadly at this stage, I was made to believe that Paul was overreacting, but I quickly learnt that it was Antonia that simply didn’t care.

3. When the shit hit the fan about her talking about clients, I felt for her, her business was affected, her home life, her security. But I was contacted by a local journalist to get my impression of Antonia, about 2 weeks after it all happened and she had gone into radio silence. There was quite an investment of financial security in my story for the tabloids, which for a moment made me think twice, but then I thought “no, she’s still a daughter and a mum, and our mistakes shouldn’t always be deemed”. I’d never have done it for money, but the more I’ve learnt over the last 3 years, I wish I’d spoken out for no fee! That boy would have been taken, placed into safe care and brought up in the way any child should be, additional needs or not.
But the most interesting fact of this journalist was that the £20k for the story, was being funded by Lady Cliona.

I’ve multiple more points, which I’ll save for coming days and weeks.
It’s Sunday morning and myself and my partner have the day off and we are going to enjoy it and visit family and get odds and ends done at home that we can’t fit in during the week.

Another thing that frustrates me, on her Instagram page, it states she’s an influencer. She simply isn’t. She’s a self entitled cow who unfortunately hasn’t got 100% of the life she dreamed off. She certainly has never influenced me, and the only thing she will influence me to do, is keep a closer eye, keep tabs and report what’s necessary.

Antiona honey, I know you’ll be reading this and you’ll know exactly who it is, but just remember all the solicitor papers and files I have against you for your detrimental harm and defamation of me before, which never worked. I’ll press the big red button and turn your life upside down and get that little boy the life he deserves and Paul will have freedom to have the partner that he’s had all this time.

Happy Sunday 11:11 xx
OMG 🙈👍
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VIP Member
How does he not be raging?

Like if I was making a dick of myself the way she does, my fella woild have the phone off me.

But he enables her constantly.
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Chatty Member
Naw I actually cannot deal with her hair this morning. It’s so straggly 🤮

waiting for th blow dry photo captioned ‘you asked and we provided’ 😂
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Chatty Member
What, why is she taking tramadol for?????

Surely her gp would know the type of person she is, she has in my opinion a very addictive personality, it's all or nothing with her

I was on tramadol for gallbladder flare up, I swear to you I lost 3 days in my life, I was wiped out, I have no memory of those days
It's probably Paul's. With all his back and knee pain
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No tea just coffee

Chatty Member
She is such a wasteful horrid I right in saying she just bought new extensions and now is getting them cut? She's a smelly skank. I swear my stomach turns anytime I see her face. Think I'll unfollow
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I'm delighted he has a chair but cannot figure out why he is only getting one now if it was her reason for not bringing him out..I hate how she talks to, he's a teenager so treat him like one..
She had to get him the chair, how else could she justify decking the whole fam out in Derry City Kits and whisking them all to Dublin on Sunday for the big final. 🙃
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